- sexual relations between a man and a boy (usually anal intercourse with the boy as a passive partner)
How To Use pederasty In A Sentence
- People, the word for Foley’s behavior is pederasty and he is properly called a pederast, not a pedophile. Think Progress » POLL: Majority Of Americans Reject Right Wing’s Anti-Gay Smears In Foley Scandal
- Yet the Hindus, I repeat, hold pederasty in abhorrence and are as much scandalised by being called Gánd-márá (anus-beater) or Gándú The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
- He got away with it, as so many other Victorians got away with pederasty and nympholepsy.
- MN conflated homosexuality and pedophilia, and attacked clerical teachers and leaders for molesting young boys, played upon feelings of contempt for passive homosexuals, suggested that elite men who kept amrad concubines had a vested interested in maintaining the male homosocial public spaces where semi-covert pederasty was tolerated, and mocked the rites of exchanging brotherhood vows before a mollah and compared it to a wedding ceremony. Rad Geek People’s Daily – 2009 – March – 20
- Quoth Barb: I was shocked to read of PBS and LA Times reports and other footnoted material telling of pederastyand homosexual rape of teen boys in Afghanistan by the Pastun men and Afghani soldiers and commanders – and the Pakistani truck drivers who have “boy helpers” to sodomize. The Volokh Conspiracy » Criminal Charges Against Anti-Homosexuality Street Preacher Dropped in England