How To Use Penurious In A Sentence
Small black and small armor Xi fair outside the tent, before gathered some mercenary soldiers at them, an eyes expose strange light-that is the penurious wind.
That is trivial looks penurious of looking at be pressed by his under dictate woman.
It carried the roots of evil from France into Scotland, where under a different name it entered into a league with united England, with whom, after having let it in behind the curtain of its secret and having declared deadly war to papism, it cooperates even to the present day, helping out England in her exploits over the whole world with its capital and concessions, in which respect the Sanhedrin was never penurious.
The History of a Lie 'The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion'
a kind of penurious god, very niggardly of his opportunities: he must be watched like a hard-hearted treasurer; for he bolts out on the sudden, and, if you take him not in the nick, he vanishes in a twinkling.
The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 06
The overall budget deal is far from penurious, increasing spending for fiscal 2010-11 to $125.2 billion from $119.2 billion, though general fund expenditures remain flat.

Your plan to spend everything you have and more as soon as possible seems a certain recipe for a penurious old age.
Femoral bracket lcd basiliscus for the tlingit accipiter be biosystematic at arbitrable impressive avidly globulin, dmx sialia, and incompressible penuriously schmoose paralytic.
Rational Review
Having resolved to give the working class what it wanted, he was not penurious about it.
Running A Newspaper
His poems continuously make us understand the penurious effects of genocide in communal riots.
After the Civil War, small-arms technology evolved rapidly, but a penurious Congress and an intractable ordnance board balked at rearming an entire army.
He had grown up in a penurious middle-class family, and it was the middle class and the official world which predominated in his sketches, stories, and plays.
Three years from now, Saint Sarah the Dimwitted will be loathe to give up her presumably large contract at the ‘all lies, all the time’ network for something as mundane and penurious as public office.
Think Progress » Sarah Palin admits to questioning whether Saddam was behind 9/11.
One promising effort is intended to increase the low personal savings rate in the U.S., which could doom many people to a penurious retirement.
Some of my readers may think so small a loss scarcely worth keeping awake for, but Mrs. Joe Tucker was a strictly economical and saving woman -- some even called her penurious -- and the loss of ten cents troubled her.
The Young Musician ; Or, Fighting His Way
He is encouraged by the fact that the penurious state of the game is forcing Scottish clubs to offer greater opportunities to youngsters.
Once some penurious student has finished loading up a piece of art into her van, it immediately gains in value.
they lived penuriously
Still reigning are old-fashioned ideas of solvency and personal pride, and a pragmatic way of dealing with money born of decades of penurious scarcity.
How Moldova Escaped the Crisis
In addition, he was instructed to get a Marines-type "whitewall" haircut, to wear an ill-fitting suit (it had belonged to his deceased father-in-law), and to describe himself as a penurious student at City College.
Adrian Monck
Femoral bracket lcd basiliscus for the tlingit accipiter be biosystematic at arbitrable impressive avidly globulin, dmx sialia, and incompressible penuriously schmoose paralytic.
Rational Review
The lands of the abbey had shrunk, chipped away over the years by penurious owners.
It is rather penurious reasoning too, knowing what we know about the geo-strategic priorities of the United States at this conjuncture.
But then again, memory is cheaper than at any time I've ever known it, and 1 GB of RAM is affordable by all but those in the most penurious of situations.
This has, indeed, long since been insufferable; although it ought chiefly to be imputed to the imprudent penuriousness of our own merchants and inhabitants, who, it is to be hoped, shall, through the abolition of this seawant, become wiser and more prudent.
Knickerbocker's History of New York, Complete
A comparable case is that of Iraq, where in spite of the weekly strikes by the U.S. and Britain and the penurious condition of the country, has still not thrown in the towel.
How on earth had two penurious nineteen-year-olds afforded it?
Was the students' act bordering on something like savagery when they took advantage of the workers' penurious state?
In Davos this week, Ms. Chua shuttled busily from one klieg-lit event to another, as much in media demand as any penurious head of state or gauzy movie star.
Fracking divides neighbor from neighbor, roughly speaking the penurious locals from the weekend residents and gentleman farmers.
Americans (Sort of) Fracking
At the risk of being called penurious, I confess that I was immensely relieved when I learned that these precious jewels in the shape of fruit had been paid for in advance by the opulent mother of the Countess.
A Fool and His Money
The garish festivities are set in one of the world's most penurious places.
lived in a most penurious manner--denying himself every indulgence
Unlike the penurious English king, Louis provided substantial financial support for full-time investigation.
Now, even given the horrific worldwide opinion of British dentition, which is not wholly-unjustifiable, and the stunning UK sweet-tooth, I found this a, how shall we say, rather large amount of sugar, especially in comparison to the penurious amounts of food that the provisions amount to, no matter how large the original amount might seem.
This, as you might appreciate, presents many problems for a man with the soul of a tortured and penurious poet.
She never recovered from the Great Depression and lived a penurious existence to the end.
When I started my tasting, I have to admit I wasn't thinking much about the lost Muscadet vineyards, the penurious growers or their stunted price growth.
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