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[ UK /pˈiːv/ ]
[ US /ˈpiv/ ]
  1. cause to be annoyed, irritated, or resentful
  1. an annoyed or irritated mood

How To Use peeve In A Sentence

  • One of my greatest pet peeves in anime is the glossy disregard for detail in action scenes.
  • SONIC REDUCER Music journalism pet peeve no. 538: e-mail interviews that allow mealymouths and word mincers to dodge and defer from behind an iron wall of monosyllables. Site Feed
  • All four women were kind of peeved by that question. CNN Transcript Nov 17, 2009
  • She's peeved, and you're left wondering if she's having a brain lapse or something.
  • My pet peeve for the day is waking up in the middle of the night, curled in a warm hollow under the blankets, relaxed and thinking dozily about blogs and mailing lists… and then the harsh bleep of my alarm ricocheting through the dark.
  • One such member was peeved at the way in which computer terminals were lying unused.
  • I'm pretty peeved that Savage is chambering the 14 AC and 16's for .250 Savage and .300 Savage in the right hand guns and not the left. I recently read an article that was basically worshiping the fast "quarter-bore" rifle cartridges.
  • In fact, now I'm getting kind of peeved thinking about someone out there who might not know it. Well, somebody had to say it
  • Personally, I am quite peeved about all these rightto lifers, saying 'mistakes happen' when asked about Bristol ... but when Obama said he did not want his daughters to bear the burden, they all screamed ... about a baby not being a burden! New Movie Quotes Fellow McCain POW Saying McCain Not Fit To Be President
  • It peeves me to be ordered out of my own house.
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