How To Use Percentage point In A Sentence
Residence-related charges, which include rent and utility costs, were increased by 4.22 percentage points, the bureau said.
Residence-related charges, which include rent and utility costs, were increased by 4.22 percentage points, the bureau said.
Unemployment rates for railroad conductors, logging workers and metalworkers fell sharply — seven percentage points or more — in 2010 while jobless rates among construction laborers and roofers rose, according to new data from the Labor Department.
Manufacturing, Logistics See Job Gains
Swift Transportation pulled a planned $1.07 billion refinancing that the trucking company expected to reprice at 3.5 percentage points over Libor with a minimum rate of 4.75%, according to a person familiar with the deal.
High-Yield Bond Issues, Loan Repricings Pulled; Treasurys Rise
Britain's growth rate has rarely exceeded that on the continent by more than one percentage point.
The net balance of employers expecting to increase the size of their workforces in the next three months is highest in India and Brazil, at 47 and 37 percentage points respectively.
Some economists expect the figure to be revised up, though only by a few percentage points.
Times, Sunday Times
The lender typically pays 30 to 40 hundredths of a percentage point less than a bank would.
The Fed has already cut rates seven times this year, by a total of three full percentage points, to try to reignite sputtering economic growth.
One recent poll put the PdL just 2.5 percentage points ahead of the biggest opposition group, the Democratic Party.
At an investor conference last month, Bank of America Corp. Chief Executive Officer Brian Moynihan indicated that each additional percentage point of required capital would remove the support for $220 billion in assets at his bank, which he described as potentially "unintended consequences of the tougher rules.
Bank M&A Goes MIA in 2011
Republican Ken Buck has led Democratic Senator Michael Bennet on our trend estimate all year long, but the new polls narrow Buck's lead to roughly one percentage point (46.9% to 45.7%) and his probability of winning to just 64%, well within what we consider the "toss-up" range.
New PPP Polls Favor Joe Manchin, Michael Bennet In Senate Races
The district, which includes downtown San Diego, is Democratic but George W. Bush won 46% of the vote in 2004, and Arnold Schwarzenegger carried the district by nine percentage points in his 2006 re-election race.
Read This Before Joining the Office Pool
The debt ratio fell to 65.9 per cent, down 19.4 percentage points from 85.3 per cent last year.
An increase of screening by ten percentage points led to a 16 per cent rise in cancer diagnoses.
Times, Sunday Times
Meanwhile, in the largest ever survey of drug use among British clubbers, published in this month's edition of Mixmag, there were found to be large year-on-year falls in the number of people taking cannabis (by five percentage points), ketamine (10), ecstasy (five) and cocaine (20).
How the British fell out of love with drugs
His vote has fallen by up to 10 percentage points over the last couple of weeks.
Some economists expect the figure to be revised up, though only by a few percentage points.
Times, Sunday Times
Comic Sans: The scores for those who read the disfluent lists averaged 14 percentage points higher than those who read the list in Arial 86.5 versus 72.8 percent, the researchers found.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
The central bank shaved its benchmark repo rate by 0. 25 percentage point to 8. 75 percent.
That trend was kept up until a week ago when, during that period, the Brady bonds gained three to four percentage points.
One recent poll put the PdL just 2.5 percentage points ahead of the biggest opposition group, the Democratic Party.
Some economists expect the figure to be revised up, though only by a few percentage points.
Times, Sunday Times
Another two countries come within 2 percentage points of the target prevalence of stunting.
For one, inventory accumulation is expected to contribute nearly a percentage point to the headline figure, which can only provide a short-term boost unless consumers increase spending enough to allow inventories to be drawn down.
Stocks Needn't Slow as GDP Muddles Along
Across the country, the center-right Popular Party outpolled the Socialists by some 10 percentage points and took power in the longstanding Socialist strongholds of Extremadura and Castilla-La Mancha.
A Spanish Opportunity
It is worth noting that they have gone up several percentage points in recent polls.
The costs, which were not adjusted for inflation, outstripped median household incomes over the same period by 152 percentage points.
So the female preference for Clinton was 5 percentage points higher than the male preference.
If the election is still a toss-up when the Pacific states start declaring, look for Washington, Oregon, Nevada and Arizona, where the two candidates were polling within a few percentage points of one another last week.
The margin of error was plus or minus three percentage points.
Interest rates fell by one percentage point.
If interest rates were to creep up a few percentage points half the country would be facing financial ruin.
An increase of screening by ten percentage points led to a 16 per cent rise in cancer diagnoses.
Times, Sunday Times
No doubt the few percentage point increase in productivity from the slave class make a higher pie, and slightly more than linear growth.
And Bring on the Mexicans, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
The interest in Greek eurozone debt currently is more than 300 basis points (3 full percentage points!) higher than the standard eurozone interest rates. - Articles related to Romania cuts rates by half-point to record low
The costs, which were not adjusted for inflation, outstripped median household incomes over the same period by 152 percentage points.
The loan rates are generally pegged at 3.5 percentage points or more above the London interbank offered rate, now 1.17%.
If you are dehydrated, the test will overestimate your body fat by as much as 3 percentage points.
Rates are down some 2 percentage points compared to the end of last year.
That's a huge spread to the one-year Treasury bill, which is currently yielding less than one-third of a percentage point.
Over the past four years, fewer matriculants have sat the maths and science examination, with both subjects seeing a seven percentage point dip in participation.
The revised method also shaves half a percentage point off average annual growth during the four years of this economic recovery.
This includes a bonus of 0.7 percentage points.
Times, Sunday Times
Total stainless steel import penetration increased three percentage points to 28% for YTD June 2000.
With Endobarrier'ed type 2 diabetics (and no "Flow Restictor"), after a 28 week study their HbA1C levels (a measure of long term glycemic control) went down a remarkable 2.4 percentage points.
Weighty Matters
Unemployment has fallen by two percentage points this month.
In other words, an increase in expected inflation of 5 percentage points shifts the Phillips curve upwards by 5 percentage points.
As the change could shave nearly a percentage point off RPI, it is hard to argue it would not be.
Times, Sunday Times
When thinking about sustainable growth rates, subtract at least 4 percentage points from current published figures.
The margin of error was plus or minus three percentage points.
By contrast, the prices of new houses and apartments have risen by only a few percentage points so far this year.
Interest rates fell by six percentage points .
Gross margins rose by less than a percentage point to 39.7 per cent as more capacity was given over to production.
Yet since 1995 the state's economy has grown by 32 %-nine percentage points faster than the national average.
The President won the election, but only by a couple of percentage points; it wasn't the blowout that those election night maps would seem to indicate.
Stocks closed down 3.5% on Friday and the spread between 10-year Italian and German bond yields reached a record 2.47 percentage points on escalating concerns that debt-laden Italy might be dragged into the European debt crisis.
EU Calls Top Officials to Meet on Greece Aid
Eight of the previous 10 rate cuts the Fed has made this year have been by half a percentage point.
In that case average annual inflation will overshoot the target by 1.5 percentage points.
The margin of error was plus or minus three percentage points.
Now, however, they have retreated six to eight percentage points from their peak levels.
Again, you look at the sampling error, so that kind of evens things out because it's about 3.5 percentage points.
CNN Transcript Feb 29, 2008
Aiming to minimize his risk, he called a handful of funds to find how many bonds in their portfolios were considered "distressed," with yields 10 percentage points above Treasurys.
High-Yield Bonds Are Popular
In one indication of the trend, a key gauge of the expensiveness of the euro-for-dollar trade has widened to a negative 0.45 percentage point, compared with a negative 0.25 percentage point on July 1.
Europe Banks Lean More on Emergency Funding
The Fed last trimmed overnight bank borrowing costs a quarter of a percentage point, on Dec. 19.
The margin of error was plus or minus three percentage points.
The prices were slightly lower than the initial guidance on the senior unsecured bonds, which had been two percentage points on the shorter-term tranche and 2.15 percentage points on the longer-term tranche.
New Securities Issues
The party is also down four percentage points on the 1991 local elections.
Interest rates for the highest-quality long-term muni bonds have increased by more than half a percentage point since the beginning of November.
Elephants Stampede Over Munis
The corresponding rate for large businesses has an annual degression rate of 2.5 percentage points.
PR Newswire: All Releases
The interest rate chargeable for late payment is the European Central Bank rate plus 7 percentage points.
In 1998 and 1999, the average company that added ". com" to its name outperformed other technology stocks by an average of 53 percentage points.
What's in a Name: If It's 'China,' a Pick-Me-Up
MUMBAI -- India's central bank raised its key lending rate by 0.25 percentage point Friday and hinted that it will stick to its anti-inflationary stance until price pressures ease, despite the impact on economic growth.
RBI Raises Key Interest Rate
Based on Facebook's latest valuations, co-founder Mark Zuckerberg would have given up nearly $1 billion in future value for every percentage point of equity he might have sold in the name of diversification.
The Truth About Wealth
And furthermore, that "30 percentage point chasm" is obviously meaningless since there is no base unit for the test scores; a different normalisation could make it into a 0.3 point gap or a 99 point gap.
Giles and Stereotype Accuracy, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
That is already about half a percentage point lower than the rate many analysts and policy-makers regard as consistent with stable inflation.
It increased the interest rate on its peso rediscount facility, where qualified banks can borrow from the monetary authority, by a half-percentage point.
Taiwan, Philippines Prices Surge
This includes a bonus of 0.7 percentage points.
Times, Sunday Times
It's maybe only a percentage point or two but that's a sea change from where people have been.
Times, Sunday Times
The revised method also shaves half a percentage point off average annual growth during the four years of this economic recovery.
Lib Dem strategists said their vote had risen in the target marginals by 15 percentage points since the start of the election, even if the national poll rating had only crept up.
Borrowers with more serious problems could find deals about two percentage points cheaper elsewhere.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet that is at least a full percentage point less than savers can earn in similar US dollar deposits.
Health insurers say the average rise in premiums dropped a couple of percentage points from a year ago.
He said Irish treasuries should be trading within a percentage point of German rates if what he called irrational market fears could be eased.
Ireland Sells $2B In Bonds; Debt Fears Ease
According to Mercury's numbers, that share is down a single percentage point on the previous quarter.
His gains averaged just three percentage points.
Price guidance on a $275 million 0. 95-year portion was in the range of 0.15 to 0.20 percentage point over a benchmark rate called Eurodollar synthetic forward, or EDSF.
A Rare Spotting: ABS Normalcy
In such benign circumstances, why scrat around for every extra quarter percentage point lead?
Times, Sunday Times
Ping-Ponging back and forth between Alain Juppé, Jacques Chirac, and Lionel Jospin, France raised its VAT by two percentage points, instituted its notorious thirty-five-hour workweek, and sank into the quagmire of prounion, antigrowth rhetoric.
Last year one child did not achieve level four in English, dragging the mark down by four percentage points.
The rule of thumb is that every $10 per barrel increase in the price of a barrel of oil shaves half a percentage point off of GDP growth.
However, with cold weather and narrow, well-ventilated cribs, corn may be stored when grain moisture is several percentage points higher.
The 1 percentage point increase in the recapitalization and rediscount rates makes it more expensive for banks to borrow from the central bank, potentially crimping credit growth.
Vietnam Raises Key Rates
The poll, conducted by telephone Jan. 2-7, has a margin of error of 5. 5 percentage points.
The price expectation index rose 8.5 percentage points to 81.7%, and 61.4% of respondents expect a price increase next quarter.
Despite a triple-A rating and taxation powers, Utah recently paid 0.75 percentage point over Treasurys to borrow about $100 million in taxable Build America bonds for 10 years.
Jumping Into Munis Requires a Leap of Faith
Such as basis points: a hundredth of a percentage point.
Times, Sunday Times
But, assuming the entire acquisition is funded by debt at a cost of about 7% Libor plus 1.9% percentage point, the total interest outgo works out to about A$126 million.
Pricey Pact
That lags behind the broader market by nearly 120 percentage points.
The unemployment rate for workers with unemployment insurance for the week ended Sept. 18 was 3.5%, a 0.1 percentage point decrease from the prior week's revised rate of 3.6%.
Jobless Claims Post Decline
According to the Consumer Electronics Association, 65% of U.S. homes now own at least one high-definition television set, an increase of 13 percentage points from last year.
In relation to the rest of the country, however, the share of the top six cities fell by 2.5 percentage points.
Even if Obama weathers the Swiftboating and isn't assassinated, the question arises - By how many percentage points in the polls [assuming unrigged opinion polls] would he have to be in order to triumph at the election?
Obama's Win ; How It Will Change the Leadership and Future of the Democratic Party; With Poll
That corresponds to an operating margin of 14.7%, down from 15.6% a year earlier, hit by lower margins in its UniMilk unit, but up 20 percentage points on a like-for-like basis.
Danone Sales Grow; Cautious on Outlook
In December, Novelis Inc. refinanced a term loan of $1.5 billion with a lower coupon of 3 percentage points over the London interbank offering rate or Libor.
India Inc. Seeks Low-Cost Debt Overseas
That's actually the lowest interest rate being paid by any advanced economy, two percentage points lower than Germany's rate.
The superlong end sector bucked the trend as investors readjusted positions following selling Monday; the 20-year yield eased 0.005 percentage point to 1.92%.
China Spillover: Japan's Yields Rise
The national seasonally adjusted net employment outlook jumped by two percentage points to 7 per cent.
Times, Sunday Times
Feeling relieved that your premiums inched up only a few percentage points?
The debt ratio fell to 65.9 per cent, down 19.4 percentage points from 85.3 per cent last year.
Twenty-four percent of the ship's total crew survived, a percentage point lower than the poor steerage passengers, most of whom had been locked in the belowdecks.
The LSE's market share rose by more than 5 percentage points to 62.85 percent of FTSE 100 stocks on Thursday, a day that it put all order-driven securities into an auction call period from just after 10: 30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Reuters: Top News
The Fed's rescue is on punishing terms: AIG must repay the $85bn loan at a storecard-like 8.5 percentage points over Libor, liquidating perfectly fine assets to do so.
That is already about half a percentage point lower than the rate many analysts and policy-makers regard as consistent with stable inflation.
Some economists expect the figure to be revised up, though only by a few percentage points.
Times, Sunday Times
The poll, conducted by telephone Jan. 2-7, has a margin of error of 5. 5 percentage points.
Traditionally, if you are a schmatte dealer, and Saks gives you an order, you give that order to a factory, who will give you a certain number of percentage points to the dollar, and pay you immediately.
What Women Want
But right now, it's still stupid, having converted barely a percentage point of the mass of the solar system -- it's a mere Magellanic Cloud civilization, infantile and unsubtle and still perilously close to its carbon-chemistry roots.
Asimov's Science Fiction
By comparing Libor with that indicator and others -- such as the rate on three-month bank deposits known as the Eurodollar rate -- Mr. Peng estimates Libor may be understated by 0.2 to 0.3 percentage points.
Bankers Cast Doubt
At the time of convertible issuance, many REITs benefited from relatively low interest rates that were between 1.5 percentage points and 2.0 points below what companies would be able to issue for nonconvertible secured debt, said Mr. Marks, the analyst at Fitch.
For Some REITs, Payout Date Looms
It's maybe only a percentage point or two but that's a sea change from where people have been.
Times, Sunday Times
Interest rates have risen by two percentage points.
The Fed last trimmed overnight bank borrowing costs a quarter of a percentage point, on Dec. 19.
The quarter percentage point rise alone is unlikely to push your finances over the edge.
That is already about half a percentage point lower than the rate many analysts and policy-makers regard as consistent with stable inflation.
During the quarter, interest rates for long-term muni bonds shot up more than 1 percentage point, sending their prices lower.
Fed Flags Spike in Muni Holdings by 'Household' Investors
The high inflation reading has ratcheted up expectations that the Reserve Bank of India will have to resort to chunkier rate hikes, building expectations of a 50 basis points move when it next decides on rates Thursday, double the 0.25 percentage points increase that most were earlier anticipating.
India February Inflation Rises
And apropos of my earlier comments, it is appropriate to set a price-path target based on average inflation of several percentage points.
Stats SA said the 8.6% increase in the PPI for all commodi - ties for South African consumption was due to annual increases in the price indices for locally produced commodities (+4.9 percent - age points) and imported commodities (+3.7 percentage points).
ANC Daily News Briefing
Some economists expect the figure to be revised up, though only by a few percentage points.
Times, Sunday Times
Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said in October that rejiggering the bank's balance sheet with Operation Twist would bring longer-term rates down 0.20 percentage points.
Fed Policy Delivers a Tonic for Stocks
Farmers accepting the offer will be allowed to clear their remaining debts over 15 years with special interest terms equalling the banks 'minimum retail rate minus 3 percentage points. - Topstories
The hospitals — which were the first to backpedal from the initial industry agreement to lower health care spending by 1.5 percentage points over 10 years — objected.
Wonk Room » What Do We Gain From The New Hospital Agreement?
Contrast that with the other big six industrial economies, where the ratio will rise by 16 percentage points, to 36%.
As the change could shave nearly a percentage point off RPI, it is hard to argue it would not be.
Times, Sunday Times
The party's share of the vote fell by ten percentage points.
A quarter of a percentage point extra interest is simply not worth the hassle.
Times, Sunday Times
MUMBAI -- Indian shares closed higher Friday, but pared most of their intraday gains after the central bank raised the key lending rate by a quarter percentage point and maintained its anti-inflation stance.
Indian Shares End Up
This in turn is almost certainly one of the factors behind Google's loss of market share in China, where its use rate accounts for less than 25%, a slide of several percentage points since 2005.
In no nation did the proportion of the religiously affiliated who endorsed either an agnostic or atheist religious position exceed more than six percentage points.
The poll, conducted by telephone Jan. 2-7, has a margin of error of 5. 5 percentage points.
He found that the average stock that added "China" to its name outperformed the overall market by 31 percentage points over that period.
What's in a Name: If It's 'China,' a Pick-Me-Up
Voter turnout was down by 3.1 percentage points to 62.9 percent.
The party's share of the vote fell by ten percentage points.
In all, GM's bankruptcy could lop off 4 percentage points from the U.S. gross domestic product, of which two-thirds is driven by consumer spending, LaVorgna said.
The polls had a margin of error of four percentage points.
The national seasonally adjusted net employment outlook jumped by two percentage points to 7 per cent.
Times, Sunday Times
Eaton is likely to grow its workforce by a few percentage points this year as markets such as autos, aerospace and nonresidential construction recover from recession, the diversified industrial company's CEO said.
U.S. Manufacturing Profits Suggest Stronger Economy
Interest rates are expected to rise by one percentage point .
As it's almost a full percentage point above the base rate, it's an offer worth taking advantage of while it lasts.
From nearly 3% in 2000, his share of the national vote evaporated this year to a third of a percentage point, a political presence so vanishingly small that the Democrats are not even bothering this time to blame him for their loss.
The chart shows income and outgo as a percentage of national income, and as you can see, the shortfall is just under five percentage points in 2050.
A black pitcher throwing a nonterminal pitch in the early innings of poorly attended games in a non-QuesTec ballpark gains over 6 percentage points by matching the umpire's ethnicity 41.4 versus 35.2 percent called strikes.
Ars Technica
This is enough to have increased the poverty rate by a half percentage point.
Even after almost doubling in 24 months, the S&P 500's two- year return is 36 percentage points below the average bull- market gain of 131 percent since 1962, according to data compiled by Bloomberg and Birinyi Associates. -- Top News
That has boosted this market also, with prices of the highly rated, long-term muni bonds advancing almost 0.3 percentage point since Monday of last week.
Flow of Build America Bonds Starts Strong
We got a rebate of 11 per-cent from them, so it really only cost us 4 percentage points.
The poll, conducted by telephone Jan. 2-7, has a margin of error of 5. 5 percentage points.
The Bank of England started to lift the rate in November last year and it has since gone up by 1.25 percentage points.
Well, it's come down to this: two candidates, seven battlegrounds, two percentage points, mere hours to go.
You only need a few percentage points difference to swing an election.
Unemployment has fallen by two percentage points this month.
The LuSE all share index gained from 1,190.47 points in the previous week to 1,230.10, translating in a rise of 3.32 percentage points.
Britain's growth rate has rarely exceeded that on the continent by more than one percentage point.
An increase of screening by ten percentage points led to a 16 per cent rise in cancer diagnoses.
Times, Sunday Times
Rates were raised by a full percentage point in just five months.
While the current spread of 2.5 percentage points over 10-year gilts is wide by historical standards, interest rates are likely to rise by 2014.
Betting on London's Soaring Skyline
Prakken's firm estimates that the near-term stimulative provisions of the Obama program - infrastructure spending, the temporary payroll tax cuts and extended unemployment coverage - would create 1.3 million jobs in the first year and raise gross domestic product growth by 1.25 percentage points.
News -
However, the final poll on election day was wrong by about 1.5 to 2 percentage points.
Outperformance of the benchmark was a handsome 7.1 percentage points per year.
What has been unusual in recent years has been the speed of manufacturing's decline - a drop of five percentage points of output share in as many years.
However, the news isn't all good: gross margins slipped by 0.3 percentage points year on year.
The protocol aimed to cut emissions of greenhouse gases to a few percentage points beneath levels a decade ago.
Twelve percentage points behind in the polls, assailed by the left of his party for being too strident in reforming the welfare state, and with virtually every leader of industry set against him, things are looking up.
The dip of three percentage points has cost it six places in the overall table.
Times, Sunday Times
Let's also agree that my observations are exaggerated by 15 percentage points.
That would have squeezed the risk premium by 4.3 percentage points.
Principles of Corporate Finance
Its estimates are normally accurate to within 0.1 or 0.2 percentage points of the outturn, but not this time.
Times, Sunday Times
He expects the bank to lower its main rate by half a percentage point to 2 percent next month.
The revised method also shaves half a percentage point off average annual growth during the four years of this economic recovery.
They are equally aware that achieving the last few percentage points in performance of ten causes a disproportionate increase in costs.
Yet since 1995 the state's economy has grown by 32 %-nine percentage points faster than the national average.
While OCBC's interest-earning assets have grown 13% year-to-year, low interest rates have resulted in lower income with the net interest margin falling 0.39 percentage point year-to-year to 2.03%.
OCBC Posts 24% Rise in Net Profit
He estimates that the total retail spending on non-durables and durables will grow by approximately 1.5 percentage points less in 2004 than it did in 2003.
In fact, the regulations impose a major vise on private insurance, restricting a company's ability to increase cost sharing (such as coinsurance, deductibles and out-of pocket limits) as well as copayments ( "more than the sum of medical inflation plus 15 percentage points or $5 increased by medical inflation").
The Unmet Promise Of Obamacare
Unemployment has fallen by two percentage points this month.
The figure represents an increase of 7.7 percentage points from last year.
The new surveys narrow Toomey's lead on our trend estimate to just 2.2 percentage points (46.5% to 44.3%), and shifts Pennsylvania into our toss-up column.
New Polls Confirm Sestak's Rebound, Leads For Boxer And Brown
They are restricted to a formula based on RPI plus a set number of percentage points.
Times, Sunday Times
One of the reasons for having so many was chasing that extra half a percentage point interest when exciting new products came out.
Times, Sunday Times
However, while I woefully miscalculated the percentage points, I was dead-on in my place predictions.
That boosts growth by 0.6 percentage points a year.
Times, Sunday Times