How To Use Pekan In A Sentence
Penemuan mayat remaja yang masih duduk di kelas III salah satu SMA itu, lalu 'mengundang' masyarakat datang SUBULUSSALAM di Kecamatan Rundeng, Long - kasi pada pekan pertama Ok - berbondong-bondong untuk melihat mayat yang ditemukan kib dan Sultan Daulat, masing - tober sebelum didistribusikan, tersebut.
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Yes, the solitary, crepuscular mammal known to Native Americans as the pekan, pequam or wejack, which closely resembles a European polecat.
A Night of Furversion
It is known as the wood-shock or pekan, and is also called the black cat, and fisher.
The Western World Picturesque Sketches of Nature and Natural History in North and South America
Setelah semburan lumpur berhawa panas selama beberapa pekan, sebuah gempa besar melanda wilayah tersebut sehingga banyak rumah warga yang roboh.
It is the otchoek of the Crees, and the pekan of the Canadians.
The Journey to the Polar Sea
Always muskeg marks the limit of big game and the beginning of the ground of the little fellows -- waupoos, the rabbit; and musquash, the muskrat; and sakwasew, the mink; and nukik, the otter; and wuchak or pekan, the fisher.
The Canadian Commonwealth
Flatboatmen make fast, towards dusk, near the cottonwood or pekan-trees;
Walt Whitman
Then comes the Canada otter; the vison or minx; the clever little tree-loving raccoon; the American badger, differing from his European relative; and the pekan.
The Western World Picturesque Sketches of Nature and Natural History in North and South America
Temuan ini akan dipresentasikan di World Conference on Marine Biology, di Valencia, Spanyol, awal pekan ini.
Nenek Moyang Gurita Masih Bertahan – Netsains.Com
It is the _otchoek_ of the Crees, and the _pekan_ of the Canadians.
Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in the Years 1819-20-21-22, Volume 1
During these rambles we sometimes saw an animal resembling an otter, in size, shape and color, called a pekan or fisher; but for want of a dog to tree them, did not shoot any.
Life in the Rocky Mountains
The Environmental Management Agency office in Pekanbaru detected 1,280 hot spots in the province on June 9.