How To Use Pc board In A Sentence
A voice entry system needs to fit on such a small PC board, so that in the future it can hopefully replace keyboards .
Horizontal type capable of operating in the horizontal direction to the PC board.
When packaging the circuit, pay special attention to the pc board's layout.
An A/D converter may be housed on a PC board with associated circuitry or in a variety of remote or networked configurations.
The following functions are integrated in the PC board and in front of the operator.
We accept made to order super high components on the PC board such as power supply.
The products are mainly used for the supporter of electrical control PC board in the field of air conditioners and the protection of conducting wire and arrangemwnt of wiring harness.
Improve mounting density of components on PC board.
Advanced features are set with individual DIP switches on the main PC Board.
Trayed & Potted PC Board - Ensures long life in harsh conditions.