
[ UK /pˈɛdɪsə‍l/ ]
  1. a small stalk bearing a single flower of an inflorescence; an ultimate division of a common peduncle
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How To Use pedicel In A Sentence

  • If a specimen has a slightly inflexed pedicel, however, other characters must be considered carefully before a clear identification can be made.
  • The _spikes_ are solitary, 1 to 1-3/4 inch long exserted far above the small spathiform leaf-sheaths, peduncles are capillary and scaberulous, pedicels and joints are somewhat flattened, and have along both the narrow margins long, white, ascending hairs; callus is short with a ring of short white hairs. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • The _spikelets_ are arranged in groups of two, facing each other and appearing like a single spikelet with two equal echinate glumes, sessile, or obscurely pedicelled on very short, tumid, pubescent branches. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • Spikelets are binate, one sessile and one pedicelled; the pedicelled spikelets are dissimilar from the sessile and both usually 2-flowered. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • Amongst orchids, where the pedicel of the flower or the ovary is normally twisted, so that the labellum occupies the anterior or inferior part of the flower, it frequently happens, in cases of peloria and other changes, that the primitive position is retained, the twist does not take place, and so with other resupinate flowers. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • The _pedicelled spikelets_ are slightly narrower than the sessile, generally not pitted (though pitted in some plants), and not awned, and each one consists of three glumes only; the pedicel is more than half as long as the sessile spikelets. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • The A158 ear always has paired spikelets, one sessile and one pedicellate.
  • During field harvest, each plant was separated into leaves (blade + petiole), roots, stems, and umbels (pedicels + rays + flowers/fruits).
  • The _spikelets_ are ovate, acuminate, binate (sometimes solitary or three) on a common finely filiform stalk, one long and the other short pedicelled, pale or yellowish green, or purple; pedicels are angular, scabrid or scaberulous, slightly swollen at the top and sometimes with setose hairs also. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • There is evidence that pedicels of ovaries containing wasps grow more than those that do not, but pedicel length at wasp maturity is probably still a good indicator of ovary position when foundresses oviposit.
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