How To Use Penalisation In A Sentence
Milan CEO Galliani said yesterday that this is an unusual championship because of Juventus' relegation and Milan's penalisation. What do you think about this?
This included reviewing the penalisation factors which determine when the Parole Board can consider an offender for parole, the rehabilitation and re-opening of prisons that were closed due to having fallen into a dilapidated state, enhancing the functioning of community corrections and improving rehabilitation programmes.
ANC Daily News Briefing
The Court should lean against a construction of the code that would lead to the penalisation of a member who has decided honestly and reasonably that he does not have a personal or a prejudicial interest.
In the first-ever penalisation of IPO manipulators and recovery of amounts from them, Rs23. 28 crore is proposed to be disbursed among 12,74,736 unsuccessful IPO applicants, who were denied the shares in the first occasion.
Domain-b Brand Dossier
There's no penalisation for trying out your set-up again and again.
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I also disagree that this is a penalisation of success.
Think Progress » 18 Families Bankroll Estate Tax Repeal Campaign
Why not divert efforts from Cool Biz into genuine systems of taxation and penalisation against the companies and industries that produce the most emmissions?
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It would have also explicitly prohibited the penalisation of employees found to have made disclosures in such circumstances.
We therefore urge you to intervene to stop this unfair penalisation of women and their children.
Women's charities write to Theresa May over child support
We had to speed things up urgently because considering the penalisation it was of fundamental importance to participate in the Champions League.
Mr O'Higgins added that to convict a person for an offence under the article was in effect double penalisation and would amount to the convicting an accused person twice for the same act.
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Chief City Planner P. Timma Reddy on Tuesday stated that about 3,000 applicants would have to submit documents like building plans and also pay the penalisation fee.
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