[ UK /pˈɔːnt‍ʃi/ ]
[ US /ˈpɔntʃi/ ]
  1. having a large belly
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How To Use paunchy In A Sentence

  • See that tall, kind of paunchy fellow who just came in? Night Arrant
  • He reportedly suffered a stroke last summer and in rare appearances since has looked a shadow of his former paunchy self.
  • With a smock artfully covering his paunchy frame, Pavarotti, 56, burst into golden-toned song.
  • The archetypal gay wedding portrait -- a pair of middle-aged women or paunchy men looking uncomfortable in rented outfits worn at the wrong time of day -- is destined to be hung in the same gallery of dated images of social progress alongside snapshots of flappers defiantly puffing cigarettes and Kodachromes of African Americans wearing dashikis. When You're Desperate
  • Their Italian shoes are unscuffed and their ties are always straight and they never go bald or get paunchy around the middle.
  • He is old and grey and paunchy and pasty -- and by '12, will be older, greyer, paunchier and pastier -- and snarls. Paul Abrams: To al-Qaeda's Cheers: Dick Cheney Is Running, Will Be the 2012 Republican Nominee
  • There is nothing in his prose or his physiognomy to suggest that he will become flabby or paunchy.
  • The point is not that he was, but that the geisha can make the dullest, most unattractive, paunchy, middle-aged office worker feel that he is the sexiest man alive.
  • They were fine for dewy-eyed kids and paunchy, middle-aged liberals to whom his biography was a lure and not a problem. O: A Presidential Novel
  • Where Benji is brooding and shy, Doug is expansive, showy, a Disneyland-obsessed Nathan Lane type, short and paunchy, but with flaming red hair and a bushy beard. Boing Boing: August 31, 2003 - September 6, 2003 Archives
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