How To Use Perceiver In A Sentence
But is it possible to observe so that there is only observation, seeing, and nothing else - so that there is only perception without a perceiver?
The adventurous work of art could be equally meaningless if the "perceiver" can't recognize the broader practices made visible by tradition, even if the work does encompass them.
John Dewey's *Art as Experience*
A different, but essentially parallel explanatory hypothesis is provided by a now familiar science fiction scenario: the perceiver is a disembodied brain floating in a vat of brain nutrients and receiving electrical impulses from a computer that again contains an ideally complete model or representation of a material world and generates the impulses accordingly, taking account of motor impulses received from the brain that reflect the person's intended movements.
Epistemological Problems of Perception
The self, the I-function, acts as the "perceiver" for our perception.
Serendip's Exchange
God, it was said, “sees” all of time in one eternal instant; yet seeing, like knowing, requires real relations in the perceiver; moreover, one cannot see as fully actualized that which is still only possibly to be actualized, that is to say, the partially indeterminate future.
Process Theism
For the reader or the viewer "art as experience" involves what Dewey calls elsewhere in the book an "act of reconstruction" whereby the "perceiver" undertakes "an ordering of the elements of the whole that is in form, although not in details, the same as the process of organization the creator of the work consciously experienced.
John Dewey's *Art as Experience*
You Are ... beyond the body-mind and personality, beyond all experience and the experiencer thereof, beyond the world and its perceiver, beyond existence and its absence, beyond all assertions and denials.
Flower Heads and Grain
You will notice that everything is going on without your actual involvement, you just remain as the perceiver of all.
The second complication of Sellars 'theory of sensations arises from the further conclusion that it is this manifest image conception of sensory contents as states of perceivers which must ultimately be synoptically “fused” with the scientific image, and that the latter's commitment to the idea that those perceivers themselves are complex systems of micro-physical particles constitutes a barrier to doing so in any straightforward way.
Wilfrid Sellars
Private space is built out of the various visual, tactual, and other experiences which a perceiver coordinates into a matrix with himself at the centre.
I actually think in that moment we became, in some ways, different people, different journalists, different perceivers of the world.
A person (skyes-bu, Skt. purusha), soul or self (bdag, Skt. atman), perceiver (shes-pa), or knower (rig-pa) is the self that Buddhists refute.
Basic Tenets of the Samkhya and Yoga Schools of Indian Philosophy
One can perceive corruption in the act of an officeholder only against a background of a "correct" pattern of behavior, a background which must exist in the beliefs of the perceiver.
The Cause of Corruption, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
The "conditions" that might prevent us from enjoying aesthetic experience are those that cut off either the artist or the perceiver from the "beauty" of creating and focus his/her attention instead on the purely utilitarian.
John Dewey's *Art as Experience*
The survey did, however, conclude that there were massive differences in perceptions of age according to how old the perceiver was.
According to the cognitive learning theory, mastering knowledge results from the interaction between outside stimulus and the inner world of a cognitive perceiver.
For each minimally discriminable point within the perceiver's perceptual field (where these are identified relative to an origin and axes centered in the perceiver's body) we need to start by specifying whether it is occupied by a surface and, if so, what the orientation, solidity, hue, brightness and saturation of that surface are.
Nonconceptual Mental Content
It was predicted that altruists and non-altruists would still be differentiable to perceivers with respect to helpfulness.
Aesthetics and the theory of beauty are not the same, because the theory of beauty may be concentrated on objects and appearances but aesthetics is concerned with perceptions and perceivers.
Somehow it does not seem appropriate to speak of the first four cases listed here as involving the unconscious mind, even though the perceivers are not aware of what they are perceiving.
In other words, knowledge is always of a reality that exists independently of knowers and perceivers.
The idea that consciousness exists in some state that is independent of the situation of the perceiver is a myth.
On Women’s Studies
In other words, knowledge is always of a reality that exists independently of knowers and perceivers.