
  1. the act of making someone poor
  2. a state of extreme poverty or destitution
    their indigence appalled him
    a general state of need exists among the homeless
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How To Use pauperization In A Sentence

  • In 'Capital', as a tendential law of the development of capital, Marx predicted it as the coming geometric progressive explosion of global pauperization of millions of global workers, and even of the middle and upper classes. Obama, this is no economic crisis, it is the systemic breakdown of capitalism
  • She asked them about their lives before the war, their experiences during the siege of Warsaw, the impact of the first stages of occupation on their lives, how they responded to German regulations that stripped them of rights and possessions, their efforts to cope with the increasing pauperization of their families in the ghetto and how they dealt with the starvation, diseases and unemployment in the ghetto. Cecila Slepak.
  • As she came to understand what didn't "add up," it was that the process of trading the state to outside owners in exchange for their (it now seems) entirely temporary agreement to enrich us, in other words the pauperization of California, had in fact begun at the time Americans first entered the state, took what they could, and, abetted by the native weakness for boosterism, set about selling the rest. False Promises
  • The way of getting rid of pauperization is to extend its contents, transfer the perspective of study and exploit new fields of research.
  • Social Security's pauperization could well be taken as the federal budget's last shoe to fall… and keep falling and falling and falling. Social Security's Glimpse Into the Left's Priority
  • So the middle classes and those classes created by primitive capital accumulation and pauperization were ‘opened up’ for recruitment by the traditional intellectuals of political Islam, the ulemas.
  • She encounters many especially distressing illustrations of the effects of "pauperization," connecting the decline in California's system of public education and the rise in the California prison system to the bleak ignorance and moral defectiveness exemplified by a tawdry but emblematic incident in Lakewood, California, former site of defense-industry prosperity, and more recently of the "Spur Posse. False Promises
  • We are not seeing the pauperization of the middle class," says Robert Shapiro, an economist with the Progressive Policy Institute. The Contemplative Bomb-Thrower
  • She vividly described the process of pauperization of the Sephardi lower class, the petty shopkeepers, the artisans and the workers of Sarajevo in the 1930s. Yugoslavia.
  • In the face of the progressing pauperization and general corruption, the basic middle-class values such as law, order, honesty and rationality lose their meaning. Mina Tomkiewicz.
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