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How To Use Perfection In A Sentence

  • There's nothing at all wrong with a bit of human imperfection here and there.
  • The King looked at him and seeing him to be yet comelier than his daughter and goodlier than she in stature and proportion and brightness and perfection, said to him, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • In today's society, the goal of obtaining physical perfection is quite common.
  • The inn we occupied had one of these porches: Madame Barbot, our landlady, and her maid, were both dressed in Breton costume, with lace-trimmed embroidered caps and aprons of fine muslin, clear-starched and ironed with a perfection which the most accomplished "blanchisseuse du fin" of Paris would find it difficult to surpass. Brittany & Its Byways
  • When terms which signify mixed perfections are predicated of God, the analogy becomes so faint that the locution is a mere metaphor. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
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  • Close inspection makes one marvel at the intricate perfection of nature opposed to the finest fashion houses.
  • A spider web, revealing its geometric perfection, hung half across one corner of the rude casement; the moonbeams without were individualized in fine filar delicacy, like the ravellings of a silver skein. The Riddle Of The Rocks 1895
  • Some people are perfectionists, constantly striving for excellence.
  • With an intellectual's perfectionism, he cannot bring himself to face his desires in real life.
  • The white flakes do not exhibit the true conchoidal fracture in such perfection elsewhere; nor break off in such delicious morsels, edged with delicate brown. Acadia or, A Month with the Blue Noses
  • All her meanness and prosaicness was forgotten, all her imperfections and shortcomings; it was home, the one tangible thing in the glittering emptiness of the spheres. Gulliver of Mars
  • It would emasculate the trial process, and undermine public confidence in the administration of criminal justice, if a standard of perfection were imposed that was incapable of attainment in practice.
  • Everybody shouts it, mule-driver, "coachee," or cattle-driver; and even I, a passenger, fancied I could do it to disagreeable perfection after a time. The Complete Project Gutenberg Writings of Charles Dudley Warner
  • There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty. Steve Maraboli 
  • Or is it that your idea of perfection is such that the less actual substance on a body, the better?
  • Gentlemen, we will chase perfection, and we will chase it relentlessly, knowing all the while we can never attain it. But along the way, we shall catch excellence. Vince Lombardi 
  • He brought the art of photography to the highest point of perfection.
  • In recognition of this iconoclast, pioneer, perfectionist and undisputed king of the tailored suit, we present five things you didn't know about Armani -- the man and the empire.
  • Ever the courtier alert to the slightest imperfections in his outward mien, the Earl is accustomed to checking his physical appearance in the glass.
  • Hilary's singing voice is classically trained to perfection, her tones both rich and clear.
  • While we know that obesity is also a national concern, it is frightening to acknowledge the degree to which girls and women are discontent with the body they have, want a body that is unattainably thin for 98 percent of natural body shapes, are angry at their body imperfections, and are obsessed with fixing their shape. Beth Weinstock: Gloria Steinem Is Alive and Well, Reminding Us 'That Perfect Is Boring' and 'Beauty Is Irregular'
  • Bvt as it hath bene alwayes reputed a great fault to vse figuratiue speaches foolishly and indiscretly, so is it esteemed no lesse an imperfection in mans vtterance, to haue none vse of figure at all, specially in our writing and speaches publike, making them but as our ordinary talke, then which nothing can be more vnsauourie and farre from all ciuilitie. The Arte of English Poesie
  • Perfection is impossible to achieve in that kind of work.
  • The predictions of standard economic theory – the expectation that freely operating markets will produce a certain kind of optimality – only hold good as long as the markets are not marred by serious imperfections. Limitations of markets
  • The imperfections are then cleaned off with tools and the casting is put in the kiln at 1225 cone 6 and becomes vitrified porcelain.
  • Beginning with Kidder (1924), archeologists have extolled the exceptional whiteness of its surface slip, the variety and the perfection of its hachured designs, the blackness of its paint. The Architecture of Pueblo Bonito :
  • The salmon itself is a large steak cooked to perfection.
  • Or again, he was an amazingly neat gardener, one might almost say a perfectionist.
  • It seems Reese thinks he's not handsome enough and must correct some sort of minor orthodontic imperfection.
  • But Mr Caruso has brought the open - air mall to a pitch of ersatz perfection.
  • When she tried to look at anything else, the imperfections and the failings leapt out at her, the single thread unravelling in the otherwise perfect tapestry.
  • Whatever Lewis lacked in intellect, he compensated with hard work, observation, patience, perfectionism, rote learning, and attention to detail.
  • Carrie is living in a world in which if you have enough fashion sense, can aerobicize yourself to perfection and find the perfect are beautiful enough to marry a prince. Sex And The City (2008)
  • For, although the said Giovanni and others have carried them to absolute perfection, it is none the less true that the chief praise is due to Morto, who was the first to bring them to light and to devote his whole attention to paintings of that kind, which are called grotesques because they were found for the most part in the grottoes of the ruins of Rome; besides which, every man knows that it is easy to make additions to anything once it has been discovered. Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects Vol. 05 ( of 10) Andrea da Fiesole to Lorenzo Lotto
  • I watched over my hasty temper, subdued my burning impatience of character, schooled my self-engrossing thoughts, educating myself to the best perfection I might attain, that the fruit of my exertions might be his happiness. The Last Man
  • But I speak with practical accuracy when I give that title to such views as on the whole affirm the attainableness here below of a spiritual condition in which man needs no longer confess himself as now a sinner, and in which his attention tends to be drawn more to his perfectness than to his imperfections of condition. Philippian Studies Lessons in Faith and Love from St. Paul's Epistle to the Philippians
  • DJ worked until late Thursday night (well, late for a 9 year old), making a cover for his report, rewording the report three or four times, making the cover over again… it's tough being a perfectionist.
  • The medical device industry cannot deliver anything close to perfection unless it expects failure.
  • Painters and sculptors who have seen her graceful performances are said to be simply enraptured with the perfection of her harmony of motion.
  • The film is, like its centerpiece child, compelling precisely because it weaves together perfection and imperfection, artistry and reality, reason and sentiment.
  • Discovering blessing starts with accepting imperfection, both our own and other's.
  • She's such a perfectionist that she notices even the tiniest mistakes.
  • And then you realise that it's formulaic, predictable - and still almost to the point of perfection.
  • Produced with technocrat perfection, it presents the palate with a pleasing gooseberry and apple-like nose and a palate that vibrates with clean fruit flavours.
  • It certainly wasn't anything to do with the succulent chicken, the clean-tasting balti sauce or the cooked to perfection tomatoes and peppers.
  • While it does not gain the respect that its sister to the North has claimed, the finest Gamays from select appellations in Beaujolais have been known to age to perfection, resembling fine Pinot Noir.
  • Among the entrées, the dosai is a large crêpe wrapped into a cone shape; lift the crêpe and there is a piece of sea bass done to flaky perfection with a swirl of light chutney.
  • The image is sharp and well defined without any imperfections.
  • A British cruiser chased us fruitlessly for two days off Sierra Leone, and enabled me not only to test the sailing qualities, but to get the _sailing trim_ of the "Estrella," in perfection. Captain Canot or, Twenty Years of an African Slaver
  • 'She'd have been just the thing for me!' cried Lynmere, haughtily rising, and conceitedly parading his fine form up and down the room; his eyes catching it from looking-glass to looking glass, by every possible contrivance; 'just the thing! matched to perfection!' Camilla
  • Finally the One From Whom All Wisdom Springs cupped water, sky and loam in His hands, and wrought the most perfect of beasts, a creature of the purest substance, one which would bestride the world as a testament to the perfection of His creation, whose power would know no equal, whose visage would rival the angels, and whose consciousness could grapple with truth. Apocrypha « BAHAY TALINHAGA
  • I think many people need to see a bit of imperfection, a touch of corruption, to identify with many politicians - those with untarnished integrity tend to inspire dislike as they seem to uphold a standard others don't think they can meet.
  • In consequence of this perfection, gourmandise is the exclusive apanage of man. The physiology of taste; or Transcendental gastronomy. Illustrated by anecdotes of distinguished artists and statesmen of both continents by Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin. Translated from the last Paris edition by Fayette Robinson.
  • I had great ballon and strength and long line, because in gymnastics it's all about form and perfection - reaching and stretching as far as you can.
  • With what astonishment and veneration may we look into our own soul, where there are such hidden stores of virtue and knowledge, such inexhausted sources of perfection! The Young Gentleman and Lady's Monitor, and English Teacher's Assistant
  • The pride of aiming at more knowledge, and pretending to more perfection, is the cause of Man's error and misery. Alexander Pope 
  • Quartz is colourless when pure but minute amounts of impurities or lattice imperfections give rise to varieties such as amethyst, cairngorm, rose quartz, and smoky quartz.
  • Perfection of means and confusion of goals seem to characterize our age.
  • He was a perfectionist: no other hand but his could be put to the tasks of nailing and planing and staining. GALILEE
  • The ready-made sort are so often damp and chewy, but, hot from the pan, they're a revelation: light, buttery pillows of canape perfection. How to cook perfect blinis
  • With the help of his friends, he turns to a corporate workaholic perfectionist lawyer.
  • Alcoholics are inclined to suppose that their waywardness is the response of a sensitive soul to the imperfections of the world, and by their biliousness, turning their own small corner of it into a hell for others.
  • A man must be strong enough to mould the peculiarity of his imperfections into the perfection of his peculiarities.
  • I deem it my duty further to observe that much of the imperfections in the returns of the last and perhaps of preceding enumerations proceeded from the inadequateness of the compensations allowed to the marshals and their assistants in taking them. State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • He saw the country in full dress, and had little or no opportunity of judging of it unhouselled, unanointed, unannealed, with all its imperfections on its head, as I and my family too often had. Life on the Mississippi
  • Back when I was perfectionist youngster I would have taken each missed shot as a personal affront.
  • This is Southern California, pal, where physical imperfection will NOT be tolerated.
  • The imperfections are then cleaned off with tools and the casting is put in the kiln at 1225 cone 6 and becomes vitrified porcelain.
  • They can be grown in small pots, or be almost packed together in boxes or seed-pans; and when near perfection they may be shaken out and have the roots washed for glasses, ferneries, and small aquaria; or they can be replanted close together in sand, and covered with green moss. The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers From Seeds and Roots 16th Edition
  • Where's the high-collar starchy shirt-front chin-up character that tied and retied its silk to perfection and laid down its life?
  • There are no perfect relationships. It's how you accept the imperfections that makes it perfect.
  • Earlier exegetes had attempted to do so by distinguishing precepts for ordinary Christians from counsels of perfection, intended only for advanced or perfect Christians.
  • My surgeon had a national reputation and was known as a perfectionist. Roger Ebert: 'I'm happy I don't look worse'
  • Nevertheless the imperfection inherent in its inferiority can be overcome as it returns towards its cause.
  • This noble mission, however, does not currently apply to people who seek only subjective perfection.
  • Hence, Marxist perfectionists argue, resources in a communist society should be distributed so as to encourage people to achieve self-realization through cooperative production.
  • It looked wonderful, and fit to perfection, the sleeve-set-in seam sitting precisely on the shoulder, the stripes looking deliberate across body and sleeves. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Madame Monconseil assures me that you are most surprisingly improved in your air, manners, and address: go on, my dear child, and never think that you are come to a sufficient degree of perfection; Nil actum reputans, si quid superesset agendum; and in those shining parts of the character of a gentleman, there is always something remaining to be acquired. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • He wore a dark green uniform that was pressed so not a single wrinkle marred the suit's perfection.
  • But remember," she added quickly, `you said you liked a little imperfection. LEO: STAGE FRIGHT
  • Perfection, like sainthood, is an eternal occupation.
  • From the year 1783, in which aerostation had its birth, and in which it was carried to a degree of perfection, beside which the progress of aeronauts in our days seems small, a new route was opened up for travellers. Wonderful Balloon Ascents
  • Throughout, this central character becomes involved with false muses all the while brushing by the true muse of unattainable perfection - the only role with pointe work.
  • So never forsake perfection, because then you get imperfection.
  • Hand-made saddles may be a diminishing requirement in an age of machining perfection, but Emma still keeps her hand in by constantly working on at least one, even though they are a very pricy item these days.
  • His moives creation has reflected that commerciality and perfection of artistry are unified, Help we to find a new outlet for China moives whose market was depressed, as to Ang Lee analysis of movies.
  • Fortunately, the picture itself is sharp enough that these imperfections are at least tolerable.
  • If Jessica was right, she definitely had Michael pegged as a perfectionist, no doubt that carried over into his career as a choreographer as well.
  • It was fatiguing sometimes to try to measure up to her standard of perfection.
  • It does not rise before us in detached and disconnected proportions, like that of spiritual loveliness, but in crowds, and in solitude, and in all the throngful varieties of thought and feeling and action, the symmetrical whole, the beautiful perfection comes up in the vision of memory, and stands, like Tales and Sketches Part 3, from Volume V., the Works of Whittier: Tales and Sketches
  • This product's zesty enzymes will unclog skin and sort imperfections. The Sun
  • The film's success enabled him to establish his own studio, which attracted many animators keen to embrace Williams' perfectionist approach.
  • For power to show itself in weakness, for glory to appear in baseness, for divinity to kythe (228) in humanity, and such glorious rays to break forth from under such a dark cloud, this was greater glory, and more majesty, than if he had only showed himself in the perfection of the creatures. The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning
  • Her performance was pure perfection.
  • That he afterward shrank from the pursuit of perfection seems inarguable. Orson Agonistes
  • And, according to experts in the field, it is as near to potato perfection as possible.
  • In his quest for physical perfection, he spends hours in the gym.
  • Still very boyish, smooth and neat; no imbalance yet, he caught a wonderful perfection.
  • Andrea Seppi, a creative photographer from Germany, combines a trigger-happy attitude with propensity for perfection.
  • After all, this is a column about perfectionism, so it's got to be really good.
  • You could see the imperfections in the repair when the light caught it.
  • Modern biomechanical studies have revealed that the side-on technique might not actually be beneficial as this method, if not practiced to perfection, might actually end up putting more stress on the back.
  • That slender and graceful figure, with its simple and elegant dress, which set off to the utmost the perfection of her form, looked certainly unlike the ungrown girl whom Lord Chetwynde had seen years before. The Cryptogram A Novel
  • Confusion of goals and perfection of means seems, in my opinion, to characterize our age. Albert Einstein 
  • For whenever a man conceives his own actions, he is affected with pleasure (III. liii.), in proportion as his actions display more perfection, and he conceives them more distinctly-that is (II.xl. note), in proportion as he can distinguish them from others, and regard them as something special. The Ethics
  • Jackson is a noted perfectionist who wants to get every hemidemisemiquaver right, and if the material is strong enough that true emotion gets through the handiwork, all the better.
  • She would stride onto the stage, sit confidently, legs crossed, and, in that austere, Waspy lockjaw voice that has become her trademark, do what she does best - sell order and beauty, aspiration and a sort of perfection.
  • And pure perfection with impure defeature — how far those may be to blame, it is not my work to inquire. Unspoken Sermons Third Series
  • However, it is thought that that can cause imperfections in the glass which sometimes cause it to explode without warning.
  • They live with fear and insecurity and an illusion that they can have control over other people or that they can attain perfectionism, but it's really not possible," says Christopher Knippers, Ph. D., clinical psychologist at Pacific Coast Recovery in Laguna Beach, Calif. Tame Your Inner Control Freak
  • Science Friction also draws a parallel between the biogenetic pursuit of outward, bodily perfection and the religious pursuit of inner perfection of the soul through devotion to God and prayer.
  • In our image, after our likeness I do not scrupulously insist upon the particles B+, (beth,) and K+, (caph [90]) I know not whether there is anything solid in the opinion of some who hold that this is said, because the image of God was only shadowed forth in man till he should arrive at his perfection. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
  • The independent suspension soaks up all manner of road imperfections from concrete joins to ruddy great holes quietly and without a jolt.
  • Be it painting or craftwork, the works on display depicted the acumen and perfection of the creators.
  • Unsure of his choice at times, Vlad learns to live the imperfection of a robust capitalist society.
  • In fact, before the Persian wars had commenced, the branch of sculpture termed statuary had attained nearly the summit of its perfection. Mosaics of Grecian History
  • True there are imperfections in the Bible: antilogies, repetitions, want of continuity; but these imperfections become perfections by leading us to the allegory and the spiritual meaning (Philoc., The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • In contrast, adaptive perfectionists strive only to reach their own goals, not the goals set for them by other people.
  • Narcissists may deny their mistakes or flagellate themselves into a froth of self-pitying hatred, but they never laugh at their imperfections.
  • The only true imperfections I spotted were a few nicks and scratches in the print.
  • Part II focuses on social, motivational, and cognitive factors in perfectionism.
  • If you have a proper growing site that has good drainage, access to full sunlight and nutrient-poor soil, you can micromanage their development and pick them at the moment of perfection.
  • The trouble with perfection is that it is so easily marred.
  • Her bending body evoked wordless memories of love and life, her supple arms gave meaning to nameless emotions, and her springing legs bore testament to perfection.
  • Cronaca, then, executed half of the said cornice with great art right round that palace, together with dentils and ovoli, and finished it completely on two sides, counterpoising the stones in such a way, in order that they might turn out well bound and balanced, that there is no better masonry to be seen, nor any carried to perfection with more diligence. Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects Vol. 04 (of 10), Filippino Lippi to Domenico Puligo
  • Few of us have a team of trained hair professionals to dry, set, curl and coax our hair into perfection every morning.
  • Sonia is a freak, and a picture of Sonia whose face bears the manifestations of the congenital syndrome that afflicts her oblique palpebral fissures, I have learned they are called, epicanthal folds, and a mouth that is disproportionately small will serve as a constant reminder to Dad that he created for the second time in his life a child with physical and mental imperfections. A Traitor to Memory
  • He and Anna's sister Theresa radiate smug perfection like a leak at Sellafield B. `Funny you should ask,' says Anna. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • One who transgresses the injunctions of the Vedic scriptures whimsically acting under the impulse of desire, never attains perfection, neither happiness nor the supreme goal.
  • The word weaver means so little in these days that it is necessary to consider what were the conditions exacted of the weavers of tapestries in the time of tapestry's highest perfection. The Tapestry Book
  • It was really an admirable little dinner; the claret was a famous one from the Anglemere cellars, and warmed to a nicety; the coffee was perfection; Sparling's ministrations left nothing to be desired; and yet Drake sank into his easy-chair after the meal with a sigh that was weary and wistful. Nell, of Shorne Mills or, One Heart's Burden
  • She did nothing and was as modest and humble as an angel, yet she did everything to perfection.
  • As a gifted mimic and notorious perfectionist, she would later become the most respected female actor of her generation.
  • Look contentedly upon the scattered difference of things, and expect not equality, in lustre, dignity, or perfection, in regions or persons below; where numerous numbers must be content to stand like lacteous or nebulous stars, little taken notice of, or dim in their generations. Christian Morals
  • Her tarradiddle was of a nature that is usually considered excusable - at least with grown-up people; but, nevertheless, she would have been nearer to perfection could she have confined herself to the truth.
  • A well radicated habit, in a lively, vegete faculty, is like an apple of gold in a picture of silver; it is perfection upon perfection; it is a coat of mail upon our armour; and, in a word, it is the raising of the soul at least one story higher; for take off but the wheels, and the powers in all their operations will drive but heavily. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. I.
  • The Etruscan style epitomized another aspect of the antique tradition that was Italic and not Greek, a humble realism opposed to the perfection of the Hellenic canon.
  • A night's labour brought the sculpture one step nearer perfection.
  • Rosemary had never done much thinking, save about the illimitability of her mother’s perfections, so this final severance of the umbilical cord disturbed her sleep. Tender is the Night
  • Of the three ways leading to perfection the first is called the purgative, and consists in the purifying of the soul; from which, as from a piece of waste ground, we must take away the brambles and thorns of sin before planting there trees which shall bear good fruit. The Spirit of St. Francis de Sales
  • They can also help conceal cellulite and other imperfections.
  • In contrast, our current monetary system is the very perfection of financial boundlessness and unaccountability. Robin Koerner: A Balanced Budget Amendment Would Change Everything
  • Etruscans in an art in which afterwards they attained to such marvellous perfection, and the only relics now remaining of the fictile statuary for which Veil was so celebrated. Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
  • My rack of lamb was baked to perfection and nestled on a bed of peppered savoy and sliced potatoes, augmented by a delicious rosemary and orange jus.
  • Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.
  • The most emotionally moving and evocative rooms contain the ovoids - egg or face shaped sculptures which are quite overwhelming in their minimalist perfection.
  • Cardenas, who bends over to pick up a piece of popcorn off the suite's carpeted floor, is also known as a stickler for cleanliness and a borderline perfectionist. -
  • The statement was an exaggeration of course, but Mama never admitted to anything less than perfection.
  • So often one comes across a passage as perfectly cut and honed as that one, uttered with a certain diffidence and yet — as is frequent with perfectionists — the product of much silent labor, reflection, and, I might add, stoicism. The Immortal
  • Never once do we believe that these are professional, perfectionist killers.
  • Good perfectionism means you set high but reasonable standards for yourself.
  • The aesthetic common denominator was a "finish fetish" or "fetish finish," your choice borrowed from the southern California demimonde of hot rods and custom cars—i.e., the kind of slick, finicky attention to smooth perfection required when applying dozens of hand-rubbed coats of cherry-red enamel to an auto body. When the West Coast Went Pop
  • During the wooing scene, Petruchio assesses Kate as though she were a piece of horseflesh, checking her ‘gait’ for imperfections.
  • The old brass and faded paper in this exhibition are the physical leftovers of a grand, almost lunatic pursuit of perfection.
  • There is a single ethic of perfection, then; whence the full force of Aquinas' decision, as Johnson notes, to place ‘his discussion of just war in the context of his treatment of the virtue of caritas.’
  • None of that was enough for the perfectionist genius.
  • When you're a child you always imagine that your own bodily imperfections are somehow freakish.
  • The conversible World join to a sociable Disposition, and a Taste of Pleasure, an Inclination to the easier and more gentle Exercises of the Understanding, to obvious Reflections on human Affairs, and the Duties of common Life, and to the Observation of the Blemishes or Perfections of the particular Objects, that surround them. Weblogs and the Conversible World
  • All our limitations are bound up in our intellectual mind with its boundaries and imperfections and its tendency to emotional distortion.
  • In Delhi, India, it was described to perfection by one Indian journalist -- "spiritless". Rebecca Novick: Searching For the Olympic Spirit in New Delhi
  • Even in the unsteadiest performances there are points of perfection. Times, Sunday Times
  • The gradation of perfection in these aspects is quite apparent with the academic progress.
  • Mumbai, February 17: It seems Imran Khan wants to take over the word perfectionist from his uncle Aamir Khan, sounds wacky! - Articles related to Delhi CM to meet Sibal, discuss private school fee issue
  • On Cub night I would leave the house in pristine condition, uniform ironed and starched, woggle adjusted to the right position, lanyard gleaming white, my Swiss army knife and my Madras Police whistle polished to perfection.
  • If the jumbo walked away leaving the audience amused, a clown who imitated a rag doll to perfection, left everyone truly amazed.
  • And then you cotton on to the fact it's probably the weakest track on the new album, but still almost close to perfection.
  • It was fatiguing sometimes to try to measure up to her standard of perfection.
  • Wesley's doctrine of what he called perfect love, his idea of an experience subsequent to conversion, that was later taken up by the holiness movement as a kind of an attempt to revive Wesleyan perfectionism.
  • Un article intitulé «Celle qui ne se mélange pas avec les autres» dénonce la «chanteuse qui incarne à la perfection le pire du microcosme idéologico-mondain». [carla bruni-sarkozy] déchaîne les passions italiennes
  • Arguably, an insatiable quest for perfection might be said to characterize not only most anorexics but most designers, too.
  • His huge moustache is waxed to slippery perfection. 365 tomorrows » 2008 » January : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • To _promote separation from the world_ and deadness to it, and so to increase heavenly-mindedness in children of God; at the same time warning against fanatical extremes and extravagances, such as sinless perfection while in the flesh. George Müller of Bristol And His Witness to a Prayer-Hearing God
  • She was far from perfection and innocence, yet far from devilishness and wrong.
  • And (the relator continueth) as for Kanmakan, he became unique in loveliness and excelling in perfection no less; none could even him in qualities as in seemliness and the sheen of velour between his eyes was espied, testifying for him while against him it never testified. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The slightly longer answer is to be more decisive, more impetuous and, in some areas, less of a perfectionist.
  • But patience is besought, for vastly more than a face of unrivalled perfection, the conjuration is a woman who yet lives in history as such The Prince of India — Volume 01
  • Notwithstanding these imperfections, originalism does answer most constitutional questions, and I remain unpersuaded that there is a better method of constitutional interpretation available.
  • To produce grip, a tyre needs a partner - the track surface - to stimulate the mechanisms that generate grip: a tyre's ability to mould itself to surface imperfections and molecular adhesion.
  • Perfection seems sterile; it is final, no mystery in it; it's a product of an assembly line. Dejan Stojanovic 
  • Since the natural end of each person is to achieve moral and spiritual perfection, it is necessary to have the means to do so, i.e., to have rights which, since they serve to realise his or her nature, are called ˜natural™. Jacques Maritain
  • Rather, translate as Vulgate (the doves), sitting at the fulness of the stream; by the full stream; or, as Maurer (the eyes) set in fulness, not sunk in their sockets (Re 5: 6), ( "seven," expressing full perfection), (Zec 3: 9; 4: 10). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The concept of perfection was thus replaced by that of mere sufficiency, and if sufficiency was achieved at a terrible cost it was not the less sufficient.
  • You can always hit a purer shot, do better, strive for perfection.
  • I'm currently revising a manuscript for resubmission, which is a rather noxious chore since, of course, it was a thing of lapidary perfection to begin with. Stayin' Alive
  • Even when only the front two seats are occupied small road imperfections are smoothed out and even rough roads are dealt with effectively.
  • I know nothing which more shows the essential and inherent perfection of simplicity of thought, above that which I call the Gothic manner in writing, than this, that the first pleases all kinds of palates, and the latter only such as have formed to themselves a wrong artificial taste upon little fanciful authors and writers of epigram. Essays and Tales
  • Several years later, these handmade melodramas gave way to the seamless perfection of her breakthrough "Untitled Film Stills."
  • Channelling her SATC persona, prim, waspy Charlotte York, she's Upper East Side perfection. Tyra Banks's novel venture
  • They are working on the perfection of their new paint formula.
  • Approach slogs vary from muddy hikes to tailgate-to-tailgate perfection, and the vagaries of road closures change access yearly.
  • On each shell were painted precipitous and impossible seas through which full-rigged ships foamed with a lack of perspective only equalled by their sharp technical perfection. SAMUEL
  • Gisele Bundchen took to the catwalks and glossy perfection once more became the ideal.
  • I worry that this advice may be misconstrued, especially at a time when the news is full of journalistic imperfections.
  • In a setting rich with koa wood furnishings polished to perfection, Iolani Palace transports families to the glory years of Hawaiian royalty.
  • People among us who are capable of exercising astral clairvoyance in full perfection -- but have not yet been called away to higher functions in connexion with the promotion of human progress, of which ordinary humanity at present knows even less than an Indian ryot knows of cabinet councils -- are still very few. The Story of Atlantis and the Lost Lemuria
  • When there is noise and crowds, there is trouble; when everything is silent and perfect, there is just perfection and nothing to fill the air. Dejan Stojanovic 
  • The true whole divine power remained hidden and mysterious and mortal man was unable to see its perfection.
  • Projecting onto Homeric poetry the aesthetic principles of classicism, she wanted its perfection of form and content always to be emphasized.
  • -- Therefore it is urged that during the period of utero-gestation, especial pains should be taken to render the life of the female as harmonious as possible, that her surroundings should all be of a nature calculated to inspire the mind with thoughts of physical and mental beauties and perfections, and that she should be guarded against all influences, of whatever character, having a deteriorative tendency. Searchlights on Health The Science of Eugenics
  • Eight, the number of perfection for every tetragon; four, the number of the Gospels; five, the number of the zones of the world; seven, the number of the gifts of the Holy Ghost. The Name of the Rose

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