How To Use Pelargonium In A Sentence
Clean out the greenhouse and make way for incoming pelargoniums, chrysanthemums and dahlias that will need protection from the frost.
Threequarter-acre garden with terraces, roses, yew hedges, box parterres, geraniums, pelargoniums and double herbaceous borders leading to a meadow planted with eucalyptus.
There are many cases where a single pollinator is responsible for pollinating many species of plants, for example long-tongued flies (Tabanidae and Nemestrinidae) are the exclusive pollinators of many genera of petaloid monocots as well as Pelargonium and Erica; a butterfly is the exclusive pollinator of a phylogenetically disparate group of red-flowered and autumn-flowering species; hopliine (monkey) beetle pollination has evolved convergently in many genera, etc.
Lowland fynbos and renosterveld
Our yard is warm and sunny for most of the day in summer, making it an ideal spot for plants such as pelargoniums and verbena.
It looks good with hot pink pelargoniums and impatiens, and white nemesia to cool down the arrangement.
I also like one colour hanging baskets and tubs: there is nothing prettier than a burst of apricot pansies, lilac violas, or pink pelargoniums.
This has been observed in pelargoniums and in the Chinese primrose, in both of which the effect was to replace the umbellate form of inflorescence by a capitate one.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Consider argyranthemum, nemesia, diascia or pelargonium, for longevity and ease.
Times, Sunday Times
Busy Lizzies, fuchsias, pelargoniums, cosmos and petunia will all provide colour until late summer and can be used to fill gaps left by perennials as they finish blooming.
I love plants in season - old roses are a summer favourite - and I've got delphiniums, pelargoniums, agapanthus, tulips, silver birch, to name a few.
‘Nutmeg’, ‘Attar of Roses’, ‘Strawberry’, ‘Lemon Meringue’, ‘Apple Mint’, and ‘Ginger’ cultivars all smell like their descriptors and just scratch the surface when it comes to the world of flavor possibilities in the pelargonium world.
Rose Geranium Unmasked
In one year, 50,000 scarlet pelargoniums were planted, and in 1854, the collections of calceolarias, lobelias, petunias, verbenas, gaultherias, alyssums, nemophilas, salvias, heliotropes, dwarf rhododendrons and azaleas, displays which influenced exhibitions across the rest of the country.
I love plants in season - old roses are a summer favourite - and I've got delphiniums, pelargoniums, agapanthus, tulips, silver birch, to name a few.
The first category comprises those collections grouped into families or parts of families, including Protea, Erica, Restio, Pelargonium, buchus, Streptocarpus, ferns, Disa, cycads, and clivias.
Try herbs such as chamomile, mint, marjoram, lemon verbena, or scented geraniums (Pelargoniums).
I also like one colour hanging baskets and tubs: there is nothing prettier than a burst of apricot pansies, lilac violas, or pink pelargoniums.
The easiest way to capture the flavor of pelargonium is by creating a scented sugar, similar to the way one would use a vanilla bean to perfume granulated sugar.
Archive 2007-08-01
In frost-free climates, pelargoniums make great landscaping plants.
M. Fournier mentions an instance in _Pelargonium grandiflorum_, where, owing to the lengthening of the axis, the pedicels, instead of being umbellate, had become racemose; and I owe to the kindness of Dr. Sankey
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
_Trifolium repens_, &c. &c. Another illustration of the sort is that recorded by M. Fournier, wherein the usually umbellate inflorescence of _Pelargonium_ was, through the lengthening of the main stalk, transformed into a raceme.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
This species of pelargonium is indigenous to the Eastern Cape and grows wild, sending out long bulbous roots deep into the ground.
In contrast with this let us take the Cape of Good Hope -- the most flowery region probably that exists upon the globe, -- where the country is a complete flower-garden of heaths, pelargoniums, mesembryanthemus, exquisite iridaceous and other bulbs, and numerous flowering shrubs and trees; yet the Cape butterflies are hardly equal, either in number or variety, to those of any country in South Europe, and are utterly insignificant when compared with those of the comparatively flowerless forest-depths of the
Darwinism (1889)
Agaves, pelargoniums, yuccas, sedum, sempervivum, cacti - if they can survive your winters or you have a light frost-free place to overwinter them - all are suitable.
Unlike species such as cycads, which are strictly controlled, the pelargoniums are not endangered and not protected under any regulations.
I don't mean the common sort of bedding where dwarf box is used to make lettering and patterns are made of conventional bedding plants like begonias and pelargoniums.
The nursery offers a range of perennials, but is particularly known for auriculas, hardy geraniums, hemerocallis, pelargoniums and irises.
Times, Sunday Times
There are over 250 varieties of pelargonium, each with its own scent profile.
Archive 2007-08-01
If September stays mild, we will see why bedding such as lobelia, pelargonium and impatiens are so popular as they flower on until the first frosts.
For example, the wispy foliage of cosmos will engulf spiky salvia flowers and is a contrast to the rounded leaves of pelargoniums.
If September stays mild, we will see why bedding such as lobelia, pelargonium and impatiens are so popular as they flower on until the first frosts.
Half-hardy fuchsias and pelargoniums will need to be lifted, potted and sheltered for winter.
All three varieties are pansy faced pelargoniums, or angels - crosses between scented pelargoniums and regals, some with a little species stock thrown in.
Classic window box plants include petunia, pelargonium, lobelia, helichrysum and nasturtiums.
Times, Sunday Times
I recently spotted an old milking pail planted with nemesia and pelargoniums that looked simply stunning.
Times, Sunday Times
Cosmos, pelargoniums and calendula, for example, will often produce new flowering stems after pruning.
By hardy geraniums I mean the garden perennials, with their soft foliage and cranesbill flowers, as opposed to greenhouse or bedding varieties which are more correctly known as pelargoniums.
I love plants in season - old roses are a summer favourite - and I've got delphiniums, pelargoniums, agapanthus, tulips, silver birch, to name a few.
The first impression is of pink phlox, purple loosestrife, clematis, pelargoniums, roses and day lilies.
Consider argyranthemum, nemesia, diascia or pelargonium, for longevity and ease.
Times, Sunday Times
Lord Bute is a large-flowered or regal pelargonium, and the flowers are black, with a narrow picotee edge of brilliant carmine red.
Herbaceous borders are planted with a wide variety of hostas, pelargoniums, ferns, iris, dicentras and spring bulbs.
Through the mature olive trees, pots of pelargoniums, and beds of oleander, roses and lavender, you can glimpse water features, the swimming pool or the dazzling white house with its sculptural chimney and indigo blue trim.
Hytra Grouper on a bed of salicornia and spinach accompanied with a crayfish sauce scented with pelargonium at Hytra It's daybreak at Athens' Agora, or central market, and the air is buzzing with the cries of fish mongers hawking the day's catch.
Not Your Typical Greek Salad
The insect's normal food is the wild pelargonium, a variety of geranium.
I have stored them with the pelargoniums, the tender Viola hederacea, my salvias and the brugmansia and they will be fine in the low light levels if they are kept in a state of semi-dormancy.
January: the to-do list
At the recycling centre last week, I spotted a heap of pelargoniums in the garden waste skip - a shame, for if they were kept in a frost-free garage or shed, they would spring to life next year.
This has been observed in pelargoniums and in the Chinese primrose, in both of which the effect was to replace the umbellate form of inflorescence by a capitate one.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Try lavender or a mixture of scented pelargoniums for a sprawling dash of colour.
Bring in pots of fuchsia and pelargoniums and keep them in a light, cool frost - free place.
Classes are also open for amateurs and enthusiasts with categories including bonsai, cactus and succulents, floral art, geranium and pelargonium, honey products, fuchsia, flower and plant pots along with a children's section.
Like all florists, he had a predilection for one particular plant; the pelargonium was his especial favorite.
The Collection of Antiquities
The crags were rich with colour, the cytisus waving its golden hair, the pelargonium blazing scarlet, beds of white stock wafting fragrance, violets scrambling over every soft bank of deep earth exhaling fragrance; roses, not many in flower, but their young leaves in masses of claret-red; wherever a ledge allowed it, there pansies of velvety blue and black and brown had been planted.
In Troubadour-Land A Ramble in Provence and Languedoc
Next come the herbaceous notes, and there are plenty: rosemary, helicrysum, lavender, sage, clary sage, Roman chamomile, etc. and many types of pelargonium, including this strange looking one, Eucaliptus scented pelargonium and one that didn't have a sign and smelled intensely of animalic musk.
Archive 2009-05-01
Joshua David has described the atmosphere he and his co-founder envisioned as "less like a park and more like a scruffy wilderness," but the results will appear unruly only to those who still think of public gardens as requiring Victorian carpet bedding — yellow begonias and red pelargonium geometrically composed and obsessively mulched.
Up in the Park
We also drove to a garden centre and got some more plants - I got some Violets, Marguerites and a pelargonium for the veranda pots, and Anders planted a Clematis below the veranda.
Garden work
Abutilons; agapanthus; alstremeria; amaryllis; anemone; aralia; araucaria; auricula; azaleas; begonias; cactus; caladium; calceolaria; calla; camellias; cannas; carnations; century plants; chrysanthemums; cineraria; clematis; coleus; crocus; croton; cyclamen; dahlia; ferns; freesia; fuchsia; geranium; gladiolus; gloxinia; grevillea; hollyhocks; hyacinths; iris; lily; lily-of-the-valley; mignonette; moon-flowers; narcissus; oleander; oxalis; palms; pandanus; pansy; pelargonium; peony; phlox; primulas; rhododendrons; rose; smilax; stocks; sweet pea; swainsona; tuberose; tulips; violet; wax plant.
Manual of Gardening (Second Edition)