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[ UK /pˈɛntəkə‍l/ ]
  1. a star with 5 points; formed by 5 straight lines between the vertices of a pentagon and enclosing another pentagon

How To Use pentacle In A Sentence

  • My friend's girlfriend saw my pentacle necklace dangling from my neck as it usually does.
  • This Pentacle is of great value and utility for striking terror into the Spirits.
  • BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Wolf, it's called a Wiccan pentacle. CNN Transcript Apr 24, 2007
  • For instance, when I was at a dance recital the director asked me to take off my necklace (which had a pentacle on it) because we shouldn't have jewelry on.
  • Wear your pentacle with pride if that's what you want to do, but please be prepared for the questions and comments that are bound to come from somewhere.
  • Then did I mark my pentacle in the very midst, and at the intersection of the five angles I did set up and fix my crutch of raun (rowan). The Botathen Ghost
  • All too often, it seems, people think that when they put on a pentacle, read a few books and put on some black clothes, that somehow they become Witches.
  • She couldn ' t see any reason why she should stop wearing the pentacle. CIRCLE OF THREE: BOOK 8: THE FIVE PATHS
  • Everything from pentacles and talismans to cloaks and incense can be found here at very reasonable prices!
  • Everything from pentacles and talismans to cloaks and incense can be found here at very reasonable prices!
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