How To Use Pentazocine In A Sentence
Other analgesics to avoid for older adult patients are propoxyphene and pentazocine.
Other medications that have caused occasional interaction during the perioperative period include fentanyl, carbamazepine, and pentazocine.
Meperidine or pentazocine are recommended by some physicians.
All patients were premedicated with pentazocine 30 min before the test.
The researchers found that redheaded women were able to tolerate more pain than other people when given an analgesic drug called pentazocine.
An expert panel determined, for example, that pain relievers like meperidine and pentazocine carry more risk than benefit for the elderly.
An expert panel determined, for example, that pain relievers like meperidine and pentazocine carry more risk than benefit for the elderly.
Other medications that have caused occasional interaction during the perioperative period include fentanyl, carbamazepine, and pentazocine.
Sometimes she would sit and talk to him after giving him his eight o'clock injection of pentazocine.
Complaints and product recall - record keeping Class B includes oral amphetamines, barbitu - and arrangements for noti fi cation of competent rates, codeine, ethylmorphine, glutethimide, authority. pentazocine, phenmetrazine and pholcodine.
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