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How To Use Pentecost In A Sentence

  • Judas and his men thanked these people and asked them to extend the same kindness to his race in the future. Then they returned to Jerusalem, since the feast of Weeks of Pentecost was approaching.
  • Open theism has found some favor with Pentecostals who view it in terms of a spirited give-and-take with God.
  • Rapturous joy was remindful of religious euphoria, as in Pentecostal women of the 1930s.
  • From 1943 to his death in 1989, King Louis Narcisse fused Baptist, Pentecostal, and gris-gris traditions into a gumbo of ritual and hagiography.
  • Roberts meant a lot to a vast audience of Pentecostals, those believers ridiculed - by atheists, agnostics and mainstream religions alike - as backwater snake charmers, poor, uneducated serfs lucky to scrape up enough money to pay the rent on the shack and procure "vittles" for Sunday dinner.
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  • Indeed, Latin America, particularly Brazil, has become in a very short time a world center of Pentecostal Christianity, wherefrom it has now begun to radiate in all directions.
  • In the 1980s, the early years of the NAR, there was significant cross-fertilization between Reconstructionists and Pentecostalism. Julie Ingersoll: C. Peter Wagner: Dominion Theology And Postmillennialism On NPR
  • Thus, dispensational theology made a lot of sense to both Pentecostal and evangelical believers at this point in history.
  • Those who represent the Pentecostal movement say that missionaries function as apostles.
  • Today, almost 525 million people around the world identify themselves as Pentecostals or charismatics.
  • Still today, we keep a special nine-day vigil of prayer called a novena between the Ascension and the coming of the Holy Ghost at Pentecost. Archive 2007-05-01
  • + Deus, docuisti me a iuventute mea + T.POST PENTECOSTEN + et usque in senectam et senium + Scandal in Brazil Bishops' Conference Chairman defends appointment of abortion supporter to Supreme Court
  • Yoo believes that in recent years he can detect a convergence between pentecostalism and minjung theology.
  • Prophets is a book-length poem with an ambitiously epic scope, a sensibility and language that is rooted in Jamaica and a work with a markedly religious overtone — not doctrinaire or even ideological, but openly exploring the day-to-day implications of Pentecostalism in Jamaica through a language that is sensual, that invokes myth and reggae and that is best described as risky and experimental. Poetry Terrors : Kwame Dawes : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • If it carried a bit of Pentecostal hill-melting at least it would involve some passion.
  • The analogies between jazz and pentecostalism continue into more recent years.
  • Pentecostals do not drink, gamble, or engage in extramarital sex; so all of that formerly illicit energy can go into either business or education. God’s Country
  • The soundtrack combines Pentecostal glossolalia (speaking in tongues) with recordings of unrestrained laughter.
  • W.T.F. is an evangelical, Pentecostal ministry that believes in the full Bible, rightly divided.
  • So there are a number of things that hallmarked Pentecostalism in its early years that we don't see in what might even be called neo-Pentecostal movements.
  • In a Pentecost scene an apostle at the rear of the group was raising his arm to fend off the tongue of flame, like a man attacked by a bee.
  • That oughtest thou to know and no man better, said the good man, for thou knewest the daughter of king Pelles fleshly, and on her thou begattest Galahad, and that was he that at the feast of Pentecost sat in the Siege Perilous; and therefore make thou it known openly that he is one of thy begetting on King Pelles’ daughter, for that will be your worship and honour, and to all thy kindred. Chapter IV. The Fifteenth Book. How the Hermit Expounded to Sir Launcelot His Vision, and Told Him That Sir Galahad Was His Son
  • I'm bowled over by a Pentecostal preacher who is honest to the extent that I, an avowed agnostic, am prepared to sing hosannas to him.
  • By many estimates, some 20% of Brazilians are now Protestants — the majority practicing in Pentecostal churches such as the Assembly of God. Brazil Vote's Winners: Evangelicals
  • Central Florida is in the middle of the boom in Hispanic Pentecostal growth because of the influx of Puerto Ricans and immigrants from countries such as Nicaragua, Honduras and the Caribbean, where Pentecostalism has flourished for decades. SplicedFeed
  • In Mark, Jesus is really absent - no Paraclete as in John; no Pentecost as in Luke-Acts; not even an ‘I am with you always’ as in Matthew.
  • That a breakaway group of nuns at her American-financed Pentecostal Mission school had preached Quakerish non-violence at her with heavy emphasis on turning the other cheek? The mission song
  • If you notice, I studiously avoided using the term Pentecostal in my review. Boot Camp Jesus. | Mind on Fire
  • Much like Pentecostalism is for Christianity, Islamism is a way station, a prefiguration of things to come. Michael Vlahos: America: Enemy of Change, Midwife of the Future
  • On an individual basis each Christian experiences his own Pentecost at the time of conversion.
  • Hence the time of our sorrow and affliction is fixed at forty days; the state of blessed joy which shall be hereafter is figured in the quinquagesimal festival, i.e. the fifty days from Easter to Pentecost. Catena Aurea - Gospel of Matthew
  • The half company is technically called a pentecostys, and a quarter company an enomoty, and the officers in charge of them respectively penteconter and enomotarch. Anabasis
  • Ever since the very beginning the pentecostal phenomenon has been the subject of conflicting interpretations.
  • After three craniotomies and five years of foster care, he was adopted into a strict Pentecostal family, becoming the 10th of what would eventually be 37 Sheptock children. Homeless man in D.C. uses Facebook, social media to advocate for others like him
  • Center stage is now occupied by Pentecostals, charismatics, evangelicals, fundamentalists, conservative Baptists and Lutherans, and select Roman Catholic writers and movements.
  • At some point along the way he was ordained as a Pentecostal minister.
  • The pentecostal conviction that everyone has the responsibility to spread the word did the rest.
  • Such statements bear the mark of a wan hope that evangelicals and Pentecostals should be other than who they are.
  • And Pentecostals, flattered by a little unaccustomed acceptance, may accommodatingly give up their vision.
  • I first witnessed the phenomenon at a huge pentecostal rally I attended as a college freshman.
  • Pentecostis et Sancti Martini in hyeme pro equali portione vel de nova The Monastery
  • There were seven divisions in the field, besides the Sciritae who numbered six hundred; in each division there were four pentecosties, in every pentecosty four enomoties, and of each enomoty there fought in the front rank four. The History of the Peloponnesian War
  • Oyet has served as General Secretary of Uganda's National Federation of Born Again Pentecostal Churches, and in March 2009, "deputized" the new "Presiding Apostle" of the Born Again Faith Federation, an organization representing millions of Ugandans ... Bruce Wilson: Rick Warren Mentor Tied To Effort Behind Uganda's "Kill the Gays" Bill
  • Most people who became pentecostals joined the new movement from other denominations, so were not eager to cooperate with them.
  • And in Latin America Pentecostalism has shattered the Roman Catholic Church's monopoly.
  • Eventually pentecostals-some of them-did organize denominations, establish mission boards, found colleges, and administer vast, sprawling missionary enterprises.
  • Pentecostalism continues to thrive in the land of its birth.
  • Most who weren't diehard Christians were dying to get out once they realized they were surrounded by Pentecostals.
  • One could view such Pentecostal sectarian movements as prefigurations of contemporary developments.
  • Pentecostals have endured more than their share of dismissive scholarship, condescending analysis, and popular disdain.
  • He dared not boast after Pentecost. A powerful witness before God.
  • I grew up in a Pentecostal-type faith in northeast Mississippi called the Church of God of Prophecy where my father was the pastor.
  • To her fellow Pentecostals and charismatics, especially, Palin is "anointed" -- a figure sent by God to perform his will. Main RSS Feed
  • I was delighted to learn a few years ago that the whole concept of the "novena," nine days of intercessory prayer, came from the nine days between Ascension Thursday and Pentecost. Novena to the Holy Spirit Starts Today
  • Eventually pentecostals-some of them-did organize denominations, establish mission boards, found colleges, and administer vast, sprawling missionary enterprises.
  • ‘If you were there when they were not taking up serpents, or even during other parts of a service where they did, it would be like many other Pentecostal groups,’ he explained.
  • Lastly, the Pentecostal prosperity Gospel secularizes communities. Grant Brooke, M.Div.: The Case for the Prosperity Gospel
  • As a result, dissident artists and cultural leaders, rebellious students, Jewish refuseniks, Pentecostal ministers and other gulag victims became brave icons of hope within and without the Soviet Union.
  • Tertullian refers to the period, which he called the Pentecost, as a laetissimum spatium, a "most joyous space" in which it is especially fitting that baptisms take place.
  • Dave Pentecost is one of a number of volunteer filmmakers who worked with Michael Moore to document election day conditions at polling sites throughout Ohio. Boing Boing
  • Finally, the charismatics serve as another group that manifests the Pentecostal impulse, but who stay embedded in their home denominations instead of breaking away.
  • He also insists that pentecostalism does not merely alleviate the alienation from society many people feel.
  • And truly he did not speak falsely in saying so; for that festival, which we call Pentecost, did then fall out to be the next day to the Antiquities of the Jews
  • He was a member of a Pentecostal Church and a musician himself.
  • The Malaysian-born Sebastian is a Pentecostal Christian teacher from Adelaide, and professed virgin.
  • Each afternoon, he turned away from the Pentecostal preacher who stood with his Bible at the foot of his bed, and said his name kindly and asked to say a prayer or lay his hands upon the burning body. The Best American Poetry 2008
  • They symbolized the New Pentecostal, a religion as stagnant as a dying fishpond. Miracles, Inc.
  • These interventions are Creation, the Incarnation of Christ, Pentecost, and the Second Coming.
  • It was also at Pentecost that King Arthur and his knights were wont to sit and wait for some unusual or miraculous occurrence before they sat to feast.
  • In parallel, revivalist and Pentecostal churches have proliferated in many parts of Africa, offering spiritual stability in times of uncertainty.
  • Whatever the season of the Church Year, we, in fact, live in the time between Pentecost and the Parousia.
  • I can still see the tears streaming down my father’s cheeks when I convinced him that his so-called backslidden parents, both of them Pentecostal preachers, were not being eternally tortured in the fires of hell. God is Not a Christian, Nor a Jew, Muslim, Hindu …
  • A Pentecostal pastor is swapping his suit for a stripy tiger onesie this Sunday. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the fourth century, when the primitive idea of the fifty days 'feast of the paschal time began to grow dim, Easter and Pentecost were given octaves. Two Reforms Associated with Pentecost: The Vigil and the Octave
  • In the Old Testament the feast of Pentecost (from the Greek word for “fiftieth”) was one of the three great pilgrimage festivals of Israel, a celebration of the spring harvest that took place fifty days after the offering of first fruits at Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Pentecost Sunday: The Church made manifest
  • Then six weeks" grafting and patching - and they speak with tongues at Pentecost. PASSION IN THE PEAK
  • Pentecostalism takes its name from its central tenet of baptism in the Spirit and the associated experience of speaking in tongues or glossolalia.
  • They don't grow as their Pentecostal brothers and make no impact on the Brazilian society as a whole.
  • Finally, Pentecost reminds us that each day is an opportunity to worship and praise God.
  • The bird passes between us, I feel the furious beat of its wings like a Pentecostal wind. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • a pentecostys, and a quarter company an enomoty, and the officers in charge of them respectively penteconter and enomotarch. Anabasis
  • That would amount to Pentecostals in Toco being commanded to pay their Christian tithe to a Catholic church in Diego Martin - absolute madness.
  • And it is this, concretely, which is the gift which the Risen Christ shares in Pentecost with the Church. Inhabitatio Dei
  • A pastor visiting from Kiambu, Kenya named Thomas Muthee who gained fame within Pentecostal circles by claiming that he defeated a local witch, Mama Jane, in a great spiritual battle, blesses Sarah Palin. Intellectual bankruptcy of usa illustrated
  • Much of this growth has occurred as a result of the charismatic or Pentecostal movement.
  • So successful was his preaching that night, that he reconverted many of his converts, who fell and moaned about the penitent form and crowded for room amongst scores of new converts burnt by the pentecostal fire, including half a company of negro soldiers from the garrisoned Twenty-Fifth Infantry, a dozen troopers from the WHEN ALICE TOLD HER SOUL
  • To the outsider pentecostalism seems to be drenched in paradoxes and contradictions.
  • He combined a Catholic devotion to the sacraments of the Church with a Pentecostal welcoming of healings, ecstasies and Low Church spontaneity.
  • The pattern is completed by the account of the Ascension and Pentecost as proper to Sunday.
  • Speaking or praying in tongues is a common — some would say required — practice in Pentecostal and charismatic Christianity, the fastest-growing form of Christianity in the world. 26 « September « 2008 « Niqnaq
  • … The term Pentecost was first used by Christians to refer to this seven-week period as a unit: "the Pentecost," or the fifty days.
  • Would we rather not accept the responsibility of apostleship at Pentecost and its radical implications?
  • Prior to Pentecost, the Holy Spirit of God would come and go see the writing of King David in the OT for example, but after Jesus ascended the Holy Spirit came and indwelt those who believed and remains a seal of the LORD in believers today. Bait-and-switch Passover Haggadah? Messianics in the bookstore | RELIGION Blog |
  • Linebaugh and Rediker substantiate the evangelical underpinnings of proletarian revolts seen briefly before in the story of Francis, the Pentecostal maid.
  • (Soundbite of music) Unidentified Group #1: (Singing in foreign language) MIROFF: The church was founded in the 1950s by Pentecostal missionaries from the U.S. who arrived just before Fidel Castro's revolution. Cubans Flock To Evangelism To Fill Spiritual Vacuum
  • However, it is with regard to the modern Roman liturgy that we see a matter of probably wider liturgical interest; namely, the suppression of the ancient octave of Pentecost from the modern Roman calendar -- an octave being the extended liturgical celebration of a particular feast for a period of eight days. Two Reforms Associated with Pentecost: The Vigil and the Octave
  • The plurality of roots feeding both Pentecostalism and evangelicalism explains, at least in part, the diversity of both movements today.
  • Exposed to gospel music while attending Pentecostal churches; Elvis also listened to blues and country-western.
  • Rounded 1 mm grains of glauconite occur in the Pentecost Sandstone.
  • He combined a Catholic devotion to the sacraments of the Church with a Pentecostal welcoming of healings, ecstasies and Low Church spontaneity.
  • Here's the word on the street: Get ready for fiery sanctified soul, heavy Pentecostal jams, drum machine gospel, slow-burning moaners, glorified guitar sermons and righteously ragged a cappela hymns! Mike Ragogna: Laughing Down Crying: A Conversation with Daryl Hall, Plus "Raw African-American Gospel" and Chadwick Stokes Exclusives
  • Just a reminder that Pentecost is nine days away, so the "original" novena (nine days of prayer) starts today. Archive 2008-05-01
  • Though the crime that finally tipped the scales was their disinclination to attend Pentecostal services. THE SHIPPING NEWS
  • England 'aving what they call Pentecostal visitations. Sally Bishop A Romance
  • Although, lamentably, the Octave of Pentecost does not exist in the Ordinary Form, there is nothing to prevent the offering of the Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit (and thus the use of red vestments) on the ferial days after Pentecost Sunday. Two Reforms Associated with Pentecost: The Vigil and the Octave
  • As a result of flesh and Pentecost people in the conduct, the scope is limited.
  • South Africa's fast growing, indigenous, Pentecostal-influenced Zionist churches encourage baptism by full immersion as a form of healing and rebirth.
  • The day of Pentecost foreshowed the universality of some language. The Lost Ten Tribes, and 1882
  • ‘It is more than evangelicals, fundamentalists, charismatics and Pentecostals,’ Rove said.
  • THEN the king removed into Wales, and let cry a great feast that it should be holden at Pentecost after the incoronation of him at the city of Carlion. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Pentecost, where he resigned his bishoprike into the popes hands (as the fame went) being troubled in conscience for that he had receiued it by the kings preferment. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (5 of 12) Henrie the Second
  • On the other side, Pentecostals are nurtured by a pneumatological vision of what it means to be the church; their identity is therefore as a fellowship of the Spirit centered around the presence and activity of the Spirit of Jesus.
  • Still, even Arnett was unable to resist the Pentecost analogy.
  • When reports began to drift back from pentecostal revivals abroad, the flaming marvels became even more spectacular.
  • Adventists come in as many shades as Baptists, Pentecostals and Methodists do.
  • Those who hold that tongue speaking is the defining characteristic of pentecostalism insist on the Topeka advent.
  • In eo quoque loco intrauit post resurrectionem suam Dominus ianuis clausis ad discipulos dicens pax vobis, et agens alia, quæ plenius Euangelica pandit Historia, ac tandem in die Pentecostes ijsdem spiritum sanctum in linguis igneis misit ibidem. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • Among poor blacks worldwide, who may chafe from the legacy of colonial churches brought by white missionaries, Pentecostalism offers a theology that is more emotionally and experientially based and a liturgy that accommodates local rites, rituals, and traditions. The Preacher
  • The Reverend Willie Wilson, in his book How African Religion Changed the American Church, calls the Pentecostal movement of the twentieth century a kind of African religion in America. God is Not a Christian, Nor a Jew, Muslim, Hindu …
  • Those who hold that tongue speaking is the defining characteristic of pentecostalism insist on the Topeka advent.
  • LAKELAND | Evangelist Todd Bentley, who led a Pentecostal revival in Lakeland from a modest beginning to near-historic proportions, has filed for separation from his wife, a former spokesperson said Monday, and will not return to the ongoing revival. Evangelist Todd Bentley, Wife File for Separation
  • Twedam ad terminos Pentecostis et Sancti Martini in hyeme pro equali portione vel de nova Custuma nostra Burgi predicti si firme nostre predicte ad dictam summam pecunie sufficere non poterunt vel de nova Custuma nostra Burgorum nostrorum de Edenburg et de Hadington Si firme nostre et Custuma nostra ville Berwici aliquo casu contingente ad hoc forte non sufficiant. The Monastery
  • Messiaen's almost Pentecostal polyphony not only makes us hear traditional melodies with new ears, it also makes us return to nature and listen to those sounds with a deeper spiritual understanding.
  • The day of Pentecost or Shavuot, the late Spring thanksgiving for first harvest.
  • In the upper panels of the south doors are two events witnessed by the apostles: Pentecost on the left and the Ascension on the right.
  • In addition, many of the Aladura Churches, which were created about 80 years ago, followed certain Pentecostal practices such as speaking in tongues and may be considered under the Pentecostal umbrella. Seizing Tomorrow
  • YAOUNDE, CAMEROON (BosNewsLife) -- Evangelical Christians in Cameroon faced an uncertain future Sunday, April 29, amid fresh reports that local authorities are seeking to control the "surging numbers" of Pentecostal churches in Western African nation. BosNewsLife - Christian News Agency
  • During the Great Awakenings interdenominational evangelicalism, Pentecostalism and Christian fundamentalism emerged, along with new Protestant denominations such as Adventism, and new branches of Restorationism, particularly Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormonism. Think Progress
  • I first witnessed the phenomenon at a huge pentecostal rally I attended as a college freshman.
  • Rejecting interpretations that attribute Pentecostalism's success to its otherworldiness, Wacker argues that the genius of the early movement was its mixture of primitivism and pragmatism.
  • Almost two-thirds of this reduction happened in the 1980s and 1990s, when Catholics were apparently drawn away to new Pentecostal churches.
  • Within Protestantism, numerical growth and spiritual dynamism seem to have migrated to evangelicals, Pentecostals and charismatics, especially in non-Western countries.
  • No one embodies better than Coltrane that strange kinship between pentecostal incantation and the spiritual lineage of jazz.
  • The Southern Baptist, Pentecostal, Disciples of Christ, etc groups will each go their separate ways as they begin to find differences amongst each other. Religious Freedom And Other Crimes Against Humanity - The Panda's Thumb
  • Pentecostalism and jazz are undeniably siblings, with all the consanguinity and rivalry such a blood link always brings with it.
  • Pentecostals love this story and their ministers frequently preach on it, for two reasons.
  • In eo quoque loco intrauit post resurrectionem suam Dominus ianuis clausis ad discipulos dicens pax vobis, et agens alia, qu� plenius Euangelica pandit Historia, ac tandem in die Pentecostes ijsdem spiritum sanctum in linguis igneis misit ibidem. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • There is considerable evidence that once women join pentecostal churches they learn skills they can utilize elsewhere.
  • May 31, 2009: rose petals rain through the open oculus of Rome's Pantheon (the Basilica of Sancta Maria ad Martyres) during their annual celebration on the Solemnity of Pentecost while the Veni Sancte Spiritus is chanted. Pentecost Sunday at the Basilica of Santa Maria ad Martyres (the Pantheon)
  • Consequently pentecostals have gained a reputation for sobriety, punctuality, and honesty.
  • The _rosaria_ outlived the suppression of pagan superstitions, and by and by assumed its Christian form in the feast of Pentecost, which falls in the month of May. Pagan and Christian Rome
  • I first witnessed the phenomenon at a huge pentecostal rally I attended as a college freshman.
  • After all that effort, to have the Pentecostals create a powerful Religious Right in South America analogous to its cousins in the North?
  • St. John Cantius explains: In Rome on Pentecost, in the Pantheon (i.e. the minor basilica called S. Maria ad martyres) there is a beautiful and ancient custom of dropping rose petals through the circular oculus opening at the top of the dome. A Shower of Roses
  • The half company is technically called a pentecostys, and a quarter company an enomoty, and the officers in charge of them respectively penteconter and enomotarch. Anabasis
  • The religious press in the first decade of pentecostal history teems with blistering attacks on the new movement.
  • First, the fastest growing sectors of American Christianity were the charismatic, Pentecostal, and fundamentalist churches.
  • Now when that festival which we call Pentecost was at hand, all the places about the temple, and the whole city, was full of a multitude of people that were come out of the country, and which were the greatest part of them armed also, at which time Phasaelus guarded the wall, and The Wars of the Jews; or the history of the destruction of Jerusalem
  • For Paul had determined to sail by Ephesus, because he would not spend the time in Asia: for he hasted, if it were possible for him, to be at Jerusalem the day of Pentecost.
  • Then they both walked into an alley between a small pentecostal church and a rat-eaten shack advertising cheap tires.
  • It was certainly the closest thing in our town to what I later learned was pentecostal worship.

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