
  1. a genus of Old World grasses
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How To Use Pennisetum In A Sentence

  • Peltandra undulata.pennisetum. pennyroyal.pentstemon. peony.peppermint. pepperidge. pepper, red. perennials, cultivation of. Manual of Gardening (Second Edition)
  • Just plunge a few among your shorter ornamental grasses - such as pennisetum 'Piglet' or 'Hameln' - and you'll be amazed each August at the glorious flowers. My Plant Safari Photos (at Sugar Creek) « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
  • Shicheng Ridge sunrise: Shicheng River Ridge is the pinnacle of Pennisetum.
  • The solid-stemmed bamboo Oxytenanthera abyssinica is prominent in the western river valleys of Ethiopia, and dominant grasses include tall species of Hyparrhenia, Cymbopogon, Echinochloa, Sorghum, and Pennisetum. East Sudanian savanna
  • Grasses identified are Panicum laetum, Eragrostis pilosa, Cenchrus biflorus, Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Pennisetum violaceum, Cymbopogon schoenanthus and Chrysopogon aucheri. Aïr and Ténéré Natural Reserves, Niger
  • Pennisetum alopecuroides "Hameln" sports the classic fountain shape of the species, but in a smaller form. Undefined
  • He interplants hakonechloa, fountain grass (Pennisetum spp.) and eulalia grass (Miscanthus spp.) with his bulbs.
  • The stuccoed end facing the intersecting neighborhood street combines with feathery pennisetum grasses to soften the hard-edged look.
  • Here's a shot of another red one peeking out from beneath the flowers of 'Hameln' pennisetum, as seen from the front porch stairs above: A Study in Contrasts
  • I added a 'Charles Grimaldi' brugmansia (angel's trumpet - it'll have huge drooping yellow-orange flowers later in the summer), 'Prince' pennisetum (should make dark swords to 5 '), and a few trailing lavender lantanas. Planting Time « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
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