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[ US /ˈpisˌnɪk/ ]
  1. someone who prefers negotiations to armed conflict in the conduct of foreign relations

How To Use peacenik In A Sentence

  • Gunner talked like a peacenik but Trout knew "Plutonium Jack" would never hesitate to pull the nuclear trigger if he had to.
  • In days gone by, marching against war was generally seen as something that lefties, peaceniks and pinkos did.
  • All decent and patriotic Americans can now only hope that this will reinforce the Post's image as the champion of the Watergate exposure and an example of the integrity of America's fee (oops!) press, and, moreover, that it finally stills those pestiferous agitators, single-payer advocates, peaceniks, and other such rabble-rousers. The Washington Post: Paragon of the Fee Press
  • It was therefore voluntary and the ‘carrot’ was both money and fear (label the telco execs peaceniks, etc). Think Progress » Verizon stock dips
  • But even as a hero of the campaign to end American involvement in Vietnam, he was never a natural radical or a peacenik; his background and his neat haircut legislated against that.
  • The hawks and the peaceniks, the left and the right, all believed that we would, indeed fight the Soviets over Western Europe, over missiles in Cuba, etc.
  • It should be pointed out that for the most part, we're not peaceniks or even pacifists.
  • Your track record is one of pacifism and peacenik activism.
  • Ha! another knee to the groin of the dkos and firedog lake peaceniks who imagined that a dem prez would restore the constitution and a digression) so when the die hard rethugs realise that being more militaristic than stepinfetchit just isn't possible they will hunt around for something to discredit the way that oblamblamblam goes about killing unwhite folks. Moon of Alabama
  • Indeed, contrary to the hopes raised by some of Obama's admirers in the anti-war movement -- or the fears stirred up in his neoconservative bashers -- Obama was not a closet peacenik, an isolationist, a "third worldist" or an "Arabist;" and his positions on Arab-Israeli issues reflected a view shared by most of his predecessors in office. Leon T. Hadar: Obama's Mideast Policy: An Unpromising Drive Towards a Cost-Effective Pax Americana
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