How To Use Pedaler In A Sentence
In truth, Newport Beach has always drawn a diverse population of sailing enthusiasts and dory fishermen, Gatsby wannabes and dedicated surfers, limo owners and beach-cruiser pedalers.
But you're right: If that pedaler couldn't keep up, he should have moved over to let you and other motorists pass.
Clark County WA News
This Urban PEDALING series focuses on the city-centric and eco-conscious commuter, the hip fixie pedaler with his underground eateries,
Warming the Cockles: Living, Breathing, Shopping
Seriously Motivated Utility involves you, it involves bicycles & it's the *s*m*u*t* pedaler way...
All You Riders Flog My Product: Epics in the Service of Publicity
A Milwaukee County Sheriff's dispatcher told WTMJ-TV (Channel 4) that they heard about the rogue pedaler before 6: 20 a.m. in the southbound distress lane of I-94 south near Layton
This Urban PEDALING series focuses on the city-centric and eco-conscious commuter, the hip fixie pedaler with his underground eateries, and the dedicated female road rider who finds secret cycling gems amidst this concrete mecca.
The New Spin: From Fixed to Broken
If they're approaching from behind, the lead pedaler will holler something like "Four bikes behind you.
Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
De kan också kopplas till solceller eller till konstruktioner med pedaler om det inte finns någon ström.
Det Progressiva USA
First came a drunk cyclist repeatedly smacking the driver of a car with his bike July 6, before a passerby stopped the melee by knocking the pedaler to the ground with one punch (the driver happened to be a longtime cycling advocate, who'd kicked off the altercation by chiding the biker for blowing through a red light.)
Pedal vs. Metal
Now, I'm not talking about some open-ended resolution to be a better listener (or pedaler).
This Just In