How To Use Peace lily In A Sentence
The peace lily is an indoor plant and will not tolerate frosty conditions.
That oasis includes palm trees, a peace lily, a corn plant, even a pachira plant - a so-called money tree.
According to Hadfield, virtually any plant will do well in the product's clear bubble, although he recommends aloe vera, peace lily and Madagascar dragon as particularly strong filters.
A plant for a warm and humid place near a window is the elegant peace lily, or spathiphyllum.
Times, Sunday Times
I would say it is a Peace Lily (spathiphyllum) ...
Southern Maryland Community Forums
How do I look after a peace lily plant?
The Sun
A: Obviously this peace lily, also known as a spathiphyllum, did not appreciate the change of containers.
Edenic bliss can be found in the master bathroom, where the mirror is surrounded by peace lily, peperomia and prayer plants.