How To Use Penitent In A Sentence

  • In Kingston, we check out the museum at the penitentiary, where convicts have been housed for well over 100 years.
  • Here is Fleece Johnson, a woolly-hatted veteran of Kentucky State Penitentiary, gravely recalling the good old days: In this prison, booty was more important than food. Prison Porn
  • If John Doe is sentenced to a term of imprisonment and later goes out of his mind, the state may continue to keep him in the penitentiary for the duration of his sentence.
  • And it becomes all of us to mourn, and to humble ourselves before him in penitent sorrow. The Nation's Mourning. A Sermon Preached Before the Congregational Church and Society in Green's Farms, Conn., on the Day of the National Fast, Occasioned by the Death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, June 1st, 1865.
  • Later she took the impenitent young 'duffer' a tea cunningly designed to appeal to his rebellious heart, and spread it neatly on the big dimity-covered box in his bedroom; but Dick was implacable. The Gold-Stealers A Story of Waddy
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  • Jesse Johnson said his father, known to friends and family as R.J., had lived through a riot at the penitentiary in 1993 and knew the danger of his job but never dwelled on it. S.D. inmates accused of killing guard for uniform
  • Among his penitents was a beautiful young girl, about nineteen years old. The Priest, The Woman And The Confessional
  • “The monk hath some fair penitent to shrive to-night, that he is in such a hurry to depart,” said De Bracy. Ivanhoe
  • It would entail suspension from Eucharistic communion and taking one's seat in a special part of the church building reserved for penitents.
  • This only happens when we come penitently to embrace Jesus Christ as our only hope.
  • The virtual disappearance of the traditional hearing of confessions in the box has led to the penitential services being the alternative way.
  • Although I've only recently stuck my toe in the fast-moving blogstream, I've been a fan -- and an advocate -- ever since bloggers took the Trent Lott/Strom Thurmond story, ran with it, and helped turn the smug Senate majority leaderinto the penitent former Senate majority leader, a bit of bloody political chum floating in a tank of hungry sharks. April 2004
  • According to the report, 2.1 million Americans spent 2002 in local jails, state and federal penitentiaries and juvenile detention facilities.
  • Two years past, he had managed to work a parole from the Texas State Penitentiary at Huntsville for a celebrity convict author, a man who had been in and out of reformatories and jails since he was sixteen. The Glass Rainbow
  • In the late 1950s Howard Fabing, a medical doctor, obtained permission to inject bufotenine intravenously into a number of inmates at the Ohio State Penitentiary. The Serpent and the Rainbow
  • The Penitent Wagnerite: "some safe, undecisive sic pc mush mouth ... "some safe, undecisive [sic
  • The police later executed a preplanned raid of the penitentiary and seized hundreds of weapons, including knives, swords, sickles, machetes and other dangerous weapons.
  • Her solicitor - partly responsible for keeping the 24 year-old's spirits high - approves of the abasement and thus advertises to the world that here is a penitent woman.
  • In earlier ages a penitential procession often followed the rite of the distribution of the ashes, but this is not now prescribed.
  • Kevin McTaggart continues to serve a life sentence at the federal penitentiary in Terre Haute, Indiana. Kill the Irishman
  • Or, if confession was allowed, the penitent was not allowed to receive Communion (at the time, the two sacraments were usually taken together).
  • It was at this time that he uttered the famous words: "J'espère mourir en religieus pénitent et en libéral impénitent. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • Rehabilitation for the youthful is unlikely if imprisonment is served in a penitentiary rather than a reformatory.
  • Compare and contrast this contrite pose with the self-same penitent jailbound all over again last year as a result of felling two motorists during a wee spell of road rage.
  • The great thing Christ eyes in penitents is their eyeing him in their repentance. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • States, in his treatise on 'The School Question,' is that, while the illiterate convicts in the California penitentiary, at the date of the report, numbered 112, against 985 who could read and write, '_among the younger convicts they could all read and write_'. France and the Republic A Record of Things Seen and Learned in the French Provinces During the 'Centennial' Year 1889
  • Hereby the community or whole body of the faithful, even to the meanest member, are vested from Christ with full power and authority actually to discharge and execute all acts of order and jurisdiction without exception: e.g. To preach the word authoritatively, dispense the sacraments, ordain their officers, admonish offenders, excommunicate the obstinate and incorrigible, and absolve the penitent. The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London
  • It took him only a few seconds to strangle his mirth once more, and he wiped tears from his eyes while he shook his head as penitently as the low ceiling allowed.
  • Certain penitents, in a show of incredible remorse (absurd stupidity? faith?), have themselves nailed to crosses and bake under the sun on Good Friday in imitation of Christ. Archive 2003-04-01
  • There will be a service of light, a penitential rite for the boys and girls and adults and finally a rehearsal for all who will be taking part in the confirmation ceremony on February 22.
  • But the king came to a better frame of mind, he called the jarls away, and returning humbly to his palace, took off his royal robes, and came again barefoot and in sackcloth to the church door, where Bishop William met him, took him by the hand, gave him the kiss of peace, and led him to the penitents 'place. A Book of Golden Deeds
  • We have a husband-wife privilege, a doctor-patient privilege, an attorney-client privilege and even a privilege between priest and penitent.
  • Note, A true penitent is willing to know the worst of himself; and we should all desire to know what our transgressions are, that we may be particular in the confession of them and on our guard against them for the future. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • But scarcely had those few individuals effected their retreat in this manner, when a tremendous crash was heard, cries and shrieks of horror and dismay burst from those who had not as yet passed through the opening, and then the roof of the chamber of penitence and all the adjacent cells gave way with a din as of a thousand cannon, burying beneath their weight the sextoness, the five penitents, the inmates of Wagner, the Wehr-Wolf
  • And it is to turn the form of confession into one in which the penitent interrogates the confessor.
  • But still a shadow and resemblance of it was retained; and in the papal church itself to this day, particular confessors are esteemed competent judges of the meetness of their penitents for an admission unto the sacraments of their church. A Discourse concerning Evangelical Love, Church Peace, and Unity
  • We see here a truly humble and penitent man doing what he knows is the right thing.
  • Only about 20 of the more than 1,000 prisoners at the federal penitentiary have been convicted of crimes; many have spent years awaiting trial.
  • In a penitent mood - and partly to kill time - Burnell decided to apologize to Squire for his impolite behaviour. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • Chinese emperors used to issue a penitential decree taking the blame for misgovernment or natural calamities.
  • The man could modulate his voice into a great variety of tones, booming, hushed, lyrical, penitent, frightened.
  • unevangelical" young lawyer who was "not far from the kingdom of heaven," and yearned towards the penitent Peter, and from the tenderness of his immaculate purity said to the adulteress, The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
  • Later in the afternoon, when they were home, it began to rain, one of the blistering, penitential downpours of early summer. LOOKING FOR THE SPARK
  • Now the Reporter is guarding against a penitent man experiencing the mercy of God.
  • “Well,” said Will, penitently, “you are a great scholar, Mr. Frank, and you speak like one; but gentlemen must fight sometimes, or where would be their honor?” Westward Ho!
  • As Isa 42: 2 described His unturbulent spirit towards His violent enemies (Mt 12: 14-16), and His utter freedom from love of notoriety, so Isa 42: 3, His tenderness in cherishing the first spark of grace in the penitent (Isa 40: 11). reed -- fragile: easily "shaken with the wind" (Mt 11: 7). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • La hermandad", was published at Pueblo, Colorado, in 1889, which incited the Penitents to resist the Church and follow their own practices. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Don't think for a second that you won't have to suffer in some sort of penitent silence.
  • He's your convert, but he's my penitent; and Mark, don't overdecorate your building until you're sure the foundations are well and truly laid. The Altar Steps
  • Mr. ROBERT STONE (Author, "Fun with Problems"): (Reading) Hampton County locked them down in a 19th century brick fortress of a jail, a penitential fantasy of red brick keeps and crenellations. Fiction, Long And Short, For Summertime Escapes
  • He was known in the English mines as the fireman, but in the French he was called either the cannonier, the monk, or the penitent, the latter name being given him from his dress resembling that of certain so-called religious orders in the Romish Church. The Mines and its Wonders
  • For a few moments Rosanna had been almost penitent, until she began to wonder how they had traced her call. THE SCAR
  • In the Catholic tradition, absolution from sin is obtained through confession, in which the penitent confesses to a priest who then absolves the sin and administers penitence.
  • The steps were brought to Rome in the first centuries of Christianity and are 7) reverenced still by millions of people every year, who pass up them on their knees, deep in 8)penitential prayer.
  • Even as she gazed endlessly at her new domicile, Virginia did not feel at home, but rather as if she was being sent into a penitentiary.
  • To think that he should be actually in this great, silent penitentiary, a convict, waiting here beside this cheap iron bathtub, not very sweet or hygienic to contemplate, with this crackbrained criminal to watch over him! The Financier
  • A chanter sings the prophecy of Hosea; the Tract follows; the Penitentiary reads the prayer; the Deacon sings flectamus genua, the subdeacon Levate and reads a lesson form the book of Exodus. More Rare Images: Good Friday with Pius XI in the Sistine Chapel
  • The state penitentiary was located there, and the telegraphing was done by a convict "trusty" -- a man who, having been appointed cashier of a big freight office in the western part of the state, couldn't stand prosperity, and, in consequence, had been sent up for six years. Danger Signals Remarkable, Exciting and Unique Examples of the Bravery, Daring and Stoicism in the Midst of Danger of Train Dispatchers and Railroad Engineers
  • Many a disguised Tory has lately shown his head, that shall penitentially solemnize with curses the day on which Howe arrived upon the Delaware. Happy Birthday America! « PurpleSlog – Awesomeness & Modesty Meets Sexy
  • Writing in French purified his style, and his translations into English of his work retain a penitential rigour and asperity.
  • For is not that which is a savour of life to some, that is, to those that are within the purpose of God's love, and whom he intends effectually to call, and to convert to himself; I say, is not the same termed a savour of death to others? that is, to the obstinate and impenitent, and such as God leaves to themselves. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VI.
  • The mother, usually veiled, carried the candle blessed at Candlemas and waited penitently for the priest at the vestibule of the church with her husband and female companions.
  • It turns out that Rooftop, the pot-smoking penitent, was a whiz at Latin when he was in Catholic school.
  • penitentiary institutions
  • Voting patterns suggest that market towns, such as ports and cities located on rivers, favored penitentiaries.
  • Furthermore, annual confession had been made obligatory in 1215 at the Fourth Lateran Council so that a priest had an opportunity to talk privately to the penitents and to correct errors as well as giving them absolution for their sins.
  • Our waitress, a penitently failed vegan, said this was her favorite dish and refused to charge us for it when we begged to differ. Exurban Excellence
  • But there are huge numbers of homophones that are also homographs: pen ‘writing implement’, pen ‘enclosure for animals’, and pen ‘penitentiary’, to choose a textbook example.
  • Moving across the earth, close to the ground, in a small band of fellow penitents bearing a pilgrim scallop shell as their talisman, sinners pondered their own life journey, and listened to the tales of others along the way.
  • I hope and trust that you can salvage your friendships/relationships with the truly penitent.
  • Or was she penitently striving to make amends for the unmerited harshness she had dealt him? CHAPTER 10
  • The play is set mainly a convent laundry in rural Ireland in 1963 and it was inspired by the now infamous practice of making pregnant and unwed Irish mothers work as penitents in church-run laundries, known as Magdalene Laundries.
  • And still he did not rise, this man they'd locked up before throwing away the key, this penitent. A MEANS TO EVIL
  • ‘Everything is blessing to the elect,’ he stated, ‘but nothing is blessing to the impenitent unbeliever outside Christ.’
  • At the 7.30 pm mass on Saturday evening and at the 12 noon mass on Sunday, a penitential Service will take place during the mass.
  • To be forgiven for committing a mortal sin, one must be extremely penitent.
  • Beck has followed up 1999's electro-manic "Midnite Vultures" with a return to gloomy acoustic mode (just as he followed his antic breakthrough "Odelay" with the penitentially somber "Mutations"). Fall Arts Preview: Music
  • Herein are the terms for the analysis of the mobilization of modern armies, the foundation of the modern penitentiary, and the function of literacy itself in both.
  • Unless we have solid evidence that the penitent is deceiving us, we are clearly not to withhold it.
  • That one got him convicted of stock fraud and sent to Leavenworth penitentiary for seven years.
  • Once condemned and in prison awaiting execution, Peter received visits from local ministers eager to prevent him from meeting death impenitent.
  • The patient, being a penitent, is a supplicant, and has learned to pray. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • He saith unto them, 'Let me go now and become a penitent,' But they say, 'O thou foolishest of men, dost thou not know that this world in which thou art is like the sabbath, and the world out of which thou camest is like the evening of the sabbath? From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • Steven takes a seat in a back pew while Julia walks forward to sit outside the confessional, where she waits a short moment for another penitent to emerge before entering herself.
  • His confusion at the discovery of his own forgetfulness secretly delighted her; she could have cried with pleasure when he penitently wondered what he could possibly have been thinking of. No Name
  • Carrying plugs festooned with treble hooks is a price that is inevitably paid by the penitent plug fisherman.
  • ‘I must change my vote,’ he announced, penitently.
  • Only your penitent suffering gives us leverage to keep those forces in abeyance.
  • Dorothy sighed, her expression genuinely penitent. ALONE With You
  • Tower Hill, where he died, at thirty-four years old, both courageously and penitently. A Child's History of England
  • San Rafael, when the soldiers surprise the Penitentes at mass in the early dawn of their fete day, will appeal strongly to the dramatizer. Lazarre
  • If forced to choose between the penitentiary and the White House for four years, I would say the penitentiary, thank you.
  • The plastic utensils rule is usually reserved for the penitentiary or pre-school. Sharief Easterling: Love & Hip Hop: The Coon Squad
  • She writes that in the 11th Century there were religious wierdos known as penitents who wrote long rule books about every single sex act possible and the corresponding punishment you should incure for doing it. Blogtimore, Hon
  • That confession was required before Communion is evident from the penitential ascribed to St. Columbanus, which orders (can. xxx) "that confessions be given with all diligence, especially concerning commotions of the mind, before going to Mass, lest perchance any one approach the altar unworthily, that is, if he have not a clean heart. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • The priest awoke the next day, duly penitent and very sore but completely prepared to spread the fame of Saint Nicetius, a fame that became so great that the Basilica of the Apostles came to be known as Saint-Nizier.
  • To these professed atheists, we may well add that impious and carnal crew of worldly-minded men, impenitent sinners, that go to hell in a lethargy, or in a dream; who though they be professed Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Third conclusion: if nothing works, one last route to redemption remains - the penitent news conference.
  • Father Gregory was used to the awkward silence of penitents, especially those who had not confessed in years.
  • But he always seemed to me to be a model of what a Christian penitent should be and I was always grateful for him.
  • Thus few priests by the 1920s were commending ‘periodic continence’ to their most troubled penitents, although it was licit for them to do so.
  • Ultimately, as a social phenomenon, it was about the relationship between a confessor and his penitents.
  • Would I need to break down in penitent tears to get any praise?
  • The impenitent and unbelieving will be ‘outside’ for ever.
  • Rather, once a person has properly repented, including making appropriate recompense, then He freely forgives the penitent.
  • Perhaps it is its former penitent associations for those of us brought up in the no meat on Fridays rule era.
  • In addition to the amice, alb, cincture and stole, the priest wears a black chasuble; the deacon wears a black stole, and, like the subdeacon, a black folded chasuble, the sacred vestments of penitential Masses. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 4.1 - Mass of Presanctified, Good Friday, Mass of the Catechumens and the Solemn Prayers
  • And as such the Jews were shy of conversing with him, and expected Christ should be so; but he shows that, being a true penitent, he is become rectus in curia -- upright in court, as good a son of Abraham as if he had never been an publican, which therefore ought not to be mentioned against him. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • And still he did not rise, this man they'd locked up before throwing away the key, this penitent. A MEANS TO EVIL
  • Keeping her head penitently bowed, Allie murmured silent good byes to all she could remember in the heat, while tears dared to brink her dark lashes.
  • Since then, I have been doing this work with 96 state prisons and federal penitentiaries across the United States.
  • Instead, the rites of Levitical sacrifice are inaugurated and the priesthood is instituted as a sort of permanent penitential reminder to the people of their sinfulness.
  • In addition to the amice, alb, cincture and stole, the priest wears a black chasuble; the deacon wears a black stole, and, like the subdeacon, a black folded chasuble, the sacred vestments of penitential Masses. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 4.1 - Mass of Presanctified, Good Friday, Mass of the Catechumens and the Solemn Prayers
  • He prevailed upon them to sign the document with him, then in a deliberate piece of theatre, he donned the garb of a penitent, imposed a fast upon himself and publicly repented of his oath.
  • There was a wicked bitterness in that word penitent which almost maddened Lady Rowley. He Knew He Was Right
  • The slow, dismal tolling of bells; the masked and muffled familiars; the Dominicans carrying their horrid flag, followed by the penitents behind a huge cross; the condemned ones, barefoot, clad in painted caps and the repulsive sanbenito; next the effigies of accused offenders who had escaped by flight; then, the bones of dead culprits in black coffins painted with flames and other hellish symbols; and, finally, the train closing with a host of priests and monks. The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
  • A penitentiary since 1919, Coiba is now the centerpiece of a bounteous national park, Galápagos-like, with more than 20 endemic bird species. Strange Paradise
  • The penitent boy turned his back on the unhappy past and began a new existence.
  • Dorothy sighed, her expression genuinely penitent. ALONE With You
  • After two years or more at Antioch, he finally withdrew to the desert of Chalcis to undertake the penitential life of an anchoritic monk.
  • The outgoing minister cited that over the past several weeks brawls and prison riots as well as a jailbreak had occurred at the penitentiary, which has about 120 guards working three shifts.
  • So, in a picturesque scene, just as Dante and Virgil doze off on the ledge of lento amore, they are awakened by a crowd of penitents rushing by, shouting and weeping with overwrought passion.
  • As a priest, as a man, after the long penitential years and the challenges of her own temperament, she was at ease. THE LAST REPORT ON THE MIRACLES AT LITTLE NO HORSE: A NOVEL
  • Boyd did six years in a federal penitentiary for refusing to pay his income tax, came out and found religion. WHEN THE WOMEN COME OUT TO DANCE
  • Priestly absolution would follow only on inquiring whether such a confession was properly understood and made, and ascertaining the penitent's sorrow.
  • His shoulders are broad, his nostrils wide, his chest is deep, his blood is pure; he will continue to gibber in Bughouse Alley long after I have swung off and escaped the torment of the penitentiaries of California. Chapter 3
  • Maggie was resting her elbow on the table, leaning her head on her hand and looking at Philip with half-penitent dependent affection, as she said this; while he was returning her gaze with an expression that, to her consciousness, gradually became less vague, —became charged with a specific recollection. VII. Philip Re-enters. Book VI—The Great Temptation
  • His Marine Society, founded at the start of the Seven Years War in 1756, started boys on careers in the navy, and in 1758 he helped to establish the Magdalen hospital for penitent prostitutes.
  • He recalled the reformatory -- and also what to him was the most awful thing he had ever heard about the State penitentiary -- they never saw the sun rise down there, and they never saw it set. In the Face of His Constituents.
  • Penitentiary Philosophy’ is a bold new direction for this gentle funkster.
  • Instead she probes the reality of life inside the penitentiary's walls, examining convicts' responses to incarceration and the construction of an inmate subculture.
  • On this Tamil festival, penitents pierce their bodies, tongues, and cheeks while some march on shoes of nails.
  • Les autorités pénitentiaires ont fait couper l'eau, et à la différence de ses co détenus, il ne peut sortir pour se laver ailleurs. Tunisia: Relentless Campaign Against Imprisoned Blogger and Journalist Slim Boukhdhir
  • Ignoring his penitent air, the headlines next morning cast him, to his own gratification, as the ultimate evil-doer.
  • In short, a penitent soul in Hell is a flat contradiction in terms.
  • Thus few priests by the 1920s were commending ‘periodic continence’ to their most troubled penitents, although it was licit for them to do so.
  • What a flood of remembrances must then have rushed over the penitent Peter! how he must have thought to himself, 'So soon, so soon is the "canst not" changed into a _canst_! Expositions of Holy Scripture St. John Chapters I to XIV
  • The climax of the film to me was the love and compassion shown by Jesus when, after all that He had suffered, He was still able to be concerned for others, the soldiers, who inflicted so much pain, the penitent thief, and also for His mother.
  • The penitent will then say ‘bless me Father/forgive me Father for I have sinned.’
  • Ultimately, as a social phenomenon, it was about the relationship between a confessor and his penitents.
  • A person guilty of serious sin confessed to a bishop or presbyter appointed to this office, enrolled in the order of penitents, did penance and was reconciled on Holy Thursday in a solemn ceremony just prior to the offertory.
  • He is also assured, brilliant, and impenitent, often justifying appalling military actions.
  • His favoured tool was the confession note, a certificate confirming that a penitent had been confessed by an authorized priest.
  • _ Sir, I will serve him; for I do find your hangman is a more penitent trade than your bawd; he doth 45 oftener ask forgiveness. Measure for Measure The Works of William Shakespeare [Cambridge Edition] [9 vols.]
  • A hangover after being drunk is precisely the time when the penitent drinker is likely to groan never again.
  • There will be a penitential service in the Dominican Church tonight at 8 pm and all are welcome to attend.
  • What they did find was a party leader in penitent mood who came not to put fire in bellies or cajole into action, but with a limp apology.
  • Instead, they face charges of criminal mischief, punishable by up to two years in the penitentiary.
  • To think and speak of that day with horror doth well become the impenitent sinner, but ill the believing saint.
  • Weel, minister," said Saunders, penitently, "I ken brawly I'm i 'the wrang; but ye ken yersel', gin ye had gotten a dinnle i 'the elbuck that garred ye loup like a troot i' Luckie Mowatt's pool, or gin ye had cuttit yersel 'wi' yer ain razor, wad 'Effectual The Lilac Sunbonnet
  • The penitent boy turned his back on the unhappy past and began a new existence.
  • This is the method of descent to this region, for all those who come to this convent either as willing penitents, or who are sent hither against their inclination," returned the sextoness. Wagner, the Wehr-Wolf
  • He prays for sanctifying grace; and this every true penitent is as earnest for as for pardon and peace, v. 10. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • The miniature of Marguerite is so beautiful because of her smile, why is she described as a penitent? Mirror, Mirror
  • “Ecclesiasticus” says of Elisha: “Qui ungis reges ad penitentiam”; or, as it is rendered by the A Philosophical Dictionary
  • The magistratical power in some cases of treason, &c., banishes or otherwise punishes even penitent persons: ecclesiastical power punishes no penitent persons. The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London
  • Michelle, her actor daughter, is impenitent in unloading the truth about her high society mother who denies her Quebecois roots.
  • Although the almshouse did not eliminate poverty any more than the penitentiary did crime, 1820s Baltimore attested to the optimism of a dynamic age.
  • He was known as a prankster; on a tour of the Sistine Chapel in Rome he dressed up as the devil and terrorized penitents with a horsewhip.
  • But there is no folly like that of the impenitent child of the world.
  • Robert Gates sat before them, almost penitent about the past.
  • In sum, I can think of no consequence, apart from a sentence of several years imprisonment in a penitentiary, which would be more significant to a responsible citizen than the loss of that citizenship.
  • He added that when he was the director general he used to make impromptu visits to the penitentiaries at night.
  • If he does not confess he is at a loss, then he is an impenitent who will not admit his sins.
  • Walking from Nefta to the Chott, you will reach, on the burning plain, a maraboutic shrine that might serve as an asylum for some conscience-stricken, malaria-proof penitent. Fountains in the Sand Rambles Among the Oases of Tunisia
  • Then you would be sitting in a federal penitentry without charges where you will meet your new cellmate bunkie new boyfriend and sex partner. Victim sues RIAA under RICO Act
  • After confessing to a human mediator — "the wise one, in whose hands lay the books, the paintings" — the penitents were then instructed to perform further rites such as fasting or passing reeds through their tongue, ear, or penis. 37 The Nahuas called this rite of confession neyolmelahualiztli, "straightening one's heart," a practice that restored internal equilibrium by returning the heart to its proper place. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • Go follow the blood-stained track of this great Moloch, crested with fiery plume and direful hate, into the courtrooms, the jails, penitentiaries, and gallowses. Autobiography, sermons, addresses, and essays of Bishop L. H. Holsey, D. D.,
  • He was like a penitent man who was fighting for repentance to some grave sin he had committed.
  • In like manner the late penitent, like the late paymaster, though by such a repentance he may secure himself from the final arrests of damnation, yet still it is something sordid and degenerous. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VI.
  • Jones had been convicted in 1972 of fatally stabbing another inmate while doing time at a federal penitentiary in Petersburg, Va.
  • It turns out that Rooftop, the pot-smoking penitent, was a whiz at Latin when he was in Catholic school.
  • It looks very much like Mary first anointed Jesus' feet as a penitent, then again in gratitude for the raising of Lazarus, and finally she attempted to anoint him after his death.
  • In a penitent mood - and partly to kill time - Burnell decided to apologize to Squire for his impolite behaviour. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • To begin with, we notice only the presence of two penitent saints, Mary Magdalene on the right identified by her ointment jar, and Jerome on the left in penitential dress, though without the usual stone that he employed to beat himself.
  • The Western tradition was to conclude that Mary Magdalene was the presumed sexual sinner who was lionised not as any kind of apostle but as ‘the penitent.’
  • Boyd did six years in a federal penitentiary for refusing to pay his income tax, came out and found religion. WHEN THE WOMEN COME OUT TO DANCE
  • One subject matter which could be profitably pursued by students who have completed an apprenticeship is an under-exploited topic from the iconographic tradition: the penitent sinner.
  • This dead-on take on childhood shenanigans ends on a high note, with the penitent David (he broke a vase with a baseball) enfolded in his mother's arms as she assures him, "Yes, David...I love you.
  • It might be of the Paradise in which, on the very day of the crucifixion, the penitent thief was to meet the Saviour of mankind; or it might be of that Heaven, yet increate or unpeopled, seen by some in long, distant perspective, shadowed forth in such lines as these: -- The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 16, No. 97, November, 1865
  • This Democratic official was sent to jail for twelve months, and Blackman, who was a Democratic local heeler, was at the same term convicted of stealing an ox, the property of Dr. Vick, and sent to the Penitentiary for one year. People's Party Hand-Book of Facts. Campaign of 1898.
  • In a penitent mood - and partly to kill time - Burnell decided to apologize to Squire for his impolite behaviour. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • If there is no more posting for a few hours, it will be because the Professor is mortifying the flesh with whips, chains and other penitent aids.
  • So the priest hears confessions and restores the penitent, not only to fellowship with God, but to fellowship with the injured Body, by the grace of God.
  • Orléans, in his note on this canon says that "viaticum" here means only the reconciliation and absolution granted at the hour of death to public penitents who had not performed the prescribed canonical penance, yet Macri (Hierolexicon) declares that it means simply The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • The truly penitent know that complexification is the enemy of forgiveness.
  • he did a stretch in the federal penitentiary
  • Susan, when you first pull up at the institute as they call it, the jail, the penitentiary, everything I imagine that you have been through before kind of fades away as you realize you're going to be confined behind bars.
  • I am truly contrite, penitent, repentant, remorseful and steeped in the tears of my regretfulness.
  • It is not to pretend the impenitent person is penitent.
  • And that, children, is why the Church's sacrament of confession is done in private: to protect the penitent.
  • The Christian tradition of casuistry began at least as early as the Celtic Penitential Books of the sixth century.
  • And there are few things more vicious than the mercilessness fallen man shows a penitent.
  • They saw advancing towards them, to the sound of this pleasing music, what they call a triumphal car, drawn by six grey mules with white linen housings, on each of which was mounted a penitent, robed also in white, with a large lighted wax taper in his hand. Don Quixote
  • The Lords and Commons repent, but the clergy remain impenitent, are exposed, and the malefactors brought to the scaffold.
  • Hank Grotowski is a corrections officer heading the death row detail of a southern U.S. penitentiary.
  • The sentence of imprisonment of any person convicted of an offense shall commence to run from the date on which such person is received at the penitentiary, reformatory, or jail for service of such sentence.
  • I noticed the penitential beds where the pilgrims who come for three days walk barefoot and also saw the dormitories where people sleep.
  • Donning my penitential grey flannels and Harris Tweed jacket and with my ill-fitting shoes in hand, I stole down the main staircase to the front porch. The mission song
  • Hath he born himself penitently in prison? how seems he to be touched? Measure for Measure

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