How To Use Peach tree In A Sentence
Through the flower and fruit garden, against whose high outer walls peach trees and nectarines were trained to the sun, through the stables, the vinery, the mushroom house, the asparagus beds, the rosery, the summer-house, he conducted her — even into the kitchen garden to see the tiny green peas which Holly loved to scoop out of their pods with her finger, and lick up from the palm of her little brown hand.
Indian Summer of a Forsyte
The figs have been placed alongside the baby peach trees in the tree nursery.
The traditional recommendation is to prune enough off a peach tree so that a bird can fly right through the branches.
For thousands of years, the Utopia collection Wenrenmoke salty, there are several varieties of peaches, generally peel and hairy, "nectarine" in pericarp smooth; "peach" fruit is a flat discoid; "almond" is a food nucleolus peach, prolific in Central Asia and Xinjiang, China; "Bi-tao" is the watch spent in peach trees, there are many forms of petals, the Beijing Botanical Garden, there are hundreds of different varieties. - Business News
The peach tree has an excellent blossom this year.
We planted a peach tree in the backyard.
The peach leafhopper( Typhlocyba sudra )is one of the important insect pests of peach tree in Guiyang.
Flowers grew all around, and I saw an apple tree and a peach tree to the side.
Back to the flowery island of Sicily her mother brought her, and the peach trees and the almonds blossomed snowily as she passed.
A Book of Myths
The peach trees going out of bloom.
The Life and Adventures of William Cobbett
I sat in the autumn sun, under the peach tree in the courtyard your father and I laid, brick by brick, during the hot summer before you were born.
I have a 12-year-old dwarf peach tree that's never produced.
There is no room in my mind for anything else when I am planting a peach tree.
The figs have been placed alongside the baby peach trees in the tree nursery.
A few quandongs, or native peach trees, exist amongst these gullies; also a tree that I only know by the name of the corkwood tree.
Australia Twice Traversed, Illustrated,
During the summer months before she became with child, she had spent the hot summer days under the peach tree just outside her home, reading to herself.
The homestead is sitting there tranquilly on its hilltop, embowered by an orchard -- fig, apple, pear, orange, lemon, and peach trees, and grape vines, all heavy laden with fruit.
War Nears New Zealand
A peach tree, inherited from their mother and planted in a wheelbarrow for portability, is a constant reminder of Lilians absence.
A Proper Education for Girls by Elaine diRollo: Book summary
There are also many flowers and shrubs including tree heather, azaleas and camellias, while the two large greenhouses include an apricot and peach tree, nectarine trees, tomatoes and vines.
The peach trees going out of bloom.
The Life and Adventures of William Cobbett
Our unfriendly neighbor planted a peach tree in the tiny green space between her building and ours.
And she'd try to grow a peach tree in this cold climate and she might fail.
And my friend told me that you can graft an apple branch into a peach tree, but the branch will still grow apples.
The snowmelt left the area with healthy groundwater levels, and the warm days of last week prompted early-blooming ornamentals such as forsythia, magnolia, cherry and peach trees to blossom, producing rich vibrant color, horticulture experts said.
The Tribune Democrat, Johnstown, PA Homepage
Those boys rifled the peach trees in our garden.
Flowers grew all around, and I saw an apple tree and a peach tree to the side.
The peach tree has an excellent blossom this year.
I see you have found the sacred peach tree of heavenly wisdom.
Plus, I'd hate to take it out on the beautiful peach tree.
As our little backyard peach tree grew larger, it became more and more difficult to reach the ripe fruit on the higher limbs.
I see you've found the Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom. Oh.
The honey peach trees dotes the spectacular view on the mountain peak.
It comes out in spots like those which often appear spontaneously on the green young branches of peach trees that have the gum disease; and in these spots it is usual to find Coryneum stromata or mycelium filaments.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 441, June 14, 1884.
Others doubt the story because peach trees are not native to the area.
Euery house almost had a cisteme or well in a garden on the backe side: in which gardens grew vines (with ripe clusters of grapes) making pleasant shadowes, and Tabacco nowe commonly knowen and vsed in England, wherewith their women there dye their faces reddish, to make them seeme fresh and young: Pepper Indian and common; figge-trees bearing both white and red figges: Peach trees not growing very tall: Orenges, Limons, Quinces, Potato-roots,
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
I was makin 'her a cup o' tea one day, and the kittle was bubblin 'and singin', and she begun to laugh, and says she, 'Jane, do you hear that sparrer chirpin' in the peach tree there by the window? '
Aunt Jane of Kentucky
My brother was probably climbing the peach tree.
The peach trees going out of bloom.
The Life and Adventures of William Cobbett
And my friend told me that you can graft an apple branch into a peach tree, but the branch will still grow apples.
The peach trees cast all their blossoms after the heavy rain.
The peach trees going out of bloom.
The Life and Adventures of William Cobbett
Will Brother Tom be here when the peach tree is in full blowth in the spring?
Blue Ridge Country