How To Use Pave In A Sentence

  • Well, suddenly without any warning, a couple of weeks ago, men and machines arrived and started digging up the road and pavement and generally causing the usual traffic chaos.
  • She had sore feet from walking on hard pavements all day.
  • They stood, without any respect for regularity, on each side of a straggling kind of unpaved street, where children, almost in a primitive state of nakedness, lay sprawling, as if to be crushed by the hoofs of the first passing horse. The Waverley
  • A unique feature of VTM - 4 is that it drives the rear wheels whenever the vehicle accelerates, even on dry pavement.
  • They were going to the pelican crossing, but stepped off the kerb because they were frightened by a dog on the pavement.
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  • About a year ago, we took everything out of the rooms, stripped out the floor, put in new 1-inch pavers through the whole area, and then brought in the new pasteurizer and re-piped the entire system.
  • We are trying to give the roads back to the motorist and the pavements back to pedestrians.
  • I am three and a half and I get fed up when I go for walks with my Mummy because the pavements are always so messy because of dog poo.
  • No sign of Dobson and his goon, but one bloke was stock-still on the pavement, keeping his eyes on us even when jostled. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • The avenue had never been paved, and deep mud made it impassable in winter.
  • You may claim to dislike walking and it is often an unpleasant experience when confined to hard pavements, and busy, polluted streets. How to Lower High Blood Pressure
  • Originally, the small church was equipped by elaborate vaulting and plasterwork, and the pavement was covered by tiles.
  • We can ourselves bear witness to the "hardness of the pavement" below, which Captain Wentworth feared would cause "too great a jar" when he urged the young lady to desist from the fatal leap. Jane Austen: Her Homes and Her Friends
  • I knew Anikei was more sympathetic toward Pavel than anybody else was.
  • This was meant to pave the way for talks aimed at gaining the release of the hostages.
  • And so we turn our attention to sheepskin boots in which to pound the pavements, or indeed fly to Switzerland. Times, Sunday Times
  • His safety-conscious friend, still on the pavement, nodded, clearly agreeing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Interconnected streets allow rush-hour overflow to trickle through neighborhoods, moving more traffic with less pavement.
  • One must be constantly alert to the hazard of maverick cyclists and uneven pavements, and you may suffer a tirade of abuse from those who now own the world, should you criticise them for unsocial behaviour.
  • As the bus turned into a new recognizable road, the pavements were filled with people, scarves blowing in the wind.
  • French Impressionism had paved the way for all subsequent 20th century art movements.
  • Pavel is right: Bruce Willis made over $100 million for The Sixth Sense. Johnny Depp To Earn $56 Million For Pirates 4? | /Film
  • I listened to my feet making a steady rhythm on the paved stones, as regular as a pulse beat.
  • In addition, the floor was paved with a nice mosaic "carpet" in black, white, purple, and orange, representing central guilloche motifs, bordered by bead-and-reels that were lined by chevrons. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Urban Mansion Report 5
  • Clean, paved roads give way to dirt paths strewn with rubbish and open sewers. The Sun
  • Penalty for dogs fouling the pavement - £50.
  • A passion for Chinese motifs - chinoiserie - preceded and paved the way.
  • pave the roads in the village
  • Were here, announced Jace as the smooth roll of wheels over pavement turned to the jounce of cobblestones. Cassandra Clare: The Mortal Instrument Series
  • Will their taxes repave our pot-holed roads or halt the spread of suburban shanties caused by a grotesque housing shortage? The Sun
  • Newman's foray into Monophysitism, still operating from the hermeneutic established in his work on Arianism, helped to pave the way for his conversion.
  • A fabulous collection of ladies costume jewellery by Pave includes brooches, earrings, necklaces and gorgeous gift sets starting at very affordable prices.
  • Chairman of the panel told members the scheme would help to pave the way for more efficient uses of fuel in the 21st century.
  • In the late 1960s and '70s, second-wave feminists, belittled in today's conservative backlash as bra-burning man-haters, paved the way for rights younger women now take for granted.
  • I can hardly blame the engineer who designs the hydraulic dredger, nor the driller at Exxon who mines oil for his boat, nor the construction woman who paved the ramp where the clammer launched his boat this morning. Industrialism and clams
  • This paved the way for future legislation improving the lives of deafblind people. Times, Sunday Times
  • At closing time he reeled out of the pub and fell down on the pavement.
  • When these lie wet for a while on a white pavement they leave a clear imprint of their shape behind them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her head hit the pavement with a muffled bash, and she was knocked unconscious.
  • As an added bonus, the lava would simultaneously pave roads and sidewalks when it hardens into a glassy smooth surface of igneous rock.
  • Lights fizzing onto the pavement, I felt the rain pattering down by my shoes. Bitchin' about being a bitch. «
  • The photograph showed a man lying prone on the pavement, a puddle of blood about his head.
  • Brethren of St. Francis and their clients, which still roughen the pavement of Santa Croce at Florence, and recall the varnished polychrome decoration of those Greek monuments in connexion with the worn-out blazonry of the funeral brasses of England and Flanders. Greek Studies: a Series of Essays
  • The garden is split level with a paved area, a well manicured lawn and a shrubbery with water feature.
  • Through it stood trees set in a paved garden before a country house, or modest palace. Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
  • The road snaked upward, its old pavement cracked in places, making the ride a bit rough.
  • We always clear any snow from our garden path and the pavement outside our house. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is a crowd of chanting people walking down the street, traffic is at a standstill and police line the pavements.
  • It is all too easy to sneak out of the apartment now, and within the space of five minutes, my footsteps are pounding along the pavement.
  • The company also makes a high-density paver.
  • Dave's car, a dark blue Merc with the personalised number plate B16 LAF (geddit?) is parked on the pavement outside.
  • By twisting her body and bracing her legs to counteract the momentum, she barely managed to prevent herself from falling face-first onto the hard, grimy pavement.
  • The fact that the track is dirt changes things as well - in other motor sports the surface is pavement and thus static.
  • Empty bottles, cans and food containers are just chucked in the bushes and along the pavements, and while Belle Vue Gardens are being revamped the litter is thrown in there.
  • Therefore, litterbugs and those accustomed to spitting on the pavement no longer dare to give free rein to their impulses or else they'd better take along with them a waste-paper basket or a cuspidor whenever they opt for a stroll.
  • As I type, an angry thunderstorm is rolling across the skies and the rain is lashing down onto the scorched pavements; now gently steaming.
  • It was neat, paved and, if not prosperous, at least presentable.
  • The distracted cyclist flew over the handlebars and landed on the pavement.
  • I have the misfortune to live between a blinding, yellow concrete monstrosity on one side and an unkempt, dirty, semi-paved yard on the other.
  • Hasidic men, in their long black coats, black hats, untrimmed beards, and side curls known as payot, prowl the pavement in search of a transaction. Crystal Death
  • It was gloomy and old - fashioned, having low dark shops and dark green house doors with brass knockers, and yellow-ochred doorsteps projecting on to the pavement; then another old shop whose small window looked like a cunning, half-shut eye. Sons and Lovers
  • Although thousands of people lined the pavements to salute the couple, the turnout was much lower than had been expected.
  • On the west pavement at 7 Croall Place is Borland's Darts and Television Emporium.
  • A separation and drainage layer, of a coarse-grained material such as sand, can be constructed to isolate the unsealed pavement from the underlying saturated soils.
  • Currently, the pave is going out in the standard in-store bakery bag, so you have to hunt a bit to identify it.
  • The circuit became a motorsport venue soon after and was paved with bricks.
  • Rocket holes in the walls, no paved roads. The Sun
  • With their fusion of aria, ensemble, and recitative his operas paved the way for Gluck's reforms of the 1760s.
  • She escaped serious injury as a pavement cafe boss rushed to grab her shoulders as she was left dangling yesterday. The Sun
  • They jumped off at a building, which looked the same as all the other building, except this one had a few stains on the pavement and a dint in the wall.
  • Small kiosks selling snacks and bottled drinks are to be seen along Pyongyang's pavements. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unpaved roads, the great majority, could become quagmires with the passage of the first few vehicles.
  • Culture: 18,000 miles of paved roads. Christianity Today
  • The cortège drove past the university, where hundreds of students and staff silently lined the pavements or watched from vantage points on surrounding buildings.
  • Piers capable of supporting heavy loads will be sodded, while others will remain paved; those in poor condition have been demolished. Makeshift Metropolis
  • Carlos and his five brothers and sisters grew up in a tiny village in northern Mexico, Autlan de Navarro, where the streets were unpaved and chickens ran riot.
  • Opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) is the source for the natural and semisynthetic narcotics. Notes and Definitions
  • A few cars had smashed windscreens and the entrails of radios strewn over the seats and onto the pavement where the doors had been wrenched open.
  • The Shaykh opened the door and they two entered a vestibule vaulted with onyx stones and arabesqued with gold, and they stayed not walking till they came to a great hall and a wide, paved and walled with marble. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Garden features include a gazebo, brass water feature, two paved patio areas and raised flowerbeds.
  • Downside Outdoor areas are paved and the location is not that convenient for the town centre. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's so much dog shit on the pavement.
  • The nearest paved road is an hour away; in winter, the maze of rutted dirt truck trails hereabouts is nearly unnavigable.
  • The pavement was hosed down and all of the glue was removed.
  • Whoever killed Russell's bears was not out poaching gall, Pavel believed.
  • My GPS tells me exactly where to turn and when and I love her and I am so heartily sorry for all the times I've suspected that she's trying to leave me for dead on an unpaved road in cannibal territory. What I did on the weekend -- Part 2: How do you say "Curse you, Mapquest!" in French?
  • With parallel highways being paved, jitneys were inroading into profits.
  • Young yet, barely thirty-six, eminently handsome, magnificently strong, almost bursting with a splendid virility, his free trail-stride, never learned on pavements, and his black eyes, hinting of great spaces and unwearied with the close perspective of the city dwellers, drew many a curious and wayward feminine glance. Chapter I
  • He sat back in the open coach, "hunched" together in an ungainly heap, looking neither to the right nor the left, evincing no consciousness of the existence of the shouting throngs that lined the pavements ten deep, other than by raising, with the lifeless precision of a mechanical toy, the cocked hat he wore as part of the uniform of a British colonel. Marion Harland's autobiography : the story of a long life,
  • This could have paved the way for a British military plan to kick into action. Times, Sunday Times
  • He says the growth in demand has paved the way for less legitimate businesses to snap up custom.
  • Thanks to the pavé diamonds, the bespoke helmets will be the most expensive ever to race around Monaco.
  • He said he only asked them to move their cars if they were parked on the pavement so a wheelchair or pram could get through.
  • Crushed clamshells, a waste product from the local seafood industries, have been used to pave roadways.
  • The width of the pavement plus about six inches, as Matt and the cart hit the fence about halfway up with a sickening, bone-crunching thud.
  • There are plenty of hackney cabs and coaches too; gigs, phaetons, large-wheeled tilburies, and private carriages - rather of a clumsy make, and not very different from the public vehicles, but built for the heavy roads beyond the city pavement.
  • Theseus killing the Minotaur in the labyrinth of Crete, and labyrinths in general, were favorite subjects for church pavements, especially among the Gauls.
  • Thin tread causes the tire to hydroplane - riding up on a film of water and losing contact with the pavement, similar to driving on ice.
  • They are tumbling down in wind-blown, varicoloured showers on to pavements and woodland floors everywhere. Times, Sunday Times
  • I climbed over massive flat pavements of grey silty sandstone, making the whole cliffside seem like the world's largest amphitheatre.
  • The changes during the Nixon administration unintentionally paved the way for the uneven rise of globalisation.
  • More than a hundred fines have now been issued to people who drop litter or let their dogs foul the pavement in Sheffield.
  • This could pave the way for new drugs and other treatments. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reuters The bride's earrings, by Robinson Pelham, were diamond-set stylised oak leaves with a pear shaped diamond set drop and a pavé set diamond acorn suspended in the centre, writes Ms. Rohwedder. The Dress
  • The bottom level below the bluffs along the riverside is the seat of the river shipping business, and has as well the usual fringe of low quarters; it is paved, and there is a broad public landing fronted by floating docks, wharf-boats, etc. The True Story of Our National Calamity of Flood, Fire and Tornado
  • The gravelly whir of wheels on pavement is subtle, while motorcycle engines throb and roar.
  • Subtle tonal variations are evident in bands of pavers that form a grid pattern.
  • He argued that one horse could pull more with a two-wheel, rather than four-wheel, vehicle, since there was less friction with the pavement and the wheel was larger, but carthorses were more easily fatigued and worn out.
  • The 17 chemically similar elements have unique properties that have paved the way for miniaturized electronics such as the iPhone and specialized magnets used in wind turbines, as well as advances in petroleum refining and glassmaking. China's Rare-Earth Exports Slide, Still Bust Quota
  • It'd need to go all the way to 32nd to reach the locks, and you'd have to remove all of the on-street parking on one side of the road and you'd have to re-pave Leary in that section because it is so unmaintained that it is a hazard in the current condition, and you'd still be left with turning conflict points at Dock, Lone, 20th, 24th, 26th, and 28th. SDOT Won’t Appeal Judge’s Missing Link Ruling « PubliCola
  • The cover, a thin card folder, shows a bearded man gesticulating at traffic from the pavement.
  • A small dog yaps along the pavement next to a boy on a trike.
  • Along the route I noticed 4 separate lots of dog dirt fouling the pavement.
  • The fibers were added to increase the toughness of the pavement.
  • Hell is paved with good intentions. 
  • They vie for pavement space with old babushkas selling everything from flowers to cigarettes to kittens in socks, calendar style.
  • In place of a round slate paver in the center, you can use a concrete paver embellished with broken glazed tiles in pretty colors.
  • The women navigate cobblestones and broken pavements on stilettos without breaking stride.
  • I sat on the pavement by the music wing to catch a little sunshine, and to look out to the school's handball court.
  • He wears "High-top boots expensively clicker'd with gold taps, a pair of hip-hugging jodhpur-style pants in a faded mauve tone, an amount of gold chains, a heavy mink coat to keep out the worst of the hardwind's assaults and a goatskin beanie hat set pavee-style at the crown of his head. City of Bohane by Kevin Barry – review
  • The pavement managing system to identify pavement conditions is an index of 10, with 10 representing an ideal road surface.
  • One thing about walking around a lot with a small child is that your eyes are always looking downwards towards the pavement.
  • ‘There are no pavements on Gordon Street, so students and employees of the law school would have no choice but to walk on the slush and mud,’ she said.
  • The path to righteousness is paved with selfless acts. Times, Sunday Times
  • People expectorating on the pavement is not a big issue in this city.
  • CHICO - New drugstores in Chico won't need to provide as much customer parking - a change planners believe may provide more opportunity for businesses to build on underutilized sites and cut back on pavement. Local News
  • I can feel the cracks in the pavement through the soles of my shoes.
  • Constable McLennan stated that children of primary school age were allowed to cycle on the pavement.
  • Don't ride your bicycle on the pavement.
  • He said the agency had trained local people to build a 3,750 km pavement with 2,2km of kerbing.
  • It was not long ago that, at enormous expense, the pavement was relaid and now we have Tarmac extensions!
  • It was then that, owing to the pressure of numbers, the stone balustrade skirting the wall of the hotel collapsed onto the pavement.
  • The district is a run-down clump of ugly apartment blocks and unpaved streets.
  • Puddles of frozen slush glittered dully in the reflected yellow light from the phony gas lamps that illuminated the brick-paved plaza. A RODENT OF DOUBT
  • Streetlamps cast a cold, pale glow on the pavement; an occasional trolley rattles by below.
  • Schneidman was interested in what he called "risk writing" - that is, the relationship between writing and suicidal 'mentation' - and wrote a study of the "suicidal logic" of the Italian writer, Cesare Pavese, who committed suicide. Limited, Inc.
  • Cars and lorries hurtle past him on roads that have no pavements, often coming within inches of knocking him into oblivion. Times, Sunday Times
  • That raised some speculation that the central bank may eliminate the phrase "extended period" for the key policy rate at an earlier date, which would pave the way for interest-rate increases. Treasurys Slip on Report About Fed Rate Outlook
  • Jack Randall -- such a jolly chick! you must be introduced to him -- has promised to tie a cord across the pavement at the corner, from the lamp-post to a door-scraper; and we have made a careful estimate that, out of every half-dozen people who pass, six will fall down, four cut their faces more or less arterially, and two contuse their foreheads. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, December 25, 1841
  • Fuel oil was splattered all over a public square, coating pavements, benches, flowerbeds.
  • This method determines pavement deflection when undersealing, in accordance with the specifications.
  • The use of impervious surfaces (like pavement and concrete) can be minimized and replaced with pervious surfaces (like stone and gravel) whenever possible.
  • Then, too, the roads were of the kind called _pavé_; that is, paved with what we know as cobble-stones or Belgian blocks. The Emma Gees
  • In some respects this mosaic appears also to have been influenced by pavements in the western part of the province.
  • Based on the subject lines of e-mail spam featuring songs by like-minded Web songsters, it may help pave the way for a new brand of musician who can rock your world without ever leaving the basement.
  • Puddles of frozen slush glittered dully in the reflected yellow light from the phony gas lamps that illuminated the brick-paved plaza. A RODENT OF DOUBT
  • The mix tapes that kick off every chapter are total time-capsule candy for anyone who grew up with, say, Duran Duran and U2 and grew into the indie-era of Pavement and Superchunk and others (in fact, many others: the mixes are delightfully mixy and eclectic, criss-crossing time and genre: you'll quickly understand why he listens to them over and over). October 2009
  • The steep pavement was too narrow for them to walk abreast.
  • We get people crashed out on the pavement. Times, Sunday Times
  • His body sank sideways in the same direction, the head lolling nervelessly upon his right shoulder, whilst from the great rent in his breast the blood gushed forth, embruing the water of his bath, trickling to the brick-paved floor, bespattering -- symbolically almost -- a copy of L'Ami du Peuple, the journal to which he had devoted so much of his uneasy life. The Historical Nights' Entertainment Second Series
  • The West had been settled with paved roads across the country, and the Indians were confined to reservations.
  • The pavement was glassine and visibility was limited.
  • Kazakhstan: total: NA km paved: 150,000 km (these roads are said to be hard-surfaced, and include, in addition to conventionally paved roads, some that are surfaced with gravel or other coarse aggregate, making them trafficable in all weather) (2000) unpaved: NA km (these roads are made of unstabilized earth and are difficult to negotiate in wet weather) The 2001 CIA World Factbook
  • Rose awoke to the usual sounds of cars manoeuvring down the road, children playing in the park across the road and the chatting of women on the pavement below.
  • I bounced up over the hood and ricocheted off the windshield, skidding to a stunned halt across the blacktop pavement.
  • April 21, 2010 at 10:20 am psssst tern rite at da first left. continu on strait untill u reech da end ob da paveded road. walk elebenty pacez. tern 95 degreez kinda hot here an dere u will finda cheezeburgr tree! Purranysaurus rex - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • When not in use for bullfights also, the Plaza is a pleasant square with pavement cafes where many people enjoy the locally produced drink - aniseed aperitif.
  • In the article, Learning to Share, Thanks to the Web, New York Times, September 25, 2010, Yochai Benkler, co-director of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society argues that the collaborative nature of the Internet as an open platform for sharing has paved the way for an increase in cooperative endeavors offline. Micki Krimmel: Has the Business of Sharing Finally Reached the Tipping Point?
  • Close-set buildings, laundry lines, slant light, patches of weeds, a few would-be gardens and bare ailanthus trees and the fire escapes that fixed fretwork patterns of light and shade on the walls and paved surfaces. Underworld
  • Lumumba said education minister Sam Ongeri and a number of his colleagues should resign and pave the way for what he calls a holistic investigation into the alleged embezzlement. Kenya Anti-Graft Czar Denies Political Interference
  • It isn't clear if the plan will further polarize the two sides or pave the way for a deal. What's News: World-Wide
  • Incorporating some simple stretches and breathing exercises into the daily routine could pave the way for a wonderful stress free life.
  • Ironically, it is the newly-paved and sprawling five-lane thoroughfares clogged with sightseeing families and truckers laded down with ever more consumer items to choke our landfills, that has over the decades made Cadillac Ranch the Texan Stonehenge for sight-seers and graffiti enthusiasts eager to leave their mark of existence. G. Roger Denson: You Say You Want a Revolution. Well You Know, Art Can Cure You of That
  • Corycium mihi surgit olus malvaeque supinae et non sollicitos missura papavera somnos. praeterea sive alitibus contexere fraudem seu magis inbelles libuit circumdare cervos aut tereti lino pavidum subducere piscem, hos tantum novere dolos mea sordida rura. Post-Augustan Poetry From Seneca to Juvenal
  • There in front of me a man-made object was seemingly defying the laws of physics, because it remained sideways moving at the same rate of speed with puffy white smoke billowing from the tires — the sound and smell of rubber being scrapped across pavement, in a way it was not designed to, filled the air around us. Driving story from heck
  • According to other official sources, plans are also on the cards to axe three to four full-grown trees to pave the way for the new structure.
  • The heatwave has broken, the temperature has dropped, the sun has clouded over and the pavements are wet.
  • Will it help pave the way for a pullout of troops or a bump up in the polls?
  • In answer to another post, 'adoquín' is indeed a paver. Cinder block vs brick
  • Stroll the paved waterfront walk along Marine Drive and explore the east and west mooring basins.
  • But it feels like the boobies have been well and fully chomped to bits - not mention dragged over pavement - so I'm going with 'chomp' as my descriptive verb of choice. The Boobityville Horror
  • The pavement of the trough is generally laid of blocks of wood 6 inches in thickness, cut across the grain, and placed on their ends, to the width of the sluiceway. Scientific American Supplement, No. 455, September 20, 1884
  • Those wishing to walk more easily up Pavey Ark without recourse to scrambling should head around Stickle Tarn in an anti-clockwise direction and follow a path along the side of Bright Beck.
  • The car, right, became wedged between the bus stop and metal railings after it landed on the pavement. Times, Sunday Times
  • These are real and possible threats while biking along a suburban city paved bike and hike trail.
  • In suburban Bedford, N.Y., where the privacy of an unpaved road is mark of prestige, the best way to gawk at the homes of the rich and famous is on horseback. Homes by Horseback
  • He jumped, hurling his adrenalised body left onto the pavement.
  • The youths scuttled down the drive and spilled on to the pavement, where they looked suddenly confused and directionless. PROSPECT HILL
  • Crushed clamshells, a waste product from the local Chesapeake Bay seafood industries, have been used to pave roadways.
  • The path was not paved; it was carpeted in wonderful green grass.
  • All the rave reviews in the world couldn't turn Pavement into pop stars - maybe it's because they couldn't dance.
  • [Page 300] if it were a specimen of some 'tesselated pavement' fit for a museum, and not a pebble is to be found in its natural state. Selections from the Letters of Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury to Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • He seemed a few years older than Pavel, had light brown eyes and sandy golden hair, and his cheeks were flushed from the run in the cold air.
  • They spend hours browsing such jewellery hawked on pavements.
  • Trees were felled mercilessly to pave way for inhabitations.
  • The pavers can be set in dirt as with the rocks, or mortared to a poured concrete footing.
  • A curved, paved area links the lawn to a colourful flowering herb garden, one of only two on the island.
  • The walls were damp and the ground was paved. The Sun
  • The traffic came to a screeching halt and the faceless multitudes shuffling along the pavements actually paused to turn and look at the cause of it all.
  • It's this last film that truly paved the way for what ultimately was inevitable for Woody Allen: a full-fledged, old-fashioned musical, with actors singing their hearts out and breaking into impromptu soft-shoes.
  • The Indian American dream is paved with crooked paths, detours, and not infrequent derailment.
  • Maurus incerto vultu, pavens ad Sullam accurrit dicitque sibi ex speculatoribus cognitum, Jugurtham haud procul abesse; simul, uti noctu clam secum profugeret, rogat atque hortatur. C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
  • If the deal is effective, it could pave the way for a resumption of peace talks, which collapsed this year. Times, Sunday Times
  • As we headed out for a run this afternoon we noticed that the pavement directly next to my gate had been cordoned off and there was a policeman and a policewoman standing guard over it.
  • The paved road continues westwards past the main temple gate and connects with the road network of the upper town.
  • The area from the shops to the beach is paved with bricks set in patterns.
  • The sun is beating down, but where are the local television reporters frying eggs on the pavement, announcing that ‘the weathermen say there's more good weather to come’.
  • There are no more than 36 miles of paved road. Times, Sunday Times
  • Witnesses said an elderly man was thrown to the pavement, and someone in a car tried to drive his way through the crowd.
  • He slumped, the gun falling to the pavement and his body following in an unconscious heap.

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