[ UK /pˈɛkɐ/ ]
  1. obscene terms for penis
  2. bird with strong claws and a stiff tail adapted for climbing and a hard chisel-like bill for boring into wood for insects
  3. horny projecting mouth of a bird
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How To Use pecker In A Sentence

  • Sparrows, chickadees, woodpeckers, and an assortment of other creatures were awake and bustling that summer morning.
  • Her eyes missed nothing; her dainty close-set ears heard all -- the short, dry note of a chewink, the sweet, wholesome song of the cardinal, the thrilling cries of native jays and woodpeckers, the heavenly outpoured melody of the Florida wren, perched on some tiptop stem, throat swelling under the long, delicate, upturned bill. The Firing Line
  • Chickadees, crossbills, goldfinches, nuthatches, siskins, and woodpeckers pick the winged seeds out of pine and spruce cones.
  • It's going to boil down to keeping your pecker up, looking on the best side of things.
  • The mikko descended wooden stairs from his steep-roofed palace, its ridgepole adorned with sculptures of ivory-billed woodpeckers. Fire The Sky
  • A greater-spotted woodpecker zooms in on a telegraph pole on the lane.
  • The only thing I seize is my pecker when I’m sitting at the computer. Matthew Yglesias » Luce & Machiavelli on Leadership
  • Several species of hummingbirds flit about the blooms of the Arizona trumpet and the desert honeysuckle, while the rat-tat-tat of five different kinds of woodpeckers may be heard.
  • Unthinking obedience to a line of bullshit because your pecker is so small you have to make up for it in other ways. Think Progress » EXCLUSIVE: Majority Leader Boehner’s Confidential Strategy Memo For Thursday’s Iraq Debate
  • Compare this bird with the golden-fronted woodpecker that has yellow on the forehead and back of the neck; the red-headed woodpecker that has an all-red head and neck, and the ladder-backed woodpecker that has a black-and-white striped head. Mystery bird: red-bellied woodpecker, Melanerpes carolinus
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