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How To Use Pay out In A Sentence

  • The insurance company decided to pay out for a write-off but the owner had had it repaired.
  • I could hardly expect him to pay out a large sum of money for such a drawing.
  • What better reason is there to pay out an insurance claim? Times, Sunday Times
  • It took him only three days to bring the bullion and gold coins to the surface and at the same time pay out $768,000 for the use of the special ship.
  • With the uptick in default rates, all of a sudden it became somewhat problematical whether it could continue to pay out that interest. Positive Feedback Cycles « Hyperpat’s HyperDay
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  • If they pay out upon cheques which are not his, they are acting outside their mandate and cannot plead his authority in justification of their debit to his account.
  • We should not have to pay out another penny piece. The Sun
  • Divorced men routinely pay out to their former wives without it garnering headlines. The Sun
  • There also needs to be strategies to reverse the trends to individual contracts and increased casualisation as these also affect the pay outcomes for women.
  • Middle and upper class uninsured consumers sometimes pay out - of - pocket.
  • He was then able to pay out a special dividend to shareholders and restore his own position, both in terms of his personal finances and his reputation.
  • Ha! Ha! Now I have got you," said the grocery man to the bad boy, the other morning, as he came in and jumped upon the counter and tied the end of a ball of twine to the tail of a dog, and "sicked" the dog on another dog that was following a passing sleigh, causing the twine to pay out until the whole ball was scattered along the block. Peck's Bad Boy and His Pa 1883
  • When one buys something on hire purchase, one has to pay out each month.
  • Because everybody's been helping themselves to a tanner here and a fiver there, consequently there is not enough left in the kitty to pay out a pension for people like me who have spent all their life expecting one.
  • Another condition requires Harvard to establish a reserve account to make sure that the insurer can pay outstanding medical bills.
  • It is also possible to pay a lump sum premium to an insurance company which will pay out to the amount insured.
  • But be aware that insurers will not pay out if you knew when you took out the policy that your employer was poised to make redundancies. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am now car-less and about £2,000 out of pocket, as I don't think that the insurance will pay out as I had left the keys in the ignition.
  • In the modern Islamic banking system, it has become one of the service-oriented functions of the Islamic banks to be a Zakat Collection Centre and they also pay out their Zakat .
  • The prison is paid $90 per day per prisoner for the work done, and they pay out less than a tenth (and sometimes as little as a fiftieth) of that.
  • The sulky dogs would rather have three twists of a rack, or the thumbikins for an hour, than pay out a denier for their own feudal father and liege lord. The White Company
  • Many policies pay out only after a period of weeks or months.
  • Of course, it's the insurance companies that have to pay out the compensation payments.
  • It was the first bookmaker to pay out early. The Sun
  • The way to manage money is firstly to assess what you have coming in and what you have to pay out.
  • Having to pay out unexpectedly for car repairs made a big hole in my savings.
  • And yet these three companies pay out each year in what they call expenses to keep the concerns running Frenzied Finance Vol. 1: The Crime of Amalgamated
  • But the company says a standard policy holder with a full bonus making a claim will effectively pay out more than three times their annual premium.
  • Divorced men routinely pay out to their former wives without it garnering headlines. The Sun
  • The Association is looking for philanthropists who could donate money to pay out salary for an English teacher.
  • Then, when he leaves his house unattended and not alarmed, he complains the insurers will not pay out when the property is burgled. Times, Sunday Times
  • The legal settlements companies now regularly pay out have not dented this margin because consumers foot the bill through huge price hikes.
  • What better reason is there to pay out an insurance claim? Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, its mandate to pay out 6 percent of a foundation's assets in grants probably requires the foundation to spend down and therefore decapitalize. Paul Brest: Philanthropy on Another Planet
  • Having to pay out unexpectedly for car repairs made a big hole in my savings.
  • When one buys something on hire purchase, one has to pay out each month.
  • When one buys something on hire purchase, one has to pay out each month.
  • The units it sold in the IPO represent limited-liability interests in its underlying business, a tax structure that allows it to pay out available cash in the form of a generous dividend.
  • MNCs in sectors such as FMCG, consumer durables, pharma and large IT companies have continued to pay out bonuses this year. The Economic Times
  • But also, as previously mentioned, what most people really obtain is not so much insurance (characterized by infrequent events and high payouts) but rather a product called insurance that really functions as insulation or consumption smoothing (characterized by frequent events and low pay outs). Archive 2009-08-01
  • The organisations pay out a big tranche of money getting hundreds of people off their payroll on enhanced retirement terms and three months later, guess what?
  • If he has a subchapter S corporation, the tax is the same whether they pay out of corporate funds or pay a distribution and pay out of personal funds. Matthew Yglesias » Corporate Political Contributions as Tax Break
  • These pay out if you buy goods and services after clicking through from their websites. Times, Sunday Times
  • Similarly, childless couples should not have to pay out. Times, Sunday Times
  • York's relatively buoyant businesses pay out more than £64 million to the central government business rates pool.
  • If it cannot prove that children from the most chaotic families arrive at the age of five ready to learn, future politicians will not be inclined to pay out large sums to keep it going.
  • Don't forget taking the wrong course leads to automatic disqualification for the horse and bookmakers will simply not pay out even if the disqualified horse wins by a furlong.
  • But be aware that insurers will not pay out if you knew when you took out the policy that your employer was poised to make redundancies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Furthermore, the development unit does not pay out the price to ac-quire the related intellectual property, but only pays out the price to ac-quire the real right of the construction.
  • Obviously our membership structure is different to most other mutuals which means we can't pay out the windfall in cash.
  • The indemnities in the franchises would, therefore, never be triggered, and ministers would not have to pay out. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had no mind to pay out money for what he could do himself; and many a wet afternoon did he and his hired man devote to the replacing of shingles, the nailing on of clapboards, to puttying, painting, and other matters of the same kind. Janet's Love and Service
  • Facing having to pay out a hefty divorce settlement, he had the motive. He also had form, having nearly strangled Arlene to death just weeks both she disappeared.
  • Now those individuals buying non-prescription medicine have to pay out-of-pocket.
  • The term deductable, the amount the insurance vistim has to pay out of pocket, even though the payments made to insurance should cover everything 100%. Memphis Commercial Appeal Stories
  • Having to pay out unexpectedly for car repairs made a big hole in my savings.
  • Your insurance policy might only pay out if you do so. The Sun
  • But, I thought you couldn’t call it ‘receivership’ either, because those all trillions and trillions of imaginary dollars in notional value Credit Default Swaps have to pay out for banks that go into ‘recievership’ and to have those unexploded CDS liabilities go from imaginary to real would be the world financial system equivalent of Global Thermonuclear War. Matthew Yglesias » Eisinger and Salmon on Bank Nationalization
  • A seller of protection on the MCDX index would pay out on a pro-rata basis when a default occurs, in line with the weighing that the defaulting issuer had in the index. Citi Prepares Tranche Market For Muni-Bond Derivatives
  • What better reason is there to pay out an insurance claim? Times, Sunday Times
  • Will he demand that the burglary is crimed so that he can make an insurance claim or will he for the greater good ignore the matter and hence get his bonus but not the insurance pay out. See No Evil…… (at least until the next financial year) « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • These pay out if you buy goods and services after clicking through from their websites. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the stock does not pay out any dividends, this space will be left blank in the newspaper table.
  • In the past 20 years, employees have lost right after right to Government-backed bosses intent on squeezing more work for less pay out of their workforces.
  • Still others simply spend the money or save in exempt assets rather than pay outstanding bills.
  • The company declined to pay out an interim dividend in favour of repaying debts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Facing having to pay out a hefty divorce settlement, he had the motive.
  • Despite working two or more jobs, many families still must pay out more than half their income for housing, or live in substandard conditions.
  • The operators are reducing the amount they pay out and increasing the amount they take in.
  • Your first example was about a guy getting physically assualted, you then go on to call the war memorial "buckshee" when it was funded by the townspeople to commemorate their lost people, then go on to rewarding a foreigner who is getting awarded UK resources after breaking our laws and finish up with our injured getting pay outs reduced. Army Rumour Service
  • She managed to wheedle an extra day's pay out of him.
  • If the warning is strong enough, your insurance policy should pay out on a cancellation claim.
  • My understanding is that insurers will pay for reconstruction but will not just pay out a cheque in lieu of same.
  • Ha! Ha! Now I have got you," said the grocery man to the had boy, the other morning, as he came in and jumped upon the counter and tied the end of a ball of twine to the tail of a dog, and "sicked" the dog on another dog that was following a passing sleigh, causing the twine to pay out until the whole ball was scattered along the block. Peck's Compendium of Fun
  • Then anything I pay out in compensation is a cost to me. Executive Compensation, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Having to pay out unexpectedly for car repairs made a big hole in my savings.
  • Having to pay out unexpectedly for car repairs made a big hole in my savings.
  • When one buys something on hire purchase, one has to pay out each month.
  • I normally have a rough idea as to how much money I need to pay out each month.
  • Otherwise it will not be possible to pay out the next tranche for Greece. Times, Sunday Times
  • During the four-day Easter holiday, the airline had to pay out $500,000 to fly 145,000 ticketed passengers in hired planes or rival airlines.
  • Most household contents policies cover items that can be moved such as household goods, furniture and personal belongings, but they won't pay out for undamaged bits of a set such as part of a three-piece suite.
  • The favourable realisations have contributed to the increased creditor pay out,’ he said.
  • I could hardly expect him to pay out a large sum of money for such a drawing.
  • In the modern Islamic banking system, it has become one of the service-oriented functions of the Islamic banks to be a Zakat Collection Centre and they also pay out their Zakat .

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