How To Use Pedestal In A Sentence
‘Of course, if you fail, and you have been put on that pedestal, it is a lot harder because you have further to fall,’ he said.
The town hall lost two bollards and a litter bin, railings, and a large stone pedestal has been cracked.
The statue's pedestal bears an inscription that reads ‘Love.’
Down below, a mass of brank-ursine formed as it were a pedestal, from the midst of which sprang scarlet geum, rhodanthe with stiff petals, and clarkia with great white carved crosses, that looked like the insignia of some barbarous order.
La faute de l'Abbe Mouret
He stacked the books on pedestals, making three mysterious columns on one side of the shadowy gallery, two on the other.

The typical sewage ejector toilet consists of a pedestal made of polyethylene, which acts as a base for mounting the toilet.
After his long stretch as an untouchable hero and saint (courtesy of hagiographer R Bolt) it was about time that creep More was taken off his pedestal.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
The family bathroom has a green suite comprising a bath, pedestal hand basin, toilet and step-in shower.
The chair has four legs, pedestal or swivel base with castors.
Beginning in the last quarter of the fourteenth century, shoes were worn with pattens - carved wooden supports with pedestals under the heel and ball - to protect the shoes.
This is fully tiled in white and fitted with a pedestal wash hand basin, bidet and shower unit.
Finally, the servo test bench and airborne antenna pedestal for parametric modeling and simulation to illustrate the usefulness of this analysis platform.
they put him on a pedestal
The study object of this paper is a certain aircraft based radar antenna pedestal.
When she was with Lowell she was on a pedestal - she couldn't even swear - but his love-making was fantastic.
From her pedestal descend branches of gold, which also encircle the hawsehole.
On the one hand, the pieces were easily distinguishable by easily recognisable symbols atop a pedestal - the King with a crown, the Queen with a coronet and the bishop by a mitre.
While Moore did more than any of his contemporaries to inspire a new generation to turn to sculpture, Caro took the art form down from its pedestal and opened up the debate as to what it might or might not be.
Before it could be transported to the United States, a site had to be found for it and a pedestal had to be built.
Now she set the figure on a pedestal, a blank-faced, bulgy-eyed little goat gazing into space, its wide stubby tail sweeping over its back while it grasped a large baseball in its hand; a sort of ghoulish beauty now emanated from the figure.
Antonia Cruz Rafael: the ceramics of Ocumicho, Michoacan
In an embayed recess among the surrounding yew trees, leaning her back against the pedestal of a pleasantly comic version of the Medici Venus, executed by some nameless mason of the seicento, he saw Mary pensively sitting.
Crome Yellow
The mix of eastern melodies with western drumbeats and guitar give the album and the band its very own pedestal in the music scene.
At equal distances there are solid pedestals, upon the tops of which stood originally colossal statues of Sirius, Litrator Anubis, or Dog Star.
The World's Greatest Books — Volume 19 — Travel and Adventure
Work proceeded in 90-ft-square bays using a temporary vertical column rising from each of the tree column pedestals.
The sculptures are designed for display in an interior environment either on a floorbased pedestal or positioned on a wall as a relief mounting.
Castings with a pedestal of ebony or mahogany add grandeur to the commission.
The bowl-shaped lens pedestal and lens array are used in the uniform top-emitting secondary optical lens to make different high power LEDs to concentrate the energy on emitting light on the top.
He is on a tricycle and only on one wheel at that, so his position on the pedestal is a bit unbalanced.
There is a heated towel rail, a tiled floor and a pedestal handbasin.
I wish it were at the bottom!" replied saucebox, as loud as she could bawl, and pointing to the pedestals.
Dr. Johnson and Fanny Burney
On the foot of the pedestal was the painter's name, "BATTONI pinxit, Romæ, 1750.
The Lost Stradivarius
Some statues were erected on pedestals in sanctuaries exclusively meant for worship by the King and the priests.
The white suite comprises a bath, pedestal wash basin and toilet.
She was now in a chamber, two marble pedestals standing side-by-side in front of her.
Down below, a mass of brank-ursine formed as it were a pedestal, from the midst of which sprang scarlet geum, rhodanthe with stiff petals, and clarkia with great white carved crosses, that looked like the insignia of some barbarous order.
La faute de l'Abbe Mouret
Perhaps he shouldn't have spent so much time admir-ing the inlaid pedestal.
The Howling Stones
At the top of the spiral staircase is the “Homme au panier,” a statue 4 feet 6 inches in height, on a pedestal at the topmost step, representing a manciple or serving-man bearing a basket on his right shoulder, out of which spring, like so many stems of wheat, nearly a score of vaulting ribs for the roof that closes in the staircase.
The South of France—East Half
The cockpit is spacious and open and has two pedestal seats and three bases.
Lund 1650V Rebel
I'm not into state-of-the-art hotels, with sleek chrome and black leather, wash basins on pedestals and nowhere to put your stuff.
The fracture characteristics of bolt connecting the pedestal with slipway in a two-way moving slide valve was analyzed.
Mr. Simonds can fall back a little too readily on his facility for making sculptural puns out of those little bricks, as in "Grown Walls" 2011, a pedestal-top piece in which a flower in the desert morphs outward, somewhat patly, into crumbling walls.
Feats of Rock, Paint & Clay
Inside the nightclub are chamfered block pedestals for mahogany-framed photographs of John Coltrane, Georges Brassens, Billy Holiday, Mohammad Abdelwahab, and other beloved musicians.
This includes wall and floor tiles, closet, washbasin with pedestal and associated fittings.
The dark-haired child gave way to her sister's commands, slinking to the base of the stone pedestal that would be make-believed into a high and impenetrable lair.
He claims that his only quarrel is with “the idolatry of woman,” but it is one thing to want to take la femme off her pedestal — assuming she was still on it in the 1930s — and another to assert that when lying on her back during sex she looks “ridiculous … froglike.”
Monster of Marriage
The en suite comprises a walk-in shower with grey wall tiles, a white pedestal washhand basin and toilet.
You would admire the Somali pillow [29], a dwarf pedestal of carved wood, with a curve upon which the greasy poll and its elaborate _frisure_ repose.
First Footsteps in East Africa
To the front, the well-proportioned master bedroom is fitted with double wooden wardrobes, a vanity unit and a pedestal handbasin.
In perfect irony, one of them was seen pasting posters on the pedestal of the Kamaraj statue to publicise an agitation in the city on Tuesday.
But the designs show two nude male statues on pedestals in the entrance hall below vast battle paintings and two more in the great domed central hall.
None taller than 3 feet, the sculptures were installed on low pedestals and interspersed in two rows in the long gallery space.
One of the most striking pieces on view was Volkswagen Tire, a scale replica of a car tire made of fired black Oaxaca clay, which was placed on a low-lying pedestal in the center of the main gallery.
This piece features two small Plexiglas boxes set on a high pedestal, each containing five bullets of different gauges with rounded or pointed heads, which the artist had cast in 22 - karat gold.
There are no derange liberals posting here, they are very astute observers of a very deranged woman that the right wing wackadoodles seem to have put up on a pedestal.
In Eugene, Palin says she eats granola too
There was certainly no difficulty in finding a place for him on the highest pedestal.
The Sun
The family bathroom is fully tiled and consists of a bath with electric wall shower, pedestal wash basin, bidet and toilet.
In the riot, the statues were toppled from their pedestals.
It knocked the Statue of Liberty clean off its pedestal before soundlessly swallowing her up.
The gloomy atmosphere of the church radiated around the pedestal.
There is much to be learned about a culture from those persons whom it places upon pedestals, whom it admires and emulates, whom it calls heroes.
Perhaps to minimize the number of pedestals or vitrines, many of the items in the show are displayed in containers that look like pneumatic tubes, held taut in midair by cables stretching from ceiling to floor.
There is also a built-in wardrobe and a pedestal hand basin.
The master bedroom overlooks the front garden and includes a pedestal wash hand basin, while the second bedroom is located off a tiled lobby that adjoins the kitchen.
Some sit on thin pedestals or dangle from the tips of twigs; others perch directly on branches, lined up like kernels on a corncob.
A portrait bust of George Gershwin is shown on a pedestal, and dance music emanates from an unseen source.
A flower arrangement in a large basket stood on a pedestal in the corner of the room.
In addition to tables and chairs the Merklens made cheval mirrors, umbrella stands, coat stands, hat racks, mirrors, and the ubiquitous Victorian pedestal.
On the Bowling Green near Manhattan's southern tip, for instance, stood a vacant pedestal enclosed by an iron fence around which stray pigs often rooted.
Above the screw is a bookrest; at the foot a pedestal, with the ink-bottle upon it.
Old English Libraries; The Making, Collection and Use of Books During the Middle Ages
Fans had barely caught their breath, however, before cricket pavilions around the world reverberated to the crashing of more heroes falling from their pedestals.
The bathroom is decorated with pale blue tiled walls and features a white ceramic suite consisting of a sunken bath with tiled surround, pedestal wash basin and toilet.
A flower arrangement in a large basket stood on a pedestal in the corner of the room.
The pedestal pieces that were presented in pairs or trios in the gallery's main room have sensory gerund titles: Listening, Watching, Breathing.
Neuhauser won in 1925 with the word "gladiolus" and Bell won in 1926 with the "cerise," so bee officials placed an arrangement of cerise-colored gladioli at the base of the trophy pedestal onstage.
Pa. girl wins Bee with 'cymotrichous'
Am I doomed for six more years of loving him, putting him on a pedestal, and worshipping him?
Monty mounted the reflector telescope with an equatorial mount on a concrete pedestal, to give it a solid foundation.
Visitors won't actually be allowed inside the statue, just the pedestal which houses a museum and an observation deck.
People want to hang their art on a wall, or place it on a pedestal, and show it off.
The one-time village girl from Uduwaka, a one-hour journey from Colombo, is determined to push the Lankans to the pedestal of glory.
Titian, which is dark and grimy, is quite pleasing, the infant Christ, who stands between S. Andrew and S. Catherine on a little pedestal, being very real and Venetian.
A Wanderer in Venice
Perched atop a rocky pedestal sits a demonic looking clay statue, an effigy of the devil; complete with real rams horns and a human-hair goatee beard.
Let's call them chefs or actors, or players or whatever and leave them off the pedestal.
The bench grinder and linisher were moved from a metal cabinet and metal wall and placed on special pedestals that were mounted to the floor using rubber mounts.
As grandmas go into palpitating convulsions of disbelief, and all of contemporary society looks down at me from their pedestals of purity, let me just state that I'm not average.
Continuing to gesticulate with hispalm, Mundie moved fromthe 3D street scene into anart gallery; he nextpulled an art object off a pedestal and yanked it off the screen, making it appear tohover in the room of reporters wearing 3D eyeglasses ..
Microsoft's Natal could launch age of NUI computing
Its white ceramic suite has a pedestal handbasin, bidet and toilet, and there is a walk-in shower cubicle with Triton electric shower.
All around the pedestal, black tentacles grew of the mist, thick and hairy, their undersides covered with tiny snapping jaws.
I have a small woodland garden in the middle of which is a large stone urn on a pedestal.
I never thought I was a daddy's girl, that I put my father on a pedestal, but it seems I have.
I never thought I was a daddy's girl, that I put my father on a pedestal, but it seems I have.
The form as a whole thrusts out from the neat pedestal on which it stands.
The monitor and keyboard sit on one side of the work space, and a niche in the desk's pedestal puts the printer within easy reach - but nearly out of sight.
These ultrapatriotic characters were turning the defeat of France into a sort of pedestal on which they could stand, the better to insult Frenchmen…They took advantage of the German Occupation to impose a really tyrannous programme on the people, something that might have been thought up by a bunch of former Cagoulards.57
The Sion Revelation
You left out "trailer trash", Katy but then again when you live in "moneybags", Bow, NH, I guess you can sit high atop your pedestal and judge others.
The powerful square pillars which held up the three arches of each nave had an engaged column on each side, the same thickness for all its length, with a simple base without a pedestal.
The family bathroom has a tiled floor and part tiled walls while its suite comprises a pedestal washbasin, toilet, and bath with electric shower.
His various incarnations have accorded him iconic status, but his pedestal is not carved from stone.
In the family bathroom, a roll-top cast iron bath with wall-mounted electric shower is accompanied by a pedestal wash hand basin.
And, make no mistake, idealisation is as disempowering as demonisation in its marginalisation; prince on the pedestal of Heaven or prisoner in the pit of Hell, beyond the veil or beyond the pale, both forms of the Paraclete are made safe by rendering them absolutes, positive and negative infinities, off the scale, outside the frame.
And I don't want to be embalmed on some literary pedestal.
USATODAY. com - Swimmer Coughlin poised for pedestal - Swimmer Coughlin poised for pedestal
Two hours later, what had been the erect image of a gigantic coal – porter turned miraculously white, was now no more than a medley of disjected members; the quadragenarian torso prone against the pedestal; the lascivious countenance leering down the kitchen stair; the legs, the arms, the hands, and even the fingers, scattered broadcast on the lobby floor.
The Wrong Box
But, if we agree to put Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, Schubert, and a few others on marmorean pedestals in a special Hall of Fame (and this is a compromise on my part, at any rate, as I consider much of the music written by even these men to be below any moderately high standard), what about the rest?
The Merry-Go-Round
The hangings, wall-paper, and floor coverings were to harmonize — not match — and the piano and music-cabinet for the parlor, as well as the etagere, cabinets, and pedestals for the reception-rooms, were to be of buhl or marquetry, if Frank cared to stand the expense.
The Financier
On the bronze statue now in Milan, the very work Carpaccio used as his model, the pedestal carries a dense motif of foliage, and the hem of Christ's pallium drops down sharply below the level of his feet.
Take what and who you adore and admire off their pedestals.
_The Alexander column, standing before the Winter Palace at St. Petersburg, is a monolith eighty feet high; with the pedestal measuring one hundred and fifty feet_.
Russian Lyrics
This includes wall and floor tiles, closet, washbasin with pedestal and associated fittings.
When she was with Lowell she was on a pedestal - she couldn't even swear - but his love-making was fantastic.
But those nearer (Ralph, and George, and Rose among them) who could see not only the whole figure, but the plinth and the pedestal upon which it stood, saw that the inscription on the plinth was the same as that which had been reported as upon the first image, the one set up in the Temple at
The Mark of the Beast
It looked so sad, compared with what it used to be, so desolate and brambled up and ruinous, that I scarcely should have known it, except for the gray pedestal of the prostrate dial we used to moralise about.
Those men go on, as they say, in one uniform tenor of speaking, bringing nothing except their facility and equalness of language; or else they add something, like reliefs on a pedestal, and so they embellish their whole oration, with trifling ornaments of words and ideas.
The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, Volume 4
In the main gallery were four pedestals supporting small transparent boxes which harbored mysterious objects that looked like body parts.
The large bathroom has a bath with telephone shower attachment and front panelling, a pedestal wash-hand basin, bidet and toilet, as well as a tiled shower cubicle.
It features a 14th-century wooden bishop, unpretentiously displayed on a raw pine pedestal, overlooking a couch and armchairs designed by Mr. Shapiro.
Dealers Get Real
Clothes were mounted on racks on either side and mannequins stood on pedestals all around, displaying various wares.
I could talk to him more easily than I could talk to dad, who was very much up on a pedestal.
This is fitted with a built-in wardrobe with overhead presses as well as a pedestal wash hand basin.
In perfect irony, one of them was seen pasting posters on the pedestal of the Kamaraj statue to publicise an agitation in the city on Tuesday.
Since childhood, I put my own parents on a pedestal. I felt they could do no wrong.
Every corner was adorned with precious wooden and granite carvings mounted on ornate pedestals.
On each side, there are niches in the intercolumniation of the walls, together with pedestals and shafts of pillars, cornices, and an entablature, which indicate the former magnificence of the building.
Travels through France and Italy
It used to stand on a pedestal above the Beacon-Light offices on Saratoga Street," Tess explained, walking around the lighthouse.
I felt people were watching me and waiting for me to fall off that pedestal.
Elevated upon pedestals of porphyry, they formed the graceful entrance to a semicircular flight of marble steps which led from the lake to a broad terrace interlaid with parti-colored marbles, in every variety of device which taste could conceive, or art execute.
The pillar of fire, or, Israel in bondage
Many sporting rifles today are set up with bipods, like the excellent Harris models, and actually a front bipod can be used in place of the pedestal rest to a certain extent.
The larger bathroom has a pedestal wash hand basin and step-in shower cubicle while the smaller room features a bidet, wash hand basin and toilet.
The inexorable rise of the web has pushed the telly off its pedestal.
Times, Sunday Times
She's still installed on a traditionally designed pedestal.
This recent scandal has really knocked the President off his pedestal.
The atmosphere of the wiharas and temples is rendered oppressive with the perfume of champac and jessamine, and the shrine of the deity, the pedestals of his image, and the steps leading to the temple are strewn thickly with blossoms of the nagaha and the lotus.
Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and Topographical with Notices of Its Natural History, Antiquities and Productions, Volume 1 (of 2)
British band Florence and the Machine perform, with a harp and a guitar and Florence singing some kind of folk number while wearing a long flowing robe thinggummy and standing in a spotlight while dancers pop up on circular pedestals set in the audience, and then begin to gyrate and flap their arms around, then dancing around Florence while the fog machine goes into overdrive until everyone gets the point: It's Druid Disco.
'The Situation' bids 'Dancing With the Stars' a classy farewell as he's eliminated
Made of vitreous China, sinks like the 27 1/2-inch pedestal basin shown come with pedestal covers or metal consoles.
It was a handsome stone stela, mounted on a stepped pedestal and capped by a peaked crown with a geometric frieze.
George Washington’s First War
In this paper, the bistatic scattering around ogival pedestal below the top is analyzed, based on the analysis, a novel metal supporter which satisfies RCS measurement requirements is designed.
Mollie had a red and white checkered oilcloth nappe on her round oak pedestal table in the kitchen.
Toile - French Word-A-Day
Which is to say their depiction of themselves - they are the only narrators of the story - is to place themselves on a pedestal.
Times, Sunday Times
Among more hefty items, however, the chicken breast, set atop a pedestal of couscous, tasted unaccountably of mint syrup, and the beef tournedos I sampled were flavorful but a little dry.
Only by winning eight would he claim a higher pedestal.
Times, Sunday Times
The professional decorator has already dug up the best sources for everything from upholstery services to marble pedestals.
However, near the south transept there is a humble stone cross, as simple as it is strange, hiding amidst the greenery of the square ... whatever its age [late 17th/early 18th Cent], the HEndaye cross shows by the decoration of its pedestal that it is the strangest monument of primitive millenarism, the rarest symbolical translation of chiliasm***, which I have ever met.
FallNet - a pack of gnomes, trolls and gargoyles
The reverse process was used to install the launcher on pedestals at the pad.
A little past the grotto is another small piece of water, springing from the centre of which is a rockery tastefully covered with ferns, and forming the pedestal to two statues of children, a boy and girl, the boy holding an umbrella over the girl's head; the trees around cover them with a deep shadow, and the tout ensemble is very pretty and shows great taste.
Three Months in the Soudan
He desired not to be pedestalled, but to sink into the crowd.
And the celebrity in question is violently torn down from their pedestal, savaged for as long as it pleases people, and finally cast aside, no longer of any use to anyone,
The helm is forward to starboard and has a single pedestal helm seat mounted atop a tackle locker.
Most directors aspire to filmmaking; the money is better and cinema tends to place directors on a pedestal.
Yang Maoyuan commanded attention more quietly - with an enormous ball covered in horsehide and sporting a horse head and tail, and two smaller but equally bloated blue-dyed sheep turning on pedestals.
The figure was positioned in the middle of the gallery, seated on a small plywood pedestal that rested on a larger box.
Specially designed cabinets are intended to replace the washbasin pedestal with useful storage space.
Not a mile away, the cave ended at a pedestal with a tiny golden glimmer above it.
But the debate format has forced both men to come down from their pedestals.
You get a speaker cabinet and pedestal made using a material known as MDF, while the rings and studs are constructed from duralumin.
The table is carried back on its pedestal in harmonic motion with the saw, so the saw keeps its proper position in the table slot.
However, near the south transept there is a humble stone cross, as simple as it is strange, hiding amidst the greenery of the square ... whatever its age [late 17th/early 18th Cent], the HEndaye cross shows by the decoration of its pedestal that it is the strangest monument of primitive millenarism, the rarest symbolical translation of chiliasm***, which I have ever met.
FallNet - a pack of gnomes, trolls and gargoyles
Numerous altars, pedestals, and fine specimens of sculpture in marble and peperino, have been disinterred in this spot, and they are now arranged to advantage at the foot of the huge pile fronting the road.
Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
His sketch shows taborets derived from camp furniture and much used at the French imperial court, as well as fantastic ornamental figures serving as couch arms and pedestals for tables.
The cold gelato scoop on top was a perfect match as it melted onto its dark chocolately pedestal.
To the right ran an incongruous stoep from which a pedestal supported a smaller balcony.
This is lit by recessed lighting and has a white ceramic suite incorporating a panelled bath with telephone shower attachment and a pedestal handbasin.
The podium's pedestal fits directly into this base, creating both added stability and a look worthy of a professor's office.
Pottery includes globular vessels with cylindrical necks, pedestalled bowls, and one-handled cups, sometimes with embossed ornament.
The central figure is St Anne, standing on a pedestal that is decorated with female hybrid creatures, which frame a ritual inscription in a cartouche.
Its messenger was not a religious work of art, but a pagan one: the ancient bronze statue of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius 121–180 riding his horse, in the most noble silence and stillness, on a pedestal that rose from the center of a 12-pointed star, in the trapezoidal piazza Michelangelo designed for the Campidoglio.
The Forever City
The pedestal or ground floor of the main building is faced with granite from Little Cottonwood Canyon.
Only a revolutionary like Guru Nanak could raise a woman to a high pedestal, as early as the 15th century.
Like the goat legged females on the pedestal, the figure seems to convey despair.
Those with odd collections, such as ballet shoes or miniature perfume bottles, can commission Carew-Jones , the company known for its Perspex, to custom design anything from a display table to a large pedestal on which to place the giant Buddha bought in Thailand.
Knickknacks Move Off the Shelf
Anyone have an idea of how to bring myself down from that pedestal?
In the courtly love tradition, the woman was put on a pedestal - objectified.
Too often our African American heroes and heroines are placed on pedestals - far out of reach.
Local art hung on the walls, and there was a fake grotto with a waterfall and a gazing globe set on a pedestal.
This recent scandal has really knocked the President off his pedestal.
A local band played on a raised pedestal and people of all species were dancing together in time with the lively beat in a merry atmosphere.
The white suite comprises a corner bath, pedestal wash basin and toilet.
From the malleable scrapings Antonin fashioned plinths, column tops and pedestals.
The room has a tiled floor and features a white suite incorporating a panelled bath with telephone shower attachment and a pedestal wash hand basin.
Its en suite includes a bath with pedestal washbasin.
Upon great pedestals founded in the deep waters stood two great kings of stone: still with blurred eyes and crannied brows they frowned upon the North.
The Fellowship of the Ring
Situated at the back of the house, this has a step-in shower, pedestal wash basin and toilet.
His sculptures are either displayed on pedestals or mounted on walls.
The pedestal of this almucantar is an ordinary cast-iron gaspipe, about 9 in. in diameter externally, and 6 ft. long, sunk 3 ft. in the ground.
Above the Ionic entablature, the vertical thrust from below is carried skyward by pedestals supporting kraters aligned with the engaged columns.
A flower arrangement in a large basket stood on a pedestal in the corner of the room.
‘Just hope I don't fall off that pedestal you've got me on,’ she muttered under her breath.
When a loser and a quitter is put on a pedestal by an adoring public who value her looks more than her brains, you know we are all in deep, deep trouble as a nation .....
CNN Poll: Palin's popularity on the rise
After all, for all the while Georges St-Pierre peers down from his pedestal, there's a good chance Penn won't be trying on the crown for size anyway.
Elliot Worsell: BJ Penn -- What Next?
They describe the pedestal as an intentionally incomplete cuboid.
The form as a whole thrusts out from the neat pedestal on which it precariously rests.
The inexorable rise of the web has pushed the telly off its pedestal.
Times, Sunday Times
At the very top of the steps was a bust of Shakespeare on a pedestal.
At the center of this array stood a pedestal of white-veined marble topped with a cushion of tanned and stuffed leather upon which rested a large golden key.
However, once inside the tables have a single pedestal so tucking a chair in should be relatively easy.
The hot afternoon sun blazed down upon him, as he stood perched on top of a wooden pedestal like a bird.
Often the later figures are set on neoclassical pedestals made from a separate mold.
Recent financial stagnation has displaced Japanese men from their societal pedestals, because persistent unemployment clashes with traditional notions of machoism and submissive women.
Jane Buckingham: The Trend Triple Threat
The elaborately carved oak Sanctuary lamp is very ornate with acorn and vine leaf laurelling about the pedestal.
He desired not to be pedestalled, but to sink into the crowd.
Two hours later, what had been the erect image of a gigantic coal-porter turned miraculously white, was now no more than a medley of disjected members; the quadragenarian torso prone against the pedestal; the lascivious countenance leering down the kitchen stair; the legs, the arms, the hands, and even the fingers, scattered broadcast on the lobby floor.
The Wrong Box
The contest is wide open since Manchester United got knocked off their pedestal by Arsenal last season.