
[ US /pɝˈkəsəv/ ]
[ UK /pəkˈʌsɪv/ ]
  1. involving percussion or featuring percussive instruments
    percussive music
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How To Use percussive In A Sentence

  • By the close their ranks have doubled into a colourful army stamping out percussive rhythms in wooden sandals. Times, Sunday Times
  • I want to see what shadows are cast by a Calder mobile dangling from an ear, or to hear what kind of percussive music it creates. Body Sculpture Crafted by Calder
  • Perhaps it was the overzealous con brio on the part of cellist Andrés Díaz: maybe there are a lot of sforzandi in the score, but from where I sat I heard more percussive bowstrikes than pure tone more often than I would have liked.
  • Matthew had acquired a tank which trundled over the carpet emitting small but sharp percussive explosions accompanied by a shower of sparks.
  • Two distant percussive thuds, like a car door being slammed, sound from across the river and two more shells barrel overhead with a low growl.
  • A modern day rockabilly queen, May breathes new life into an old genre, and her use of a bodhran is a quirky touch that fits her highly percussive sound to a T. 's 24-year-old bright young thing Victoria Hesketh AKA Little Boots is being tipped by the Expecting Rain
  • His touch and tone are wonderful, and on the solo pieces his use of percussive sounds, banging chords, glowering bass figures and scampering uptempo lines make him sound like an innovator.
  • This third march evokes the humor of Haydn, with many funny percussive rhythmic effects in a call and response format between secondo and primo, which Ms. Crawford performed superciliously.
  • Tap shoes have thin metal plates, usually made of aluminium, screwed onto the sole and heel, allowing dancers to create percussive effects as they move.
  • The wild and provocative intonations of the danse du ventre hit our ears as one dancer broke into convulsive movement, arms, legs, torsos echoing the percussive sounds in angular responses.
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