How To Use Penitentially In A Sentence
Many a disguised Tory has lately shown his head, that shall penitentially solemnize with curses the day on which Howe arrived upon the Delaware.
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Beck has followed up 1999's electro-manic "Midnite Vultures" with a return to gloomy acoustic mode (just as he followed his antic breakthrough "Odelay" with the penitentially somber "Mutations").
Fall Arts Preview: Music
She asked Mary Livingston, whom she greeted almost penitentially, to order her a bath of asses 'milk and to request a bread porridge for her, laced with cinnamon and sugar.
Mary Queen Of Scotland And The Isles
Shuffling penitentially on your knees, bending and scraping with dustpan and brush while vicious pine needles perforate your's almost enough to make you feel like Christmas might, in a twisted way, be the descendent of some sort of primitive religious festival.
After the Binge Must Come the Purge
Our heads, shoulders, and hands were penitentially kissed, and presently the fellows returned to bind up their hurts in dirty rags.
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
Left alone at his stall as the other ambled off, Mr Wegg subsided into his screen, produced a small pocket-handkerchief of a penitentially-scrubbing character, and took himself by the nose with a thoughtful aspect.
Our Mutual Friend
At Hyde Park Corner on a tub she stands preaching; shrouds herself in white and walks penitentially disguised as brotherly love through factories and parliaments; offers help, but desires power; smites out of her way roughly the dissentient, or dissatisfied; bestows her blessing on those who, looking upward, catch submissively from her eyes the light of their own.
Mrs. Dalloway
I am not quite clear whether these articles were carried penitentially or ostentatiously; but I rather think they were displayed as articles of property, — much as Cleopatra or any other sovereign lady on the Rampage might exhibit her wealth in a pageant or procession.
Great Expectations