How To Use Pedestrian traffic In A Sentence
Indeed, there are times when the pedestrian traffic through the cemetery and around its perimeter is heavy enough to make one think about the need for a stop light inside.
She scrabbled in vain for purchase on the stone floor, which was smooth from the years of pedestrian traffic pounding the irregularities into powder.
Separating motor from pedestrian traffic was more than somewhat retarded.
Another chain-link fence on either side of the tracks further restricts pedestrian traffic.
The project will include four subways for the heavy pedestrian traffic to cross at Bommanahalli, Garvebhavipalya, Kudlu and Singasandra junctions.
I've somehow molted the Camus of it all and have been walking at my own pace through the meat of New York City, ignoring the pedestrian traffic that I am fucking up by not keeping * the pace* and walking at the gait my mind sets for my body.
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This process proved to be only partially successful as the ligno sulphonate treated area was damaged by pedestrian traffic.
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They are usually established where there is heavy pedestrian traffic.
It's said that London traffic moves at an average speed of 11 mph, but pedestrian traffic can't be far behind.
They have gotten rid of outside tutelage, while retaining the best of Italy (the food and the espresso, though even an ardent fan cannot praise the wine, which tastes like sheep-dip), the best of England (pedestrian traffic in Asmara is directed by modest but efficient Girl Scouts wearing white ankle socks), and most of the useful contacts with Ethiopia.
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Yeah, currently Flash players are a drawback in hitting the most pedestrian traffic of the web.
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A floating pontoon bridge links each side of the city but this has been relegated to pedestrian traffic since they built a spectacular motorway road bridge, which now dominates the skyline.
There is a meticulous logging of pedestrian traffic, routines of security personnel, and details of buildings.
She scrabbled in vain for purchase on the stone floor, which was smooth from the years of pedestrian traffic pounding the irregularities into powder.
Pedestrian traffic on the boardwalk dwindled in the wintertime, leaving the city's hotels with large blocks of empty rooms.