How To Use Peaceably In A Sentence
Swarms of flamingoes, egrets, and cormorants filled the air, seeking the shore, whilst the alcatras, a large species of pelican, alone continued peaceably to fish in the middle of the gulf.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
¶ And the whole congregation sent some to speak to the children of Benjamin that were in the rock Rimmon, and to call peaceably unto them.
Judges 21.
Nevertheless, John realized that not all tyrants could be peaceably overcome and offered specific advice about deposing them by force.
Lippmann suggested that Kennedy's prudence — his decision to "react sharply, but to react for a limited aim and with limited means" — allowed the confrontation to end "peaceably," as Khrushchev accepted the naval quarantine in a
A Near Miss
He urged quietism, pacifism, and submission to civil government, exhorting his followers to live peaceably and unobtrusively in harmony with the community and the government.
The burgesses are entitled, by the charter of Henry II., to have a GUILD MERCHANT, with the usual franchises annexed, of safe transit through the kingdom, exemption from toll, pontage, and stallage; liberty to buy and sell peaceably; and power to hold a guild for the renewal of freedom to the burgesses, the confirming of by-laws, and other purposes.
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 17, No. 470, January 8, 1831
The states of Syria did not give it to him (v. 21), because they knew it belonged to his elder brother's son, nor did he get it by the sword, but came in peaceably, pretending to reign for his brother's son, Demetrius, then a hostage at
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
At this time, the humans and elves were able to live peaceably with each other.
Navy, and they even got to try to cartelize their industry when they could peaceably agree with each other to restrain trade.
Matthew Yglesias » Gulf Stability and the New Iraq
Nation states could only coexist peaceably if a strong collective security arrangement were respected by all.
Add to this "the right of peaceably assembling" violently wrested -- the rights of minorities, _rights_ no longer -- free speech struck dumb -- free _men_ outlawed and murdered -- free presses cast into the streets and their fragments strewed with shoutings, or flourished in triumph before the gaze of approving crowds as proud members of prostrate law!
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
Her own ears, with a snuggling movement, laid their sharp points backward and down against the head for a moment, while her mouth opened and her tongue lolled peaceably out, and in this way she expressed that she was pleased and satisfied.
The Lair
Presumably because our right is only to "peaceably" assemble, not to assemble violently.
Unlawful Assembly
You can go back decades and pick whatever government action you want in demonstrating that the "people's right to peaceably assemble" is open to, uh, varying degrees of interpretation before the guys with guns on the public payroll let loose.
Some Thoughts on Jackbooted Thugs
The rival guerrilla groups had agreed to stop fighting and settle their differences peaceably.
I had a quartan ague which held me foure or five months, and had altogether disvisaged and altered my countenance, yet my mind held ever out, not onely peaceably but pleasantly…
the tenant paying the rent hereby reserved and performing the several covenants herein on his part contained shall peaceably hold and enjoy the demised premises
There is also no chance that we will ever see the error of our ways and live peaceably in harmony with one another.
Even a fair share of property crimes can be committed "peaceably"--e.g. embezzlement.
Why I am Not Not a Libertarian
And the whole congregation sent some to speak to the children of Benjamin that were in the rock Rimmon, and to call peaceably unto them.
Villaraigosa And Nunez Cut And Run - Video Report
Major Roland Tuck swore peaceably under his breath.
Nation states could only coexist peaceably if a strong collective security arrangement were respected by all.
That said, it is Western values that have allowed people of different religions, cultures, and ethnicities to live together peaceably.
People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. George Orwell
The rival guerrilla groups had agreed to stop fighting and settle their differences peaceably.
Truculent and self-confident as he was, he never acted against the royal authority in such a manner as to oblige the king to strike him down in secret; and it is difficult to believe that Louis XIV, peaceably seated on his throne, with all the enemies of his minority under his feet, should have revenged himself on the duke as an old Frondeur.
Celebrated Crimes (Complete)
a forfeiture of the charter grant because they exercise that oppression and persecution contrary to its first intent, and are the direct cause of contention and disunion, which is repugnant to the principal design of constituting the colony; viz. that it "May be so religiously, peaceably and civilly governed as may win and invite the natives to the Christian faith." [l47]
The Development of Religious Liberty in Connecticut
WE will begin peaceably by contemplating the world of nature, trees and plants and flowers, common green things against which there is no law – for surely there is no corruption in carrots, no tricks in turnips, no mixed motive in marigolds.
In Times Like These
I say peaceably instead: `All priests have a duty to support the genuine manifestations of the Holy Spirit.
The only way we could have peaceably lived together would have been for me to pretend this wasn't happening.
Again, if the United States be not a government proper, but an association of States in the nature of contract merely, can it, as a contract, be peaceably unmade by less than all the parties who made it?
Added to this "the right of peaceably assembling" violently wrested -- the rights of minorities, _rights_ no longer -- free speech struck dumb -- free _men_ outlawed and murdered -- free presses cast into the streets and their fragments strewed with shoutings, or flourished in triumph before the gaze of approving crowds as proud mementos of prostrate law!
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
Pharaoh's counsellor_, under all the circumstances, proves him a friend to absolute slavery, as a form of government better adapted to the state of the world at that time, than the one which existed in Egypt; for certain it is, that he peaceably effected a change in the fundamental law, by which a _state, condition, or relation_, between Pharaoh and the
Cotton is King, and Pro-Slavery Arguments Comprising the Writings of Hammond, Harper, Christy, Stringfellow, Hodge, Bledsoe, and Cartrwright on This Important Subject
In effect, it was Russian generals and their turncoat allies who internationalized a war that should never have begun and which could have been peaceably resolved long ago.
England and Spain were, he declared, at peace, and no official could deny an Englishman the right to travel peaceably in Spanish dominions, unless a law expressly excluded them.
Sea-Dogs All! A Tale of Forest and Sea
That's the countervailing force that impels us to behave in a civilised manner and reach out peaceably to others, even others perceived as alien.
People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. George Orwell
It had begun peaceably enough, by their standards.
The ships in the harbor no longer lay peaceably at anchor, but pitched and bucked, tearing at their moorings like panicked thoroughbreds.
If so, what rights do people have to peaceably enjoy their homes, regardless of their socio-economic status in life?