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How To Use Perennial In A Sentence

  • Spending on a perennial effort to expand gambling at race tracks, known as "racino," increased four-fold to about $620,000 in 2010. rss feed
  • This is a reliably perennial tulip flowering year on year if left in the ground. Times, Sunday Times
  • I use long lengths of floating row cover, anchored with bricks and stones, on annual and perennial beds.
  • So there is a perennial temptation to appeal to the idea of arbitrariness when discussing the alleged informational nature of some biological causation. Biological Information
  • The news orgs, by contrast, are doing this out of laziness and a hopeless addiction to portraying lefties as a kind of perennially-disappointed lost tribe who will never, ever find their way out of the wilderness. News Orgs: The Left Is Upset With Obama -- Even Though It Isn't
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  • Garden irises are hardy, long-lived perennials that need a minimum of care.
  • I've also established my share of vegetable and perennial flower gardens.
  • The past, the present and the future are enacted simultaneously and eternally in the perennial drama of the world.
  • This half-hardy perennial will overwinter in a sheltered spot in full sun. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is very difficult to control perennial weed field horsetail ( Equsetum arvense L . ).
  • Think of it as a trouble-free foliage plant, an architectural foil for more flamboyant perennials. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just before score time, however, Margaret, a perennial point-lagger, announces: Our story is serious, because we wanted to celebrate pride, we wanted to show ourselves off. 'Dancing with the Stars': Story telling night
  • Late flowering annuals and half-hardy perennials, like Rudbeckia, Nicotiana, Chrysanthemum and Argyranthemum come into their own now, along with tuberous plants like Begonia, Dahlia and Canna.
  • This erect perennial has deeply cut, feathery foliage. The Natural Beauty Book - cruelty-free cosmetics to make at home
  • In the perennial border, a shrublet is the plant that's always in bloom, providing a wonderful contrast with peonies in the spring, delphinium in midsummer, and phlox in late summer.
  • On the one hand, planters have been depicted as perennial hotspurs - hard drinking, fast-living men whose hair-trigger tempers demonstrated little foresight and generated even less systematic thought.
  • The once stable, slow - moving, marshy perennial river transformed into an unstable, flood-prone, intermittent stream.
  • Always in the air, flying from flower to flower, it has their freshness as well as their brightness. It lives upon their nectar, and dwells only in the climates where they perennially bloom.
  • Remove the flower stems of spring-flowering woodland perennials such as bergenia and lungwort. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mrs Browner's love of perennials and petunias began when her gran gave her a patch of garden to look after as a child.
  • I guess that sort of clean-slate ingenuity is something else America has claimed for itself as time goes on; no wonder Pyotr Ilyich is a perennial honored guest. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Dehydrated garlic prepared from fresh, mature, and clean wholesome bulb of the perennial plant Allium Sativum L.
  • These herbaceous perennials have tough underground stems, and you may need to use a small saw to cut them up. The Sun
  • The two leaders agreed to work together in advancing techniques for desalinating seawater to cope with perennial water shortages in Saudi Arabia, the official said.
  • This makes it potentially an attractive alternative to medications already available to treat patients with non-allergic, non-infectious, perennial rhinitis.
  • 7 Autumn-flowering perennials such as aster, rudbeckia, helenium and heliopsis can be lifted and divided as they begin to grow away. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • Costmary, Alecost, Bible-leaf, Sweet Mary, or Mint Geranium is a sprawling, hardy perennial that reaches 3 feet in height when in bloom.
  • The upper bed is mostly for perennials, including red-and-white columbines, purple blue campanulas, and tall blue delphiniums fronted by yellow and orange Iceland poppies.
  • This is great news for those who have struggled with the trend for grass and perennials that has been so popular for the past decade. Times, Sunday Times
  • Peltandra undulata.pennisetum. pennyroyal.pentstemon. peony.peppermint. pepperidge. pepper, red. perennials, cultivation of. Manual of Gardening (Second Edition)
  • The New Orleans Saints, a perennially woeful football team a run at the Super Bowl championship.
  • With protection, annual vegetables and flowers thrive, as do wind-tolerant perennials like buckwheats, grasses, and penstemons.
  • Look at Caryopteris, Ceanothus 'Blue Cushion', Ceratostigma and Hibiscus 'Blue Bird', or buddleias 'Black Knight' (an inky blue) or 'Lochinch' (sky blue), or perennials Veronica 'Shirley Blue' and Perovskia 'Blue Spire'. Stumped? Tulips and blue plants
  • All these varieties are hardy herbaceous perennials. Planning the Organic Herb Garden
  • This is always good advice for planting bulbs, and is essential for naturalizing or perennializing.
  • Perennial ryegrass is excellent for use in creep grazing pastures for young animals.
  • Caltrop is a perennial herb that can infest a wide variety of crops and pastures.
  • That is a perennial weakness of princes - a penchant for false-hearted favourites.
  • Pickerelweed is a perennial plant that can grow up to 3 1/2 feet tall.
  • When summer-flowering perennials such as bellflowers, geraniums, lychnis, Shasta daisies, and spiderworts finish blooming and start to look tattered, cut back their stems to the rosette of new foliage.
  • Also, with lower porosity the speed and erosiveness of the wind as it passes around the ends of windbreaks will be increased, and these areas should be protected, for example, with perennial crops or stone mulch. 5. How plants live and grow
  • Before the convention, Republicans squabbled over the perennially hot-button abortion issue.
  • The enduring rose will always be with us and will continue to be the perennial favorite.
  • Next, to create a casual country look, she interspersed three large fieldstones in the bed, then planted flowering perennials such as astilbe, columbine, delphinium, and hellebore among them.
  • There will also be plants grown especially for the vegetable plot as well as herbs, herbaceous perennials and shrubs.
  • The best perennial hardy plant I know for this purpose is the gas plant (_Dictamnus fraxinella_), which, when once established, remains a joy, almost forever. Making a Garden of Perennials
  • And for ground cover, tough, bouncy perennials such as persicaria - heart-shaped leaves with reddish flowers. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, I found the perennial Russian babushkas, old ladies who usually chat on the benches, and they pointed out the library, which is small and unimposing.
  • In flower-beds, stake tall perennials such as delphiniums and hollyhocks by using canes for individual flower stems or by pushing twiggy prunings from shrubs and trees into or around the clump.
  • Eliminate weeds, especially perennial weeds, before planting to reduce weed problems later.
  • Roundup can be used if thistles, Johnsongrass, or other perennial or biennial weeds are present in the small grain stubble.
  • The upper bed is mostly for perennials, including red-and-white columbines, purple blue campanulas, and tall blue delphiniums fronted by yellow and orange Iceland poppies.
  • Major climate limitations include short growing seasons (not enough time to mature or to produce high yields of harvestable crop), lack of heat energy (too few GDDs during the season), long and/or unfavorable winter weather that can limit survival of many perennial crops, and high moisture stress in some areas. Agriculture in the Arctic
  • Despite a massive budget and state-of-the-art facilities including not one but two test tracks, they remain perennial underachievers.
  • Or you could just shorten rather than remove the side branches (think telegraph poles ) and have a supply of pea sticks for supporting perennials. Times, Sunday Times
  • Glazed carrots are a perennial favorite and a quick way to dress up a meal.
  • Plant late-blooming asters behind shorter perennials to hide the damage until they finish blooming.
  • This is the backdrop against which she experiments with herbaceous perennials. Times, Sunday Times
  • Last year there were dozens of them and they were taking over my perennial clumps. Times, Sunday Times
  • In subsequent years, plant additional perennials and grasses to fill gaps and replace annuals.
  • Sky flower is a common name for golden dewdrop, a towering shrubby perennial with pendulous clusters of white, lavender or purple flowers followed by golden berries.
  • They will taunt and tease the audience, but in the end, the perennially unlaid Jackson will do another Spiritual Guide routine. Archive 2007-01-01
  • Dig up and store tender bulbs from your summer garden, and cut back the worn-out perennials and biennials.
  • It's never been tried on a scale like this before in the public sector, but D. C.'s 35-year-old [Sivak] hopes unleashing his workers from face-time requirements and office schedules will help him overcome a managerial triple-whammy: punishing budget cuts, a citywide hiring freeze, and the perennial challenge of recruiting talented IT workers to lower government pay. DeMorning DeBonis: Oct. 14, 2010
  • Pink blossoms of carnation Dianthus imereticus, white-flowered perennial navelwort Omphalodes kusnetzovii and snow-in-summer Cerastium ponticum are suitable to rock and gravel in which they often choose to grow.
  • Special trees were planted to create woody perennials to improve the microclimate and increase soil fertility.
  • In the perennial gardens, the use of colorful and fragrant plants, including gladiolus, iris, tuberose and alstroemeria, is abundant.
  • The sheer number and variety of perennials that she grew was staggering, but in addition there were the flowering trees and shrubs. A Patchwork Garden: Unexpected Pleasures from a Country Garden
  • He walked or sat with his eyes continually fixed upon these feet -- reproachfully, it seemed -- as if their disproportion were a source of perennial woe; he carried his arms looped behind him, and had acquired a peculiar stoop -- to facilitate his vigilant guardianship of his feet, apparently. The Gold-Stealers A Story of Waddy
  • Shoppers perennially grumble about bogus price cuts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Part of this is because most top African players are based abroad, which leaves the domestic leagues to serve as perennial feeder clubs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here in the north most of our lawns are a blend of fescues, perennial ryes, and Kentucky Blue Grass.
  • Gloriosa of tropical Africa and Asia; a perennial herb climbing by means of tendrils at leaf tips having showy yellow to red or purple flowers; all parts are poisonous.
  • It is also true, as Colin Gunton makes clear in his essay, that Arianism is a perennial Christian heresy.
  • Pacific waterleaf is a rhizomatous perennial with fleshy roots and a solitary stem that arises from 20-80 cm.
  • The perennial dilemma of wireless Mac junkies is whether to buy the sexy, powerful G4 Titanium PowerBook, or the slightly dinkier G3 iBook. Boing Boing: October 13, 2002 - October 19, 2002 Archives
  • A lax attitude to accident prevention can not be justified by the perennial excuses of financial hardships and pressure from high work-loads.
  • He is scruffy, self-effacing and funny and conjures up all of these attributes in his perennially popular excursions to far-flung corners of the globe.
  • The boys who went there were a lesser kind of seraphs, sitting in the shade of a perennial tree of knowledge. John Godfrey's fortunes, related by himself
  • In a Japanese study of mast cells from nasal mucosa of individuals with perennial allergic rhinitis, quercetin significantly inhibited antigen-stimulated histamine release.
  • And beauty, as a term signifying (like health) an indisputable excellence, has been a perennial resource in the issuing of peremptory evaluations.
  • One of the perennial streams that sometime rises to astonishing heights of activity is the Leonid shower.
  • In addition to intercropping, trees and shrubs (agroforestry) are the anchor perennial species, providing mycorrhiza for mobilizing phosphorus and other nutrients. and these trees and shrubs promote soil protection against erosion by wind and water. Opportunities and constraints from genetic modification technologies in Africa
  • Before the convention, Republicans squabbled over the perennially hot-button abortion issue.
  • Perennial allergic rhinitis, triggered by dust mites, animal dander, and mold, occurs year - round.
  • The formative years of a genius are a perennially fascinating and tantalising subject.
  • The slo-mo frames, the two-handed shooting and even the perennially startled doves are all there.
  • One of the best of all perennial plants. Winter Garden Glory
  • All grasses are broadly divided into three main categories: annually growing grasses, biennially growing grasses, and perennially growing grasses.
  • There are several food plot seeds that are perennial, alfalfa is perennial. To Feed or Not to Feed
  • The speeches were numerous, but crucially short (the sweepstake winner had plumped for 33 minutes), and the perennial post-reception disco was splendid.
  • Lift and divide overcrowded clumps of perennials, including campanulas, daylilies, hostas, peonies, sedums, and Shasta daisies.
  • It is a perennial question with a twist. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perennials are widely available from both local nurseries and garden centers and a burgeoning number of mail-order catalogs.
  • Many pinks are hardy perennials, while others are half-hardy and grown as annuals.
  • Conversely, some of Oudolf's perennials are chic enough for Sissinghurst, the cultish Kentish garden made by Vita Sackville-West and Harold Nicolson — especially a wine-dark variety of scabiosa, or pincushion flower, that bloomed on the High Line during this spring's inaugural festivities. Up in the Park
  • You can buy 10 plugs for £3 from a wholesaler and grow them on, or spend £4.50 and get a good single specimen of a herbaceous perennial that will be really doing its stuff at this time of year.
  • Perennials continue to grow and produce blooms for many years to come without reseeding or replanting.
  • Arctic – nival: continuous permafrost where deep infiltration is impeded by perennially frozen strata, base flow and winter flow are low, and snowmelt is the major hydrologic event. Terrestrial Water Balance in the Arctic
  • After we turned the river Arvari into a perennial river through water harvesting, the government started to give out licenses for fishing in that river.
  • Huge specimens of eucalyptus, eucryphias, magnolias and rhododendrons are underplanted with unusual shrubs and choice perennials like Trilliums, Arisaema and blue poppies.
  • Though many of the reliably perennial bulbs will work their way into the beds after they have provided for me in the pots, tulips, hyacinth and paperwhite narcissi rarely flower a second year. Light up your garden with bulbs
  • Soft grasses and wafting perennials are enchanting in a meadow but can look insignificant against the architecture of a house. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are nearly 10,000 ponds and nearly 2,000 perennial streams.
  • By hardy geraniums I mean the garden perennials, with their soft foliage and cranesbill flowers, as opposed to greenhouse or bedding varieties which are more correctly known as pelargoniums.
  • The enduring rose will always be with us and will continue to be the perennial favorite.
  • Constant watering encourages grassy weeds like foxtail and perennial grasses like bluegrass to invade alfalfa.
  • This is a study to investigate the efficacy of self-application of topical capsaicin in the treatment of symptoms of nonallergic, non-infective perennial rhinitis.
  • Between these two books, with their rather different views of disaster, one can obtain a surprisingly broad political education into the philosophical unpinning of global corporate capitalism and its perennial alternative, cooperative civic society. Dale Pendell: The Disaster Twin-Pak, Plus Zeitoun
  • Rather than think PowerPoint will solve this perennial problem, we need to adapt it to what we know about how people learn and not repeat the same mistakes that we made using the old purple mimeograph.
  • Scale insects enjoy perennial plants and can devastate nut and fruit trees, greenhouse plants, forest vegetation, woody ornamentals, and house plants.
  • The idiocy, and it is perennial, is to look at polls three or six or nine months out and make these pretentious and portentous conclusions before any human being has voted.
  • There are also some marvellously statuesque perennials for boggy soil. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is great news for those who have struggled with the trend for grass and perennials that has been so popular for the past decade. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because it is less winter hardy than other grasses, perennial ryegrass is best seeded in combination with other grasses and legumes.
  • Their endurance of hardship was something the German soldier, himself no weakling, found a perennial miracle. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • The plants of Polygonatum Mill . are perennial herbs with the value of traditional Chinese medicine.
  • Ornamental grasses make great companions to potted annuals, perennials, herbs, succulents, and broad-leafed plants.
  • Yet he remains anchored in the permanent things, in the perennial liberal tradition.
  • Stachys byzantina is a herbaceous perennial grown mainly for its soft, hairy silvery-green leaves, which often remain evergreen. Times, Sunday Times
  • Observations made earlier this year by the OMEGA instrument on Mars Express showed that Mars has vast fields of perennial water ice, stretching out from its south pole.
  • Large areas on the alluvial saline plains are characterized by halophytic plant communities including Artemisia pauciflora, A. schrenkiana, A. nitrosa and perennial saltwort (Atriplex cana, Anabasis salsa, and Camphorosma monspeliaca). Kazakh semi-desert
  • Because some perennial broadleaf weeds, such as bindweeds, hemp dogbane, common milkweed, and Jerusalem artichoke, cannot be controlled effectively for relay intercropping, severely infested fields should be avoided.
  • The bagworm is a perennial insect pest of arborvitae, juniper, pine and many other evergreen species. The Daily News - News
  • Perennial boom and bust cycles have always winnowed out weak farmers.
  • Choose balls, monoliths or columns and interplant with a mixture of easy perennials. Times, Sunday Times
  • I use perennial alpine pinks, biennial sweet William and self-sowing annual candytuft to edge beds of Jupiter's-beard and June-blooming yarrows such as pale yellow ‘Taygetea’ and ‘Moonshine’.
  • Bright and beautifulTeam summer bedding sunflowers and osteospermums with acid-yellow perennial foliage plants for aguaranteed lift to even the dingiest windowsill. Window box ideas
  • Deep-rooted, long-lived perennial plants such as jojoba offer promise for agriculture in harsh, arid environments where many conventional crops cannot survive. 1 Introduction and Summary
  • Zuckia and Grayia are further grouped by the perennial habit, the unique occurrence of sub-bladder type trichomes, conspicuous axillary buds, mucronate leaf apices, circular seeds, and exfoliating branches.
  • In flower-beds, stake tall perennials such as delphiniums and hollyhocks by using canes for individual flower stems or by pushing twiggy prunings from shrubs and trees into or around the clump.
  • It is hoped the grain qualities of sorghum can be united with the rhizomatous habit of johnsongrass to create a powerful new perennial cereal. 10. Sorghum: Specialty Types
  • Lack of housing supply is a perennial problem. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the moment the sky is blue with sun shining on the frosted garden and everything, even the deadest stems of last year's perennials, looks good enough to have a place in the winter garden.
  • Now they are working with World Wildlife Fund to develop small-scale "agro-forestry" systems, mixing trees with commercially viable perennial plants, planting rice corn, and manihot root, as well as cocoa, palms, and avocado -- creating an agricultural system that is minimally disruptive to the forest. Charting New Courses For Global Conservation
  • Or if they look to the character of the person, they chose to sit in perennial judgement on those characteristics. Inner versus outer qualities
  • Many gardeners find it hard to rip out a perennial flower that has taken root.
  • One of the least demanding of all perennial plants, irises are undergoing a radical transformation regarding color, flower form, and reblooming abilities.
  • Use upright perennials such as gerbera, golden marguerite, and snapdragon for exclamation points of color.
  • That perennial question remains: should you read the book first or watch the movie? The Sun
  • Could he live on and retain perennially that wonderful freshness and vivacity of his, he must become the most famous guest and favorite of the world. How Books Become Immortal
  • The "annotated" bibliography is a perennial, popular among non-fiction writers of every stripe. Joe Woodward: Bibliography: A True Confession
  • The bird's-foot violet is a small perennial plant that flowers in the spring and again in the fall.
  • This is why it perennially contains measures that mainly suit the bureaucracy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its perennial plants are complemented by azaleas, hydrangeas and lupins in pots.
  • Sow seeds of herbaceous perennials and alpine plants in a cold frame or unheated greenhouse.
  • Teams like Cincinnati, Syracuse, South Florida, Connecticut and even Pittsburgh are not exactly synonymous with the phrase perennial football powerhouses, and Louisville and Rutgers have usually been relatively weak even if they had a couple of decent to good years recently. Re: Bring Back Bump Elliott.
  • They are fast growers and tend to bloom over a much longer period than perennial climbers such as clematis and honeysuckle.
  • That is a perennial weakness of princes - a penchant for false-hearted favourites.
  • This is the perennial excuse of tinpot dictators the world over.
  • Amorphophallus is a monocotyledonous perennial herb. Konjac glucomannan which is rich in the corm has been applied widely in food, medicine, chemistry and agriculture industry.
  • To calculate average perennial load of non point source pollution, a direct measurement method is developed.
  • Configuration feature: Herb of perennial root , the bine is tall 40 reach 100 centimeters.
  • Her favourite perennials are lilies which put on a show of colour before the annuals get into full swing.
  • Kiribath is the closest Sri Lankan thing we have to a risotto. Made on special occasions, kiribath is a perennial favourite.
  • Rodgersia podophylla: a fabulous foliage plant, this clump-forming perennial produces large, textured leaves, tinged with reddish bronze when young. Times, Sunday Times
  • He halves nothing whatever with our more earnest-minded juniors who -- perennially discovering that all religions thus far put to the test of nominal practice have, whatever their paradisial _entrée_, resulted in a deplorable earthly hash -- perennially run yelping into the shrill agnosticism which believes only that one's neighbors should not be permitted to believe in anything. The Queen Pedauque
  • Over the years, this perennially touring act has become more polished.
  • However, it seems that during the Middle Ages it was the wild L. perennis, perennial lettuce, which was eaten in salads by peasants; while the ancestral prickly lettuce continued to be used medicinally, and as a soporific.
  • The strawflowers and statices - especially my perennial German statice - have been fantastic.
  • There is no doubt that Port-of-Spain could do with cleaning up; but dealing with the perennial, thorny issue of vagrants is a far larger matter than merely one aspect of beautifying the capital.
  • The best choices include abutilon, agastache, alstroemeria, bee balm, cestrum, cleome, coral bells, fuchsia, honeysuckle, lion's tail, penstemon, red-flowered perennial lobelia, salvia, and zauschneria.
  • A perennial in the lily family, the purple amole grows from a bulb and produces bluish-purple flowers.
  • The bunchberry dogwood plant is a low-growing perennial that is usually under eight inches tall.
  • We are offering a wide assortment of perennials and native plants, such as sedum, purple cone flower, lilies, annuals, vegetables, houseplants and miscellaneous. Undefined
  • Common bulbs planted in the fall for the spring are tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, muscari, crocuses and perennials such as peonies, daylilies, hostas, and coral-bells.
  • We tested for differences in male cyathia production between annuals and perennials.
  • A suspicion arises, on contemplating some of these apparent discrepancies, that the prevailing conditions of corrasion are not what they were at some earlier period, when they were such that it was rendered more rapid and violent; that there was perhaps an epoch when these deep-cut tributary canyons carried perennial streams, and when the volume of the Colorado itself was many times greater, possessing a multiplied corrasive power, while the adjacent areas were about as arid as now. The Romance of the Colorado River
  • Fiddling with the rules of the conclave is a perennial pasttime of pontiffs, but one long-term tradition is that the Pope must receive a vote from two-thirds plus one of the cardinals present. 04/15/2005
  • Dear Miss Brodie, "ejaculated" Lily, "" who could ever associate age with your perennial youth? Corporal Cameron of the North West Mounted Police; a tale of the Macleod trail
  • Next will be that perennial complaint by predictable hand wringers that children's toy advertising is a modern evil of biblical proportions.
  • Always in the air, flying from flower to flower, it has their freshness as well as their brightness. It lives upon their nectar, and dwells only in the climates where they perennially bloom.
  • Mountain ashes, crabapple trees, and a pear tree provide fruit in season, while trumpet vines and such flowering perennials as penstemon and sage supply nectar that sustains hummingbirds.
  • The wild perennial grass species Porteresia coarctate Tateoka formerly O. coarctata Roxb. is considered as a potential source of genes for salinity tolerance.
  • Next, to create a casual country look, she interspersed three large fieldstones in the bed, then planted flowering perennials such as astilbe, columbine, delphinium, and hellebore among them.
  • Internal communication difficulties were a perennial problem with large organisations, he claimed.
  • The 1981 Perennial Dictionary of World Religions classifies the Unitarian Universalist Association as a development within Christianity, but observes that the “new denomination, active in liberal causes, continues its predecessors’ the American Unitarian Association and the Universalist Church of America’s commitment to live in the tension between humanistic liberalism and Christianity” 776. Philocrites: Unitarian Universalism: In search of a definition
  • If you poke them a bit (and maybe buy them a few drinks), many academics will confess to sometimes feeling like impostors perennially threatened with humiliating exposure.
  • Local people say the pond is slowly dying as the perennial spring which fed the waters has been choked by a slab laid for the construction of a building.
  • Lift and divide overcrowded clumps of perennials, including campanulas, daylilies, hostas, peonies, sedums, and Shasta daisies.
  • North American perennial herb; leaves are used medicinally; sometimes placed in genus Cassia.
  • Sharing your hope to see your hollyhocks in bloom this Summer - and wishing your biennials - and your annuals & perennials - to grow happily and profusely in your garden! Ebouriffe - French Word-A-Day
  • It is an annual or, more usually, a short-term perennial shrub growing up to 4 m high and woody at the base. 1. Tree products in agroecosystems: economic and policy issues.
  • But that which had interested us most along our line of travel was the trees without a sign of leaves or blossoms, since with us the verdure is perennial; and the sight of shrubs or bushes, or even lofty trees, standing out bare of foliage or flower, struck us very strangely. Hawaii's Story, by Hawaii's Queen
  • Chrysanthemums may bloom either annually or perennially, from late summer to the start of winter.
  • For a very long time the people of this planet have been engaged in one of the perennial debates over the collective wisdom of crowds.
  • We lost these perennials here in Zone 6 during an unusually bad winter.
  • Finding the “Adamic language” — the names Adam gave to stuff in the Garden of Eden — was a perennial preoccupation of Renaissance magi, for instance. Obama’s belief in the power of words continues
  • This belief corresponds precisely to the Indian tradition of a perennial philosophy, an ageless wisdom revealed and revealed, restored, lost, and again restored through the cycles of ages.
  • So, I capered off with Zak to dig up irises, coral bells, foxglove, primroses, violets, bugleweed, forget me nots and foamflower from our huge perennial beds. Tigers & Strawberries » Green Gold
  • In the perennial gardens, the use of colorful and fragrant plants, including gladiolus, iris, tuberose and alstroemeria, is abundant.
  • We say She is doing her best to bring rhododendrons and azaleas out of the doldrums by planting them alongside more fashionable perennials. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perennial woody plants are the dominant species in many ecosystems of the world and have significant ecological and economic importance.
  • Q: I would like your advice on perennials to plant in a narrow bed across the back of our yard.
  • The question of when to adhere to standards and when to slough them off in favor of something better is a perennial one in the free software world.
  • Many of the tour participants took this opportunity to purchase annuals, perennials, vegetables, seeds, fertilizer and other garden giftware.
  • Egypt's major environmental issues include: agricultural land being lost to urbanization and windblown sands; increasing soil salination below Aswan High Dam; desertification; oil pollution threatening coral reefs, beaches, and marine habitats; other water pollution from agricultural pesticides, raw sewage, and industrial effluents; limited natural fresh water resources away from the Nile, which is the only perennial water source; and, rapid growth in population overstraining the Nile and natural resources. Egypt
  • Perennials, such as artichokes, asparagus and rhubarb are also sold in bare-root form.
  • Which perennials should I use? Times, Sunday Times
  • Among ornamental plants, slugs and snails avoid foxgloves, many species in the daisy family, lavateras, hollyhocks, azaleas, Euphorbia, perennial Geraniums, mulleins and Stachys lanata, soapwort, lungwort and hibiscus.

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