How To Use Paycheck In A Sentence

  • In fact the people that were chosen for management were usually total screwups and were dangerous around such equipment and aircraft..usually their day consisted of walking around asking the mechanics, “Are you done yet?” smoking cigarettes and generally just collecting a paycheck. Think Progress » Under Fire, ABC Yanks Official Blog of 9/11 Docudrama
  • He pulls out the original drum track, throws in a turgid approximation of the live drums with a drum machine and a stiff boom-kick, adds some bloops, bleeps, and squiggles (because, hey, it's a remix), and cashes his paycheck.
  • Millions of federal employees may not receive paychecks unless Congress raises the debt ceiling.
  • Obivously, by the mere actions of ABC and the other lib media, the censorship of anything healthcare will lead to something being signed .... what they cannot prevent or censor is the draining of your paycheck through taxation ... Pelosi: There will be public option in House health care bill
  • If he did agree to work for the rebels and became a double agent, spying for the CAS, he'd get two paychecks.
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  • While many turn their paychecks over to their husbands, others rebel, demanding the family's few spare cents go to pencils for the kids rather than cigarettes.
  • The only difficulty has been convincing employees to abandon their old-fashioned paychecks.
  • Now, economic worries are rising fastest in households with smaller paychecks, and that chasm is widening. Americans increasingly concerned on economic future
  • Its employees take home bigger paychecks and more lavish benefits than most of the city's private employees.
  • You know, the one that takes a healthy bite from your paycheck day after day, year after year?
  • With the economy just barely limping into the New Year, finding a steady paycheck is harder than ever.
  • Shortly before noon, the foreman came around with paychecks.
  • Then, earlier this month, employee paychecks were delayed after a financial rejiggering and a wave of staff layoffs.
  • Some believe he gave Central Office employees advances on their paychecks.
  • The Universal hierarch surely would be reminding his brethren that Hollywood is living very well at this moment, that the benefits packages are rich and so are the paychecks. "Toxic" Studio-Union Relations?
  • A former employer that had taken to issuing promises instead of paychecks, seems to have saved money by an even more devious method.
  • Interviewing Manny the lobsterman, a 30-year-old college grad with a paltry paycheck, helped clinch that argument.
  • Meanwhile, Irving has been relegated to henpecked husband status, and exists only to put a paycheck in the bank so Cathy can buy more shoes, more dresses, more lingerie she wears while straddling her lover.
  • the government's weekly bite from my paycheck
  • It was, however, at least a steady paycheck, two full meals a day free, and all the soda and coffee I could drink.
  • Now Lynette makes monthly payments to providers and to a collection agency that amount to one-third of her paycheck .
  • The only thing that holds me back is a steady paycheck and an easy retirement.
  • Academic research shows that small increases in paychecks are viewed as "spendable" income, while larger lump sums are viewed as wealth to be saved. Homepage
  • Otherwise, Republicans can pontificate, as in the Pledge to America, about how "joblessness is the single most important challenge facing America today" and extol the "pride and dignity that comes with an honest day's work and a steady paycheck. Republicans guilty of mass murder on job creation
  • Democrats seek voter-intimidation inquiry: Ohio Democrats are asking authorities to investigate a handbill tucked in the paychecks of some McDonald's employees that advocated votes for three Republican. Boehner endorses Ohio GOP House candidate criticized for Nazi reenactment
  • Hugh Hefner himself says “No! No!” when asked about a Kate Gosselin pictorial, so I guess the Playboy rejection means one less paycheck for the hard-working reality mom. Hugh Hefner May Sell Playboy to Virgin Millionaire Richard Branson
  • Today we are rightly demanding a greater sense of satisfaction and achievement not just a weekly paycheck.
  • Your profession is not what brings home your weekly paycheck, your profession is what you're put here on earth to do, with such passion and such intensity that it becomes spiritual in calling. Vincent van Gogh 
  • He did not want to anger his employer, since his paycheck - as well as his life - could very well be on the line.
  • Players give 10 percent of each paycheck to an escrow fund.
  • Because we evil capitalist white Americans didn't give up even more of our paychecks to build quakeproof housing for a noble and deserving third world hellhole. Latest Articles
  • Will they advance you some money until your get your first paycheck?
  • I don't write checks for my bills before I get my paycheck, that's a pretty risky practice.
  • Maybe if you felt the government had no power to "coerce" religion, you would not fear the employee of the government (no more than a human being, like all others, whose paycheck is funded by tax revenues rahter than commerce) having any power to affect religius conversion beyond what any other person you might meet that wishes to express their religious views. Sound Politics: Onward Christian Soldiers
  • The day before, he told employees to cash their paychecks rather than deposit them.
  • The locker room is bursting with rich, young, immature players and over-the-hill veterans coasting toward retirement while collecting a nice paycheck.
  • It's so easy to get comfortable with a nice, steady paycheck, and my career was very promising at the company where I worked.
  • Your paycheck is enough to comfortably support a family in nice surroundings.
  • Your profession is not what brings home your weekly paycheck, your profession is what you're put here on earth to do, with such passion and such intensity that it becomes spiritual in calling. Vincent van Gogh 
  • Some $250 million went out through paychecks to more than 8,000 local employees.
  • Have you looked at your paycheck lately?
  • Friday, 478 U.S. 385 1986, which they characterize as holding that the clock on the statute of limitations begins running anew "with each disparate paycheck even if the disparity arose out of discriminatory pay decisions made years earlier. "Pay is a complicated thing."
  • He's one of those baseball lifers constantly pitching for his next paycheck.
  • One of the perks of being an interior decorator in Manhattan: the paycheck.
  • My paycheck is direct-deposited into the HUEB account. The Price of Civil Disobedience
  • Those cut today do receive a paycheck and pension credit, but also an "MDF" designation - Missed the cut, Did not Finish. The Charleston Gazette -
  • Over the weekend Annie had helped me land a job at CVS, where she worked, and I would spend my entire first paycheck on Jake if it would prove to Faith and the rest of them that I could still be a good backslapper. She’s So Dead to Us
  • People could gamble without panicking and planning to re-mortgage their home, or dashing out to get an advance on their paycheck from the corner money store.
  • Your profession is not what brings home your weekly paycheck, your profession is what you're put here on earth to do, with such passion and such intensity that it becomes spiritual in calling. Vincent van Gogh 
  • Heartless men, dashing knights of the keyboard, arranged their cards into pairs and flushes and whatever else was necessary to rob a rube - me - of his next week's paycheck.
  • Why not get someone who's actually invested in the story or atleast hasn't publicly dissed it, not just someone looking for a paycheck? katie i love twilight but it takes to long to read amelia if he didnt mean what he said, then why the hell did he even say it. profesional my ass. give the film to someone with a bit more passion! David Slade Responds to His Own Remarks About Twilight | /Film
  • Meaningful work always pays dividends beyond the paycheck when we embrace it with energy and commitment.
  • A guaranteed postgraduation paycheck, 9-11 and aggressive recruitment are sparking a resurgence of Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps ROTC programs. Want To 'Play In The Mud'?
  • They tried to track the person from following the account my paychecks came from.
  • he complained about the subtraction of money from their paychecks
  • It would require extraordinary performance. People had to behave as if work meant more to them than a paycheck.
  • Of course a lot of corporations are well funded and highly affluential, but there are still working class, or working poor who depend on those unions to keep getting a paycheck.
  • These strong-arm tactics include garnishing a man's paycheck, revoking his driver's license, and sending him to jail.
  • As a result, staffers expected fat paychecks of thousands of dollars in backdated raises at the exact time that Sampson was accusing Senate Republicans of stalling legislation in an attempt to seize the spoils of majority leadership. New York Senate Drama! Showdown! Conflict! Pay Raises! - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • People had to behave as if work meant more to them than a paycheck.
  • Consumers in particular have been spending freely, and their purchases of cheap imports help to stretch the buying power of their paychecks.
  • But the Egyptian fellah is thinking about where he's going to get his next paycheck to feed his family.
  • The Pentagon hopes to sustain and "regenerate" -- to replace those who disappeared after the first paycheck or two -- an additional 105,000, for a total of 305,000 by Fiscal Year Military Space News, Nuclear Weapons, Missile Defense
  • Hm. Depends on whether son/nephew/nepotism-benefactor is getting a paycheck or not. The gatekeeper requires bribes.
  • In his speech Tuesday night, Romney listed what he called the differing ideologies between himself and the president, promising to balance the budget without raising taxes and saying "together we will build an America where hope is a new job with a paycheck, not a faded word on an old bumper sticker.
  • He wrote the classic "Take This Job and Shove It," made famous by Johnny Paycheck, and carpentered material for the likes of George Jones, Johnny Cash and Tanya Tucker. Exiled from Nashville, ribald David Allan Coe can still laugh at his lyrics
  • They rarely say so, but everyone in a while of them tests the water by saying things like what Bloomberg columnist Kevin Hassett did recently: "Your fat paycheck is keeping your neighbor unemployed. Terrance Heath: Minimal Wages For All
  • I’ve always been the sensible one, the one who didn’t have to live on bread and water because I blew my paycheck on a pair of shoes.
  • Speaking of money, I've put together a tentative monthly budget because I'm sick of always scraping by from paycheck to paycheck.
  • Insurers and other companies that fail to find the owners of dormant accounts or uncashed paychecks eventually turn those funds over to the state with the last known address for the person, usually after two to five years. What Do Jolie and Giuliani Have in Common? Unclaimed Funds
  • subtract this amount from my paycheck
  • As a conclave of low-paid people with government guaranteed paychecks, military bases are natural targets for the predatory lending practices of payday loan companies.
  • Bowrick made semimonthly paycheck deposits, each around five hundred bucks. THE KILL CLAUSE
  • If you can convince him it's necessary, you'll have the best of both worlds: a regular paycheck and the freedomto work outside the box.
  • More photos and interactive graphics To fill the employment gap, the government has promised to triple the number of independent businesses, pushing those who once drew a paycheck from the government into a new private sector. Cubans Dip a Toe in Capitalist Waters
  • Unfortunately, readers' affection hasn't necessarily translated into steady paychecks for the authors they love.
  • It is hard to imagine the CNN/FOX "eye candy bimboes" and the FOX "YACKASS MALES" ever achieving anything more than their overinflated paychecks. Morton: Goodbye, Walter
  • Disney agreed to raise the caps on pension benefits and put a limit on yearly hikes in health benefits that are deducted on a weekly basis from paychecks.
  • Without a paycheck, you discover the importance of cash flow, and your accountant has to become your best friend.
  • The poets have donated what ever amount they can afford, oftentimes coming from minimum wage paychecks in truly selfless gestures.
  • So for those working families that depend on their paychecks and much less on investment income, they're the ones that have been pinched the most.
  • Your paycheck will be debited at the same rate each month for the entire calendar year.
  • If you write a check that clears while there's still a hold on your paycheck, it will bounce, triggering hefty overdraft fees.
  • That means that a lot of nerds are struggling for their next paycheck, living in ratty apartments and working in crappy jobs, and they don’t even realize that the reason they’re poor is because people find them offputting. Overcoming Your Nerd-Dom: Part 1 In A Possibly-Continuing Series
  • As a young man he lived briefly in a homeless shelter and learned to view a steady paycheck the same way that a drowning man might view a lifeline.
  • After spending a night in jail, he had managed to find a job moving boxes at a local warehouse, and had been able to convince the foreman into an advance on his first paycheck so he could secure a place to live.
  • But if you get Clarke's name on the cover, your paycheck is also a heck of a lot bigger, because you sold more books! 2004: A Space Onion
  • They hire themselves out to other farms, working on the land that they love, but bringing home nothing but a paycheck at the end of the week.
  • At the ripe age of 43 and after [more than] 17 years at the same job, I have no financial security; I live paycheck to paycheck.
  • In some cases, when the paychecks arrived, the employees received a portion of the money in return for falsifying the time sheets.
  • It's not like there's even a paycheck or bonus or anything in the end to make it worth my aggravation.
  • A term pension is a financial savings device offered by employers that allows workers to draw on, as a paycheck substitute, when they retire. - Articles related to RBI seeks cap on hike in salaries of private bank CEOs
  • Employers deduct the matching pre-tax amount from each paycheck to gradually build the account to the requested level.
  • April 19th, 2010 3: 42 pm ET what government??? we have the democrats working hard to restore our country while the republicans have sat around openly stating they are not going to do anything as long as barack obama is president. in my opinion the repubs are stealing money from the american people every time they cash their paychecks. the bums need to be sent to arizonia with there long grim faces an be made to guard the border against the mexicans that mccain all of a sudden thinks should be stopped an jailed. at least they would be earning their paycheck. mccain should be the leader since he has gone from maveric to old, crumpy and just nasty. what a sight that would be. the poor mexicans would run back to mexico in sheer horror when running up against a bunch that ugly and crumpy. nameless Poll cites rising distrust of government in America
  • Working for a company your paycheck is already tied to that company. - Plan for your financial future
  • The Metal Workers Union that represents the workers said that employees had not received paychecks since November.
  • The following helpful guide has been prepared to help our employees better understand their paychecks.
  • Roberto and our other producer had basically convinced me not to watch dailies, yet I was heading up the production and giving out the paychecks.
  • It's true that for most people in this country, the paycheck is the proximate source of all good things. Rebecca R. Scott: Almost Heaven or Almost Hell? Fossil Fuels, Paychecks and Nature
  • Academic research shows that small increases in paychecks are viewed as "spendable" income, whereas larger lump sums are viewed as wealth to be saved. Top News Headlines
  • The unions are spending a boatload of money to protect their paycheck deduction for dues and to fight against extending the time to get teacher tenure.
  • Now, you best bring your paycheck divided in to toonies and loonies.
  • \ ''; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Guess it isn\'t a catastrophe for a man with a guaranteed government paycheck and the best health care benefits your \'broke, broke, broke\' taxpayers\ 'dollar s can afford? OpEdNews - Quicklink: GOP Sen. Kyl: It's ��dangerous' and ��careless' to describe a potential depression as a 'catastrophe.'
  • So until Obama's administration buys every company doing business in the United States and your paycheck says that the payor is the US Government, then you can call it Socialism which he can't do without the Congress and Senate passing the bill. Avlon: 'Wingnut' in desperate bid for attention
  • First, any rookie economist will tell you that creating a job by extorting money from the populace, filtering it through any number of government agencies (where they skim off their percentage for handling it) and turning it into a paycheck is the absolute worst way to do it. Sound Politics: Tunnel of Funny Money
  • He could even modify the employee's direct deposit bank account, and divert a paycheck to his own account, if he wanted to.
  • Jackie, who had looked forward to a steady if modest paycheck soon found there were no paychecks at all.
  • So Mister Mossbacher took a hundred dollars out of Daddy's paycheck to make up the difference and screamed at him. RANDOM ACTS OF SENSELESS VIOLENCE
  • Then, joining the military seemed like the best path to a steady paycheck, benefits and college money.
  • What these people should do is be dragged through a three-month process of meetings, phone calls, letters of various threat levels, the hiring of a tax defense attorney, several arbitrary and probably highly unfair levies of additional penalties, the destruction of their credit rating, at least one garnisheed paycheck, and at least one typical bureaucratic screwup that takes five days of excruciating nit-picking to resolve. Ron Kirk Nomination Raises Question: Is Obama Vetting To Ensure He Picks People Who Do Not Pay Taxes? - Dan_McLaughlin’s blog - RedState
  • Back in 1974, people still stood in line to deposit paychecks, paid for groceries with cash, and put big purchases like furniture on layaway plans.
  • Make no mistake about it, this is a man who knows who signs his paychecks.
  • The workers' last paycheck only paid them through noon of their final day on the job.
  • Without a budget, city employees would likely not receive a paycheck in July.
  • They could have agreed to higher wages and higher employee premiums… but the workers wanted a lower paycheck in exchange for fully paid health care.
  • Big fat CEO paychecks not only hurt an employee's bottom line but a company's bottom line too, according to a report.
  • The paycheck for making the round of 16 in doubles is $13,800 per pair. - Aussie leader hopes Rafter reconsiders retirement
  • Every pay period Caminus deducts an amount, designated by the employees, from their post-tax paycheck.
  • That extra income - along with expectations for bigger paychecks ahead - is contributing to renewed economic optimism.
  • Before I started writing this column on why paychecks are likely to keep shrinking even if unemployment starts to inch down, I consulted Google to see if the term Marxism was trending upward. Top Stories
  • Lazily drifting at a high altitude, you wait until the sap investing his paycheck in the drunk blonde shuffles off to the restroom.
  • Your profession is not what brings home your weekly paycheck, your profession is what you're put here on earth to do, with such passion and such intensity that it becomes spiritual in calling. Vincent van Gogh 
  • Interviewing Manny the lobsterman, a 30-year-old college grad with a paltry paycheck, helped clinch that argument.
  • Overall, the members of the military, regardless of banch, are there for their paycheck and what ever ote "bennies" they can get. What And What Not To Say To A Marine
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  • Other states have higher child support awards, laws that aggressively establish paternity, and collection techniques that make defaulting unlikely such as garnishing child support from paychecks. Men’s Rights Myth: Women Trick Men Into Fatherhood So They Can Collect Child Support
  • And in the meantime, our calico is still sitting on her shelf, waiting for a paycheck. Dogs With Jobs
  • But whatever the size of his paycheck, Wunderlich is still a professional athlete.
  • He may have fattened the bank accounts of a sizable bloc of Academy members-some three thousand people drew "Avatar" paychecks-but that doesn't mean that they all long to recrown him king of the world. The New Yorker
  • You will not save much working in an economy where missing two paychecks can lead to homelessness.
  • Although I am not among the "unbanked," I can identify with them, since sometimes I am close enough to living paycheck-to-paycheck that I need money fast and can't wait for a check to clear at my bank.
  • The firm has even patented a machine to profit from cashing paychecks for employees.
  • Their meager paychecks didn't go very far, but the stores didn't have many products to sell anyway.
  • When her husband left her with three little boys to support, she needed health insurance and a steady paycheck.
  • White House visitor logs show that between Feb. 4 and July 22, Tauzin visited his office an average of once every 15 days — about as frequently as Tauzin probably collects that generous paycheck candidate Obama derided. Think Progress » Right-Wing Fringe Rebels Against Palin Over Her Endorsement Of ‘RINO’ McCain
  • Scientists who are being overpaid have to invent ways to make everything look bad in order to keep receiving paychecks.
  • Your profession is not what brings home your weekly paycheck, your profession is what you're put here on earth to do, with such passion and such intensity that it becomes spiritual in calling. Vincent van Gogh 
  • It would require extraordinary performance. People had to behave as if work meant more to them than a paycheck.
  • Asked what the first thing he will do with his NBA paycheck, he says, ‘Pay my church tithe.’
  • Devolution from the paper paycheck historically excluded unbanked employees. Houston Chronicle
  • Many were young support staff members earning moderate salaries far below the massive paychecks of top executives.
  • She deposits her paycheck every month
  • The American Civil Liberties Union cochaired a national coalition of civil rights, women's rights, labor, faith-based and business groups, all of whom strongly supported the Paycheck Fairness Act as a vital protection against gender-based pay discrimination. Deborah J. Vagins: A Sad Day for Equal Pay, but Not the End

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