- the representation of what is perceived; basic component in the formation of a concept
How To Use perceptual experience In A Sentence
- The existential condition of living in a body mediates our perceptual experience of the world.
- Husserl's notion of noema (hence his notion of intentionality) is most fundamentally rooted, not in reflections on the logical features of language, but in a contrast between the object of an intentional act, and the object ˜as intended™ (the way in which it is intended), and in the idea that a structure would remain to perceptual experience, even if it were radically non-veridical. Consciousness and Intentionality
- There is nothing subjective about perceptual experience.
- McDowell develops a stringent reading of Sellars 'diagnosis of a "myth of the given" in perceptual experience to argue that we need always to separate out the exercise of concepts in experience from a causal account of the pre-conditions of experience and that the idea of "non-conceptual content" straddles this boundary in a philosophically unacceptable way. Backing Into an Evidentiary Standard for ID
- This is quite like the perceptual experience of browsing in a physical store.
- Dretske (2003) endorses a radical version of it: that we cannot introspect anything about a perceptual experience, if "introspect" has its usual meaning of internally attending to the experience. Representational Theories of Consciousness
- It is sometimes said that perceptual experiences represent what they do nonconceptually, which is often times equated with analog content (realized in picture-like continuous representations). Pain
- The concept, and perceptual experience, of automatic shifting fulcrums will also be explored.
- Although such studies are still vastly outnumbered by studies of visual imagery, ˜imagery™ has become the generally accepted term amongst cognitive scientists for quasi-perceptual experience in any sense mode (or any combination of sense modes). His Name Was Do Re Mi
- Particularity, idiosyncrasy, the quiddity of perceptual experience - these are the best things that abstract art can offer, in public as anywhere else.