How To Use Pen-friend In A Sentence
In May my English pen-friend since 1964 corrected my essay grammatically and sent me a small white English New Testament.
Baron Pál Podmaniczky and the Norwegian Bible
Clearwire is looking for a pen-friend in Global Mobile, one of six WiMAX licensees in Taiwan, according to local reports. - telecoms industry news, analysis and opinion
What do you intend to sent to your pen-friend this Spring Festival?
My mother gamely tolerated them, along with the odd praying mantis on the net curtains, smuggled home on the Train Bleu from Menton, where my French pen-friend, Jean-Franois, lived.
Until now we'd given our longstanding pen-friend no cause whatever to credit anyone in the Signals directorate with the competence to set a trap for him.
Between silk and cyanide
While he was there, Jim went up to Liverpool and met Joan, his pen-friend.
Jim Bennett
As the author explains in her introduction, the story began life as a series of letters and scenes that she wrote as a teenager in collaboration with a pen-friend she met at a summer camp.
Archive 2010-03-01
Charles Barber, conductor and artistic director at City Opera Vancouver, became Kleiber's pen-friend in the late 1980s.
The Disappearing Maestro
Instead of answering my Christmas card my half-Polish, half-Slovakian pen-friend since 1963 sent me a copy of an article.
Baron Pál Podmaniczky and the Norwegian Bible