How To Use Penult In A Sentence
Her penultimate day was at Chetham's, an independent co-educational specialist music school, where parents pay if they can afford it.
Which school should I choose?
Moreover, in the antepenultimate chapter of the novel, when the narrator reflects on his project, he intimates that he has been writing a novel all along.
That lake of Conterano -- the accent is on the ante-penultima -- it looked appetising on the map, all alone out there.
At least one other critic (Barbara Crook in Ottawa) agreed with me that the penultimate scene wasn't the heartbreaker it should have been in this production.
The main characteristic regarding accent in Japanese is that the highest accent is on the penult (second to the last syllable).
Not to dally longer with the sympathies of our readers, we think it right to premonish them that we are composing an epicedium upon no less distinguished a personage than the Lottery, whose last breath, after many penultimate puffs, has been sobbed forth by sorrowing contractors, as if the world itself were about to be converted into a blank.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 84, October, 1864
Afficionados and adepts will recognize the last item as the words of Joel Beinin, the antepenultimate item as the words of Mahatma Gandhi, and the penultimate item as the motto of Faber College in Animal House.
In the penultimate chapter, the author insightfully compares the theologians and theologies, then proffers his assessments: they need to strengthen pneumatology and to incorporate more fully the resurrection.
He was even part of the penultimate match in the third round at Sandwich.
This, as the copy editor Steve Pickering liked to say, is the antepenultimate paragraph.
He has been afloat for three days at a stretch, unable to land safely on any of those rocky islands, trapped on the boat, using a bucket for his latrine, running short of gas, putting life jackets on the carboys of drinking water in anticipation of shipwreck, and then finally limping back to Bahia without having captured a single chuckwalla—which for him represents the penultimate indignity.
The Song of The Dodo
In Samoan words all syllables are given equal timing with a slight accent placed on the penultimate syllable.
The accent placed on the penultima of [Greek: Theophoros], as the word is written in the saint's acts, denotes it of an active signification, _one that carrieth God_; but of the passive, _carried of God_, if placed on the antepenultima.
The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Principal Saints January, February, March
Scena ve - ro penultima oflendet, patrem ob hoc peccatum iratum eiFe; immo Clitiphoiiem flagitii hu« ius poenitebit.
Publii Terentii Afri Comoediae sex novissime recognitae cum selecta varietate lectionum et ...
To be consistent, a tutor should take the same proleptical course with regard to the prosody of the Latin language: every Latin hyperdissyllable is manifestly accentuated according to the following law: if the penultimate be long, that syllable inevitably claims the accent; if short, inevitably it rejects it -- _i.e. _ gives it to the ante-penultimate.
The Uncollected Writings of Thomas de Quincey—Vol. 1 With a Preface and Annotations by James Hogg
Occasionally, females disperse at their penultimate instar and undergo their final molt in their new webs (personal observation).
Antepenultimate accentuation only ever surfaces in words with enclitic extensions like *-sa and *-ta.
Update of my "Diachrony of Pre-IE" document
West African speakers tend to have antepenultimate word stress.
This is shown by the penultimate episode with the boy who attempts to cast a bell despite not knowing how.
The nuclei in the penultimate cell undergo a final round of premeiotic replication and then fuse, whereas the basal nuclei enter a new crozier.
Like semaphores signaling an ambiguous statement, the chairs face away from the figures in the penultimate picture and virtually disappear in the varnished penumbra that concludes the final work of the cycle.
Posting one of the fastest times, she was unlucky to nudge a pole at the penultimate fence to finish eighth overall.
While the penultimate anti-whaling lament, The Last Leviathan, proves somewhat lugubrious, the album closes on a note of affirmation with the simple but affecting love song Running Home.
Third Declension which have a short penult in the Genitive; as, segĕs
New Latin Grammar
Proclaiming himself to be the penultimate defender of Israel and thus the Jewish people, Hagee’s motives came into public question when two his incendiary quotes surfaced; one calling the Catholic Church the “Great Whore, the other suggesting Nazis were God’s plan to corral the Jews into the biblically mandated Israeli territories in order to facilitate the Second Coming.
McCain and Hagee: Still Joined at the Hip by Joe Lieberman
For the famous penultimate scene of Vera's ‘accidental’ murder, the camera seems to crawl inside Roberts' head as he surveys the room where this happened, with the lens alternately focusing and defocusing on various objects.
Italian words usually have the main stress on the penultimate syllable in the word.
Particularly impressive is the horn section on the penultimate track, 'Just Jivin' Around'.
The penultimate chapter of the book asks if fascism can reappear in modern society, using the five stages as an indicator.
Your feete of three times by prescription of the Latine Grammariens are of eight sundry proportions, for some notable difference appearing in euery sillable of three falling in a word of that size: but because aboue the antepenultima there was (among the Latines) none accent audible in any long word, therefore to deuise any foote of longer measure then of three times was to them but superfluous: because all aboue the number of three are but compounded of their inferiours.
The Arte of English Poesie
She was particularly perplexed by geometry; she aroused our hilarity by always calling a parallelogram a parallel-O-gram, with a strong emphasis on the penultimate syllable; and she spent several days repeating over to herself, with a mystified countenance, the famous words, "The square of the hypothenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the two legs.
Hawthorne and His Circle
The penultimate volume will unlock the key to the whole series, with one leading character being killed off.
The penultimate sibling in a brood of four girls and three boys reared by Karen Dawsey, Brackins is 9 when he first puts on football pads for a peewee league team.
Y is the penultimate letter of the alphabet.
He won the Crosby Plate at West Lancs in sensational style when he eagled the penultimate hole.
Read the first journalism collection The Great Shark Hunt or his penultimate, Kingdom Of Fear - Thompson sees America through unmasked eyes, and as a true American patriot, he despairs of what he sees.
The book ran into five editions, the penultimate dated 1831.
November is the penultimate month of the year.
These words, as the reader will observe, are accented either on the first syllable or the penultima.
The Settlement at Port Jackson
And after he was brilliantly run out by Marcus Trescothick's direct hit at the bowler's end from backward point Read took over to see his side to the brink of victory, with a slice of luck in the penultimate over when he was dropped by George Dockrell at long-off off Steve Kirby.
Somerset 156-6; Nottinghamshire 144-7 | Clydesdale Bank 40 match report
The final disc was surprisingly easy, considering how much I struggled through the penultimate one.
In words bearing stress on the third last syllable, and in which the penultimate syllable contains a schwa followed by either l or r, there is a tendency for the schwa to be elided.
The word for "fourth to last" is preantepenultimate.
Alien Loves Predator
The suitors trying to court Katherina's sister Bianca are moderately funny, and the Katherina/Petruchio relationship, though generally very dodgy, is almost sweet in the penultimate scene.
September Books 21) In the Land of Israel
_antepenultima_ there was (among the Latines) none accent audible in any long word, therfore to deuise any foote of longer measure then of three times was to them but superfluous: because all aboue the number of three are but compounded of their inferiours.
The Arte of English Poesie
As the penultimate race of the four race The Greatest Race Series, this result improved the UK's overall placing in the integrated Nation's Challenge to fifth position.
She impulsively threw in the last, so to speak a catchall, because the penultimate charge was more than a bit doubtful, Chuck’s not having performed unnaturally in bed, and in fact the previous one had slim support, for she had never seen his gun if indeed he had one.
The Houseguest
Finally, word-final supershort schwas in penultimate-accented words never trigger vowel lengthening even though the preceding vowel is accented probably because gemination is the default and favoured process.
Archive 2008-07-01
It took a while to pass from the penultimate bus-stop to the stop outside the Tube, but that is far from remarkable.
Occasionally, females disperse at their penultimate instar and undergo their final molt in their new webs (personal observation).
The penultimate week is tense, but everyone knows it's time to say ciao to Conte.
The later so-called indicative *-i (or should it be renamed declarative?) must have been agglutinated to the existing objective endings in Mid IE at the time of QAR (Quasi-penultimate Accent Rule).
The trouble with the PIE 1st & 2nd person plural endings
Chiyotaikai, who was handed his fourth straight loss of the 15-day tourney, went on the attack in the penultimate bout with a barrage of arm thrusts.
The Discovery lift-off is planned to be the penultimate launch before the shuttle fleet retires early next year.
See the previous answer, or on the question, or see the episode summary the penultimate episode.
The ultima is long, and therefore the antepenult cannot be accented.
I knew nothing of this, of course, and on the penultimate day of the Congress, a Friday, as I was strolling home enjoying the morning after a strenuous late breakfast with Caprice, I was taken flat aback by Blowitz's moon face goggling at me from the window of a drosky drawn up near my hotel.
Senator sessions is the penultimate example of a racist who barely covers it up.
Sotomayor denies prejudging gun-control issue
They had been in negotiations with race organisers with a view to Leith being the penultimate stopover, but the Dutch port has won the bid.
Even so, they will go tomorrow into the penultimate day of the series knowing they still have a chance of squaring it.
The scientists made the measured cautious statement on page 1294 col 2 penult para of their paper “Thus, proxy-derived series suggest that twentieth century warming is unique in the last millennium for both its mean value and probably for its rapidity of change.”
Stern Review – Technical Appendix « Climate Audit
Cadmus studied it for more than a little time; especially the penultimate paragraph.
Thus, if the first line end with an accented monosyllable, the second line will end with a dissyllabic word accented on its first syllable, or if the first line end with a dissyllable accented on its penultimate the second line will end with a trisyllable accented on its ante-penultimate.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
Were Stoke to lose to City at Wembley, their hopes of qualifying for the Europa League would rest on Roberto Mancini's side pipping Spurs to the race for fourth, in which case it could be in their interests to lose at Eastlands in their penultimate match of the season.
Stoke's Tony Pulis tells Spurs to mind their own business over game switch
Since the "Pater noster" text contains no penult-accented tetrasyllables, only results for antepenult-accented tetrasyllables can be presented, which Figure 22 does.
Your penultimate post on Gramsci is less easy to fulfil in terms of a slim primer ('twas I who sent you the last (Hudson Institute) links after you had castigated me for banging on about the crippled Eyetie prisoner).
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
He got there in the penultimate over from Fleming but two balls later he pushed to David Fulton at mid-off and was run out attempting a suicidal single.
Spanish Grand Prix with a puncture on the penultimate lap, nearly collided with the Virgin of backmarker Lucas di Grassi while vying with Red Bull's Sebastian Vettel for second spot earlier in the race. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
Cadmus studied it for more than a little time; especially the penultimate paragraph.
In contrast, as vividly described in his penultimate chapter, he samples a South American hallucinogenic mixture known as ayahuasca and is pretty much flattened by the experience.
"Naturalism" as behavioral determinism and Zen
The penultimate step came in July 1998 when he was made executive director and chief operating officer.
The penultimate syllable of the name Porsena has been shortened in spite of the authority of Niebuhr, who pronounces, without assigning any ground for his opinion, that Martial was guilty of
Lays of Ancient Rome
Penultimatly she wants to deal with what she refers to as concentration camps for asylum seekers.
Archive 2009-02-01
Italian words usually have the main stress on the penultimate syllable in the word.
The pair placed a third fastest time on the penultimate stage of the rally and moved into second place.
Mattis, who won a World Cup in Geelong only two years ago, held the solo lead for four laps until being caught by the peloton mid-way through the penultimate circuit.
Italy’s Giorgia Bronzini takes women’s road title
We observe here the rare rhythm, analogous to the iambic scazon, of a trochaic tetrameter with a long penultimate syllable.
The History of Roman Literature From the earliest period to the death of Marcus Aurelius
One of the most delightful touches in Facy's Ave Maris Stella is the use of Bis in the penultimate bar, suggesting, in modern terms, G minor: the subdominant of D minor.
This season we have had eight different drivers winning races and a three-way title fight up to the penultimate round.
The penultimate column shows the estimated cost to completion and the last one the budget for the project.
In words of three syllables or more, stress usually falls on the penultimate syllable.
Her beatification, the penultimate step on the way to sainthood, has taken place at surprising speed even in the context of the ‘saint factory’ that is the contemporary Vatican.
The Discovery lift-off is planned to be the penultimate launch before the shuttle fleet retires early next year.
So, like I said already, primary stress accent in Mid IE was much like in Polish and fell on the penultimate syllable (second-from-last syllable) by default unless a suffix was derived from an Old IE agglutinated enclitic in which case the antepenultimate (third-from-last syllable) was chosen.
Sporadic phonetic changes in the Indo-European case system
He only encountered a problem on the penultimate stage of the rally, when his gearbox seized.
ZURICH: American sprint star Allyson Felix cruised to victory in the 400m at the penultimate meet in the IAAF's Diamond League in Zurich on Thursday to ensure she bagged a brace of trophies.
Channel NewsAsia Front Page News
Already swotting up on their German with their World Cup tickets safely in the bag after Saturday's penultimate round of European zone qualifiers are the Netherlands, Italy, Portugal, England, Poland and Croatia.
If the penult is short, the antepenult is accented provided it be long: Sansthā́naka.
The Little Clay Cart Mrcchakatika
He pocketed the penultimate race even after having to re-round the starting mark as he had jumped the start.
Orange will again become the word no other word rhymes with rather than the penultimate beacon of national anxiety.
There is no more difficulty in understanding how the branched spines of some ancient echinoderm, which served as a defence, became developed through natural selection into tridactyle pedicellariæ, than in understanding the development of the pincers of crustaceans, through slight, serviceable modifications in the ultimate and penultimate segments of a limb, which was at first used solely for locomotion.
VII. Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection
This book, the penultimate volume of a projected three volume set is, if you are going to buy one, the one to buy.
My uncle had long insinuated that ducks were the penultimate sport of a high desert shotgunner.
New Weekly Contest: Best Hunting Story Wins a Leatherman
It's the penultimate episode of the series tonight.
With brilliant sunshine, the penultimate race of the season brought a light north easterly so sail pumping was the order of the day.
Paradoxically, the sagacious and shrewdly written new column entitled ‘Nightmarch’ is hidden away at the bottom of the antepenultimate page.
Paradoxically, the sagacious and shrewdly written new column entitled ‘Nightmarch’ is hidden away at the bottom of the antepenultimate page.
The first places stress either on the penult of the stem (orIGin-al, with source ORigin; VIRgin-al and proFESSion-al already have the stress on this syllable in the source), or on the final syllable (diaLECTal, with source DIalect).
Italian words usually have the main stress on the penultimate syllable in the word.
I never doubted as to the true reading of the third line of the second stanza of Gray's Elegy, but merely remarked that in one place the penultimate word was printed _drony_, and other authorities _droning_.
Notes and Queries, Number 51, October 19, 1850
If _ [Greek: ** anthropos] _ was to be pronounced in common conversation with a perceptible distinction of the length of the penultima as well as of the elevation of the antepenultima, why was not that long quantity also marked?
Specimens of the Table Talk of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
How serene does she now arise, a queen among the Pleiades, in the penultimate antelucan hour, shod in sandals of bright gold, coifed with a veil of what do you call it gossamer.
The penultimate column shows the estimated cost to completion and the last one the budget for the project.
Someone else wrote, asking me to clarify whether I meant 'third from the end' or 'fourth from the end' in the definition of the word preantepenultimate.
Words of more than two syllables are accented upon the penult (next to the last) if that is a long syllable, otherwise upon the antepenult (second from the last); as, amā´vī, amántis, míserum.
New Latin Grammar
I honestly don't know if the word "pipsqueak" appears therein, but this lil' pet's given name is Elvis -- which does appear in the penultimate chapter -- but nowadays, we tend to call him that only when he's being reprimanded.
Archive 2006-06-25
This agglutination is precisely what obscured the original penultimate accent of the bare nominative singular, making it now a word accented on the antepenultimate syllable third-to-last syllable.
Sporadic phonetic changes in the Indo-European case system
It labours under the dishonour of being chosen by P.W. Botha, apartheid's penultimate kommandant, as a suitable place to ebb away the remainder of his uncelebrated days.
So, like I said already, primary stress accent in Mid IE was much like in Polish and fell on the penultimate syllable (second-from-last syllable) by default unless a suffix was derived from an Old IE agglutinated enclitic in which case the antepenultimate (third-from-last syllable) was chosen.
Sporadic phonetic changes in the Indo-European case system
We already misuse "nonplussed", "penultimate" and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle - it'd be a pity to waste such a great word like "narcissism" on things so utterly pedestrian.
I'm the piece of shit the world revolves around
His successor was chosen at the penultimate meeting of the council.
Of or relating to the penult of a word: penultimate stress.
Idiot-milk Diary Entry
the author inadvertently reveals the murderer in the penultimate chapter
In this example, the two last syllables have the assonance; although this is not invariable, it sometimes falling on the antepenultima and the final syllable.
The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic — Volume 2
When the last syllable has a short vowel, such a penult, if accented, takes the circumflex.
Greek in a Nutshell
I have therefore rewritten the last pages of the penultimate chapter in which an attempt was made to judge his career.
The penultimate movement (in which the four soloists sing with both choirs) just sort of unravelled at the end and slumped to a very inelegant mess.
Italian words usually have the main stress on the penultimate syllable in the word.
A curious instance of the early confusion of accent and quantity may be seen in Prudentius, who shortens the penultima in _eremus_ and _idola_, from [Greek: ezaemos] and [Greek: eidola].
Specimens of the Table Talk of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
If _ [Greek: ** anthropos] _ was to be pronounced in common conversation with a perceptible distinction of the length of the penultima as well as of the elevation of the antepenultima, why was not that long quantity also marked?
Specimens of the Table Talk of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Equipment problems penultimate space walk to repair the aging Hubble telescope.
The penultimate, Prelude 23, is faster than the moderato marking.
[Attici] omnes accufativos nomi - num in ils defincntiumj & conlbnanteni in penultima habentiiim, producunt.
Suidae Lexicon, Græce & Latine
Noel Coward was partial to this, forever rhyming on the ante-penult.
Broadway's Last Good Time
The main stress in'photography'falls on the antepenultimate syllable.
The penultimate piece, a ‘Song without Words’, is centred on F, the work's main tonic.
The vanilla room was locked when I got there at 10.55 a. m. on June 22 for my penultimate Spanish class of the summer term.
On the penultimate page, K thinks in a parenthesized paragraph:Is that the moral of it all, he thought, the moral of the whole story: that there is time enough for everything?
Scattered Thoughts on Michael K.
Their different ends give them the purchase to interpret the Christian aim as penultimate, and to witness to Christians that they should seek a better way.
Take a Latin word like attribuitis: the accent falls on the antepenult.
New York, 1906, p. 89) places hymns in this measure among those "in which the verbal accent preponderates and the metrical accent only makes itself noticeable in certain places (particularly in the fourth line and when a line closes with a word accentuated on the penultimate)".
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
The frantic opening track pace is kept up right until the penultimate song.
The next, and penultimate, course was manzana peppers stuffed with a mixture of ground meat.
A wedding is in many ways the penultimate dramatic premise - a family gathering on a large scale that is invariably accompanied by significant tensions, along with the requisite celebrations.
The penultimate over before lunch, Harbhajan, shockingly resplendent in white patka, found his bounce.
The win was more meritorious as at the final fence on the penultimate circuit the leader made a dreadful mistake and even Aaron didn't know how he remained in the saddle.
Pleiades, in the penultimate antelucan hour, shod in sandals of bright gold, coifed with a veil of what do you call it gossamer.
'' Ayavov, Cum accentu in antepenultima, fignificac liginim fraclum, aut aridum, vcl fragile.
Suidae Lexicon, Græce & Latine
He says, in fact, that Edmonton is the penultimate stop on his farewell tour as an open-air artiste.
I prefer Anther to Anthera, in Englifh, be - caufe we thus avoid any diffenfion between the learned and unlearned refpecting the pronun - ciation of the penultima, and the formation of the plural.
The language of botany : being a dictionary of the terms made use of in that science, principally by Linneus ...
Stress is placed on the penult if it is long and on the antepenult if the penult is short.
They would all come, and relatively soon; they would all be present to witness the penultimate scene.
The penultimate line, with its ‘If’, seems to place the relationship between chastity and sartorial pudency as speculative, as if to emphasize the gravity of an accusation against ‘Honour, and true Chastity’.
The 2002 British Open champion sank 14 reds before missing the penultimate black in the final frame of the day.
THE youthful confuter of Locke was despatched to Merton School, and ranked, according to his merits, as lag of the penultimate form.
Kenelm Chillingly — Complete
If the word's ultima is short, the accent will recede to the antepenult and it will always be an acute accent.
And in the penultimate of his thirty-six pages he confessed abjectly: ‘The evil of the unequal distribution is still to be solved.’
He dropped right out of contention before they jumped the penultimate fence.
Unlike Italian, stress is not required for monosyllabic and bisyllabic words; and unlike Spanish, stress is always assigned on the penultimate syllable of multisyllabic words.
And although the letter omega might in such a word show the quantity, yet what do you say to such words as [Greek: lelonchasi, tupsasa], and the like -- the quantity of the penultima of which is not marked to the eye at all?
Specimens of the Table Talk of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
If the ultima is long, and if the penult is accented, then it must be acute.
These elements were even more evocatively combined in the especially atmospheric penultimate song, ‘After a hundred years’, where the mellifluous voice was enveloped by the piano's sustained octaves and fifths and string pizzicati.
Although the duo finished four days behind the penultimate boat in their class, there was no disgrace in this.
His score was the fifth best of all time, despite only taking the lead after the penultimate event.
These Genitives accent the penult, even when it is short.
New Latin Grammar
In 1999, the championship fight again distilled into a battle between Ferrari and McLaren, but at the penultimate race, both Ferraris were disqualified when their 'bargeboards' (aerodynamic appendages behind the front wheels) were found to be outside the mandatory dimensions.
Archive 2009-05-01
Going into yesterday's penultimate stage nine Scottish riders were still on course to make it to Dublin.
Doherty still has a chance of saving the frame but misses the penultimate red when attempting to escape from a snooker behind the yellow.
Milton's accentuation of the word "Cambuscan", on the penult; it's properly accented on the ultimate. beccaccia: woodcock. the Duomo's fit ally: "There is, as far as I know, only one Gothic building in Europe, the Duomo of Florence, in which the ornament is so exquisitely finished as to enable us to imagine what might have been the effect of the perfect workmanship of the Renaissance, coming out of the hands of men like Verocchio and Ghiberti, had it been employed on the magnificent framework of Gothic structure.
An Introduction to the Study of Robert Browning's Poetry
It's the penultimate episode of the series tonight.
It seems certain that the opening chapter of the penultimate story in the series will contain major revelations.
The accent placed on the penultima of [Greek: Theophoros], as the word is written in the saint's acts, denotes it of an active signification, _one that carrieth God_; but of the passive, _carried of God_, if placed on the antepenultima.
The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Principal Saints January, February, March
As the tension mounted during the penultimate test of the day, less than four seconds separated the top six finishers.
_antepenultima_ there reacheth no accent (which is chiefe cause of the cadence) vnlesse it be vsurpation in some English words, to which we giue
The Arte of English Poesie
The French in his whole language hath not one word that hath his accent in the last syllable saving two, called antepenultima, and little more hath the Spanish; and therefore very gracelessly may they use dactyls.
The Defense of Poesy
It's the penultimate episode of the series tonight.
_Cantar de mío Cid_, I, 65 f.] _ (b) _ A word stressed on the penult may assonate with one page lx stressed on the antepenult.
Modern Spanish Lyrics
The penultimate floor is given over to a circular exhibition hall clad in a scaly copper skin.
Looking around the web today, you'd think half the world's bloggerati had overdosed on fizzing whizbees, so palpable is the hysteria over the new trailer for the penultimate part of the Harry Potter saga, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I.
The Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows trailer is here. Break out the fizzing whizbees
The antepenult may be accented only if U is short and may receive only the acute.
This season we have had eight different drivers winning races and a three-way title fight up to the penultimate round.
As the tension mounted during the penultimate test of the day, less than four seconds separated the top six finishers.
In words bearing stress on the third last syllable, and in which the penultimate syllable contains a schwa followed by either l or r, there is a tendency for the schwa to be elided.
_antepenultima_ as to say [_co-ue ` ra ` ble_] ye shall seldome or perchance neuer find one to make vp rime with him vnlesse it be badly and by abuse, and therefore in all such long _polisillables_ ye doe commonly giue two sharpe accents, and thereby reduce him into two feete as in this word
The Arte of English Poesie