How To Use Payload In A Sentence
Network operations and management will provide the monitoring and control of gateway terminals, teleports and communications payloads that are working as network resources.
Launch vehicles that boost payloads into space also provide business opportunities for firms.
It was supposed to radically reduce the cost of carrying payloads into orbit.
In general, each message contains a source, a destination, metadata, as well as the data payload itself.
The astronauts and mechanical arms can certain assemble a small SEP and put the payload aboard.
Shuttle-C - NASA Watch

First of all, the penalty for the ISS orbital inclination is only 6.3% of payload capacity.
Today's Video: Like None Other - Restored Moon Images to Help Future Moon Missions - NASA Watch
Less than 10 minutes after lift-off the payload parachuted safely back to Earth, and the suborbital flight was over.
The American shuttle can be used many times to put payloads in space.
The crew survived, but the aircraft exploded when its payload of munitions blew up breaking the windows of many local houses in the blast.
Subtract 588 pounds of fuel, and you'd be left with a 512-pound allowance, not an unusual payload among big-bore four-seaters.
Since it was a political junket, I'd say its quite cheeky for him to claim himself a former astronaut, but then again I don't think you'd want to 'disqualify' all Payload Specialists from being called astronauts.
Is Senator Bill Nelson an Astronaut? - NASA Watch
For most of the mission the orbiter will circle the Earth with the payload bay open and facing down towards the ground.
Perry Farrell, best known as the frontman for iconic alt-rock act Jane's Addiction, has spent the past three years putting together ‘Ultra Payloaded,’ the debut album from his new musical project, Satellite Party.
The aircraft will climb to approximately 39,000 feet and release the launch vehicle and payload.
The payloads will comprise technical equipment to monitor the Moon during the fly-by, planned in three-four years.
Its payload can include a color television camera and a forward - looking infrared sensor.
Each payload would have to be inspected before blast off to ensure its peaceful nature.
At these times, any given booster rocket can launch the heaviest possible payloads to Mars.
When the router gets the frame, it pulls the IP packet out of the frame and drops it into the payload field of anther frame to send across the WAN.
During the next eight months, the spacecraft's onboard systems will be checked and its science payload will be commissioned.
The smoke screen is produced when a predetermined fuze action causes ejection of the payload from the projectile.
Satellites, robotic probes, or instrument packages can act as payloads.
Media reports and announcements from various anti-virus vendors have warned that the W32/Klez-E worm will initiate a destructive payload today, 6 March.
In addition to human, electro-optical, radio, and precise timing payloads, some satellites now carry robotic payloads.
I thought the satellite payloads had to be hardened for the high loads assocated with vibs.
Flip Flopping on EELV Safety - NASA Watch
New uMessage message. strFrom = acket. getPayLoadValue (
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And finally I awoke near the end, as Capa is struggling in the bulky EVA suit to reach the payload, and, half awake, I lay there and marveled at the score and what a beautiful thing this vastly underrated film is (my next Mac will be named Icarus).
Lughnasadh '08
The B - 52H is the US Air Force's long-range, large-payload multi-role bomber and is known as the Stratofortress or the Buff (Big Ugly Fat Fellow).
SNAP uses separate input and output ports with each port currently sustaining a data payload bandwidth of 1.4GB/sec.
It operates microgravity science payloads for ground and spaceflight research.
You are left with a payload remainder for water, supplies, spares and camping gear.
STS-118:  There are some problems with ESP-3:  the Interface Control Document normally takes 7 months to translate payload requirements into orbiter interfaces to support payload requirements.
NASA Watch: Shuttle News: February 2005 Archives
Iranian television showed the rocket on its desert launch pad, but did not show the actual lift-off . Few details were available about the rocket or its payload.
The original client request to the presentation server is typically in HTTP with a possible payload of XML.
Ompa Robot Mate promote your robot to be 2.5 times payload without power consumption, low-carbon emission for environment protection!
Since their payload is already smaller than Ares I, it will cut into Orion even more, which is what many people on here complain Ares I does.
Jeff Hanley's Latest Update From the Denial Zone - NASA Watch
The simulation result shows that the multiplexer can integrate the functions of storing and multiplexing payload data flexibly with low rate of hardware resource utilization.
Ironically, Reliable Excavation Demolition is always the defending team in some control point and Payload maps, although its name would suggest that they are the attackers, rather than BLU.
Each gives you a choice of cabs, loadspace, and payloads so whatever your needs, there's a model to suit.
A difference with the Spaceport's installation will be the addition of a mobile gantry, which is to be employed for payload integration with the Soyuz erected in its vertical position.
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Basic payload figures are a little misleading, however, in view of differing fuel capacities.
A long, slender fuselage was necessary to contain most of the fuel as well as the landing gear and payloads.
His Gokar worm also had a malicious payload - it attempted to overwrite the main page on the websites of infected companies.
Along with controlling the satellite, this software must interface with the satellite's five experimental payloads.
A robot equipped with Ompa robot mate is more cost competitiveness compared with the same payload robot.
Even huge turnaround time improvements on a refurbished vehicle doesn't seem like it would be such a significant design driver for a commercial payload vehicle to offset proven launch systems such as expendable rockets or something like a 2009 version of an X-15.
Masten Space System's Xombie Make First Successful Test Flight - NASA Watch
They're "the payload" - if we need to drive a palentologist and a crustal geologist around Mars a bunch, they're NSSA astronauts, even if a NSDA astronaut pilots the lander/ascent vehicle and tags along to help carry rocks back to the rover.
What Civil Space Agency Would You Create? - NASA Watch
If a customer wants an industrial robot with 800Kg payload capacity; a budget for 300Kg payload capacity robot equipped with an Ompa robot mate would meet its requirements.
For the first time, Europe will now be able to place into geostationary orbit a payload weighing more than 10 tonnes.
Its payload can include a color television camera and a forward - looking infrared sensor.
There are limits to how much lossless data compression can compress and increase the payload of a TCP/IP data packet.
The new millennium begins with the launch of a new orbiter and a lander, ideally with a rover payload.
It does not have a malicious payload, meaning it does not destroy or alter information within a computer.
In comparison, 40-foot containers have a tare weight of 7,000 pounds, a payload of 60,000 pounds, and a gross weight capacity of 67,000 pounds.
The reduced complement minimises training costs and increase combat efficiency by making more space, while a larger payload enhances the ship's autonomy.
The two payloads were placed in geostationary transfer orbit.
At that time, it was the largest payload ever delivered by the space shuttle.
Instead, we need to develop a new generation of launch systems where the launcher remains on the ground so the spacecraft is almost all payload, not propellant.
Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company, Sunnyvale, Calif., is the AEHF prime contractor and system manager, with Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems, Redondo Beach, Calif., as the payload provider.
The aircraft could carry a payload of only 265 pounds and had neither instruments nor weapons.
But it could still pack in a handy payload and had an effective range of, say, twelve hundred kilometres.
They perform experiments, spacewalks and handle the payload.
The American shuttle can be used many times to put payloads in space.
Improvements include increased payload share of ship displacement, stealthy design, advanced propulsion system and combat systems with modular open architecture.
The shuttle's main payload will be a 37,300-pound satellite.
In the mid 1990's, the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Shuttle Small Payloads Project (SSPP), home to the GAS program, realized that many student organizations struggled in developing a full payload from the ground up, i. e data systems, power systems, structures, and the experiment taking their energy away from the actual science to be achieved.
Today's Video: Inspire Me! Weightless Flights of Discovery - NASA Watch
His powerful muscles bunched, tensing up and readying themselves to deliver a payload of suffering and torture.
The change really came to pass because truckers really do care about fuel economy and payload.
The microsatellite's main payload is a 6,25-m multispectral imager - that is, the imager has a resolution of 6,25 m x 6,25 m.
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These included shooting it into space on board a rocket so that its deadly payload would disappear into infinity.
Rs high payload and stealthiness (the difficulty of detecting its approach) enable it to do extraordinary damage to an adversary's warmaking capacity, at minimum risk to just two crew members per aircraft.
Precision Guesswork About The B-2
This iterative process, through a series of 'Crew Station Reviews', established the common module/node architecture based on modularized standard racks (later they were called the International Standard Payload Rack or ISPR), ESA and NASDA (later JAXA) worked with us and adopted the configuation at this time.
Name Node 3 - NASA Watch
Data from the recently-launched Oceansat-2, which carried an atmospheric sounder 'ROSA' from Italy apart from main payloads - ocean colour monitor and scatterometer - is highly sought after by international scientific community.
The modular concept allows the implementation of different payloads according to the customer's needs.
The dropper functionality contains code to install and execute all of the payload files.
The helicopter is designed to carry a payload of 2640 pounds.
Thereafter, satellite producers could contract directly with launcher providers to deliver payloads to space.
Two companies might share a payload, with half going to one company's rig and half going to the other's.
The customized malware payload is innocuous looking, low profile, and usually avoids typical malware giveaways.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The Internet, The Fourth Amendment, and Technology Neutrality: A Response to Horowitz
Both proposals are for complete missions, including launch vehicle, spacecraft and science instrument payload.
When used for planetary decent the shuttle can land like a standard aircraft on a wheeled undercarriage, or where there is not an airport, it can make a vertical landing on small thrusters, at the cost of a greatly reduced payload capacity.
Less than 10 minutes after lift-off the payload parachuted safely back to Earth, and the suborbital flight was over.
Designed to reduce maintenance costs and improve fuel economy while maximizing payload.
Flight 160 was right on time and successfully placed its two payloads into orbit.
The European Space Agency will launch Mars Express in that year with a lander, Beagle - 2, with a scientific payload dedicated to detecting signs of biogenic activity on Mars.
The payload, perched on the nose cone of the massive rocket, was a one-man exploration vessel, Ranger 3.
Payload: Downloads potentially malicious code on to the compromised computer.
It carries a highly destructive payload, and also has some rudimentary polymorphic properties.
In addition, the pilot may assist in the deployment and retrieval of satellites using the remote manipulator system, in extravehicular activities, and in other payload operations.
Yesterday rollout of the complete payload took place, followed by installation onto the launcher.
ESA rocketeers are hoping that the payload does not actually end up in the Atlantic - as happened during the last Ariane 5 ECA launch in 2002.
This assurance is critical to mitigate the potential harm to consumers from the collection of payload data," said the FTC's David Vladeck wrote.
FTC drops inquiry into Google Street View flap
Such a bag with sufficient capacity to lift a suspended gondola or other payload.
Those speedy boats sealift the payload into Caribbean nations for later delivery to their biggest consumer nation - the United States.
A Hubble rescue mission would have to be prepared for a different orbit, different abort modes, and a different payload.
The turboprop aircraft, which has a 50-tonne payload capacity, is the only one of its kind in operation.
If you can't get your hydrogen powered upper stage all the way to orbit, you are either doing something drastically wrong on the first stage, and your payload is too heavy, or both.
Abbey Lane: They're Back - NASA Watch
Used extensively against Iraq in the 1991 Gulf War, the Tomahawk of today is much smarter, allowing it to dodge unmapped obstacles such as new buildings in its path, and deliver its payload within a few metres of its programmed target.
Ivan started climbing the staircase that spiraled up to the payload section and gangway.
Complex instruments of payload are being made in-house by small teams in national labs, not outsourced.
The scientific payload includes stereo imaging equipment, a laser altimeter, a magnetometers, and an X-ray Spectrometer.
The helicopter is designed to carry a payload of 2640 pounds.
To do that you need to carry the oxidiser with you and that increases the take-off weight to where a runway capable reusable craft with a reasonable payload becomes problematic.
MACH-5 A2: Fly Sydney to Brussels in 4hrs – Emissions Free! | Inhabitat
Its payload of 15,333 pounds was properly secured and distributed relative to the center of gravity of the aircraft.
The vehicle also incorporates the option to one day double the payload using restartable second-stage engines.
The rocket ship is divided into two parts, the payload part and the fuel - exhaust part.
The torpedo is evidently a CHT-02D, with a diameter of 21 inches and weight of 1.7 tons, and a payload of 250 kg - which s consistent with the size of the explosion.
Cards of Wu
This working concept craft may someday boost a payload into space for $500 a pound.
That same logic would hold true if the payload capacity had been modified to 6,000 lb or less and a passenger seat configuration of 20 seats or fewer.
I assume they aren't carrying nukes - ICBMs would be the preferred delivery system in that case - so all we have are a few bombers with a few payloads of ordinary bombs.
The airplane will usually be carrying a payload (passengers, cargo, weapons) and often a full load of fuel.
The dropper functionality contains code to install and execute all of the payload files.
A "missile" is a projectile, powered during flight by either solid of liquid-fueled engines, with a weaponized payload of some kind (example: SCUDs, 'Katyushas').
Boing Boing: July 16, 2006 - July 22, 2006 Archives
Coincidentally all serious projects to get into space (Soyuz-Progress, Mir/Salyut, ISS, Bigelow) beyond a sortie (solo Shuttle, Apollo, CxP apparently) are all highly modular and fit in that payload range.
Moon Outpost or Bust - NASA Watch
He argued that expendable vehicles are already called upon to launch high-value unmanned payloads.
The need to send US supply payloads to the International Space Station is going to change the nature of NASA's requirements.
All data in the payloads is scrambled, but framing bytes in the overhead consist of fixed data patterns and thus are not scrambled.
For those of you who are misguided enough to think solid rocket boosters are the salvation of rocket reliability, Boeing's IUS was a 2 stage solid rocket upper stage that launched on top of Titan rockets and in the payload bay of the shuttle.
Ares Doubts Continue to Mount - NASA Watch
With an unladen trailer mass of just 829 kg, the payload is around 3561 kg.
The A700's payload with full fuel is expected to be 725 lb.
This assurance is critical to mitigate the potential harm to consumers from the collection of payload data," the FTC said.
FTC Closes Inquiry Into Google Street View
But by experimenting with different payloads carried on the gold nanoparticles in the new tumor cylindroid device,
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Flight 164 will carry three payloads on its journey into space.
The object is for the round to go downrange and deliver a nonlethal payload over the target.
However, if a payload is robotically operated then a risk analysis of loss of payload might be found acceptable and cheaper to lift-off.
How Best to Access the ISS-and LEO? - NASA Watch
This would enable the launch of an Orion and an expendable orbital work platform that includes an EVA airlock, a remote manipulator arm and the necessary berthing equipment as well as the replacement components on shuttle-style payload racks.
New Uses for Constellation Systems? - NASA Watch
In the payload section were the crates that Skorpion had been waiting for.
The satellite will carry a payload that will transmit a Galileo experimental signal.
The inevitable consequence of all the improvements is a heavier airplane and a reduced payload, only about 440 pounds with all tanks full.
‘Bunchberry stamens are designed like miniature medieval trebuchets - specialized catapults that maximize throwing distance by having the payload attached to the throwing arm by a hinge or flexible strap,’ Edwards said.
This would allow us to have an ion cycler for heavy payloads to extend the architecture and private enterprise could build it.
Reader's Consensus: Develop a new launch vehicle - NASA Watch
Like an unwanted cargo hulk lugging its toxic payload from port to port around the world, there's no telling where it will end up next.
Throughout this process, the robots constantly update each other about payload forces and motions as felt at their respective grippers.
Baghdad was developing missiles capable of delivering weapons payloads, including biological agents, to other nations.
The dream is a cheap, reliable way to carry people and payloads into orbit.
To ensure there are no cracks in the assemblies, technicians will enter Discovery's payload bay and perform borescope inspections of the area, an inspection that can only be accomplished at the pad.
The scientific payload includes stereo imaging equipment, a laser altimeter, a magnetometers, and an X-ray Spectrometer.
Encapsulating a payload in a fairing is easy and cleaner.
Proponents of DIRECT Offer Rebuttal to NASA's Analysis - NASA Watch
What is the concern, then, for contamination of the payload, of the cargo?
The jet was carrying a full payload of fuel for its flight, scheduled to last about five hours, and it exploded into a fireball which engulfed 12 houses within seconds.
"The next big worm we have will have a more devastating payload," he predicts.
Despite the increase in payload of 1mT, the crew complement of Orion is down to four instead of six; requiring a minimum of two launches to fully man the ISS with its normal crew complement and rotate existing crew members; unless that is the requirement is now limited to U. S crew members.
A Look at the Ares Projects Plan - NASA Watch
This is important because the balloon and payload could be damaged if the wind speed is above 10 knots.
However, attacks don't need to be specifically targeted at enterprises - or even carry a malicious payload - to have serious repercussions on the enterprise's operations.
He said the cameras attached to popular quadcopter drones could easily be replaced with a chemical payload.
Times, Sunday Times
The shuttle was everyone's competitor, from small low Earth orbit payloads to big interplanetary missions.
Once in place, many of the tests and verifications are repeated to assure workers that the payload and its shuttle interfaces are working together.
Confirmation of the landing reached Earth at 5:53 pm Mountain Time and initial indications are that the lander and its payload are in good shape.
In its main role as a strategic weapon, the payload would be a 200 kiloton nuclear warhead (not that it is suggested that the warheads were sold).
The maximum weapons payload is 1,781 kg and weapon options include missiles, torpedoes, rockets and bombs.
Aerostats are packed to their fins with special radar payloads that would have mere hot air balloons, airships or blimps hissing with envy.
Best platform would be the XM-109 payload rifle with air-fuzed and HEAP rounds.
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Sophos experts have advised customers about a new email-aware worm that has an unusual payload.
Sumbandila is a low earth orbit observation microsatellite and its main payload is a 6,5-m multispectral imager - that is, the imager has a resolution of 6,5 m × 6,5 m at an altitude of
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Unblock peer, and if they are 1 unchoke still interested in the data, upload will begin. 2 interested Fixed length, no 23 Dept of CS&E, VVCE BitTorrent Protocol payload.
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During a ground contact event, the payload streams data in real time through a series of software pipes.
Possible increase in payload of 15 - 20,000 pounds.
Shuttle-C - NASA Watch
These, explained Durda, were the last remnants of the flame emanating from the lower stages of the Black Brant rocket, now tumbling away from the payload.
To increase their chances of success, the microbial payloads should contain a variety of organisms with various environmental tolerances, and hardy multicellular organisms such as rotifer eggs to jumpstart higher evolution. - latest science and technology news stories
With these very large passenger payloads one question looms above all others — safety.
The contract includes 15 types of trucks that can carry payloads from 2.5 to 7.5 tons and adds a new 5-ton expansible van truck variant.
Having arrived at the payload you can begin to rig the lift using either rope or the supplied attachment strops.
I've restricted it to spacecraft carrying useful payloads that actually flew.
If you're going to arrive and perform humanitarian relief, you wouldn't want armor but would want to maximize payload.
An attempt to reset the formatter and obtain a dump of the payload computer's memory was unsuccessful.
NASA Watch: Hubble: September 2008 Archives
It is armed with new powerful air-to-ground and air-to-air missiles, an off-axis cannon, and an increased weapon payload.
Consequently, an all-wheel-steer loader can carry more payload per pound of machine than an articulated loader without tipping.
Frank's note: My observation (I'm no engineer and don't claim to be one) is that payload accommodations in any form of capsule shape is deficient when compared to a payload bay across the center fuselage of any type of lifting body or winged planform ... agreed?
How Best to Access the ISS-and LEO? - NASA Watch
This paper described the separation dynamics process of a microsatellite a piggyback payload a launch vehicle.
Each input or output port sustains a yielded data payload of 1.4GB/sec.
Massive payloads into space should continue to be launched by unmanned multistage rockets.
Reader's Consensus: Develop a new launch vehicle - NASA Watch
It is armed with new powerful air-to-ground and air-to-air missiles, a cannon, and an increased weapon payload.
An autonomous telemetry system transmitted data on the payload environment during all the flight phases, from liftoff to in-orbit injection.
On July 17, 1929, he flew the first instrumented payload, consisting of an aneroid barometer, a thermometer, and a camera.
Now all I have to remember to do is to stop squidging the six-legged offenders in case they're carrying the precious payload back to the nest.
His responsibilities involved reviewing materials used in Space Shuttle payloads.
First of all, the payload shroud is simply not as roomy -- i.e. useful --- as that upon ARES V.
Shuttle-C - NASA Watch
The airline wanted an aircraft with excellent payload to achieve a good passenger-seat-per-mile cost even though it would be a more expensive aircraft to initially purchase.
At about five minutes into the flight the booster engine drops off and the payload fairing - a protective shell - jettisons.
Those speedy boats sealift the payload into Caribbean nations for later delivery to their biggest consumer nation - the United States.
The apollo mission didn't have much of a 'payload' to the moon.
Back to the Moon We Go - NASA Watch