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[ UK /pˈɛptɪk/ ]
[ US /ˈpɛptɪk/ ]
  1. relating to or promoting digestion
    peptic juices

How To Use peptic In A Sentence

  • Therefore the argument which had sprung up between them during dinner had ended by being not so much a duel as a brawl: and while duels with food are both entertaining and eupeptic, brawls are neither. Mrs. Miniver
  • His exacting personal standards, morose private nature and unapologetic misogyny often gave him a truculent, dyspeptic appearance which was well deserved.
  • They are trying to get around Dean's fight-back persona by portraying him as a dyspeptic, impetuous fool.
  • Rationally is a northeastwardly unproved liquescent in grocery, and when avirulent with the imprisoned longanimity, backrest to ideogram a overnight dyspeptic gynura. Rational Review
  • The second most common cause of peptic ulcers is non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs so stress and hyperacidity are at best in a weak 3rd and 4th place if anywhere still on the map. Marshall and Warren win Nobel for work on Helicobacter as cause of peptic ulcers - The Panda's Thumb
  • Peptic ulcer is the collective name for duodenal ulcers or gastric ulcers.
  • New peptic ulcers are treated with H2 blockers such as cimetidine or sucralfate (a stomach coater) and treatment of the Helicobacter infection is reserved for patients with recurrent disease in whom the organism is present.
  • A peptic ulcer is a sore in the lining of your stomach or small intestine. Left untreated, a peptic ulcer can cause internal bleeding.
  • Nelson has every right to comment, and as a dyspeptic, rank bloviator has the obligation to receive the returning comments. Oops Bill Nelson's Hypocrisy Is Showing Again - NASA Watch
  • Complications seen in a hiatal hernia include aspiration pneumonia and peptic esophagitis with stricture.
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