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How To Use Peaceful In A Sentence

  • When the baby is not thriving and gaining steadily in weight, or is fretty and cries a good deal, and does not rest and sleep peacefully, something, of course, is wrong. The Eugenic Marriage, Vol 2 (of 4) A Personal Guide to the New Science of Better Living and Better Babies
  • After that you might as well drink to the peacefulness too, uninterrupted but for the clack of a distant tractor.
  • The word luminosity describes the nature of celestial light, and the music of composer James Whitbourn is a celebration of that light: peaceful, radiant and clear. James Whitbourn's Celestial Sounds
  • The original Auroran settlers had landed in the location that was now the park and decided to keep it as a peaceful retreat in the centre of the city.
  • The whole atmosphere was joyful and peaceful even in damp miserable conditions.
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  • Meanwhile taking strong note of the police behaviour towards peaceful students demonstration leaders of the central university andolan samiti have threatened to intensify their agitation in support of their demands. NC-Congress coalition government responsible for the agitation on Central University issue
  • The new law will still allow peaceful picketing.
  • Cottier and Company have converted into a place of princely but peaceful splendor.
  • It documents dozens of cases where security forces opened fire on peaceful protests. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this atmosphere the two countries worked out peaceful solutions to a number of old problems. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • They all support a peaceful transition.
  • The autumn birds were singing; the autumn flowers were blooming; yellow golden rod and scarlet sumach glowed in the corners of the fences; locusts chirped in treetops; grasshoppers stridulated in the meadows, one or two of them making more noise than a whole drove of cattle lying peacefully chewing their cud beneath an umbrageous elm and lifting up their great, tranquil, blinking eyes to the morning sun. The Redemption of David Corson
  • He pointed to a dun lionhead that lumbered peaceful as a blimp.
  • With a peaceful and stable southern border, Begin felt free to concentrate on his northern front.
  • It predates the peaceful non-violence of Martin Luther King.
  • His life was drawing peacefully to its close.
  • As in Homer, after further tribulation, he will eventually reach Ithaca, kill Penelope's suitors, and live with wife and son until a peaceful death in old age.
  • Margaret Robertson on Halo's oneiric call to adventure: Halo is a place where I feel peaceful. Boing Boing
  • This dead-end dirt road follows a peaceful stretch of the Housatonic River and connects to the Appalachian Trail.
  • I fear that bypassing the United Nations and demanding regime change by force instead of working toward peaceful disarmament is a dangerous step for our nation.
  • Despite dire threats of violence from extremist groups, the protest passed off peacefully.
  • The _sauba_ ants had cut nearly all the strings of Filippe's hammock; while he was resting peacefully on it the remainder of the strings broke, and he had a bad fall. Across Unknown South America
  • Ten thousand people are reported to have taken part in the protest which passed off peacefully.
  • It is his fervent hope that a peaceful solution will soon be found.
  • And each morning my peaceful sleep was interrupted by the most irritating and annoying ringing sound imaginable.
  • For at least 40,000 years, they gathered shellfish and peacefully slept under the stars.
  • We were intoxicated by the peaceful power we had.
  • Look at how a few NGO groups last year used peaceful candlelight vigils for their own selfish purposes to galvanize public opinion.
  • The two countries are negotiating for a peaceful settlement.
  • The exploitation of the oil fields has further complicated matters and pushed the possibility of a peaceful settlement further away.
  • It is his fervent hope that a peaceful solution will soon be found.
  • I had been actively involved in negotiations with sadhus, saints and Muslim ulama for an amicable and peaceful solution to the Ayodhya tangle.
  • Contrary to the sense of chaos and violence offered in unsourced Twitter feeds, Iranian protests have been largely peaceful
  • These discussions may well open the door to a peaceful solution.
  • The Government has been arguing that it is this measure that will be the ultimate safeguard for citizens involved in peaceful protests and industrial strikes.
  • But the sharp decline in peasant disturbances in the pre-war years pointed to peaceful development.
  • A peaceful demonstration had been hijacked by anarchists intent on causing trouble.
  • The aim of the ethnographic papers is to understand violent and peaceful behaviour in different societies.
  • Verdant Valley is a very peaceful place, and I have a great-nephew here, Charles Chang Green, who will be company for you. THREE IN ONE
  • He became calm and peaceful and was able to look at the real issue and deal with it. Christianity Today
  • Fields stretched far beyond sight, hills in the distance, and the sun giving everything a peaceful orange glow.
  • People speak readily of the untended wounds of the dead, but practice silence on the topic of the peaceful, pluralistically driven, and loving Muslims who are seeking to build this center of community. Grant Brooke, M.Div.: Hindsight: Burying the Ghost of Ground Zero
  • I awoke to find myself lying next to the blonde bombshell who was sleeping peacefully in my arms.
  • More and more people are swapping their suburban house for a peaceful rural haven.
  • A human couple relaxed on a porch swing on the veranda and Max thought the place looked peaceful.
  • The voting process was peaceful, and people eventually accepted the results.
  • Although the Egyptians were warlike, they found times for peaceful games.
  • The majority of people who live on that north Peckham estate are decent, peaceful and moral.
  • My photo below shows the rebuilt anchorage on the east wall in the peaceful churchyard surrounded by the bustle of the city centre.
  • The marching an army into the midst of a peaceful Mexican settlement, frightening the inhabitants away, leaving their growing crops and other property to destruction, to you may appear a perfectly amiable, peaceful, unprovoking procedure; but it does not appear so to us. A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln
  • We should not assume that peaceful coexistence is possible only if all, or nearly all major nations adopt the same social behaviour. A High Standard
  • These simple wooden huts provide guests with an idyllic getaway on a peaceful lake surrounded by woods. Times, Sunday Times
  • The end of the War of 1812 with Britain inaugurated decades of peaceful economic growth, with new roads and canals opening the eastern seaboard to easier and speedier travel.
  • One proposed change would return to the police the power to ban peaceful demonstrations, while another would sharply limit privacy rights.
  • Residents say the area was once a peaceful place to live, but has been ruined by unruly youths.
  • Freedom of expression and of the press, and freedom of peaceful assembly, of association and of movement were all guaranteed.
  • When you put the visor down, it is the most peaceful place to be. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our alliance will remain indispensable to the goal of a century that is more peaceful, more prosperous and more just. The Sun
  • During this same period of Flotilla Face-Offs with the IDF, Pakistan, my nation of matrilineal and patrimonial heritage has witnessed the extraordinary massacre of 120 moderate, pacifist Muslims, followers of the Ahmadiyyah movement that subscribes to peaceful, pluralistic Islam. Qanta Ahmed, MD: Israel and the Flotilla: On the Dangers of a Binary View
  • Leaving the cosmopolitan town of modern Cairo, the iron bridges, and the pretentious hotels, with their flaunting inscriptions, it imparts a sense of sudden peacefulness to pass along the large and rapid waters of this river, between the curtains of palm-trees on the banks, borne by a dahabiya where one is master and, if one likes, may be alone. Egypt (La Mort de Philae)
  • He had a peaceful life.
  • The sight of the uniforms only confirmed the homecomer in his own forebodings anent the first act of the drama that was being enacted upon his peaceful island. The Light of Scarthey
  • For a more peaceful stroll, retire to the shady streets across the plaza at the foot of the Bridge of Lions.
  • That final dependence may be experienced as distressing or peaceful, but it is not socially problematic.
  • While the overwhelming majority aim to be peaceful there are fears that some protests may turn violent.
  • Not that I'm advocating the formation of a violent, angry mob rather than a peaceful crowd of protesters.
  • This has caused some concern as peaceful demonstrators may be prevented from marching because of the threat posed by a potentially disruptive counter-demonstration.
  • In more peaceful times he had assisted many of the ladies of the cantonment in childbirth.
  • But, he said "the Islamic Republic of Iran will be present at the scene even more strongly than yesterday and will not retreat even one step from its peaceful nuclear activity.
  • Halle : Wow , It'sounds like such a peaceful time.
  • Some pundits advise investors never to buy expensive shares if they want a peaceful night's sleep.
  • The violence against peaceful demonstrators by police was downplayed, while violence against police was played up.
  • Even though the Egyptians were warlike, they found time for peaceful games.
  • The renewed violence this week hardly augurs well for smooth or peaceful change.
  • The farmers staged a noisy but peaceful protest outside the headquarters of the organization.
  • The renewed violence this week hardly augurs well for smooth or peaceful change.
  • By keeping physical intactness, it is possible to have a composed , tranquil and peaceful heart.
  • His face looked more peaceful in death than it had during his last days.
  • Zheng He was very peaceful , peaceable expeditions.
  • However, focusing on having an organised, clean, tidy, welcoming, peaceful home with feminine touches is something I can do to comfort my husband and myself without any expenditure. Peace in the Storm
  • Everyone has got the right to protest but it has to be done peacefully and lawfully.
  • Indeed, two of them were not even involved in the demonstrations that resulted in the tragedy but were peacefully walking across campus when they were gunned down.
  • These attractive tetras make a good, peaceful community fish if the aquarium has dense vegetation with open water for swimming.
  • The younger children are thriving and living peaceful lives here in Bolton.
  • It's hard to convey how jubilant and peaceful the atmosphere is, and this in a country full of macho hotheads!
  • Bedroom 4 is the most peaceful room in the Inn with French doors looking out on the garden courtyard and fountain.
  • Every kind of peaceful cooperation among men is primarily based on mutual trust and only secondly on institutions such as courts of justice and police. 
  • The main demonstration passed off peacefully.
  • Sitting there and throwing out a line, you can enjoy a peaceful day without being disturbed.
  • The first four chapters deal with peaceful uses of technology, with technology as a tool of economic progress and of scientific exploration. Infinite in All Directions
  • Universities thrive and grow best when all theories are peacefully discussed. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is more a mode of address for a slightly iffy constitutional compromise that is drawing peacefully towards its close.
  • He was the pioneer of Satyagraha , mass resistance to government oppression through peaceful, non-violent civil disobedience and non-cooperation.
  • The peaceful and tranquil room will be used by students in the school who are taking part in the programme.
  • To die peacefully in one's sleep is no bad way to go, not at any age, leave alone at one hundred and one, full of rich and eventful years.
  • This also implies everybody reached an important consensus - everybody hopes the peninsula will be stable, peaceful and denuclearized.
  • The beach at Koktabel, in southern Crimea, has long been associated with naturism, and for many decades naturists have co-existed peacefully with the textiles who frequent this busy seaside resort every summer.
  • It was not as peaceful and relaxing as we were led to believe it would be.
  • We want to give these young kids a positive outlook on life and teach them how to feel good about themselves and relate peacefully to others.
  • St Francis is a saint normally associated with peaceful, eremetic living and an overwhelming empathy for the animal kingdom. Ruth Gledhill - Times Online - WBLG
  • We believe the key principles of cohesion are collective action, mutual understanding and the peaceful resolution of disputes.
  • I've always firmly believed that America is the profound, pure-hearted and unhesitating companion to us France, Europe and the international peaceful environment.
  • Late that night we pulled into a cheap motel, cashed an unemployment check, and fell peacefully to sleep.
  • Every kind of peaceful cooperation among men is primarily based on mutual trust and only secondly on institutions such as courts of justice and police. 
  • As Gatto said in 2008: "No demonstrations, no mud-slinging, no adversarial politics... just peacefully refuse to take standardized tests. March Madness: 'My name is Luke and I refuse to take your test'
  • If this means risking arrest for nonviolent symbolic actions of peaceful civil resistance and then enduring a time of incarceration then this must be done for the sake of the higher laws of justice and the leadings of our individual consciences. Convicted Criminal Considers the Cause, the Crime, and the Court
  • Aunt May was alone, sleeping peacefully, the machines surrounding her beeping more slowly, steadily. SPIDER-MAN®: THE ADVENTURES OF SPIDER-MAN
  • It is a discredit to the struggle of the people and a severe slap at the peaceful religion movement.
  • That same night, police, perhaps to give the lie to claims they only break up peaceful demonstrations, raided a karaoke club in Subang Jaya where they broke up the ebullient attempts of several Malaysian men at improving Malaysia-China relations. Nst online
  • We are appealing all people, all pro people organizations, individuals and democrats to expose and fight conspiracies of exploiting landlords and sangh parivaar combine's anti people and anti democratic acts like bundh against the people and their cause in the name of maintenance of so called peaceful environment, which is for them. CPI(Maoist)Karnataka State Committee on Anti-people band organised by Landlords
  • Peaceful summer evenings can be spoilt by mosquitoes.
  • Katy sat looking out of the window in a peaceful, happy mood. What Katy Did
  • It might be associations, such as memories of holidays, pastoral idylls, the peacefulness, the slower pace, or a whole imagined way of life.
  • Three others like to see some natural attractions of beauty and peacefulness.
  • Each payload would have to be inspected before blast off to ensure its peaceful nature.
  • “Bu shi an shen yu xin” pronounced boo shr ahn shun yü sheen means do not see polluted things to make your shen reside peacefully in your heart. Tao II
  • An unimpeded sweep of meadows and hills afforded a peaceful setting.
  • It seems very peaceful - we've had deluges of rain.
  • The homeless tramp sleeps peacefully on the bench.
  • Think back to something you did on your own recently - perhaps an invigorating run or a peaceful moment of solitary reflection.
  • She had, at any rate, provided a peaceful and loving home for Harriet.
  • The barons made war upon him, and never again did he see a peaceful day.
  • By marching together, carrying banners and chanting slogans, thousands of students peacefully displayed their anger and emotion against the war that had started.
  • The crowds dispersed peacefully when they were denied a meeting with the ambassador. Times, Sunday Times
  • Every thing in this peaceful family sitting-room wore a snug and comfortable look, from the neat bed standing in a recess in the wall, with homemade blue woolen spread and snowy linen, to the brightly-polished powter plates upon the dresser and the unsoiled sand on the white floor. My third book
  • If an official goes to jail he is out in a day while peaceful protesters are killed or locked up for years. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would be peaceful but overwhelming: it would defy the new government, and the dictators, and NATO in the background. COUP D'ETAT
  • It is glorious weather, the waterway full of small boats, some being rowed, some under sail, when suddenly there is the sound of shouting as the peaceful afternoon is shattered.
  • They arrested the peaceful marchers, put them in paddy wagons, and charged them with disorderly conduct.
  • It should have been peaceful, a haven of bright birdsong and softly rustling leaves.
  • Gao Ma lay with a peaceful, happy smile on his face.
  • An unimpeded sweep of meadows and hills formed a peaceful setting.
  • The first rule, set out in the first sentence of the first paragraph, is of a general nature and enunciates the principle of peaceful enjoyment of property.
  • One of the beauties of living here is that it's so peaceful.
  • A butterfly rested on the petals of a brilliant red flower, sipping nectar peacefully on a bright summer day.
  • For a peaceful world that promotes international democracy, the locus of power and influence needs shifting.
  • This increasing conservatism under Stalin and his successors strengthened and reinforced the nonaggressive, "peaceful coexistence" policy. EconLog Book Club: For a New Liberty, Chapter 14, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The history is stark and cruel yet today's peaceful setting is idyllic. Times, Sunday Times
  • A half-century later, it standsas a landmark of peaceful cooperation, demilitarization, and shared governanceamong the 47 countries that have signed.
  • The cave remains a peaceful and secluded place, surrounded by pine forest.
  • Both sides committed themselves to settle the dispute peacefully.
  • Campaigners argue that it is better for a patient to choose to die peacefully and in dignity, than in great pain.
  • It documents dozens of cases where security forces opened fire on peaceful protests. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was sure that the Graymen had not built it, and was haunted by the thought that at one time, normal people had dwelt here peacefully.
  • I do not have the emotional ability to grasp how a grown adult would be able to conscionably spray this toxic and excruciatingly painful substance into the faces of these young people, who were peacefully and responsibly expressing their concerns for the world they find themselves growing up in. Heather McCloskey Beck: Creating Peace Through Conscience and Creativity
  • The magnificent grounds are irresistibly perfect a peaceful stroll, hand in hand with a loved one.
  • These attractive tetras make a good, peaceful community fish if the aquarium has dense vegetation with open water for swimming.
  • Everyone is free to engage in peaceful political activity.
  • We must have the patience to continue to work until we will find a peaceful solution.
  • Enjoy a peaceful night sleep under Twilight Sea Turtle's starry night sky.
  • Aspens and cottonwoods turn from green to gold, meadows are dotted with milkweed pods spilling their silvery strands, and a peaceful splendor invites you to relax.
  • Villagers are proud and fortunate to be living here in this peaceful little village, surrounded by beautiful countryside.
  • Their brown tigery sides rose and fell peacefully in the sound slumber induced by the plentiful fare of Clairville, but no sleep came to their master. Ringfield A Novel
  • The crowds dispersed peacefully when they were denied a meeting with the ambassador. Times, Sunday Times
  • He died peacefully after an illness borne with great fortitude and resolve.
  • It is a peaceful, not a brawling, stream.
  • Catherine's dead body lay peacefully on the bed.
  • Scuba diving is all about seeing what is under the water and it is exciting when you see something new or beautiful and you can capture that in a peaceful moment. Writing Tips: 7 Lessons from Scuba Diving - The Creative Penn | The Creative Penn
  • Sport was introduced as a way of channelling intertribal violence into the more peaceful pursuits of running and throwing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Do not disturb this sleep unless there are other indications that the child is not sleeping a peaceful, healing sleep.
  • Think, too, about how a peaceful gesture in the midst of a time of conflict can help defuse tension and soften someone's heart.
  • “No peaceful sleep, Domnuathi, but a wakeful eternity in the deepest pits of Annwn.” Earl of Durkness
  • The pop festival passed off peacefully, despite the fears of local residents.
  • Love is like a river, peaceful and deep, love is like a secret no one can keep.
  • The partial acknowledgment of the injustice and unworkability of the austerity measures came only after popular resistance and the peaceful revolt of the indignant scored its first major victory for the anti-austerity and pro-democracy campaign. Greece is standing up to EU neocolonialism | Costas Douzinas and Petros Papaconstantinou
  • This principle is required for the formation of a concordant family, the building of a harmonious society and the establishment of a peaceful world.
  • The protest continued peacefully until government troops moved in to break it up.
  • It was a peaceful, innocent scene, two families at play and celebrating a holiday that meant everything to them.
  • In such instances, there is an emphasis on the peaceful resolution of the dispute between the parties with reference, as necessary, to the Commission.
  • But if it wasn't unheard of for a ruler of Constantinople to die peacefully in his bed, it was also not the norm.
  • There is a call for peaceful direct action that could leave the hardliners with a certain but hollow victory when the election results come in.
  • When Mr. Power has finished, the sociable, peaceful Mr. Bloom, though an object of amusement to the other men in the carriage, merely unclasps his hands ‘in a gesture of soft politeness.’
  • He said peaceful demonstrators should have been allowed to leave the area - and blasted the inconsistency of G20 officers in doing so. The Sun
  • The prospects for a peaceful solution are dim.
  • There is great value in the splendid isolation of a quiet walk along a peaceful river.
  • ‘New pools are attractive to dragonflies, butterflies and damselflies and should in time attract moorhens, ducks and other water birds, as well as being a peaceful area for staff to enjoy during their breaks,’ he added.
  • Peaceful cities are affrighted by the crack of rifles and the snarl of machine-guns, and the hearts of the shuddering are shaken by the roar of dynamite. WANTED: A NEW LAW OF DEVELOPMENT
  • The rugged mountains and hills form an impressive backdrop, and inland peaceful villages look out across orange and lemon groves.
  • He rested his chin on her head and they returned to their peaceful interlude that they so enjoyed.
  • The nature of that peaceful, beautiful part of the world would be changed forever if the proposals are allowed to go ahead.
  • The household is mad, disturbed, yet idyllic and peaceful.
  • And the girl, looking up into the peaceful old "lineaments," smiled faintly, and knew there was healing in them. Four Girls and a Compact
  • On Friday the White House called for restraint, a peaceful transfer of power, and an end to what it called "senseless" violence in Yemen. US Government Pressed Over Yemen Uncertainty
  • what is needed today is peaceful coexistence
  • My gosh is he so power hungry that he and his wife just can't fade off into the sunset and grow old together peacefully? Bill Clinton says Chelsea may go into politics
  • While meeting with the journalists, Ajar declined to comment on Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's recent remarks on Israel and instead reaffirmed Ataturk's peaceful legacy and talked about the safety in Antalya, which is the Israeli tourist's favorite travel destination in Turkey. Vos Iz Neias - (Yiddish:What's News?)
  • Belief provides spiritual warmth, comfort and easiness. If you are a religious believer, you tend to feel more peaceful, satisfying and happy. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • There were no arrests and the protest was described by an eyewitness as ‘angry, but peaceful’.
  • And so we exist peacefully in the garden, they chasing voles and nibbling the nepeta, I digging holes and nibbling the nasturtiums.
  • Harvey Keitel also scores as a cop who thinks he understands them and tries to bring the fugitives in peacefully. Top 10 Ridley Scott Films » Scene-Stealers
  • Her face looked peaceful, lit by ethereal moonlight filtering through the ghostly branches of the fairy tree.
  • This hotel still remains an unspoiled, uncommercialised, peaceful destination, offering sandy beaches and fantastic sunny skies all year round. - Articles related to The Omphoy Ocean Resort shines as the "new'' Palm Beach
  • Following this simple list should hopefully ease your sleep problems at night and every member of the household can have a relaxing peaceful nights sleep.
  • Universities thrive and grow best when all theories are peacefully discussed. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the way I used to deal with the pressure was to counteract it with very peaceful times on my own. Times, Sunday Times
  • This story about a troop of baboons showed that if you remove all the aggressive, dominant males, everybody remaining has a more peaceful life. Trying to apply that to humans would be a laugh though.
  • Petting your dog or watching your fish swim around can make you feel very peaceful.
  • Everywhere, struggles over the land, whether peaceful or violent, shaped political attitudes.
  • A murder will occur this weekend in the peaceful seaside town of Langley, Washington.
  • He has attempted to find a peaceful solution to the Ossetian conflict.

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