How To Use perchlorate In A Sentence
- Similarly, while it is known that the effects inhibitors have on the thyroid can in turn lead to adverse effects on the digestive, cardiovascular and integumentary systems, it is not yet known what effect current concentrations of perchlorate have in the body. Fate and effects of perchlorate
- It has been identified as perchlorate, which is actually used on Earth in rocket fuel. CNN Transcript Aug 5, 2008
- Among the chemicals detected in 99% to 100% of the subjects were such banned substances as cancer-causing PCBs polychlorinated biphenyls and flame retardants containing polybrominated diphenyl ethers, along with organochlorine pesticides, perchlorate and phthalates, compounds found in cosmetics, detergents, vinyl floors, toys, plastic bottles and hundreds of other products. Landmark study finds 43 chemicals -- some banned -- in pregnant women
- For the scientifically-minded: A perchlorate molecule is an organochlorine and has the chemical formula ClO4 -, four oxygen atoms surrounding a chlorine atom.
- Perchlorate is the primary ingredient of solid rocket propellant that is increasingly found in soil and water.
- I predict that learning more about low-dose effects of ubiquitous chemicals (perchlorate, MTBE, trichloroethane, perfluorochemicals -- all of which have been found in municipal water supplies) will give even committed tap-water drinkers pause. Elizabeth Royte: Another Gift to the Bottled Water Industry
- The salt called perchlorate takes vapour from the atmosphere at night. The Sun
- Seems like finding a battery (and some systems are even batteryless) would be easier than trying to locate a source of percussion caps, primers, or their contents (lead azide, sodium perchlorate). Electrifying Muzzleloaders: CVA's New Electronic Ignition System
- Further, they have developed methods to bind such catalytic ligands to semi-solid supports which provide an appropriate reaction environment for rapid destruction of perchlorates by titanous species.
- Researchers found a lot of the basic ingredients that life needs to survive, including water in the form of ice, various minerals and a salt called perchlorate that microbes on Earth use as an energy source. | news