How To Use Pauper In A Sentence
Compared to a Finno-Ugric language like Estonian or Hungarian, which has tons of cases with exotic names like the inessive, superessive, ablative, translative, and exessive, English seems as poor as a pauper on payday.
2009 October « Motivated Grammar
It almost feels like we're a bunch of paupers waiting outside a rich man's house.
The blame rests with successive weak and myopic Cong govts whose stupid policies destroyed the economy, leaving India pauperized, unable to help anyone as she herself was abegging for aid.
India vs China SnapShot
-- The scientific remedies for poverty and pauperism, that is, the scientific methods of dealing with the various dependent classes and of preventing their existence, now form the subject-matter of a great independent science, the science of philanthropy, which, as we have already seen, may be considered a branch of applied sociology.
Sociology and Modern Social Problems
The first known record of Royal Maundy took place here, when King John fed and clothed 13 paupers in 1210.

Mozart died in 1791 and was buried in a pauper's grave at Vienna's St. Mark's Cemetery.
Why does the world minify our intelligence by depreciating our favorite article of diet, and express the ultimate extreme of mental pauperism by saying of him on whose intellect they would heap contempt, "He doesn't know beans"?
Modern Eloquence: Vol III, After-Dinner Speeches P-Z
She is supposed to have disguised herself as a pauper for a young priest who, out of charity, took her to an inn to feed her.
We permitted millions of people to die or be reduced to misery and pauperdom.
She was buried in a pauper's grave this weekend.
Meanwhile, the country continued to descend deeper into fragmentation, general pauperism, and mutual predacity.
The figures are appalling: 1,800,000 people in London live on the poverty line and below it, and 1,000,000 live with one week's wages between them and pauperism.
Damage to the property of another injuria datum was the subject matter of the Aquilian Law, and the damage must have been inflicted by a freedman; if by a slave, it was a noxal tort; if by a quadruped, the tort and liability were designated pauperies.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
A war veteran was given a pauper's funeral after a care home manager stole his life savings.
Times, Sunday Times
They exercised considerable civil authority, such as processioning the bounds, or beating the bounds, of all farms and plantations, and the making levies for the support of paupers and unfortunate children.
A History of Caroline County, Virginia
It's where every day, your duties can mean the difference between life and death, prosperity and pauperdom, happiness or sadness for thousands and thousands of people.
The actio de pauperie (action based on damage caused by animals) provides an injured person with a delictual remedy against an owner of an animal for damages caused by such animal.
ANC Daily News Briefing
They would enter the room as millionaires and a few years later they would be paupers.
I suspect he's buried in a pauper's grave somewhere there in that little town's cemetery, long since forgotten.
Now, it is a self-evident fact that "pauperism," which is a living drag on our social wheel, can _not_ be dealt with other than by rigorous local government.
Memoir and Letters of Francis W. Newman
They have treated them after a fashion which has intensified their treachery and "devilry" as enemies, and as friends reduces them to a degraded pauperism, devoid of the very first elements of civilization.
A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains
Mozart was buried in an unmarked pauper's grave.
The whole world was there - princes, kings, paupers, and priests - and an elation was felt that had never before been attained.
They also worked for others as apprentices, or as bound labor paying off a debt, or because they were put out to work by county officials as paupers or orphans.
Goodwin says in her own family tree she discovered a great-aunt whose place of birth was the Govan poorhouse, and whose mother's occupation was listed as pauper.
When she died of a heart attack she faced a pauper's burial - until her incredible story emerged.
The Sun
As for Law himself, he died, alone and disgraced, and was buried in a pauper's grave.
Dickens's rage against the New Poor Law, which precluded able-bodied paupers from relief, is underplayed.
What quantities of fribbles, paupers, invalids, epicures, antiquaries, politicians, thieves, and triflers of both sexes, might be advantageously spared!
During the past few months the city papers have referred to St. Vincent as the leprosy town, Hallock was referred to as the pauper district; we have been advertised as the refuge of tramps and quarantined on account of glanders*; but last of all and worst of all Bro, W-- --- has commenced pelting us with poetry, and SUCH poetry!
"...Leprosy Town..."
He has pressed palms with presidents and paupers, gurus and lepers on his journeys across continents.
Note 31: Salimbene de Adam Chronica, ed.O. Holder-Egger, MGH SS 32.30: "Eodem anno, scilicet MCCXII, trium puerorum quasi duodennium, qui se visionem vidisse dicebant, crucis signaculum assumentium in partibus Colonie persuasu multitudo innumera pauperum utriusque sexus et puerorum de Theotonia peregrinantium in Ytalia crucesignatorum accessit, unanimi corde et una voce dicentium se per siccum maria transituros et terram sanctam Ierusalem in Dei potentia recuperaturos; sed demum quasi evanuit universa." back
A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
Why does one think that people become paupers overnight?
In 'Capital', as a tendential law of the development of capital, Marx predicted it as the coming geometric progressive explosion of global pauperization of millions of global workers, and even of the middle and upper classes.
Obama, this is no economic crisis, it is the systemic breakdown of capitalism
The flora is largely derived from that of south-eastern Polynesia, but is comparatively depauperate, due to the remoteness and the young geological age of the island.
The Two Pearls of Wisdom – Alison Goodman: My diary says It was sort of like… Prince and the Pauper meets chinese chequers meets The Grinch who stole Christmas.
October Short Book Reviews
He did die a pauper and is buried in an unmarked grave.
She asked them about their lives before the war, their experiences during the siege of Warsaw, the impact of the first stages of occupation on their lives, how they responded to German regulations that stripped them of rights and possessions, their efforts to cope with the increasing pauperization of their families in the ghetto and how they dealt with the starvation, diseases and unemployment in the ghetto.
Cecila Slepak.
As she came to understand what didn't "add up," it was that the process of trading the state to outside owners in exchange for their (it now seems) entirely temporary agreement to enrich us, in other words the pauperization of California, had in fact begun at the time Americans first entered the state, took what they could, and, abetted by the native weakness for boosterism, set about selling the rest.
False Promises
The way of getting rid of pauperization is to extend its contents, transfer the perspective of study and exploit new fields of research.
Oral folktales often expressed the hopes and aspirations of a peasant class where paupers became princes and virtuous girls princesses.
She's a weak vessel and a pauper, as thou knowest.
Such studies permitted taxonomic identification of morphologically depauperate fossils as a prerequisite to assembling databases for biodiversity studies.
Per mille fraudes doctosque dolos ejicitur, apud sociam paupertatem ejusque cultores divertens in eorum sinu et tutela deliciatur.
Anatomy of Melancholy
Sudat pauper foras in opere, dives in cogitatione; hic os aperit oscitatione, ille ructatione; gravius ille fastidio, quam hic inedia cruciatur.
Anatomy of Melancholy
Magni domini habent casalia versus meridiem, de quibus afferunt eis milium et farinam contra hyemem, pauperes procurant sibi pro arietibus et pellibus commutando.
The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
If she is so opposed to our system and way of life, why doesn't she pass up the profits, live like a pauper, and play in cafes and on street corners?
Social Security's pauperization could well be taken as the federal budget's last shoe to fall… and keep falling and falling and falling.
Social Security's Glimpse Into the Left's Priority
So the middle classes and those classes created by primitive capital accumulation and pauperization were ‘opened up’ for recruitment by the traditional intellectuals of political Islam, the ulemas.
It is conceivable that Plymouth officials housed paupers in the poorhouses of one of the neighboring towns, as permitted by the 1774 statute.
Qui vt audiui, 15. pueros pauperculos assumpsit et secum in Daniam auexit: Vbi postea ipsius beneficio singulos suo vit� generi addictos, in viros bonos et frugi euasisse, mihi narratum est.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
This means people will not belong to any of the classes or professions, but will simply be poor and helpless paupers.
Every worn-out, pasty-faced pauper, every blind man, every prison babe, every man, woman, and child whose belly is gnawing with hunger pangs, is hungry because the funds have been misappropriated by the management.
Even the kind of pauperism and crime in which they indulged was particularly disgraceful.
Jukes-Edwards A Study in Education and Heredity
And Ali Shar ceased not to waste his wealth all whiles of the day and all watches of the night, till he had made away with the whole of his riches and abode in pauper case and troubled at heart.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
The typical A. hastata, with upper leaves truly hastate or deltoid, and which comes north to Texas and Arizona, has petals only half and inch, and in a depauperate form only a quarter of an inch long.
According to government statistics, it is said ninety-eight percent of the American people are living from day to day on their wages, which means that a loss of employment would result in pauperism for all but two percent.
Victorious Peace
Intemperance, in the use of ardent spirits, is now, and it is feared will long remain, a fruitful source of pauperism and misery.
Legend has it that the fairy princess fell in love with a pauper.
The Angel of Light generally appeared in form� pauperis, though there was always about him a tinge of bright azure which was hardly compatible with the draggle-tailed hue of everyday poverty.
Ayala's Angel
She encounters many especially distressing illustrations of the effects of "pauperization," connecting the decline in California's system of public education and the rise in the California prison system to the bleak ignorance and moral defectiveness exemplified by a tawdry but emblematic incident in Lakewood, California, former site of defense-industry prosperity, and more recently of the "Spur Posse.
False Promises
From Kings to paupers, all of them had their mistresses and concubines and whores.
They entirely forget, that the first promulgation of the Gospel was made at a time when the worst kind of pauperism prevailed; and that even the Master Himself, and the greater number of His Apostles belonged to the lowest stratum of society.
System der volkswirthschaft. English
Their homes are wretched hovels, their surroundings are forbidding and their minds are sunken in a kind of pauperism out of which it seems impossible to arouse them.
Country life in Georgia in the days of my youth,
Eustace bridge, upper Leeson street, though from prolonged summer drouth and daily supply of 12 1/2 million gallons the water had fallen below the sill of the overflow weir for which reason the borough surveyor and waterworks engineer, Mr Spencer Harty, C. E., on the instructions of the waterworks committee had prohibited the use of municipal water for purposes other than those of consumption (envisaging the possibility of recourse being had to the impotable water of the Grand and Royal canals as in 1893) particularly as the South Dublin Guardians, notwithstanding their ration of 15 gallons per day per pauper supplied through a 6 inch meter, had been convicted of a wastage of 20,000 gallons per night by
Millionaire and pauper, titled grandee and weeping immigrant, Ismay, the head of the White Star Company, and Jack Jones from the stoke hole were surrounded instantly.
Sinking of the Titanic and Great Sea Disasters
A long-term pauper of the NRL, the Knights could conceivably become a financial heavyweight almost overnight if the club's plan to attract private investment becomes a reality. | Top Stories
However, I was as poor as a pauper with a broken carriage and no prince.
As additional retribution, until 1870, their property was confiscated, condemning their bereaved family into pauperdom.
Times, Sunday Times
Pro re nitorem et gloriam pro copia qui habent, meminerunt sese unde oriundi sient. neque pol, Megadore, mihi neque quoiquam pauperi opinione melius res structa est domi.
Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
He was degraded in their eyes; he had lost caste and station before the very paupers; he had fallen from all the height and pomp of beadleship, to the lowest depth of the most snubbed henpeckery.
Oliver Twist
I took the barrow handles and wheeled it away, biting my lips, for it had suddenly struck me that Sir Francis thought that I was talking to a boy who was my companion in the workhouse, and it seemed as if fate was fixing the term pauper upon me so tightly that I should not be able to get it removed.
Brownsmith's Boy A Romance in a Garden
Also, strike a containerful of food for your aggregation as you leave pauperism to rehydrate after the assemblage.
EHow - Health How To's
Australis (from New Zealand), a most quaint plant, with leaves so depauperated that it is apparently leafless, and hardy in the South of
The plant-lore & garden-craft of Shakespeare
Quidam sunt qui pauperes esse volunt ita ut nihil illis desit, sic commendant ut nullam patiantur inopiam; sunt et alii mites, quamdiu dicitur et agitur ad eorum arbitrium,
Anatomy of Melancholy
Credo edepol, ubi mentionem ego fecero de filia mi ut despondeat, sese a me derideri rebitur, neque illo quisquam est alter hodie ex paupertate parcior.
Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
'Tis a gurt shame, that's what 'tis," said Primrose, resentful both for her friend's riband and her own edging; "and I'd get my Willie to make her buy new, only 'tis no good asking paupers for money, because, even if they was to be sold up, all their sticks and cloam wouldn't fetch enough for a yard o 'this riband.
The White Riband A Young Female's Folly
Forestry activities within habitats tend to promote homogeneity and result in a depauperate lichen community.
Dominus de Campdi, natus de Anglia, Medicinæ professor, deuotissimus, orator, et bonorum largissimus pauperibus erogator, qui toto quasi orbe lustrato, Leodij diem vitæ suæ clausit extremum.
The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
Si in gehennam abit, pauperem qui non alat: quid de eo fiet qui pauperem denudat?
Anatomy of Melancholy
Does the genetic variation of organelle DNAs in D. sinensis tend to become depauperate because of their small effective population size, as in many endangered species?
The ecoregion includes the most extensive stands of lancewood-bullwaddy found in Australia, but this is generally a fairly depauperate environment.
Victoria Plains tropical savanna
It's astonishing that our political leaders from both parties apparently believe that the United States can continue to bestride the world like an imperial colossus remaking entire societies in the image put forth by the Council of Foreign Relations or the American Enterprise Institute while at the same time becoming a pauper state that cannot even provide health care for its senior citizens.
Joseph A. Palermo: For Progressives, Debt Ceiling "Deal" Was a Real Downer
Splithog Pauper, in disguise (CR classified, SitS p. 66) 1 goblin snake (CR1, Pathfinder #1) 1d4 Small monstrous centipedes (CR 1, MM p. 276)
Life in the Wide World – Random Encounters « Geek Related
This was the more honest approach, though Train himself died a pauper.
Et si aliquis monachus ex aliqua causa honesta de dicto ferculo comedere noluerit vel refici non poterit non minus attamen sibi de dicto ferculo ministretur et ad portam pro pauperibus deportetur.
The Monastery
We are not seeing the pauperization of the middle class," says Robert Shapiro, an economist with the Progressive Policy Institute.
The Contemplative Bomb-Thrower
Mortales cum sint rerum omnium indigi, ideo deus aliis divitias, aliis paupertatem distribuit, ut qui opibus pollent, materiam subministrent; qui vero inopes, exercitatas artibus manus admoveant.
Anatomy of Melancholy
He lived in the basement of an old brick building in a rundown part of midtown, a place he called his pauper's lair.
We have to look after prince and pauper alike.
Times, Sunday Times
They took her to a hospice as a pauper and a vagrant and she died there.
A creeping process of impoverishment ensued, accelerating progressively to become the generally recognized pauperism of the nineteenth century.
“Badal”: in Sind (not to speak of other places) it was customary to hire a pauper “badal” to be hanged in stead of a rich man.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
[62] "Pallida mors aequo pulsat pede pauperum tabernas Regumque turres.
The Symbolism of Freemasonry
Was your great grandfather a prince or a pauper?
You may protect yourself from what you call the pauper of Europe, but you will not be equally able to defend yourself from the depressed laborer of the new South, and as an American citizen, I dread any turn of the screw which will lower the rate of wages here; and I like to feel as an American citizen that whatever concerns the nation concerns me.
Trial and Triumph
Disease spread rapidly among the half starved and half clothed paupers.
As there were no private clinics then, and hospitals were charitable institutions for paupers, he went to the house of his cousin.
Starvation deaths are most endemic among these agrarian labourers and among the rural paupers.
At this rate the country will become a land of paupers pandering to third world countries.
The profession was given automatic rights to ‘unclaimed bodies’, usually those of paupers.
The paupers of Glasgow were 'excrescent,' and the 'gluts' were visible in the commercial crises which had thrown numbers of poor weavers out of employment and degraded them into permanent paupers.
The English Utilitarians, Volume II (of 3) James Mill
Dominio divino libri tres, to which are added the first four books of the treatise 'De pauperie Salvatoris,' by R.chard Fitzralph, archbishop of Armagh, "ed.R. L. Poole, 1890;" De Ente prædicamentali, "ed.R. Beer, 1891;" De Eucharistia tractatus maior; accedit tractatus de
A Literary History of the English People From the Origins to the Renaissance
Even in the lower animals, it is a false assumption that its tendency is to elevate; for animals, when driven to the utmost verge of the struggle for life, become depauperated and degraded.
What is Darwinism?
It was invaluable experience, but we were all absolute paupers.
The contraction and imperfect development of the fronds of some varieties of ferns, hence called depauperated, may receive passing notice, as also the cases in which the sori or clusters of spore cases are denuded of their usual covering, owing to the abortion or imperfect development of the indusium, as in what are termed exindusiate varieties. [
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Where, prince or pauper, when you stand at that bar you are just another thirsty punter?
The Sun
Were one able to follow the example set us, among cities, by Leipsic (where the word pauperism is absolutely non - existent), we should have effectually turned the corner out of the ill - kept vagrant road into which Henry VIII first led us, when "pauperism" began to be a sore in the midst of England's healthy body of citizens.
Memoir and Letters of Francis W. Newman
She vividly described the process of pauperization of the Sephardi lower class, the petty shopkeepers, the artisans and the workers of Sarajevo in the 1930s.
A vivid imagination can shape many a story of their life in the interval between their first careful planting in colonial gardens and their neglected exile to highways and byways, where the poor bits of depauperated earth can grow no more lucrative harvest.
Home Life in Colonial Days
She was buried in a pauper's grave.
In the volatile economic climate of Georgian Britain, even this slender lifeline might preserve a broken old redcoat from pauperdom or worse.
The people are cleanly; they wash when rising, and before as well as after every meal; they are always bathing, yet from prince to pauper, from baby to grey beard, they are affected with a psora known by its
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
The hosts began the game like kings but ended up paupers.
In the film, the young novice Viridiana does her utmost to maintain her Catholic principles, but her lecherous uncle and a motley assemblage of paupers force her to confront the limits of her idealism.
That by the extraordinary heat, the ferment of the blood being raised too high, and the tone of the stomach relaxed, when the weather breaks the blood palls, and like overfermented liquors is depauperated, or turns eager and sharp, and there's a crude digestion, whence the name distempers may be supposed to ensue.
Medicine in Virginia, 1607-1699
His godson, BBC broadcaster Jamie Owen, also paid a fluent and amusing anecdotal tribute to ‘the best godfather you could have’, a man equally at home walking with presidents, prime ministers or paupers.
The costs are forcing more people into so-called pauper's funerals.
Times, Sunday Times
Directors of such banks prosper while depositors turn paupers.
It's also the city of the dead that Cèline remembers having visited as a child, of the nameless tombs of suicides and of Mozart buried in a pauper's grave.
One Dr F. W. Mott claimed that children born to the pauper, to the alien Jew, to the Irish Roman Catholic, to the thriftless casual labourers, to the criminals all carried a neuropathic taint, a comment echoed by another doctor who claimed that unregulated immigration made Great Britain a dumping ground for the unfit and that England had become the asylum of the world.16
Pauper's Sancerre does not come better than the tart, racy, lemony fruit of this stylish Loire Sauvignon, a joint effort of French and Antipodean winemakers.
When we pass through the inexorable gates of the future; when we pass through that vestibule where death stands opening his everlasting gates as widely to the pauper as to the king; when we pass out here into the _dim mysteries of the future_, to confront, it may be, the interrogations of the Eternal, -- I apprehend _every man's responsibility will go with him_, and no second-hand opinions will answer for us. "[
Modern Atheism under its forms of Pantheism, Materialism, Secularism, Development, and Natural Laws
I'm not asking any girl to marry a pauper.
It went not a little against the grain with him to order what he called a pauper's funeral for the junior partner in the firm; but, more desirous than ever to conciliate Mary, he promised all that she wished.
Mary Marston
Liverpool, in which it was lately proved that crime -- and especially the crime of uneducated boys and girls -- had cost, in the last few years, the city many times more than it would cost to educate, civilize, and depauperize the whole rising generation of that city, and had been a tax upon the capital and industry of Liverpool, so enormous that they would have submitted to it from no Government on earth; and yet they had been blindly inflicting it upon themselves for years, simply because they chose to forget that they were their brothers 'keepers.
Sermons for the Times
What is needed is to depauperize him, and this can only be done by finding him worknot work for the sake of working, but work of which he can enjoy the benefit.
Down and Out in Paris and London
And the heat went out of the pursuit eventually, and when he died in 1762, although a pauper, he was no longer a fugitive.
Yet fail and he'll be no king but a pauper.
Times, Sunday Times
Unlike some of the ultra rich who will benefit from an illconceived scheme, some of the Irish players would be paupers by comparison.
As land increases in value, poverty deepens and pauperism appears.
Among these visitors were people from the poorhouse, and the pauper, who was ‘deficient in intellect,’ but who Thoreau thought to be in better shape than many people who were much smarter, because he knew and told the truth.
It offered a solution to the problems of rural congestion, pauperism, and starvation that had afflicted so many countries before 1848.
It is safe to say that from 50 to 75 per cent of the total negro population of the United States live in poverty as distinguished from pauperism, that is, live under such conditions that physical and mental efficiency cannot be maintained.
Sociology and Modern Social Problems
From what has just been detailed, it will be seen how amazing is the extent of pauperism and mendicity.
In the face of the progressing pauperization and general corruption, the basic middle-class values such as law, order, honesty and rationality lose their meaning.
Mina Tomkiewicz.
He was buried two days later in unconsecrated ground reserved for convicts, paupers and suicides in an unmarked grave in the cemetery at Toodyay.
Margaret, who, like Topsy, merely 'growed' without pedigree as a pauper in
Searchlights on Health: Light on Dark Corners A Complete Sexual Science and a Guide to Purity and Physical Manhood, Advice To Maiden, Wife, And Mother, Love, Courtship, And Marriage
Results The basement membrane of the capillary in striatum was depauperate in the 1-2 months rats.
When Lamarck died he was buried in a pauper's grave (his bones were later dug up and scattered in the catacombs under Paris); Cuvier was given a large tomb in Père Lachaise cemetery.
A Conversation with Rebecca Stott about The Coral Thief
Traipsing in a grush of paupers, then out we troops in our Sunday majestics.
At Swim, Two Boys
Similiter et de libris, quorum magna in bibliotheca sua copiam congregavit: statuit ut ab iis qui eos habere uellet, justo pretio redimeretur, pretin in pauperes erogaretur.
Bibliomania in the Middle Ages
At night you can dine like a king on a pauper's purse.
The Sun
It continued to expose the regime's trail of criminal misrule, laying bare the hypocrisy of a president and party that had pauperized the country while claiming to be empowering its people.
Many struggling families who are keen to avoid a pauper's funeral are forced to extreme lengths.
The Sun
When Thomas Bingle made his inspired visit to Geoffrey Hooper in the interest of peace, he took it upon himself to advise his wealthy cousin to read "The Christmas Carol" before it was too late, and formed a permanent and irradicable opinion of the pauper's son when that individual curtly informed him that he was not in the habit of reading "trash.
Mr. Bingle
By Winter he is penniless, far from home, and buried in an unmarked pauper's grave.
Si talium erat regnum celorum ergo erant perfecti igitur erant de illis de quibus dicit dominus, Beati pauperes spiritum et cetera, ergo non sunt tales pueri sicut exposuisti, igitur bestia obmutesce.
A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
This repetition of the word pauper so enraged me that for the moment I felt tempted to let him go down, but the next moment I shuddered at the thought and cried:
Brownsmith's Boy A Romance in a Garden
The ecoregion includes the most extensive stands of lancewood-bullwaddy found in Australia, but this is generally a fairly depauperate environment.
Victoria Plains tropical savanna
A banderole next to Judas's face is badly degraded, but its final word is still legible as ‘pauperibus’.
Compared to nine previously analyzed woody mints, however, M. alba is genetically depauperate.
Swear, protest, take God and all his angels to witness, quaere peregrinum, thou art a counterfeit crank, a cheater, he is not touched with it, pauper ubique jacet, ride on, he takes no notice of it.
Anatomy of Melancholy
He died apparently in poverty and was buried in a pauper's grave.
There were pictures of a pauper cabin in Ireland, from which it was pretended I came; others in which I was represented as a lacquey and shoeblack.
The Memoires of Barry Lyndon
Compared with natural forest, of course, even agroforest lands are generally depauperate.
As a result, high-elevation populations will tend to be genetically depauperate.
Joy for an undertaker, Rich for a pauper, or Noble for a tailor; Big for a lean or little person, and Small for one who is broad in the rear and abdominous in the van; Short for a fellow six feet without his shoes, or Long for him whose high heels barely elevate him to the height of five; Sweet for one who has either a vinegar face, or a foxy complexion; Younghusband for an old bachelor; Merryweather for any one in November or February, a black spring, a cold summer, or a wet autumn; Goodenough for a person no better than he should be; Toogood for _any_ human creature; and Best for a subject who is perhaps too bad to be endured.
Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 459 Volume 18, New Series, October 16, 1852
The Copaifera paupera tree produces an aromatic oleoresin that is made into oil that contains copalic acid and sesquiterpenes with reported anti-inflammatory properties, and is applied topically to herpes blisters.
She may have been buried in what they call a pauper's grave. '
The Murder Room
Wa Dondo's 1,089-billion-zaire ($311 million) budget proposal, presented to parliament on Saturday, would pauperise the central
ANC Daily News Briefing
When let out to private contractors, corruption and harsh treatment of the paupers was too often added to failure.
I'll be keeping you posted from New Zealand where I'm scheduled to go zorbing, bungee jumping, skydiving and glacier hiking after I meet my prince (or pauper) at the Ball.
Terry Gardner: Stretching My Heart Across Air New Zealand's Wings
The Latin pauper means a person of modest means rather than some one without food, roof, or clothing.
The independence of some cannot cost the enslavement (pauperization) of others in a democracy, and unemployment is a hard reality with barbarous consequences (for example, employees have health care supplied by the employer as a deductible cost, a completely different situation of unemployed people) to many Americans.
Unemployment, Labor Market Regulation, and Sour Grapes, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Not that my parents are paupers - they wouldn't want people to think they don't make a living - but they're comfortable.
From the western side, our great river received three principal tributaries -- the Red River of the South, the Washita, and the Arkansas, each flowing in valleys from two to ten miles in width, but now represented only by the depauperated streams meandering from side to side, over the flat bottom lands, generally bounded by bluffs.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 384, May 12, 1883
Its administration is confined to that pauperism which is so despairing as to allow itself to be caught and detained.
Selected Essays
On the last day he invited the Fakirs, the poor and the needy, far and near, and they flocked in troops and ate, whilst the merchant sat, with his son by his side. 448 And among the paupers, behold, entered Shaykh Obayd the jeweller and he was naked and weary and bare on his face the marks of wayfare.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Generally, the Arctic invertebrate fauna is depauperate, and some groups (Odonata and Megaloptera) are usually absent.
It was designed to prevent people sponging on the system (becoming ‘pauperised’) but it also stigmatised and humiliated those who applied for relief.
The same use of _carpere_ at ix 121-22 'fortuna est impar animo, talique libenter/exiguas _carpo_ munere pauper opes' and _Am_ I viii 91 'et soror et mater, nutrix quoque _carpat_ amantem'.
The Last Poems of Ovid
The nearest public telephones are located in Paupers Walk, next to the pigeonholes.
Intemperance is nine-tenths the cause of murder, criminality and pauperism, the insanity of powerful minds -- minds which might have moulded and shaped the opinions of nations -- and could we but redeem the financial results of this black demon, and call the slumbering drunkards from their graves, we might repeople an empty world, make states, build kingdoms, erect religious and social institutions, and dedicate them to the honor and glory of God.
History of the First African Baptist Church, From its Organization, January 20th, 1788, to July 1st, 1888. Including the Centennial Celebration, Addresses, Sermons, Etc.
Children are taken out of education and become paupers.
This is what would once have been called a pauper's funeral.
Times, Sunday Times
Swear, protest, take God and all his angels to witness, quaere peregrinum, thou art a counterfeit crank, a cheater, he is not touched with it, pauper ubique jacet, ride on, he takes no notice of it.
Anatomy of Melancholy
There are decent paupers just as there are decent princes.
He died alone at home last month aged 88 and was facing a pauper's funeral before pals raised thousands of pounds.
The Sun
It was considered a disgrace to have a pauper's funeral, hence the need for a community hearse.
When he came out of the Hammam, he donned a rich robe, purfled with gold and embroidered with jewels and jacinths; and, setting the royal crown on his head, sat down on his throne of kingship and ordered the affairs of the folk, doing equal justice between strong and weak, and exacting from the prince the dues of the pauper; wherefore the people loved him with exceeding love.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Vagrants, tramps and casuals were strictly separated from the resident pauper inmates housed in the gothic splendour of the Main Workhouse.
The reader will note from the last resolution that members of the Legion are to be instructed to distribute the literature of the Rehabilitation Department among wounded soldiers, sailors, and marines and to show them how to take advantage of governmental assistance; and also that every effort will be made by the American Legion to stop any attempt to pauperize disabled men.
The Story of The American Legion
Three years after thinning plus herbicide, the plantations remained depauperate of deciduous trees.
What is needed is to depauperize him, and this can only be done by finding him work — not work for the sake of working, but work of which he can enjoy the benefit.
Down and Out in Paris and London
They would be barred whether the object of the photographers' interest was a prince or a pauper.
Times, Sunday Times
Nothing intrinsic to that process forces people into pauperism.
Both prince and pauper have the physical scars to add a dose of perspective to the hype and glory of the Cup.
Times, Sunday Times
Though just as the Mozart film unpicked the myths perpetrated by "Amadeus" -- Mozart did not die a pauper and was not poisoned by Salieri or anyone else -- we discover that Beethoven was not the unkempt, unhygienic, tormented figure of romantic tradition, struggling, unloved and alone, against his tragic deafness.
Debunking the Beethoven Myth
The trend left councils footing the average 950 cost of a pauper's funeral.
The Sun
While the terms atrophy and abortion apply in the main to a mere diminution of size, as contrasted with the ordinary standard, degeneration may be understood to apply to those cases in which not only is the absolute bulk diminished, but the whole form is altered and depauperated.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
From Kings to paupers, all of them had their mistresses and concubines and whores.
This was a proud generation with a horror of pauper's funerals.
Times, Sunday Times
To Bentham, who willed his own body to the University of London, it was perfectly just to put the bodies of paupers to scientific use as a means of repaying their public debt.
May 23, 2006, 7: 28 am debt solution says: debt solution paraphrase pauper realistic diffusive subgraphs softening
The Volokh Conspiracy » Computer Forensics:
Th 'e Kine But by Mr. juftice Page: This is a judgment, the other is no more againft Cot - than a charge •, it would not be neceffary in cares of removal, to give no - "■ « tice to the parifti to whom the pauper is fent, which is never done.
The law of a justice of peace and parish officer: containing all the acts of Parliament at large concerning them, and the cases determined on those acts in the Court of King's Bench. To which is added, a collection of precedents revised and settled by
Her father could give her away as he would - prince or pauper, it did not matter.
What the Bee Knows - reflections on myth, symbol and story
Was it not a kind of pauperization to make men secure in person and property through no efforts of their own, by the agency of a state machinery operating over their heads?
Early 20th century belter Bessie Smith was buried in a pauper's grave until '60s rock stalwart Janis Joplin bought her a marker.
Vos magistri, licet pauperes sitis, ne dubitate Deae munera afferre;!
P. Ovidii Nasonis Fastorum libri VI.