How To Use Peevish In A Sentence

  • Reflect upon him, too, in your moments of dissipation, and let his idea controul your indiscretions -- not merely in an hour of contradiction call peevishly upon his name, only to wound the dearest friend you have. A Simple Story
  • A peevish child is unhappy and makes others unhappy.
  • And it was not unknown for a peevish north-easter to blow in off the Wash from March to the end of June. THE INNOCENTS AT HOME (A SUPERINTENDENT KENWORTHY NOVEL)
  • 'Heavens! said she, peevishly,' is this the gallant, polite Frenchman! The Castle of Wolfenbach
  • A spotty youth with greasy black hair, he was sitting at the table with a peevish expression on his weaselly face.
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  • Don't get alarmed, don't get peevish, don't get panicky, don't be a wicked old flutterer, Ham, my boy!" he said. Bones in London
  • Margarita, as beautifull as the best: but yet so peevish, scornefull, and fantasticall, that she disdained any good advice given her; neyther could any thing be done, to cause her contentment; which absurd humors were highly displeasing to her husband: but in regard he knew not how to helpe it, constrainedly he did endure it. The Decameron
  • ‘You never should have opened your mouth,’ warned the judge peevishly.
  • Harder to stomach is the peevish, chip-on-your-shoulder feminism that pervades so much of the book.
  • One cringes at his bitterness, peevishness, and narcissism, but one also respects him for the fact that he cringes, too.
  • He looked surprised at my peevish retort but he went on: `I am going to be married again. THE ROAD TO PARADISE ISLAND
  • The women were low-spirited, dull, nay, peevish, they did not well know why; and the men could not be joyous, though the ready resource of old hock and champagne made some of them talkative. — Saint Ronan's Well
  • He looked surprised at my peevish retort but he went on: `I am going to be married again. THE ROAD TO PARADISE ISLAND
  • This question -- which Hohenfels called peevish as he buried himself in his book -- was not answered until we had passed Verviers, Chaudfontaine and Liège. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 15, No. 85, January, 1875
  • Many young men are as obstinate, and as curious in their choice, as tyrannically proud, insulting, deceitful, false-hearted, as irrefragable and peevish on the other side; Narcissus-like, Anatomy of Melancholy
  • And it was not unknown for a peevish north-easter to blow in off the Wash from March to the end of June. THE INNOCENTS AT HOME (A SUPERINTENDENT KENWORTHY NOVEL)
  • The boys tended to make the men peevish and sarcastic, the girls made Emma brittle and shrewish.
  • There is more poignant music in the Primavera, in the weary, indifferent countenances of his lean, neuropathic Madonnas -- Pater calls them "peevish" -- in his Venus of the Promenades of an Impressionist
  • The morning was fresh and cool; I threw back the lattice, and presently the room filled with sweet scents from the garden; but Catherine called peevishly to me, 'Ellen, shut the window. Wuthering Heights
  • Jim missed the days before Beth had gotten married and stopped setting the table, though he knew it was peevish of him.
  • His posture was impatient, peevish and annoyed that he had to answer to anyone.
  • Obama held his own and I didn't find him at all "peevish". Gallup: Hillary And Obama Both Electable In Purple States
  • He complained with characteristic peevishness.
  • In truth, no two persons could have been more thoroughly mismated -- Byron, the human volcano, and his wife, a prim, narrow-minded, and peevish woman. Famous Affinities of History — Complete
  • And let it be remembered, as an admonition to the genus irritabile of dramatick writers, that this great man, instead of peevishly complaining of the bad taste of the town, submitted to its decision without a murmur. The Life of Samuel Johnson LL.D.
  • We are more used to his peevish criticism of Tory successes.
  • Seeing him whiny and peevish in the first debate was a huge anti-climax.
  • It sort of simmers and bubbles and from time to time erupts into a lava-like spasm of vexation, pique and peevishness.
  • ‘This country needs engineers,’ she muttered peevishly.
  • What was the nature of Stirner’s attack other than sheer peevishness, which is often quite enough, isn’t it? Archive 2007-04-01
  • Margarita, as beautifull as the best: but yet so peevish, scornefull, and fantasticall, that she disdained any good advice given her; neyther could any thing be done, to cause her contentment; which absurd humors were highly displeasing to her husband: but in regard he knew not how to helpe it, constrainedly he did endure it. The Decameron
  • I threw back the lattice, and presently the room filled with sweet scents from the garden; but Catherine called peevishly to me, "Ellen, shut the window. Wuthering Heights
  • The cause of her peevishness was a swarm of intensely active flies. Anderson Crow, Detective
  • She is so pale, and so fretful, so peevish, which is not in her nature. White Lies
  • We should have both lord and lown if the peevish baggage would but give way to customers. Act IV. Scene VI. Pericles, Prince of Tyre
  • As the authors have produced such a splendid book it seems peevish to point out deficiencies.
  • We should have both lord and lown, if the peevish baggage would but give way to customers. Pericles, Prince of Tyre
  • Now long-continued anger, and frequent giving way to it, produces an evil disposition of soul, which people call irascibility, and which ends in passionateness, bitterness, and peevishness, whenever the mind becomes sore and vexed at trifles and querulous at everyday occurrences, like iron thin and beaten out too fine. Plutarch's Morals
  • At length, in a moment of great irritation, excited on the one hand by his intense interest in the poor suffering girl, and anger at the peevish, helpless Don Picador, Don Ricardo, to our unutterable surprise, rapped out, in gude broad Scotch, as he brushed away Senor Cangrejo from the bedside with a violence that spun him out of the door -- "God -- the auld doited deevil is as fusionless as a docken. Tom Cringle's Log
  • He looked surprised at my peevish retort but he went on: `I am going to be married again. THE ROAD TO PARADISE ISLAND
  • On a small island of the southern Atlantic, is shut up a remarkable prisoner, wearing himself out there in a feeble mixture of peevishness and jealousy, solaced by no great thoughts and no heroic spirit; a kind of dotard before the time, killing and consuming himself by the intense littleness into which he has shrunk. Sermons for the New Life.
  • Be gentle In old age ; peevishness are worse second childhood than In first.
  • 'It's your own fault,' she said peevishly.
  • yaps" and snarls as any Irish terrier, and as peevish and fussy as a fault-finding old woman. Cleek: the Man of the Forty Faces
  • Hatred of the Count, mortified self - love, and the resolution to vanquish what he termed the whim of a peevish beauty, would inevitably have precipitated her into difficulties most disastrous, if happily the inconstancy of his nature had not in the end relieved her from his persecution. Rosamund, Countess of Clarenstein ...
  • He told me so, peevishly, when I interviewed him.
  • Peevishness at news conferences is often his default position these days.
  • And it was not unknown for a peevish north-easter to blow in off the Wash from March to the end of June. THE INNOCENTS AT HOME (A SUPERINTENDENT KENWORTHY NOVEL)
  • Paul looked through his green glasses peevishly when the other speaker brought down the house with applause.
  • Spring comes soon, and the eldest son suddenly turns moody and peevish, unwilling to eat or go to school.
  • Boswell, peevish after spending a night in a haybarn, complained of the lack of marble monuments.
  • His face was insignificant, his expression peevish, his features without the animation of any high purpose. The Box with Broken Seals
  • Mrs. Laura Anderson considered the omission a lot more peevishly than she ought to have done. NIMITZ CLASS
  • Symptoms ever changing. thirstless, peevish, and chilly. Nightmare Advice on Allergies
  • Notwithstanding we wanted an example to encourage us in our porterly rudeness, we ordered them to light the wax candle, by which we ignified our pipes and blew about our whiffs; at which several Sir Foplins drew their faces into as many peevish wrinkles as the beaux at the Bow Street Coffee-house, near All About Coffee
  • Be gentle in old age; peevishness is worse in second childhood than in first.
  • I can only imagine that this display of peevishness, combined with you impassioned use of the Anglo-Saxon expletive, is an attempt to stymie your critics with the depth of your feeling rather than the strength of your arguments. Res Ipsa Loquitur
  • Ophelia and Daphne not down yet, Flavia?" he asked peevishly, looking up from the latest issue of The British Philatelist, which lay open beside his meat and potatoes. Excerpt: The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley
  • Broadly speaking, if you are lucky enough to find that life is kind, and there is not much cause to be angry with it, then there is a tendency to misinterpret other people's anger as peevish cynicism.
  • A kind of peevishness, to which she had formerly been a stranger, was but too ready to appear, even when she was most anxious, in her converse with Harry, to behave well to him. David Elginbrod
  • He grinned at her, sharing their triumph, though he knew that in a few days she would become peevish and seek another argument.
  • Now long-continued anger, and frequent giving way to it, produces an evil disposition of soul, which people call irascibility, and which ends in passionateness, bitterness, and peevishness, whenever the mind becomes sore and vexed at trifles and querulous at everyday occurrences, like iron thin and beaten out too fine. Plutarch's Morals
  • A young orang, made jealous by her keeper attending to another monkey, slightly uncovered her teeth, and, uttering a peevish noise like tish-shist, turned her back on him. The expression of the emotions in man and animals
  • ‘Well, I couldn't very well blurt out the truth,’ snapped Sam, peevishly.
  • He was tart with the Turks, gratulatory to the Greeks, peevish with the Poles and gentle to the Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 159, 1920-07-28
  • He resists with buffoonery on the set, peevish demands for attention, and displays of contempt for her direction.
  • As for his peevish, snide remarks about the press, he may think them, but he really has to keep them to himself.
  • True, he had the Mournes ' long thin nose, rather patrician and arrogant, but his mouth was narrow and, in old age, set in peevish lines. DOUBLE DECEIT
  • The stress of her endless demands on Sidney Herbert accompanied by peevish outbursts, surely contributed to his own death at the early age of 51 in 1861.
  • Instead, Steve Jobs keeps the big picture in mind, as he reveals "peevishly" in a hysterical 2003 New York Timesinterview with Rob Walker at the end of a fascinating examination of the iPod as cultural artifact. Dorie Clark: How to Create Thought-Leading Ideas
  • That which St. Austin said of himself here in this place, I may truly say to thee, thou discontented wretch, thou covetous niggard, thou churl, thou ambitious and swelling toad, 'tis not want but peevishness which is the cause of thy woes; settle thine affection, thou hast enough. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • She had grown ever more peevishly dependent on him.
  • True, he had the Mournes ' long thin nose, rather patrician and arrogant, but his mouth was narrow and, in old age, set in peevish lines. DOUBLE DECEIT
  • There's a restlessness, a kind of peevishness, that bothers me. Jack Cashill's strange notion that Bill Ayers wrote "Dreams From My Father."
  • -- This is indeed a weakness; but it is a weakness of nature, and which neither religion nor philosophy are sufficient to arm us against; and the very endeavours we make to banish, or at least to conceal our disquiets on this score, occasion a certain peevishness in the sweetest temper, and make us behave with a kind of churlishness, even to those most dear to us. Life's Progress Through The Passions Or, The Adventures of Natura
  • If your precautions are met with peevishness on the part of the guy, forget him.
  • But the board added a peevish note to the effect that it was a shame the law allowed no prohibition of what it called ‘hate speech’.
  • Aubrey had slept little and that always made him peevish.
  • Not to be outdone in peevishness, the Emperor said the nightingale couldn't take off because he'd been banished from court forever. Michael Giltz: Theater: Not So "Good People," Fine "Timon," Lovely "Nightingale" and No KO for "Beautiful Burnout"
  • He found the father the exact antithesis of the daughter: a nervous, fretful, irritable individual (gout had him by the heels at the time), who was as full of "yaps" and snarls as any Irish terrier, and as peevish and fussy as a fault-finding old woman. Cleek, the Master Detective
  • There he catered to couples, snazzy middle-aged divorced female cliques and peevish teenagers.
  • True, he had the Mournes ' long thin nose, rather patrician and arrogant, but his mouth was narrow and, in old age, set in peevish lines. DOUBLE DECEIT
  • ‘He didn't like you either, might I remind you,’ he responded peevishly.
  • Jerry, began to grow saturnine, and peevish, and ill-tempered. CHAPTER XXVI
  • I think she has a masculine air, and is a little forbidding at first: but when I saw her behaviour to two agreeable gentlewomen, her husband's nieces, whom, for that reason, she calls doubly hers, and heard their praises of her, I could imputer her very bulk to good humour; since we seldom see your sour peevish people plump. Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 3
  • He has been severely criticized as peevish, neurotic, rising only to mediocrity, but it was not an easy war to win.
  • Hey ryan boggy we unwearable ya sincerely phd programs online, oh aside we bulblike goddam what tacheometer we are inescapable to marsupialia you are peevishly. Rational Review
  • And it was not unknown for a peevish north-easter to blow in off the Wash from March to the end of June. THE INNOCENTS AT HOME (A SUPERINTENDENT KENWORTHY NOVEL)
  • Students are showing no sign of being as bitchy and peevish as I was yet.
  • If you read down the Hansard report, you'll see he then loses control altogether, peevishly expostulating, ‘We do not need moral lectures from the Conservative party.’
  • Note, We are apt to call reproofs reproaches, and to think ourselves mocked when we are but advised and admonished; this peevishness is our folly, and a great wrong to ourselves and to our friends. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • A woman standing at the foot of a gravel mountain beckoned with peevish urgency to her child. Mrs. Miniver
  • There have been no temper tantrums, no documented instances of peevish bad behaviour or shirtiness, no haughtiness or snobbishness, no unguarded utterances, no drug-taking or public drunkenness, no unsuitable girlfriends: precious little, in fact, for the tabloids to get their teeth into. Prince William: how he has coped with a life in the spotlight
  • Rumors inevitably swirl: iodine has been blamed for AIDS, diabetes, seizures, impotence and peevishness.
  • The word peevish would pretty well describe the condition of Mrs. Alstine, who had a chronic ailment that prevented her enjoying the hospitality of friends. Five Thousand Dollars Reward
  • I regretted that, for she had become a habit, but she was peevish on the journey and too tired and mopish at night to be much fun. Flashman
  • Injustice had made her peevish , and misery had made her ugly.
  • She glared down at me with a peevish expression on her face.
  • The morning was fresh and cool; I threw back the lattice, and presently the room filled with sweet scents from the garden; but Catherine called peevishly to me, “Ellen, shut the window. Wuthering Heights
  • After peevish[2] years cast as China's underperforming neighbour, the huntress is now in hot pursuit.
  • It sort of simmers and bubbles and from time to time erupts into a lava-like spasm of vexation, pique and peevishness.
  • It was a boisterous encounter, with the Senator alternating between his beaming bluffness and peevish refusal to address the man by name, referring to him as ‘this gentleman here’.
  • Latimer works with peevish focus, but then suddenly she's ready, shouldering an enormous external frame pack.
  • Though they are still those that would contest this fact; peevish disgruntlement from pedants querulously arguing for currently used pitches, whenceforth fossilised football remains were found Soccer Blogs - latest posts
  • Her peevishness was a ruse she employed to convince herself that she didn't like feeling his solid presence along her back, touching from shoulders to toes, nor the warm, damp gusts of his breath against her nape. The Thrill of Victory
  • There's something terribly reassuring about its year in year out peevishness, isn't there?
  • The remaining inmate of Mr Peggotty's hospitable home is Mrs Gummidge, another dependant and a widow, whose peevish laments for her forlorn condition are patiently borne by Mr Peggotty.
  • And yet it is too visible that many, who make a great profession of piety towards God, are very defective in moral duties; very unpeaceable and turbulent in their spirits, very peevish and passionate, very conceited and censorious, as if their profession of godliness did exempt them from the care and practice of Christian virtues. The Works of Dr. John Tillotson, Late Archbishop of Canterbury. Vol. 04.
  • Most of these things are prescriptive in some broad sense, no? — just not peevishly and snarkily so. Robert Hartwell Fiske strikes me as a prig and a bully « Motivated Grammar
  • Notwithstanding we wanted an example to encourage us in our porterly rudeness, we ordered them to light the wax candle, by which we ignified our pipes and blew about our whiffs; at which several Sir Foplins drew their faces into as many peevish wrinkles as the beaux at the Bow Street Coffee-house, near All About Coffee
  • They were peevish , crusty, silent, eying nothing in particular and moving their feet.
  • It featured a peevish hipster, complaining about how his grasp of cool was slipping.
  • I admit my peevishness may be an overreaction but I'd be interested to know what other people think about this.
  • Our tragedian was a rough joker off the stage; our prime clown the most peevish mortal living. Tales of a Traveller
  • And it was not unknown for a peevish north-easter to blow in off the Wash from March to the end of June. THE INNOCENTS AT HOME (A SUPERINTENDENT KENWORTHY NOVEL)
  • It even has its own pair of Watchmen-style deconstructed superheroes: Mermaid Man, shuffling in peevish slippers toward senility, and his long-suffering sidekick, Barnacle Boy. SpongeBob's Golden Dream
  • Rumors inevitably swirl: iodine has been blamed for AIDS, diabetes, seizures, impotence and peevishness.
  • I defy you to point to a single phrase in that speach that was "peevish" or "entitled. Hillary: Obama Was "Part Time" State Senator
  • There he catered to couples, snazzy middle-aged divorced female cliques and peevish teenagers.
  • I was kind of feeling peevish, and I wasn't too happy about that feeling.
  • Persons in sorrow are too apt to be cross and peevish with those about them, and to lay it grievously to heart, if they but seem to neglect them; but Christ in his agony is as meek as ever, and carries it as patiently toward his followers as toward his Father, and is not apt to take things ill. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • At least I broke nothing and burned no one, although I did make mild-mannered old Jason downright peevish from all the messy sink water I splashed onto him.

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