How To Use Pear In A Sentence
He watched them disappear from his view, his father still waddling along with that bloody basket.
My generation was raised on a diet of stultifyingly tedious, but worthy accounts of embryology, typically very badly printed on what appeared to be rice paper.
But Sexton found Nicks for an easy 31-yard score on fourth down with 4: 11 left to seal it, and Nicks set the receiving record with a 22-yard catch a little later from T.J. Yates, making his first appearance in relief from a broken ankle suffered in September against Virginia Tech. Newspaper Home Delivery - Subscribe Today
This contact of his had passed on to him a list of slightly disreputable jewelers and watchmakers in the area, on which I was rather impressed and a bit taken aback to find my appearance.
Pearce , a Zimbabwean architect living in Melbourne, has been inspired by the humble termite.
A study by Conservation International, an American organisation, found that nearly a third of frogs, toads, newts and other amphibian species were likely to disappear within 100 years.
Looking at Yankee Stadium (home of the world champion Yankees) it appears you can buy a ticket for one of the nosebleed seats, and then after the game starts pick any seat you want from about row 10 up.
Since then neither the printer nor wireless internet router appeared to be working.
Times, Sunday Times
It will be given a tender from another departed locomotive and regain its former Sierra appearance.
A painful red stroke appeared on her chest as the sword grazed her skin.
Former Rep. Steve Pearce (R) is running to re-claim his old seat.
House Democrats reserve $49 million in ad time
For example, paper might appear to be two-dimensional because it is so thin.
The chapel or church claims greater antiquity than any other in that part of the kingdom; but there is no appearance of this in the external aspect of the present edifice, unless it be in the two eastern windows, which remain unmodernized, and in the lower part of the steeple.
The Life of Charlotte Bronte
Another category of vessels and flatware was distinguished by the use of precious stones or exotic materials, such as coral, mother-of-pearl, or coconut shell.
Over Fate of Georgia, Provinces With Russian forces appearing to hunker down in Georgia, U.S. and European officials now face a pricklier challenge: Moscow's insistence that it has the right to help break up the country.
U.S.-Russia Relations Turn Cold
But people were not as nonchalant as they appeared.
Times, Sunday Times
External warts can appear as small bumps, or they may be flat, verrucous, or pedunculated.
Strange flashes of varicoloured, rainbow light began to appear and disappear on the path before me.
Aides hovered round like royal courtiers before he made a fleeting appearance climbing on board the City of Chicago.
Times, Sunday Times
Your pores should appear minimised and your face will feel smooth.
The Sun
And why do his eyes occasionally appear to glow red, like those of a replicant?
Times, Sunday Times
But Salmond appeared to concede that he had overreacted in his response to the PCC.
Immediately above the anterior perforated substance, the pear-shaped head of the caudate nucleus is confluent with the putamen of the lentiform nucleus.
The bowed zither may seem strange, but is exactly what it appears to be - a violin for zitherists.
What links the eyes of these three coffins, beside the fact that all are painted, is that the inner canthus--the corner of the eye near the nose--descends abruptly and abuts the upper lid, giving them an East Asian appearance.
Archive 2008-03-01
His appearance was the subject for some critical comment.
There is a gap of several tens of millions of years between the Middle Permian when the last Metoptomatids lived, and the Middle Triassic when the true limpets appear.
Effects of bagging on loquat fruit appearance, postharvest characteristics and quality were studied.
Look out for things like white feathers and birds that appear to follow you around the garden.
The Sun
Digital photography and fewer people taking holidays appear to be the main culprits there.
Matters went on pretty well with us until my master was seized with a severe fit of illness, in consequence of which his literary scheme was completely defeated, and his condition in life materially injured; of course, the glad tones of encouragement which I had been accustomed to hear were changed into expressions of condolence, and sometimes assurances of unabated friendship; but then it must be remembered that I, the handsomest blue coat, was _still in good condition_, and it will perhaps appear, that if I were not my master's
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 262, July 7, 1827
They spearfish & dive for lobster, but almost never fish with hook & line.
Which Fishing Cult is the Most Insane?
As a prelude to the book, Dr Mitra has compiled an audio CD of some of the works that will appear in the forthcoming book.
At the edge of the tab, there appeared to be a perforation, the tiniest of holes.
Clean dishes or perfect pearly whites?
The Sun
The digital flux that frames our experience of physical and socio-political realities functions through continuous additions, subtractions, and disappearances.
To be fair to the tourists they appear to be avoiding that trap as the days trickle by before the Kandy Test.
So many useful shops disappear, to be replaced by a retail outlet that is not welcomed by many of us.
The fact that these rocks were not supplying detritus to the sedimentary basin is consistent with the geological observation that they always appear covered by the younger deposits, with little or no discontinuity until the Devonian.
Goodness of fit was assessed by diagnostic plots and the statistical significance of the Pearson chi-square of the fitted model.
The servants disappeared as if they were whiffs of smoke blown away by the wind.
They probably can't bleep a specific word on the fly so the sound would just disappear for a period.
I fancied up the dress with some pearls.
A year later, in ‘L' Allegro ’, the delphic element had disappeared, and Milton's cheerful man heard ‘Sweetest Shakespeare, fancy's child Warble his native woodnotes wild’.
It appeared to be opaque glass, but it exuded the pungent fetor of magick.
A moment later a woman appeared at a corner of the room in which they sat.
Don't you find it tiresome always having to be conscious of your appearance?
Times, Sunday Times
Another is that our empathy appears to be limited to those we identify as part of our own family or tribe.
Times, Sunday Times
Along the rocky paths Buddhist monks appear like ghosts and vanish mysteriously into the trees.
She soon made her first stage appearance and won second prize in a competition for the most photogenic young hopeful.
Times, Sunday Times
In one appearance, after the first bout of bombing, he was wearing uncharacteristic horn-rimmed spectacles.
The dangers for girls were especially acute: “It is estimated that two-thirds of the girls who appear before the Court charged with immorality owe their misfortune to influences derived directly from the movies, either from the pictures themselves or in the ‘picking up’ of male acquaintances at the theatre!”
A Renegade History of the United States
I was haunted by the beauty of the landscape all about, of the natural ferneries then disappearing, and of the domed forest-trees on the slopes, and was fortunate in meeting a gentleman intent on preserving in art the beauties of his country.
Sailing Alone Around the World
To our no small surprise, very soon after this quietus had been given to bibliomaniacal hopes, the books in question appeared before us in excellent condition.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 16, No. 97, November, 1865
He appears, at first sight, to be very like his urbane television character, the radio psychiatrist Dr Frasier Crane.
At the age of ten years the black matter makes its appearance in the outer surface of the lungs, and in the interlobular spaces.
An Investigation into the Nature of Black Phthisis or Ulceration Induced by Carbonaceous Accumulation in the Lungs of Coal Miners
_Phyllocactus_ in having the branches dilated into the form of fleshy leaves, but differ in haying them divided into short truncate leaf-like portions, which are articulated, that is to say, provided with a joint by which they separate spontaneously; the margins are crenate or dentate, and the flowers, which are large and showy, magenta or crimson, appear at the apex of the terminal joints.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
We need not worry about the disappearance of this space because its elasticity prevents true rupture or breakage.
Price as tested is $44,600, including $8,525 in options Deep Sea Blue pearlescent paint, eight-speed Audi Tiptronic transmission, high-intensity discharge headlamps, power liftgate and onboard navigation with backup camera and an $875 destination charge.
2011 Audi Q5 2.0 T Quattro
His beard went all round under his chin, and was clipped into the appearance of a stiff thick hedge — equally thick, and equally broad, and equally protrusive at all parts.
John Caldigate
Suzy Menkes noted in an article that the jewels the Duchess of Windsor gave Princess Michael included: ‘a gold sunburst suite set with pearls and a pair of emerald panther earrings.’
This in turn has triggered the disappearance of a system of symbols that once enabled immediate identification of a woman's status.
Brick with blurred colors or flecks of color in earthy tones of red, brown, black and buff appear completely at home in a rustic setting.
There must have been laughter amidst the apes when the Neanderthaler first appeared on earth.
He appeared periodically in the villages with his eight donkeys, or neddies as he called them, with jingling bells on their headstalls and their burdens of two sacks of small coal on each.
A Shepherd's Life Impressions of the South Wiltshire Downs
My hair was matted and wild -- my limbs soiled with salt ooze; while at sea, I had thrown off those of my garments that encumbered me, and the rain drenched the thin summer-clothing I had retained -- my feet were bare, and the stunted reeds and broken shells made them bleed -- the while, I hurried to and fro, now looking earnestly on some distant rock which, islanded in the sands, bore for a moment a deceptive appearance -- now with flashing eyes reproaching the murderous ocean for its unutterable cruelty.
The detention of at least two of the three lawyers in recent days appears to be linked to recent developments regarding the blind, self-taught legal activist Chen Guangcheng.
Most, but not all, of the closed handle backsaws appear to be tenon saws while most, but not all, of the open handle backsaws appear to be dovetail saws.
To be without Pearce would be a considerable blow.
Revolutionary applications of BEC in lithography, nanotechnology and holography appear to be just round the corner.
The 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics - Information for the Public
These noncancerous growths of the uterus may appear during your childbearing years.
Pearl scurried about the deck, searching the pirate crew to find the captain.
I know there are some psychoanalysts who theorize that every creature which appears in a dream or waking dream is an aspect of the dreamer.
All these people seem to have appeared from nowhere.
The United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing, or Shakers, remain the longest-lived communal society in the United States.
It appeared the family had never been properly screened by the DIB, which was alarming given that its activities were supposedly well monitored, he added.
She tapped her umbrella on the setts, calling haughtily for way, and way miraculously appeared.
At Swim, Two Boys
During that period of time, he made numerous court appearances, sometimes unrepresented and other times represented by counsel.
What is the common factor of unexpected packages in a pear tree?
Times, Sunday Times
Their appearance was outside the comfort zone of most people today.
Times, Sunday Times
The story is not available online, and since it is still under copywrite by Asimov's estate, it won't be appearing online anytime soon.
The flame next time
Indeed, to the nonexpert the research and results could easily appear to be more of the same.
Shakespeare with practical axioms and domestick wisdom.
Preface to Shakespeare
But the narrative remains strange and poetic enough for it never to appear formulaic or didactic.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer appears to have carried the Cabinet in his opposition to such a step.
It had the appearance of an 18th century church.
It appears that the burgesses as a group were responsible for payment of the Domesday custom and for later tallages and aids.
E-Mail etiquette requires some kind of signature at the end of a message, despite the header that appears with each incoming item.
Moceanu has written an autobiography, had book signings and cashed in on corporate and commercial appearances.
It will be Hall's ninth tribunal appearance in nine seasons.
This appears to be a reasonable choice for the threefold channel, which is formed by wide vestibules and has only a short neck region.
The organisation's shield consisted of a male forearm whose fist was thrusting the point of a spear into the jaws of a wolf.
DOVES OF WAR: Four Women of Spain
When you hear the words, " adventure travel" , perhaps you think ofthe Venetian merchant Marco Polo, the distinguished African explorer David Livingstone, or North Pole adventurer Robert Peary.
[12] The original reference to experience from which the meaning of the term astronavigation should be derived is not essentially "space-travel," but forms of transoceanic navigation which take into account the effects specific to changes in specific astronomical experiences, from fixed to variable, which are relevant to transoceanic navigation within what had appeared, initially, as a permanently fixed set of changes within the ordering of the planets or specifically stellar phenomena.
LaRouche's Latest
In the postwar period they gradually merged with the Conservatives until they disappeared altogether.
Times, Sunday Times
But the inward thoughts of men, which appear outwardly in their words and actions, are the signs of our honouring, and these go by the name of worship; in Latin, cultus.
Champlain appears to be carrying a light arquebus that Paulin-Desormeaux calls a fusil de chasse, a hunting weapon; ibid., 1:184-93; for a more extended discussion, see below, chapter 12, and Appendix L.
Champlain's Dream
Despite first appearances, it adheres closely to Shakespeare's play.
You get home and the last thing on your mind is concocting a lavish meal for two or three or however many of your children deign to put in an appearance for this meal!
In the Lower Devonian, ammonoids appeared, leaving us large limestone deposits from their shells.
It's frilly and inconsequential and best known for its appearances on princesses, dolls and blushing faces.
Times, Sunday Times
Her skin was as white as pearl and very soft.
No Way Home: A Cuban Dancer's Tale
They emerge, as they have again this year, as the flower buds of garlic mustard and of lady's smock appear.
Times, Sunday Times
It appears that the function of the interspinous ligament may be to maintain the tension in the thoraco-lumbar fascia.
Tusking," published in March 1986, was the first of his poems to appear in the TLS: a powerful frightening parable of coloniser and colonised, it is untypical of Imlah's work only in its short lines.
Archive 2009-04-01
He perceived they were entering the great theatre of his first appearance, the great theatre he had last seen as a chequer-work of glare and blackness in his flight from the red police.
When the Sleeper Wakes
Sap vacuoles must be distinguished from spores, on the one hand, and the vacuolated appearance due to plasmolysis, on the other.
The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
Photographs of Ayesha were appearing in all the papers, and the pilgrims even passed advertising hoardings on which the lepidopteral beauty had been painted three times as large as life, beside slogans reading _Our cloths also are as delicate as a butterfly's wing_, or suchlike.
The Satanic Verses
Then unflattering photos of her exercising appeared.
The Sun
The US dollar and currencies pegged to the US dollar - like the ringgit - appear to carry the greatest weight.
Another badge appears on the front of his horsehide fire-cap.
It was purfled about the rim of the soundbox with trapezia of shimmering mother-of-pearl, and it had a black strikeplate in the shape of a clematis flower, inlaid with multicoloured blossoms that were purely the result of an exuberant craftsman's imagination.
Captain Corelli's Mandolin
He will have noted the height, build, and general appearance of the two men: one was fat, middle-aged, and bald and had a scar over his left eye; the other younger, fair-haired, more athletic, and had a moustache.
The activity centres around the big top in Stockton High Street offering free all day entertainment with live broadcasts and personal appearances.
Witnesses said he appeared unsteady on his feet.
The Sun
Red cabbage's fresh, raw crunch is a great addition to salads (see today's recipe), though I quite understand that some of you may have been put off by its appearance in mediocre coleslaws dressed in gloopy, cheap mayonnaise, its pigment seeping into the dressing to create a rather unappealing mess.
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's red cabbage recipes
Worse, the insurgents appear to be operating closer to Kabul.
I offered a charming smile of my own, showing pearly teeth.
Also well known is hydrophobia, literally ‘fear of water ‘, as a name for rabies, which sometimes appears to cause such a sensation in sufferers because it makes the throat swell and so it becomes difficult for the victim to swallow.’
This column will doubtless attract accusations of self-indulgence, although you might equally contest that having demanded that my photograph appear at the top of the page and that my name appear in capitals and bold type, that particular ship has sailed. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
This appears to have led to his death after he lost control of a scooter on a bridleway above the Wharfe's steep banks near his home.
Jimi Heselden obituary
Caffeine appears to offer ergogenic benefits during prolonged exercise, but not during short-burst, high-intensity activities.
Roulston appears unruffled by the lack of attention, his concern mainly extending to getting the young interested in science and electronics, which he regards as vital for the future of the economy.
For the most part, a well-balanced diet appears to provide all the vitamins anyone needs.
The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure
Finally, the actual meal-ender: a tender, subtle Chinese snow pear deep-fried in a beignet-like crust. Magic.
My whistle, it appeared, would have to remain mostly unblown.
Times, Sunday Times
Despite advances in headphone design, the fact is you are still listening to glorified stereo, where the sounds appear to thump uncomfortably inside your head.
But it did it and I'm quite surprised that the celebration, the bicentenary of this amazing event was not more widely publicised - it did appear in one of the English newspapers.
Bottlenose dolphins appear uniform grey, but their colouring can be very variable.
Then it added, `Wait a mo ",' and disappeared back into its room.
Hatred appears both as aggression towards others and as a striving for self-annihilation.
I've harped on about this before, but was interested in Bryan Caplan's critqiue of the Levy-Peart project: I'm going after analytical egalitarians because they're wasting their talent and energy defending the undefendable.
Baffled by "Analytical Egalitarianism", Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Sadly now the road is grid-locked most days, the factory is on the verge of closing, the picturesque view of what used to be a boathouse now appears to be a rubbish tip and no-one cares.
The power has gone out and even when it's on there appear to be beefy dips and surges on the line - so large in fact that one particular voltage spike took out my TV in an impressive cloud of smoke.
As to the pay of the Mercenaries it nearly filled two esparto-grass baskets; there were even visible in one of them some of the leathern discs which the Republic used to economise its specie; and as the Barbarians appeared greatly surprised, Hanno told them that, their accounts being very difficult, the Ancients had not had leisure to examine them.
I was shocked by her appearance, her weak condition and the fact that the trolley was vibrating with her trembling.
Whether it is a native cat, previously thought extinct, or an escaped exotic pet, the Beast of Bodmin is a creature that refuses to disappear.
The sound of clattering pots disappeared.
Times, Sunday Times
The goddess Anahita, first mentioned in an inscription of Artaxerxes II, and described only in the late Fifth Yasht, appears to have been originally
Introduction to the History of Religions Handbooks on the History of Religions, Volume IV
Experts probed the origin of the sulphurous smell which appeared at the beginning of February after calls from worried Benfleet and Canvey residents who were left spluttering.
The Cologne goalkeeper signalled his potential by publicly attacking the legendary Bayern Munich Maoist Paul Breitner for his heavy drinking, smoking and gambling though not, strangely enough, for his scrofulous appearance.
Note to England's rugby players: embrace Der Aggro | Harry Pearson
However, the finalisation of the acquisition and farm down of the Ugandan assets to CNOOC and Total appears stalled until the capital gains tax dispute between the Ugandan government and Heritage Oil is resolved.
Tullow slips on Uganda dispute while FTSE falls to seven week low
During further analysis of these cosmids, high throughput sequence databanks were periodically screened for homology to the unique sequences until unannotated files containing exact matches appeared.
Worsted in this war of love Shiva punished the mischievous god of love Madana for aiding that maiden by causing springtime to appear on the scene before its wonted time.
Vanishing, with a quick flirt of gingham apron-strings, she reappeared in considerably less than a "trice" as a fluffy
Strictly business: more stories of the four million
Again, a fear of ghosts walking may be the best explanation for burials that appear ‘respectful’ in all other ways.
It appears one of the (ahem) podium girls (aka fluffers) is measuring Alberto's johnson (or juan-hijo) and reporting the result as "five".
The Schlock of the New: Dirty Salutes, Bold Claims, and Loud Prints
This may be because the credulousness that goes hand in hand with little experience allows one to fall in love merely with appearances, and winter is beautiful.
The Fire We Tend Against Winter
The vote yesterday appears to mark something of a turning point in the war.
Hence it appears, that Cyphers put on the Right - hand of whole Numbers, do increafe the Value of thofe Numbers in a decuple (or ten-fold) Proportion:
The Complete Measurer: Or, The Whole Art of Measuring. In Two Parts. The First Part Teaching ...
As the student's uniforms are traded for spears and war paint, the innocent boys devolve into uncontrolled, bloodthirsty hunters and ultimately, savages intent on killing the "beast".
Donnelly's PNAC report -- a blueprint followed faithfully by the Bush Administration -- openly yearned for a "new Pearl Harbor" that would "catalyze" the American people into adopting PNAC's global militarist agenda wholesale.
However, it is hardly an unsolvable mystery: remember that there were plants with sap, leaves, seeds, spores and pollen in the Paleozoic, long before flowering plants appeared.
Religious publications also appear to have weathered the downturn in religious practice.
The hopefuls were asked to mimic people's accents and appearances.
The Sun
His teeth were rows of perfectly set pearly whites, and he had a dimple in his left cheek.
When appearing in court, all three men refused to cooperate, claiming the government has no jurisdiction.
The concerto is mostly lightweight with tuttis the more dramatic when they appear.
Possibly, this sympathy could appear somewhat self-indulgent, or over-dramatic, if not actually absurdly histrionic.
graminivorous" than any other people I know, and with respect to this their taste appears to me to give the anthropologist a hint of certain traits of the mode of life of the people of the Stone Age which have been completely overlooked.
The Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe, Volume I and Volume II
In all things, even till this instant, (being the utmost period of my life) I have evermore found my Fathers love most effectuall to me; but now it appeareth farre greater, then at any time heretofore: and therefore from my mouth, thou must deliver him the latest thankes that ever I shall give him, for sending me such an honourable present.
The Decameron
That means pearly white skinless cod or haddock under a casing of crisp batter the colour of dark honey, served with golden chips.
Times, Sunday Times
I think it's perfectly possible in conversation to be proud of achievements without appearing egotistical.
She says that when a caterpillar encases itself in its cocoon, tiny cells called imaginal cells begin to appear within the chrysalis.
Love For No Reason
Then a sixth man appeared at the door, a small strangled cry came from Miranda.
After appearing to get away to near perfect starts Hutchinson and Campbell were called OCS and had to make an agonising return to restart.
Upon heating the plastisol coating to a temperature which is sufficient to cause fusion of resins contained therein, a highly permeable polymeric ply having the appearance of a smooth, continuous film is formed.
The 35-year-old was charged with receiving stolen goods but failed to appear in court.
Similarly, managers and directors appeared to share an equivalent value orientation to the fans and were more receptive to their opinions.
The announcement will appear in tomorrow's newspapers.
The only factor preventing major incursions into treasured civil liberties is the resistance of the population at large - and, for the moment at least, the public appear to be acquiescing in the government's plans.
Experts fear that if further development closes off these migration paths, it will interfere with the pronghorn's life cycle, eventually causing the species to disappear.
Back in the mists of time, power dressing was a thing for women who had to appear more masculine to be taken seriously, like stealth camouflage.
Times, Sunday Times
Shakespearean tales of love as sacrifice, conquest or unrequited passion are beyond reason.
Rather, he appears to have seen it as an organon for the acquisition of knowledge from unquestionable first principles; in addition he wanted to use it in order to help make clear the epistemic foundations on which our knowledge rests.
Saving Prostitutes in Sevilla
In spite of all this, there is something about Shakespeare and something about performance without walls; in combination, they make magic.
This article originally appeared in the Syracuse New Times.
T he swimmer who brought the Boat Race to a halt exchanged his wetsuit for more formal attire when he appeared in court yesterday.
Times, Sunday Times
But the possible bolters are there, too: two 18-year-olds in Sam Harrison and Laura Trott, both clearly being fast-tracked towards London with a view to riding in the omnium, and a more outside bet in the 20‑year‑old Welshwoman Dani King, who has a chance of a place in the women's team pursuit just a month after her first appearance at a World Cup.
Team GB's young pretenders make a bolt for London 2012 Olympic places
The work appears in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.
Every evergreen bough groaned with half a foot of snow; the streets and sidewalks had disappeared.
The 'disappearing ink' is not ink at all, but a temporary discolouration of light-sensitive molecules known as photochromes.
Times, Sunday Times
Think Progress Appearing on Imus In the Morning to promote his new book, State of Emergency, Pat Buchanan asserted that the Mexican government has a “direct program” to reannex “the seven states of the American Southwest.”
Think Progress » Buchanan: Mexico Conspiring To ‘Re-Annex’ Seven Southwest States
As I write this, Neil and Christine Hamilton, as if in dreadful warning to him, are appearing on Hole in the Wall.
Edwina Currie, Bobby Davro and Lembit Opik
At the end of an hour, the ascent becoming every moment more abrupt, we had passed the belt of trees and bushes, and reached the smooth and scoriaceous cone, which, during the rainy season, appears from the bay to be covered with a velvety mantle of green.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 30, April, 1860
This microfibre fabric is made of nylon and polyurethane and has the suppleness, softness and appearance of suede.
Roger appeared with a plump stubborn Welsh pony, attached to a funny little cart which he gayly informed them was a "gingle.
The Spanish Chest
The Shakespeare Garden is planted with herbs referred to by Shakespeare in his plays, including mint, camomile, marjoram and lavender.
And it adds piquancy to the tale that many of these changes appear to be lifted straight out of her own book of cultural reform.
Why starve herself to look thin in pictures that she does not appear to enjoy having taken?
Times, Sunday Times
Overeating and drunkenness both violated social moral codes, although the latter appears to have been a much weightier transgression: intoxication is frequently listed among the serious crimes — "pleasurable living," adultery, theft — mentioned by Sahagún's informants. 47 Indigenous drinking practices also shocked Spaniards who had their own ideals of moderation when it came to alcohol consumption, a topic that we look at in Chapter 4.
Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
Our school is still fantastic inside but from the outside, with its boarded up windows, it appears gloomy, horrible and derelict.
Stir in the tomato purée and cook for 5-10 minutes or until the raw tomato smell disappears.
Times, Sunday Times
However, physical appearance and intellect are insufficient foundation for effective long-lasting relationships.
Every spring the ozone is chewed up(Sentencedict), and the hole appears.
Nepheline, leucite, idocrase, and meionite have not yet been seen at the peak of Teneriffe; for a reddish-grey lava, which we found on the slope of Monte Verde, and which contains small microscopic crystals, appears to me to be a close mixture of basalt and analcime.
Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 1
This is a faithful interpretation of Shakespeare's original text.
The hi-tech visions appear as fully executed architectonic meditations, linking architecture with landscape and making ground-breaking technology an important component of the program.
Grand Illusions on the Hudson
I anxiously await the appearance of the first Concord grapes from the farm nearby.
Laura Silverman: Flight Of The Concords: Grape Sorbet
My finger tapped the ‘J’ key over and over, but not hard enough to make a letter appear on the screen.