- a Basque or Spanish game played in a court with a ball and a wickerwork racket
How To Use pelota In A Sentence
- It's an occasion as uniquely Ashleyian as pelota is Basque. The Brimming Cup
- You can be a world-class sprinter, and you still have no chance to chase down the pelota.
- There will be demonstrations in roller hockey and pelota basque, but there's no place for cricket.
- I have used the Spanish word "pelota," but it merely means "ball," just as the Russian word "soviet" means nothing in the world but Here, There and Everywhere
- Pelota Mixteca games are held in August on Sundays at 5pm and on festival days.
- My own children would play for hours on its vast fronton (court), theoretically for pelota but more often for impromptu football, or rollerskating, or teenage flirting or, at night, dances and fireworks or Basque games (shows of strength). Classic France: the insiders' guide
- After watching a game of pelota, I sat on my balcony and got drunk on a dramatic view of rocky ridges calmed down by sheep, cows and farmers.
- man, so now even balls can be vaginaed or vaginated, but why only juan pelota? is this a flaming lips lance armstrong collabo? Culling the Culture: Great Balls of Lips
- In France, a variation of the game is called jeu de Paume ; the Spanish play pelota ; in Italy it's known as pallapugno , while the Dutch play kaatsen and the Belgians call it llargues . Fives Reasons for Olympic Gold
- British bullfighters, pelota players, kabaddi champions? Times, Sunday Times