How To Use Paunch In A Sentence

  • I don't think I look pregnant to the unknowing eye (like I've always had this little paunch), but to those who do know it's there, it's really there.
  • They always seem the worse for it; smaller, paunchier, uglier, duller, void of their former interest. Intervals
  • Can you tell me if Moderator WolfDawgNY at Cleveland. com is bald, paunched, wears seersucker shorts, a “I love NY” t shirt that is 2 sizes too small, wears knee high black socks and beige mallwalkers? Community policing: a business somebody should start (hint, hint) « BuzzMachine
  • He finished his dessert and patted his paunch.
  • In 'Outlaw,' it's no different; Smits is a few years older, a bit paunchier and with some graying temples, but that only lends the character of Justice Garza an air of distinguished authority that makes you believe he can win any case with his deep knowledge of constitutional precedents and the penal code. Inside TV Blog
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  • Last year, he was photographed on holiday with chubby cheeks and a paunch spilling over his belt. Times, Sunday Times
  • By this point in their charmed lives, the thirtysomething mom and dad characters had stopped wearing saris and polyester pants and now dressed, inexplicably, for tennis: picture a darker, paunchier Bjorn Borg, in those snug shorts of the era, but with a bushy mustache and too many wristbands. Bollywood's NRI Reel Finally Gets Real
  • He had a slight paunch at his waistline but it was solid.
  • He looks far younger and, even with grizzle around the mouth, is incomparably better looking than the paunchy Officer Peterson of the puffy eyelids. A Story of Two Wives
  • Now Carver Smithton has a paunched belly as stout as the beer that fills it. Hardly Used Tractors
  • Francisco moved to the desk, adjusting the towel around the paunch of his waist before bending over the bottom drawer.
  • Never mind that they grow a paunch and get jowly and leave their smelly socks around. AN OLDER WOMAN
  • Within a month, you are guaranteed a paunch, a pot belly, and the inability to walk up stairs.
  • He works out frequently, totes no middle-aged paunch and looks ready to carry on with another 20 years of activity.
  • As a matter of fact, a man in a shirt with a slight paunch looks at ease with himself. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bojador, the "paunch" or "bulging Cape," 180 miles beyond Cape Non, had been, since the days of the Laurentian Portulano (1351), and the Catalan and Portuguese voyages of 1341 and 1346, the southmost point of Prince Henry the Navigator, the Hero of Portugal and of Modern Discovery, 1394-1460 A.D. With an Account of Geographical Progress Throughout the Middle Ages As the Preparation for His Work.
  • The eldest of the trio, a paunched and jowled dignitary whose beard and hair were obviously touched up in a none-too-successful effort to belie his more than three score years, glared in distaste at the scene of action unfolding while the cachinnations of the general audience grew in volume.
  • The driver had a paunch hanging over his belt.
  • Hank got up with a groan and, feeling every one of his 46 years, he shrugged his suspenders back over his middle-age paunch.
  • Trey met her at six, and he was paunchier than she'd remembered, his high school brawn run to a little fat. Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town
  • Some wear shirts that stretch over round paunches.
  • ASpiritedLife. com: The Eva Mendes Spirit Interview: Kicking Ass And Revealing Some Too TeenDirectory. net: Erotic sleuthing laced with backwards babes, and Paulson on female doormat duty while Scarlett's shrewdie hangs with a murderous gang of homicidal fattie clones, like an underworld Madonna bossing an obedient crew of paunchy boy toys. Undefined
  • Polysemaniacs cannot read or hear the word fatuous without conjuring up some image or other of fatness, possibly a paunchy wise-guy at a party. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XII No 3
  • As the Gamekeeper (son of dgr) wanders in and slaps a dead rabbit (paunched not skinned) on the table right next to the triple-tiered cake stand I'll have hysterics and scream "take it to cook this minute" followed by an attack of the vapours. 54 entries from April 2007
  • But it isn't just a pretty bike marketed to aging riders with chubby wallets and matching paunches.
  • You are a middle aged, paunchy white guy earning about $35K per year who could not afford to attend college. Think Progress » Once again, conservatives see Muslim conspiracy in an administration logo.
  • He stood perhaps a few inches shorter than me, and while he was clearly in fighting trim—the moaning hoodlum on the pavement a testament to the strength of his blows—the ill-fitting boilersuit made him look somewhat paunchy. Masked
  • Then there is the lovable Tritter, with his mop of grey hair and his voice like an unoiled hinge, whose Falstaff is at once paunchy and stiff-limbed, and as shiny and buoyant as a bubble.
  • a _caschrom_, the most uncouth hunter that ever paunched a deer, would tell of such histories in the most scrupulous language and with cunning regard for figure of speech. John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn
  • KSM, dressed in a rumpled T-shirt, looks dopey, disheveled, and paunchy, the exact opposite of his own heroic self-conception as the James Bond of Jihad. The Longest War
  • The archetypal gay wedding portrait -- a pair of middle-aged women or paunchy men looking uncomfortable in rented outfits worn at the wrong time of day -- is destined to be hung in the same gallery of dated images of social progress alongside snapshots of flappers defiantly puffing cigarettes and Kodachromes of African Americans wearing dashikis. When You're Desperate
  • That's his euphemism for the paunch so characteristic of many middle-aged, desk-bound executives.
  • Behind them on the grass the headless and paunched body of a sow lay where they had dropped it.
  • But since starting work I've started developing a bit of a paunch… so I'm voluntarily playing sport again.
  • Wemple went down, returning in several minutes with a tidily-paunched, well-built, gray-haired American of fifty. WHOSE BUSINESS IS TO LIVE
  • It was a new system which had come into fashion: the most plastic performances spoiled by the juxtaposition of their caricatures; acrobats, Olympian gods, parodied by a merry-andrew in a ridiculous coat: just as though Nunkie Fuchs, for instance, had taken it into his head to appear with his Three Graces and mimic their tricks, kicking about at the end of a wire with his fat, fatherly paunch and his round, silly face. The Bill-Toppers
  • For men, this comes in the shape of a 'paunch' and for women this is described as being 'apple shaped' rather than 'pear shaped'. Archive 2008-09-01
  • A man opens the paunch. Times, Sunday Times
  • Within a month, you are guaranteed a paunch, a pot belly, and the inability to walk up stairs.
  • His chin and his paunch were his most telling points. Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama, Vol. 1 A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook
  • In the seat in front of him a well-to-do matron and her paunchy husband were busy adjusting an expensive camcorder. YELLOW BIRD
  • A worker told me that some animals suffocated from the weight of their paunch on their lungs before they could be safely approached. Letters to the Editor
  • In India a slight paunch is seen as a sign of prosperity?
  • The lovely Liesl is played by a pasty, paunchy middle-aged man who gamely glides through "Sixteen Going on Seventeen" like the dreamiest of teenagers, "Climb Every Mountain" is the anthem not of a Mother Superior but of an angsty popping-and-locking b-boy, and "Something Good," in which Maria and Captain Von Trapp confess their love, features three pairs of lovers, two of them same-gender. Kris Wilton: The Sound of Music Like You've Never Seen It
  • The other paramedic, an aging man with a paunch and chronically disapproving eyes, nodded at my beer jug.
  • I initial referred to this abnormality as the “UPP” (“Unnecessary Pussy Paunch”) but then I remember that someone once told me that this was called the FUPA (pronounced “foo-pah”, the “Fat Upper Pussy Area.”) Drbigbeef Diary Entry
  • The story dies otherwise as you can't blame a person for not giving up their seat to a woman with a slight paunch.
  • Paunch: a crop-like accessory pouch in some Mallophaga: any pouch-like appendage of the alimentary canal. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • He strode on to the stage in a salmon pink shirt—paunchy and saggier than in his TV pin-up youth, but with the same piercing blue eyes.
  • In one of his few tossed-off asides, Mr. Longworth notes that "the spare couple in American Gothic would be a lot paunchier today. When Life Is Elsewhere
  • Suddenly there were fists pounding on the tables, rattling the pints of Adnams, as the bald and the paunched yelled in unison, Were so pretty oh so perrrettya-vaya-cant. What's Going On
  • Not more than forty, with a clear, pallid skin that had never known the sun, he was paunched and weak - legged. Chapter 15
  • As Tisserand pointed out, Krazy becomes a little paunchier with time -- don't we all -- but besides that, nothing much changes over the decades. New Orleans Saints Central
  • And there is the longish face; and the rather thin, stuck-out moustache, shewing both lips which pout a bit; and there is the nearly black hair; and there is the rather visible paunch; and there is, oh good Heaven, the neat pink cravat -- ah, it must have been _that -- the cravat_ -- that made me burst out into laughter so loud, mocking, and uncontrollable the moment my eye rested there! The Purple Cloud
  • Wearing khaki jacket and trousers, the paunchy, frizzy-haired leader strode confidently behind Kim, his deportment suggesting he was as comfortable in front of the cameras as his guest was.
  • When the paunch is to be punctured, the animal must be stabbed with a knife (a penknife will do) midway between the haunch-bone and the last rib of the left side; and the opening should be prevented from closing, by the introduction of a tin tube or something of that kind, till the gases are dispelled. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
  • Last year, he was photographed on holiday with chubby cheeks and a paunch spilling over his belt. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her coiffeur La Plume let the last finely curled lock fall adroitly over her shoulder, and folding his hands over the paunch in his shirt frills, like some decadent Pharaoh, admired his work from the shadow of a Dara statue.
  • Eleven years of age, she had at last begun to grow in earnest: her legs were as of old mere spindleshanks, but nearly twice as long; and her fat little body, perched above them, made one think of a shrivelled-up old man who has run all to paunch. The Getting of Wisdom
  • They laied wagers with suche as with one thruste of a sworde, woulde paunche or bowell a man in the middest, or with one blowe of a sworde most readily and moste deliverly cut of his heade, or that woulde best perce his entralls at one stroke. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation. Vol. XIII. America. Part II.
  • We have been long used to calling obese persons ‘healthy’ and looking at a paunch as the sign of prosperity.
  • Mate told me to go on with a paunch mat I was making; while Tammy, he sent to get out his sinnet. The Ghost Pirates
  • The almost universal respect inspired by a beard or a paunch is a poor tribute to human discernment. With Steyn and De Wet
  • They were fine for dewy-eyed kids and paunchy, middle-aged liberals to whom his biography was a lure and not a problem. O: A Presidential Novel
  • A paunch could be an obscene thing to many, but never mind that a number of policemen have it in the city.
  • A dress that best suits you - even covering your ample paunch - would pop up on the screen.
  • He is more interested in getting drunk, making out and filling his growing paunch.
  • If you watch the footage carefully you can see Powell get paunchier, shiftier, and more and more bloated with each and every does he put up with himself? The Chimes at Midnight
  • As he paced, his poorly fitted suit stretched and pulled unflatteringly around his paunchy stomach, and with each step his stringy hair fell limply from its comb-over in greasy strands.
  • Eddie was the best player on the court, and O was better than the former Stanford starter, who had gotten paunchy in middle age and complained his knees were bothering him. O: A Presidential Novel
  • He wore a murrey-coloured plush jerkin, stained with the overflowings of the tankard, and much the worse for wear, and unbuttoned at bottom for the ease of his enormous paunch. The Fortunes of Nigel
  • Plump, paunchy men and even plumper, paunchier women, with big circles of sweat below their arms, are doing their evening “walking.” THE WHITE TIGER
  • Where Benji is brooding and shy, Doug is expansive, showy, a Disneyland-obsessed Nathan Lane type, short and paunchy, but with flaming red hair and a bushy beard. Boing Boing: August 31, 2003 - September 6, 2003 Archives
  • But male rabbis get by just fine with their paunches and shlumpy clothing – only the heaviest and shlumpiest suffer for their looks. Shabbat Surfing– Rabbis on the Runway? « The Blog at 16th and Q
  • One cannot hide a paunch under a polo neck. Times, Sunday Times
  • His appearance was quite ordinary, ordinary height, ordinary brown hair and eyes and the barest beginnings of a paunch around his middle.
  • It's not clever or funny, except if you have a paunch.
  • Peering over the rim of his paunch, he could see a hard-on.
  • Fat paunches have lean pates.
  • They bring their water for themselves and their horses, in the paunches of the deer and cabree, which are never cleansed more than what is done by constant use. A topographical description of the state of Ohio, Indiana territory, and Louisiana : comprehending the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, and their principal tributary streams ; the face of the country, soils, waters, natural productions, animal, vegetable, and
  • He reportedly suffered a stroke last summer and in rare appearances since has looked a shadow of his former paunchy self.
  • With a smock artfully covering his paunchy frame, Pavarotti, 56, burst into golden-toned song.
  • They flow over paunches and make no definite statements about waists.
  • A man opens the paunch. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has already been shown by the illustration, (p. 4,) that the paunch is the largest of the four cavities; but this is not the case with the stomach of the young calf, which, while it continues to suck, does not ruminate; in this case the _reed_, which is the true digestive cavity, is actually larger than the other three taken together. Delineations of the Ox Tribe The Natural History of Bulls, Bisons, and Buffaloes. Exhibiting all the Known Species and the More Remarkable Varieties of the Genus Bos.
  • The archetypal gay wedding portrait -- a pair of middle-aged women or paunchy men looking uncomfortable in rented outfits worn at the wrong time of day -- is destined to be hung in the same gallery of dated images of social progress alongside snapshots of flappers defiantly puffing cigarettes and Kodachromes of African Americans wearing dashikis. When You're Desperate
  • From this bag (the paunch) in the act of rumination a certain portion of the food is ejected into the second chamber, which is termed the reticulum (i.e. a little net) from the peculiar arrangement of its inner or mucous surface, which is lined with a network of shallow hexagonal cells. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • Their Italian shoes are unscuffed and their ties are always straight and they never go bald or get paunchy around the middle.
  • He gazes at us with disdain; the epitome of a Georgian gentleman, secure in the trappings of his position, his satin waistcoat barely restraining his ample paunch.
  • A short glossary: sonsie = cheerful, happy aboon = above painch = paunch thairm = cat gut dight = wipes Site Map BellaOnline - The Voice of Women
  • He had a paunch and a heavy-featured face with sagging jowls and was thirty years too old to be moonlighting from college. DOLL'S EYES
  • From behind the dock's bulletproof glass, well groomed and no balder, greyer or paunchier than most 62-year-olds, he has mostly gazed on empty press benches and a deserted public section. Carlos the Jackal plays to the gallery, but this time his courtroom audience has not turned up
  • a second time; and the process is thus accomplished: they have four stomachs, the first is called the paunch, and is the largest of all; into it descend the grass, herbs, and leaves, when first cropped and imperfectly masticated. Anecdotes of the Habits and Instinct of Animals
  • From behind the dock's bulletproof glass, well groomed and no balder, greyer or paunchier than most 62-year-olds, he has mostly gazed on empty press benches and a deserted public section. Carlos the Jackal plays to the gallery, but this time his courtroom audience has not turned up
  • He is old and grey and paunchy and pasty -- and by '12, will be older, greyer, paunchier and pastier -- and snarls. Paul Abrams: To al-Qaeda's Cheers: Dick Cheney Is Running, Will Be the 2012 Republican Nominee
  • There is nothing in his prose or his physiognomy to suggest that he will become flabby or paunchy.
  • After a while, up came a man and saying, “This is a fox whose gall cleareth away film and dimness from the eyes, if they be anointed therewith like kohl,” took out his knife to slit up the fox’s paunch. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The point is not that he was, but that the geisha can make the dullest, most unattractive, paunchy, middle-aged office worker feel that he is the sexiest man alive.
  • Ive, are the anglers still there? shouts a dauntingly paunched chum as the separated men lead their separately heel-teetering wives back over a sparkling bridge from Durham's centre to the one posh hotel, at way the wrong side of 11pm. From toxic sewer to natural haven, the river Wear's return from the dead
  • They were fine for dewy-eyed kids and paunchy, middle-aged liberals to whom his biography was a lure and not a problem. O: A Presidential Novel
  • See that tall, kind of paunchy fellow who just came in? Night Arrant
  • With a jutted-out pugilist's jaw that just manages to outreach his impressive paunch, the author seems rumpled, a little silly, but defiant.
  • Newcomb, and the redoubtable Sheriff Slack, paunched and scowling, yet genial enough in ordinary social intercourse, together with three assistants — first, second and third deputies Kraut, Sissel and An American Tragedy
  • He wore a moth-eaten old fur cap and a shabby overcoat that was stretched tightly across his paunchy belly.
  • As a matter of fact, a man in a shirt with a slight paunch looks at ease with himself. Times, Sunday Times
  • As he speaks, a rather tatty, greying man with spectacles and a discernible paunch appears on the stage and walks towards us. Times, Sunday Times
  • A paunchy fifty-four years old, he habitually wore a suit and bow tie, which went well with his toothbrush mustache and baldpate. Delizia!
  • To quote the foreword in one of Luther's books, "his gorged paunch is puffed up with uncivil pride. Janey Canuck in the West
  • Fatty can be said to be 'paunchy' on his blog where he rides with Radio shack. This Just In: I'm Giving Away A Free Bike Because I Don't Need It!
  • EPA's North East manager Ann Telford said the large stockpiles of odorous waste material had been identified as paunch - the contents of an animal's stomach, and sludge generated from the rendering process. The Border Mail - Front Page
  • Children in all kinds of outfits vied with each other to receive gifts from radio jockey Ajai, who was dressed as the paunchy Santa Claus for the event.
  • I think a middle-aged man with a big paunch straddling a motorcycle looks like a jack-in-the-box before it springs—all rolled up in himself. Dark Secrets 2: No Time to Die the Deep End of Fear
  • The warlock was a short fellow in his late thirties, younger than I, though with his wobbling paunch, graying goatee, and the broken veins in his bulbous nose, he looked older. And Other Tales Of Valdemar
  • He indicated his partner, a paunchy, silver-haired Asian, who was adding a second loop of barrier tape to keep out the curious, then indicated the equestrienne, We found Mrs. Rosenfield right about where she is now. Terrific Tuesday with P.A. Brown:)
  • Over the top of this loincloth spilled his sizeable paunch.
  • For a man who's all about speed and endurance, he is distinctly non-streamlined, with a moon-shaped face and a pronounced paunch set over thick, powerful legs.
  • In the flush of his success, the only thought he spared for the unlucky Stu Trask was a reflection on the incongruity of the image of the dour and homely Trask—sad-eyed, stooped, balding, and emaciated but for a small paunch—and his fateful weakness. O: A Presidential Novel
  • Paunchy, miserable, humourless, he'd be dour if he weren't too depressed to summon up the energy.
  • And for a long time, I made the excuse that having a paunch was a sign of success, and, you know, I live a high life in the literary world; we all do. CNN Transcript Sep 15, 2002
  • Paunch was a chilled blend of arrack, a distilled palm sap, with sugar, citrus, water and spices.
  • The Maoris on stage boast a range of physiques from sumo paunches to gym-fed beefcake.
  • How someone who drew the LT characters with such lean and vibrant energy could later render Bugs and Daffy as paunchy, evenly proportioned and generally "thickened" is a complete puzzle. The Chops of Seasoned Citizens
  • This is rich coming from a bald old guy with a bushy beard and a paunch like a kangaroo.

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