How To Use Peacekeeping In A Sentence
The research investigates the concepts of peacekeeping and peace enforcement as they might be applied to United Nations maritime operations.
A small peacekeeping force will be deployed in the area.
Legend Potential areas of conflict Roads Railroads Threats to the troopsIn planning the peacekeeping operation, army officials are preparing U.S. troops for Bosnia's many dangers: 1 As many as 1,000 Islamic fundamentalists, called mujahedin, are operating independently in Bosnia and could harm U.S. troops.
Gearing Up For Peace
SNOW: Now, in addition to establishing a peace treaty, a former UNIFIL official says unless there is a clear mandate, there will be what he describes as a toothless U.N. peacekeeping force that will turn out only to be a disaster -- Wolf.
CNN Transcript Jul 21, 2006
Inevitably, peacekeeping training remains a minor component of training in general.
Likewise, beefing up peacekeeping capacity is very much in our interest.
Officials with UNAMID, the joint African Union and United Nations peacekeeping mission, strongly condemned what they called cowardly acts of violence against the peacekeepers.
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They signed a protocol on interim measures to establish peacekeeping forces and military observers.
Moreover, the positive side to Irish neutrality, our promotion of diplomatic settlements, our proud UN peacekeeping traditions, must be maintained.
The US scotched repeated attempts at the UN to establish a peacekeeping force on the ground in the Territories.
A traditional peacekeeping operation is established when parties to a conflict, typically two states, agree to the interposition of UN troops to uphold a ceasefire.
Yet because of their long-standing ideology — emphatically expressed by George W. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld in the year or two before 9/11 — that peacekeeping is not what America should be doing, they never really made the effort to revamp the American military and other institutions of American government that would allow America to do this peacekeeping successfully.
Beinart Talks Back
Some commentators have recommended that the Army establish constabulary units focused exclusively on peacekeeping duties.
Asked if the United Nations would deploy the peacekeeping force in Darfur over the objections of President al-Bashir, Frazer said: "This force is not going to fight its way in.
Get international peacekeeping troops in as quickly as possible.
Such a move would solve any concern over detracting from the peacekeeping or antiterrorism effort.
the peacekeeping force includes one British contingent
West African leaders agreed to send their peacekeeping troops to Liberia by next week.
Peacekeeping, by its nature, makes pre-planning difficult.
There were many disagreements over the command of the peacekeeping forces.
British forces have been assigned to help with peacekeeping.
It was an act of self-defense in the face of blood-curdling threats to vanquish the Jewish state, not to mention the maritime blockade of the Straits of Tiran, the abrupt withdrawal of UN peacekeeping forces, and the redeployment of Egyptian and Syrian troops.
David Harris: Why History Matters: The 1967 Six-Day War
On the ground, peacekeeping operations demonstrate the broadening functions of armies.
The psychological problems of peacekeepers caused by peacekeeping operation have been identified as one of the major reasons for non-combat attrition.
Still, the worry about overextension is real, and it reflects one of the stranger ideas of our time — that for the American military the apparently trivial problem of peacekeeping has recently proved to be more difficult even than waging war.
Peace is Hell
Twenty thousand American marines are stationed in East Africa as part of a United Nations peacekeeping force.
The day's events, he said, would only complicate the task of the peacekeeping forces.
Some Royal Nepal Army personnel have served in United Nations peacekeeping forces.
He further stressed that India would also receive funding to enhance its peacekeeping training facilities.
An African Union official is hailing what he called a milestone for peacekeeping efforts in Darfur.
CNN Transcript Feb 16, 2008
However, the UN is involved – or as much as the UN ever is – in peacekeeping & rebuilding missions there.
Everything old is old again « BuzzMachine
Georgia is trying hard to secure wider support to replace the Russian peacekeeping force in Abkhazia with an international one, to prevent what it calls the territory's "creeping annexation.
U.N. Says Russian Jet
Most of the peacekeeping soldiers of the center land supported my mother.
It is largely irrelevant to humanitarian relief and peacekeeping operations because rapid movement usually is not important in the sense of outmaneuvering an enemy.
The current U.N. peacekeeping mission in Haiti, known as MINUSTAH, was established by the U.N. Security Council in 2004 and has been helping Haiti's short-staffed and ill-equipped police to maintain security in the volatile Caribbean state, especially during elections plagued by fraud and violence.
Uruguay apologizes over alleged rape by U.N. peacekeepers
We should be in that room and we should see our trade and our relations all linked to the one thing that makes us so impactful and I think Canadians in every province would agree peacekeeping is our reputation.
A Debate by Three Liberal Leadership Candidates
Traditionally, United Nations troops have been deployed only in a peacekeeping role.
Gbagbo has characterized the U.N. as an occupying army, coming to impose the will of the former colonizer France, and demanded the departure of the peacekeeping presence.
UN Troops in Ivory Coast Under Increasing Pressure
By recognizing that how China uses its military, rather than just how how bit or expensive it is, is an important variable, the Obama administration is not only taking into account an important consideration (the desirability of enmeshing the Chinese government deeper into the international community, and having more resources to draw on for peacekeeping and other collective international missions), but is promoting peace.
Matthew Yglesias » QDR on China
Do you specifically want the United Nations to have some sort of peacekeeping role there?
Sir William said that, in the army's centenary year, we mourn all the men and women who have died in the course of its service, from the Boer War to Vietnam and in other peacekeeping duties and conflicts.
SCHULZ: In what can only be characterized as petulance the Bush administration vented its displeasure with France for its opposition to military action in Iraq by opposing an increase in the level of the French-led U.N. peacekeeping effort in Ivory Coast.
CNN Transcript May 28, 2003
He is a peacekeeping ambassador plenipotentiary designated by the United Union, he has full powers.
They have also been part of the United Nations peacekeeping forces in Cyprus and, more recently, Bosnia.
The Lord-High-Everything-Else wants an emasculated Scotland to be an expert in peacekeeping, reports The Scotsman:
Arise Nobel Laureate Salmond!
On June 10, 1999, the UN passed Security Council Resolution 1244, which granted Kosovo autonomy within the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia now legally succeeded by the Republic of Serbia, and placed it under a transitional UN administration and authorized a NATO peacekeeping force.
Ziad J. Asali, M.D.: ATFP Backgrounder on the Question of Palestinian UN Initiatives
Monteiro says politicians should stay out of the barracks and the military should be responsible only for protecting Guinea-Bissau's national sovereignty and serving in regional peacekeeping forces.
Bangladesh has a very positive record in international peacekeeping and is a leading provider of troops.
The allied effort in Kosovo is for Clinton and his associates the gold standard of international peacekeeping cooperation.
Post-President For Life
Peacekeeping operations are designed to monitor and facilitate implementation of existing truces or cease-fires and support diplomatic efforts to reach long-term political settlements.
Courses run by other ministries and agencies train civilian and police specialists for peacekeeping contingents of multinational forces.
All other nations' armed forces involved in Asia are deployed in peacekeeping missions.
They'll be doing things like joint exercises, looking for common directions on peacekeeping, looking for what we call interoperability -- the ability of militaries from different countries, particularly within Africa, to work with each other as they respond to both conflict management situations and also humanitarian crises.
Press Briefing By Mike Mccurry
METHODS: Totally 111 peacekeeping officers and soldiers of a certain troop were tested by using Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and Symptom CheckList 90 (SCL-90).
In the international peacekeeping force that subdued the Boxers in 1900, the Japanese were the most numerous and most impressive.
The defence ministers discussed ways of reducing the peacekeeping contingent from its current 60,000 troops.
The plan relies on swiftness and efficiency, reflecting Rumsfeld's deep opposition to long-term peacekeeping, which he believes has created a permanent dependency in places like Bosnia, Kosovo and East Timor.
Bombs, Then Building
Bashir has put conditions on a UN peacekeeping force to bolster the underfinanced 7,000 African Union troops, now in Darfur.
A small peacekeeping force will be deployed in the area.
It has become the MPV of choice of the UN and other peacekeeping and security forces and is finding favour with nongovernmental organizations requiring vehicle with nonaggressive appearance to protect their personal against the threat of landmines.
How Blair is killing our soldiers
Traditionally, the largest military contributor to any UN peacekeeping operation has maintained command.
The UN secretary-general yesterday recommended an enlarged peacekeeping force.
The United Nations has decided to send a peacekeeping force into the area.
So would you support sending in U.S. troops, U.S. Marines, as part of some sort of international peacekeeping force perhaps under the U.N. umbrella?
Clark outlines the time-sensitive and painstaking negotiations required to ensure an executable plan for the Nato peacekeeping force.
Traditionally, United Nations troops have been deployed only in a peacekeeping role.
For the President, the calculations are equally difficult. If the peacekeeping operation goes wrong he risks appearing weak.
The budget allocates $ 19. 45 billion to State Department operations, foreign aid, peacekeeping and international lending institutions.
Yorkshire troops have already played their part in both combat and peacekeeping duties.
I was stationed there three years ago as part of a United Nations peacekeeping force.
They are happy to bring in allied forces, but only after the fighting is over, to help in peacekeeping.
a peacekeeping force
UN peacekeeping forces have helped ease tensions in world hot spots since 1948.
In Côte D'Ivoire, the U.N. peacekeeping mission has done similar work, helping to remove the brutal dictator, Laurent Gbagbo, put an end to the second Ivorian Civil War in the past decade, and facilitate the peaceful transition to democracy.
Don Kraus: Next Steps to Protect
In the 1990s Army units began to deploy more frequently for peacekeeping missions in other countries.
And enough of that peacekeeping argle-bargle... let's take it to these jihadi donkeyheads.
Archive 2008-02-01
But some also think he has awakened to the idea that he needs broad consensus, not least because he doesn't want to be blamed for an Iraq quagmire -- one that may involve a long-term peacekeeping presence in an Arab country -- when the 2004 election rolls around.
Hawks, Doves And Dubya
Secretary-General said that, in practice, that entails consistent application of the aide-memoire on the protection of civilians; regular meetings of the expert group on the issue prior to establishing or renewing peacekeeping mandates; consistent condemnation of violations of the law by all parties to conflict, without exception; ensuring compliance, including targeted measures, mandating commissions of inquiry and referring situations to the
United Nations Security Council: Evaluation of Decade-Long Progress in the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict
I believe in peacekeeping, not policing diversity, not assimilation and that the beaver is a proud and noble animal.
We're number two
Dunning's murder is a reminder of the terrible dangers faced by our soldiers and police involved in peacekeeping operations around the world, and by the ancillary personnel who support them.
Traditionally, United Nations troops have been deployed only in a peacekeeping role.
SARAJEVO - The United Nations deployed French peacekeeping troops between Moslem and Serb forces in Sarajevo to enforce a ceasefire called as NATO threatened the city's Serb besiegers with air strikes.
ANC Daily News Briefing
His attempt to take power by force was forestalled by a West African peacekeeping force financed largely by Nigeria.
Still, the UN peacekeeping budget of US2. 17 billion dollars is described as "measly" compared with America's staggering US350 billion military budget for this year.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Well, the humanitarian crisis in Congo is so urgent the United Nations is boosting its peacekeeping force there by 3,000 more troops.
They advocated more peacekeeping training, the deployment of more combat support units and more military police.
excoriate" the UN's peacekeeping mission in Congo.
The Economist: Correspondent's diary
Indonesia saw the peacekeeping force as a standing army ready to go to any embattled country to help to restore civil order.
In 21th century, we should inherit such consciousness and make new contributions to the cause of anti-pollution, protection of ecology and peacekeeping activity.
I think they're very good at peacekeeping, not very good at peacemaking.
Since 1948 there have been 49 UN peacekeeping operations, the majority since 1988.
In the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez, business leaders are so concerned about spiraling drug cartel-related violence that they have asked the United Nations to send in peacekeeping soldiers to restore calm.
POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: November 13, 2009
All those peacekeeping chaps knocking around there with - battlefield nuclear weapons, isn't that the technical term?
The original rationale cited Georgia's violation of the 1992 Sochi Agreement (also known as the Dagomys Agreement), and its attack on the OSCE sponsored peacekeeping mission in South Ossetia.
Its willingness to set aside its proposal for a "lift and strike" policy in Bosnia is one example; its evident willingness to consider the involvement of American troops in multilateral peacekeeping operations is another.
Canada-U.S. Relations in the New Era; A Diplomat's View
Hundreds of peacekeeping troops have succumbed to the disease, after becoming infected with single-celled parasites called leishmania.
Once a truce is in place, the Security Council can deploy a peacekeeping operation to help the parties carry out their agreements.
Anyone attempting to invade the country will have to reckon with the peacekeeping force.
It applies from Somalia to Kosovo to Sierra Leone - that the peacekeeping force must be prepared to replace the governmental structure that has collapsed.
In peacekeeping, these efforts typically identified areas of interethnic strife that might manifest itself as violence.
A national police force oversees urban areas, and a gendarmerie attends to rural peacekeeping.
More than 250 soldiers from Senegal will join the West African peacekeeping force in Liberia.
Traditional peacekeeping missions were deployed only when a conflict had ceased and with the consent of the belligerents.
Politically, Japan can also be effective by providing a peacekeeping force not only for monitoring purposes but to help the country disarm, she said.
HENRY: Now, the secretary said that there would need to be what she called a robust international peacekeeping force at some point on the ground in Lebanon, but she also said she does not anticipate that there while be U.S. boots on the ground needed in that peacekeeping effort.
CNN Transcript Jul 21, 2006
They typically served to monitor ceasefires and supervise truces; occasionally, peacekeeping missions were deployed to keep belligerents apart as in Cyprus in 1964.
Few states considering themselves influential players on the world stage would publicly renounce peacekeeping.
The UN secretary-general yesterday recommended an enlarged peacekeeping force.
By nightfall, local police and U.N. peacekeeping forces had been deployed, and a nighttime curfew was declared.
The condemnation was accompanied by the ritual call for a ceasefire and for so-called UN peacekeeping forces to be sent to occupy the region.
They are being held hostage with three other peacekeeping officials after being accused of spying for the Phnom Penh Government.
In the future, however, we should do more to support the peacekeeping effort.
It is largely irrelevant to humanitarian relief and peacekeeping operations because rapid movement usually is not important in the sense of outmaneuvering an enemy.
A career soldier in a family of military lifers, Dallaire was appointed to head the U.N. peacekeeping mission in Rwanda in June 1993.
You'd think Democrats were already pounding John McCain for allegedly saying that he wants the Iraq war to continue for 100 more years, when all he really said was that he doesn't much mind if a long-term peacekeeping force remains in Iraq as long as the shooting has stopped.
Jeffrey Kluger: Cartoon Complexity
Deaths that occurred overseas while personnel were on peacekeeping duties were also included.
In Kabul, the Afghan administration and Britain initialled an agreement on deployment of about 4,500 foreign peacekeeping troops.
I think what he ought to do frankly is send a mother of a fallen American soldier to accept the prize on behalf of the U.S. military and frankly to send the message to remind the Nobel committee that each one of them sleeps soundly at night because the U.S. military is the greatest peacekeeping force in the world today.
Although the Nobel thing has pretty much crested by now… - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
For the President, the calculations are equally difficult. If the peacekeeping operation goes wrong he risks appearing weak.
The commander of ground forces in Kyiv [Kiev] requested I meet with the two-star general responsible for a multilateral peacekeeping exercise located hours away to work through the problem.
After all, a South African peacekeeping force will provide them with necessary security requirements.
On Friday, the council voted to speed up planning for a UN peacekeeping force to be sent to Darfur to relieve underfinanced African Union troops.
Cyprushostilities in 1974 divided the island into two de facto autonomous entities, the internationally recognized Cypriot Government and a Turkish-Cypriot community (north Cyprus); the 1,000-strong UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) has served in Cyprus since 1964 and maintains the buffer zone between north and south; on 1 May 2004, Cyprus entered the European Union still divided, with the EU's body of legislation and standards (acquis communitaire) suspended in the north
The UN is sending peacekeeping troops into the trouble spot.
The UN is sending peacekeeping troops into the trouble spot.
Since I also greatly desire to send the GOP into the ashbin of history, I do recommend that the Congressional Democrats rename the surge funding as "Iraq Peacekeeping" and change the wording to indicate that "less than combat ready" units are being deployed for peacekeeping missions in Baghdad.
Poll: More Favor Congressional Defunding Of War Than Oppose It
In light of many of the challenges that have plagued peacekeeping operations in the past, brigade-level leaders must learn to take each of these into account and make the right assessments before the first battalion deploys.
Dorn crunched the numbers for more than 60 UN peacekeeping operations, which he describes as impartial, long-term missions that use force only for defence, compared to the Afghan mission where there is combat with a declared enemy...
I guess deaths on UN-run missions are more noble...