
How To Use Peaceable In A Sentence

  • A letter to his wife in 1847 tells of a visit to the Brights at Rochdale; how 'John and I discorded in our views not a little', and how 'I shook peaceable Brightdom as with Victorian Worthies Sixteen Biographies
  • The New York and Liverpool firm that your father belongs to sent on board an honest and peaceable cargo, but there was a good deal of room left in the hold, and the captain filled it up with cannon-balls, musket-bullets, and gunpowder from the English agents of no less a man than General Santa Ahead of the Army
  • The first, which has even been recognised by Canadian law, is that freedom of speech should be subject to such limits so as not to be detrimental to peaceable society.
  • a Knight Banneret, dubbed in the field of battle, but, _on carpet consideration_, at a festivity, or on sone peaceable occasion, when knights receive their dignity kneeling not on the ground, as in war, but on a _carpet_. Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
  • There can be no such thing as a peaceable secession.
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  • From that time until the pair are forever united at the altar, it grows, and with marriage it begins to bring forth the unpeaceable fruits of endless dissensions. The Secret of a Happy Home (1896)
  • Zheng He was very peaceful , peaceable expeditions.
  • Will, therefore, a compliance unto this length better our condition? will it deliver us from the severest reflections of being persons unpeaceable and intolerable? A Discourse concerning Evangelical Love, Church Peace, and Unity
  • His voice, deeper and from the gut, returns in this CD to a peaceable realm, to the great meditative music of the Mandingo empire.
  • While most of the Culture lives in this peaceable way, some spend their life fighting amongst more primitive civilizations.
  • For Mr. Denne, I suppose they count him none of themselves, though both he, and Mr. Lamb, like to like, are brought for authors and abetters of their practice, and to refel my peaceable principle. Works of John Bunyan — Volume 02
  • Okay, but then how would an airline figure out that he's a peaceable fellow except by, well, identifying him?
  • diversity," we view the peaceable people of God under the category of "catholicity" - a more traditional theological term - we, along with Jonah and the Ninevites, have to acknowledge that the diversity, the catholicity of the Kingdom derives not from our determination, our legislation, our schism-atation to include or exclude anyone, but from the wisdom of God alone. Akma
  • Nor did he attack peaceable Cheyennes in ignorance.
  • So long as all labor continues to be performed exclusively or usually by slaves, the baseness of all productive effort is too constantly and deterrently present in the mind of men to allow the instinct of workmanship seriously to take effect in the direction of industrial usefulness; but when the quasi-peaceable stage (with slavery and status) passes into the peaceable stage of industry (with wage labor and cash payment) the instinct comes more effectively into play. The theory of the leisure class; an economic study of institutions
  • The head of a major labor confederation made the same request, adding that they should all march not as pacifists but as peaceable people.
  • If no skyborn messenger, heaven looking through his eyes; then neither is it a chimera with his systems, crotchets, cants, fanaticisms, and ‘last infirmity of noble minds, ’—full of misery, unrest and ill-will; but a substantial, peaceable, terrestrial man. Paras. 25-49
  • So "cist" may seem to imply acting against something when one is actually tolerant and peaceable while having a personal belief system. "Gaycism."
  • And therefore, such peace-makers as these before-mentioned do seldom do much greater good than to quiet their own consciences in the discharge of so great a duty, and to moderate some few, and save them from further guilt, and to leave behind them, when they are dead, a witness against a wilful, self-conceited, unpeaceable world. The Reformed Pastor
  • A peaceable crowd gathered outside the White House.
  • But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.
  • A peaceable settlement has been reached.
  • That anger, however, will not lead me into a terrorist response, any more than it will the vast majority of our overwhelmingly peaceable citizens.
  • At worst, the outcome could be wholesale slaughter on a scale that makes the current level of daily mayhem look like the peaceable kingdom.
  • John Heartfield made bitter photomontages that excoriated the Nazis, for example, turning one into a ‘peaceable predatory fish.’
  • Woman," thought Nietzsche, "is essentially unpeaceable, like the cat, however well she may have assumed the peaceable demeanour. The Task of Social Hygiene
  • But the incidents here told conflict with the undeniable facts of Cardinal Sadolet's intercession for, and peaceable relations with the inhabitants of Cabrières in 1541 and 1542; as well as with the royal letters of March 17, 1549 (1550 New Style), and the report of Du Bellay. The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2)
  • But sith he continued his extremitie euen to his last daies, we may rather beléeue, that although from his childhood he shewed some tokens of clemencie, bountie, and liberalitie; yet by following the wars, and practising to reigne with sternenesse, he became so inured therewith, that those peaceable vertues were quite altered in him, and in maner clearelie quenched. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6) England (1 of 12) William the Conqueror
  • a quiet and peaceable person
  • But the incidents here told conflict with the undeniable facts of Cardinal Sadolet's intercession for, and peaceable relations with the inhabitants of Cabrières in 1541 and 1542; as well as with the royal letters of March 17, 1549 (1550 New Style), and the report of Du Bellay. The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2)
  • I found myself in the midst of a huge peaceable army of helpers in a thousand uniforms - military and civilian.
  • The defence say that the defendant is a peaceable, non-violent man, who did not have a quick temper.
  • For now, the religious factions are facing off in a fairly rarefied and generally peaceable manner.
  • From this another conclusion may be draw, namely, that the sorry soldier of Mexico is not altogether amiable and is prone to be nasty and dangerous to the American boys who have crossed the sea to take "peaceable" possession of a customhouse. Mexico's Army and Ours
  • They now have the tools to find peaceable solutions to conflict.
  • They cooperate in a peaceable spirit.
  • III. iv.76 (474,6) Ere human statute purg'd the gentle weal] The _gentle weal_, is, the _peaceable community_, the state made quiet and safe by Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
  • And so the most part of the people that heard the king speak and saw him among them, were shamefast and began to wax peaceable and to depart; but some, such as were malicious and evil, would not depart, but made semblant as though they would do somewhat. Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
  • The holding of a demonstration or vigil, however peaceable, had nothing to do with the right of passage, and the justices had therefore been right to convict.
  • Morton, half speaking to himself; “here is a poor peaceable fellow, whose only motive for joining the conventicle was a sense of filial piety, and he is chained up like a thief or murderer, and likely to die the death of one, but without the privilege of a formal trial, which our laws indulge to the worst malefactor! Old Mortality
  • The unfortunate plant-cutters, who had merely been imprisoned, and such of them dismissed from time to time as would give assurance of penitence, and promise a peaceable demeanor, were now proceeded against with the utmost rigor, for what the king was pleased to call their treasonable conduct. Historical collections of Virginia
  • Despite my ferocious exterior, I'm a reasonably peaceable soul.
  • III. iv.76 (474,6) Ere human statute purg'd the gentle weal] The _gentle weal_, is, the _peaceable community_, the state made quiet and safe by Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
  • Thus man wishes woman to be peaceable: but in fact woman is ESSENTIALLY unpeaceable, like the cat, however well she may have assumed the peaceable demeanour. Beyond Good and Evil
  • With the same hungry heart, and unpeaceable breast. Lucile
  • There's now a way to move forward through entirely peaceable and democratic means.
  • in a peaceable and orderly manner
  • A peaceable crowd gathered outside the White House.
  • Peaceable felons will then have, like all other law-abiding citizens, the ability to wear body armor defensively with no risk to society and the violent felons who recidivate will face consequences for wearing body armor in their future crimes. The Volokh Conspiracy » United States v. Alderman and Felon Possession of Body Armor:
  • There were basically three distinct strata to the peaceable attempts. THE HITLER-HESS DECEPTION
  • They had spent a year floundering between one failed peaceable attempt and the next. THE HITLER-HESS DECEPTION
  • He is overly gentle and peaceable, perhaps Roman Catholic and perhaps a man with Portuguese blood.
  • I. Israel sent a peaceable message to Sihon king of the Amorites (v. 21), but received an unpeaceable return, worse than that of the Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume I (Genesis to Deuteronomy)
  • All previous peaceable attempts had been specifically directed towards the British government, but this one was being openly proffered to a different party. THE HITLER-HESS DECEPTION
  • Black George was, in the main, a peaceable kind of fellow, and nothing choleric nor rash; yet did he bear about him something of what the antients called the irascible, and which his wife, if she had been endowed with much wisdom, would have feared. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
  • Throughout these poems, the implicit argument is: Why can't the whole world be as peaceable as my little corner of it is?
  • He also remained an outspoken supporter of nuclear power generation, thermonuclear weapon development and stockpiling, and even the use of small nuclear devices for demolition projects and other peaceable purposes.
  • Her peaceable kingdom ” where birds and moths and small mammals lie down with oil tycoons and lumber barons, and dainty bathroom fixtures and lovely things to eat and lawn dresses and eugenics and God and fringed gentians are all mixed up together ” is the product of an imagination of an almost life-threatening febrility. Catacomb Efreet
  • The Quakers' peaceable attitude toward the Indians had long ago wrong-footed them not only with the lordly Penn family and its allies but also with many of the common people who settled on the Pennsylvania frontier.
  • Elections happen on time and votes are accurately counted and peaceable changes of government occur as a matter of unremarkable course.
  • The Viking city in 975 AD is a fairly peaceable sort of place.
  • He's a peaceable and placid person and likes to lead a peaceful life.
  • Alma and Spicheren, and wherever death has his red flag a-flying, and sounds his own potent tuck upon the cannons, there also must the drummer-boy, hurrying with white face over fallen comrades, batter and bemaul this slip of skin from the loins of peaceable donkeys. An Inland Voyage
  • We simply savoured and luxuriated in delight at the return of our normal peaceable existence.
  • It is not an accident that these same Scottish Enlightenment philosophes I have cited above praising the agreeable virtues of peaceable exchange and commerce should also be committed to offering theories of the interior moral qualities of honor, trust, ‘bindingness’, sympathy, and all the other affective qualities that undergird what might otherwise, on the surface, appear to be merely the enforcement of contracts. The Volokh Conspiracy » Another Swim Meet, Another Econo-Culture Tome Reread, and a Reflection on the Theory of Moral Sentiments:
  • There can be no such thing as a peaceable secession.
  • She asked: ‘Why do you seek to destroy this city where there are so many peaceable people?’
  • The few inhabitants seemed peaceable, but food and forage were becoming scarce. JOSIAH THE GREAT: The True Story of The Man Who Would Be King
  • From the beasts of prey and the cannibal humans down to the death-dealing microbes, no quarter is given; and daily, wider and wider areas of hostile territory, whether of a warring desert-tribe in Africa or a pestilential fever-hole like Panama, are made peaceable and habitable for mankind. THE HUMAN DRIFT
  • It is a, so far, peaceful place filled with, I think, peaceable people.
  • Indeed, he was most peaceable as he accepted the chain of office, though he did remind us of a Hollywood boxer at one point.
  • Instead they chose to trap and taunt a group of peaceable people; the only trouble I saw was caused by local kids, not by protestors.
  • Humfrey, in his "Peaceable Disquisitions," having animadverted on the spirit in which Clagett had dealt with Owen, Clagett published another volume, and promised a third on the opinions of the Fathers respecting the points at issue. Pneumatologia
  • I was pleased to see how peaceable the horse had become.
  • They believe only in peaceable, non-violent protest.
  • Government itself was formed so that every member of society may be protected and secured in the peaceable quiet possession and enjoyment of all those liberties and privileges which the deity has bestowed upon him.
  • But because the subordination is inspired at root by anxiety and denial, it is not a peaceable subordination.
  • Think of it this way: The old isolationism was a peaceable urge basic to the American people; the new isolationism is little short of a government program to keep the old isolationism, or opposition of any sort to American wars, in check. William J. Astore: The New American Isolationism: The Cost of Turning Away From War's Horrific Realities
  • they met in a peaceable spirit
  • We don't need to look very far to see this: our own, supposedly peaceable country provides enough examples.
  • It points out how neither the left nor the right has been able to resist enacting its moral programs as law, and neither is content to leave peaceable citizens alone.
  • He was an uneducated man, a plain unpretending plodding man,’ a neighbor remembered; one who ‘attended to his work, peaceable - quiet and good natured.’
  • On Sunday and Monday, the police fell back to let unpermitted demonstrations proceed to their peaceable conclusions.
  • At worst, the outcome could be wholesale slaughter on a scale that makes the current level of daily mayhem look like the peaceable kingdom.
  • Others went on to lead normal, peaceable lives.
  • Obviously, you'd prefer a peaceable life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Christians are factious and unpeaceable, so far they are no Christians. The Works of Dr. John Tillotson, Late Archbishop of Canterbury. Vol. 06.
  • An eagle looking down from above implies a threat whereas a heron flying from A to B suggests a more peaceable purpose.
  • That same stomachus cedere nescius found in most, is the thing that foments quarrels, and keeps men at such unpeaceable distances. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VII.
  • Others went on to lead normal, peaceable lives.
  • It'll not modify my parking habits but I'll be a lot less inclined to condemn and far more likely to engage the farmer in a peaceable conversation when the situation arises.
  • The Defendants are accordingly entitled to treat the Sublease as forfeited when peaceable re-entry took place.
  • The few inhabitants seemed peaceable, but food and forage were becoming scarce. JOSIAH THE GREAT: The True Story of The Man Who Would Be King
  • He would not then be an offerer of dissentious sacrifice, but a peaceable offerer of love and charity.
  • This clearly acknowledges the possibility that innocent civilians going about their peaceable business may be stopped, hassled, even arrested, merely for resembling someone naughty.
  • Reportedly, the otherwise peaceable crowd pelted him with plastic bottles and bran muffins.
  • And up the heights of Alma and Spicheren, and wherever death has his red flag a-flying, and sounds his own potent tuck upon the cannons, there also must the drummer-boy, hurrying with white face over fallen comrades, batter and bemaul this slip of skin from the loins of peaceable donkeys. An Inland Voyage
  • Manners, for her, are one of the ways we show respect for others, mind our own business, and maintain a peaceable and kind society.
  • He didn™t like to recall their shock when they™d seen his ruined hand, or the way they™d looked at him when they realized he was not the quiet, peaceable forgeman they™d known only a few short weeks ago. Stormblade
  • And yet it is too visible that many, who make a great profession of piety towards God, are very defective in moral duties; very unpeaceable and turbulent in their spirits, very peevish and passionate, very conceited and censorious, as if their profession of godliness did exempt them from the care and practice of Christian virtues. The Works of Dr. John Tillotson, Late Archbishop of Canterbury. Vol. 04.
  • And because I am a peaceable citizen, I should easily meet his criterion that no immediate damage would be done by allowing this.
  • They cooperate in a peaceable spirit.
  • The few inhabitants seemed peaceable, but food and forage were becoming scarce. JOSIAH THE GREAT: The True Story of The Man Who Would Be King
  • And though their numbers are small compared to the peaceable majority, they nevertheless constitute a growing hinterland for this militancy.
  • An eagle looking down from above implies a threat whereas a heron flying from A to B suggests a more peaceable purpose.
  • It is most infamous and intolerable oppression!" said Morton, half speaking to himself; "here is a poor peaceable fellow, whose only motive for joining the conventicle was a sense of filial piety, and he is chained up like a thief or murderer, and likely to die the death of one, but without the privilege of a formal trial, which our laws indulge to the worst malefactor! Old Mortality, Volume 1.
  • Most rattlesnakes are peaceable, retiring animals that flee for the underbrush when they encounter humans.
  • A peaceable crowd gathered outside the White House.
  • The Scarites gormandized riotously on the peaceable Pimeliæ. The Glow-Worm and Other Beetles
  • In the Golden Age (which Hesiod says was long before his own time) men were naturally peaceable, and for that reason there was no war.
  • As a passenger in other people's vehicles, I have seen how normally peaceable and polite people become aggressive and rude behind the wheel of a car.
  • Christian having made peace with God, the sweet fruit of that upon his spirit is to dispose him to a peaceable and quiet condescendency to others, and if peace flee from him, to follow after it, not only to entertain it when it is offered, but to seek it when it is away, and to pursue it when it runs away. The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning
  • Victims of an unprovoked attack, unprepared, which is the best evidence of peaceable will, witnesses of the outrage of a neighbor people, bleeding from the wounds of their own country, -- what better cause for war could men have? The World Decision

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