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How To Use Pawnee In A Sentence

  • These groups included the Blackfoot, Cheyenne, Crow, Kiowa, Pawnee and the Sioux Nations.
  • The pawnee is entitled to receive from the pawnor extraordinary expenses incurred by him for the preservation of the goods pledged. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Constant dinners, tiffins, pale ale and claret, the prodigious labour of cutcherry, and the refreshment of brandy-pawnee which he was forced to take there, had their effect upon Waterloo Sedley. Vanity Fair
  • - When the pawnor has obtained possession of the goods pledged by him under a contract voidable under section 19 or section 19A, but the contract has not been rescinded at the time of the pledge, the pawnee acquires a good title to the goods, provided he acts in good faith and without notice of the pawnor's defect of title.] 179. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • - Where a mercantile agent is, with the consent of the owner, in possession of goods or the document of title to goods, any pledge made by him, when acting in the ordinary course of business of a mercantile agent, shall be as valid as if he were expressly authorised by the owner of the goods to make the same; provided that the pawnee acts in good faith and has not at the time of the pledge notice that the pawnor has not authority to pledge. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
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  • Despite how crazy Pawnee is, it appears real something Dunder Mufflin no longer has. frug The /Filmcast: After Dark - Ep. 90 - Comparing the US Office with the UK Office (GUEST: Eric Vespe from Ain’t It Cool News) | /Film
  • I would have been delighted to see Becker and his Pawnee friend; I would have run right into their arms. STONE CITY
  • - If the pawnor makes default in payment of the debt, or performance, at the stipulated time of the promise, in respect of which the goods were pledged, the pawnee may bring a suit against the pawnor upon the debt or promise, and retain the goods pledge as a collateral security; or he may sell the thing pledged, on giving the pawnor reasonable notice of the sale. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Today saw the first use of the ‘low-noise’ propeller for our high-powered Pawnee 260 towplanes.
  • During the "calumet" ceremony among the Pawnees, if a child cried and would not be comforted, its parents were permitted to appeal to the "calumets" for help. Indian Story and Song from North America
  • He was an Indian named Manny Elk Antler, a Pawnee, supposedly. STONE CITY
  • The fruit of his excursion into the Pawnee country, on the waters of the Arkansas, a region untraversed by white men, except solitary trappers, was “A Tour on the Prairies,” a sort of romance of reality, which remains today as good a description as we have of hunting adventure on the plains. Washington Irving
  • 14 Hence, when a pawn is stolen the pawnee can sue, even though his debtor be perfectly able to pay the debt; for it is more advantageous to him to rely on the pledge, than to bring a personal action: and this rule is so unbending that even the pawnor who steals a pawn is suable for theft by the pawnee. The Institutes of Justinian
  • He was an Indian named Manny Elk Antler, a Pawnee, supposedly. STONE CITY
  • I had hunted buffaloes with the Pawnees of the Platte, and ostriches upon the pampas of the Plata: to-day, shivering in the hut of an Esquimaux -- a month after, taking my _siesta_ in an aery couch under the gossamer frondage of the corozo palm. The Rifle Rangers
  • Which could only mean that the Pawnee was regarded by the knowledgeable as more dangerous. STONE CITY
  • In tonight's Parks episode (NBC, 8:30/7:30c), Leslie's promotional tour for said book lands her on public radio — a satirical spin courtesy of guest Dan Castellaneta (moonlighting from his suddenly contentious Simpsons gig) — and then on Pawnee Today, where the town's chirpiest cheerleader experiences a bit of an identity crisis, courtesy of "Gotcha!" host Joan Calamezzo (the hilarious Mo Gaffney). Matt's Guide to Thursday TV: Parks By the Book, Grey's Guys Step Up, and More!
  • And in Thursday's episode, Leslie put Ron (Nick Offerman) through the wringer by enlisting April (Aubrey Plaza) to pretend she was planning an elaborate Pawnee rager. Why Ron Swanson’s Birthday Turned Super Sweet on Parks and Recreation
  • Their houses are built Pawnee fashion, being coniform and covered with a thick coat of dirt, presenting a hole at the apex to emit the smoke, and another at the side to serve the double purpose of a door and window. ROCKY MOUNTAIN LIFE
  • Roman word "pignus," which Plutarch translates by [Greek: enechyra] ἐνέχυρα, means a thing pawned and delivered as a security to the pawnee. Plutarch's Lives Volume III.
  • Rep. 332. tender the pawnee keeps the goods, and they are ftolen, 0wcn '** • die pawnee muftanfwer; for now his property is deter - mined, and he is a wrongful detainer; and he that keeps goods by wrong mull anfwer for them at peril, in all events; for his detainer is the reafon of the lofs. Reports of cases adjudged in the Court of King's bench; with some special cases in the courts of Chancery, Common pleas and Exchequer, alphabetically digest under proper heads;
  • Young Pawnee warriors proudly stole horses and scalps from their enemies, the Sioux.

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