How To Use Pauli In A Sentence
Champlain appears to be carrying a light arquebus that Paulin-Desormeaux calls a fusil de chasse, a hunting weapon; ibid., 1:184-93; for a more extended discussion, see below, chapter 12, and Appendix L.
Champlain's Dream
If gameness won fights, Paulie would still be a champion.
With water all around me I had little choice but to sit under a leaky tarpaulin beside chain-smokers and crying children, only now and then getting a glimpse up into the vast forests I was entering.
The shingles are no great problem; I've shaken hands on a deal to have the house and garage roof replaced in the autumn and if I get a major leak before then all I need do is make a call and they'll hop on over with a large blue tarpaulin.
Pauline recalls vividly the first time the pair spoke on the phone on Thanksgiving Day and the combination of excitement and apprehension she felt as she knew she was about to say hello.

As a 10-year-old kid Pauline used a stolen acetylene torch to decapitate the globe of a gumball machine.
Pauli pointed out that a (self-adjoint) time operator is incompatible with a Hamiltonian spectrum bounded below.
String Theory is Losing the Public Debate
Here a tarp, short for tarpaulin, is a waterproof sheet of canvas or heavy duty plastic that you throw over things to keep the rain off.
What Mexican Food Are You? and 3 Others
Pauline asked whether she would be willing to forego her drink of water `to save a poor sinner.
We found a lifeboat suspended 10 feet above the deck and bedded down under a tarpaulin.
Mark Pauline and Rod Brooks have advanced further than most in creating personas for machines, because the creatures are fully embodied.
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Pangsuan Diary Entry
Emergency crews covered his vehicle with a blue tarpaulin to shield the scene from view while the body was recovered.
The Sun
On the second day of rain, Al took the tarpaulin separating the two sides of the boxcar and draped it over the front end of the truck.
Early last century, a physicist called Wolfgang Pauli invented a particle to help his sums balance.
Lay down a tarpaulin, then put your sleeping mat and bedding on top of it.
Times, Sunday Times
Main wood to aluminum and plexiglass, PC, tarpaulins, toughened glass.
All the latest marine hardware was there - from modest self-assembled rafts, with their homely oil drums and tarpaulins, to sleek, converted pedalos.
Pauline and David were great picture takers, invite them to a gathering and they were sure to bring their camera, much to the chagrin of the camera-shy.
As a 10-year-old kid Pauline used a stolen acetylene torch to decapitate the globe of a gumball machine.
Pauline went on to say that others, in a drunken stupor, regularly use the estate as a toilet and not just for urinating.
Though there is some element of what Pauline Kael described as mopey, post-war German seriousness, perhaps now the film seems somewhat removed from that overwhelming post-war grief.
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Yards away, police officers manned a cordon around the house, and tarpaulins hung over the charred first floor window where firefighters are thought to have made the discovery of the bodies.
Paulicians, that pity for their speculative errors, which modern times might think had been well purchased by the extent of the temporal services of these unfortunate sectaries.
Count Robert of Paris
Publicly, the Europeans have been following the script – "a good night's kip and then go out there and give it to them," said the normally mild-mannered Ross Fisher, sounding more like Paulie Gualtieri from the Sopranos than Clark Kent – but behind the scenes they have been in awe of the way Montgomerie has comported himself this week.
Ryder Cup 2010: Colin Montgomerie uses dark arts to steel European team
They put up temporary housing made out of mud, out of bamboo, out of thatch, out of tarpaulin, out of corrugated steel.
Dr. Kenneth Cooper and Col. Pauline Potts coined the term aerobic exercise in the 1960's.
Blogdowntown: Life in Downtown Los Angeles (Stories+Headlines)
I could be chasing an untamed ornithoid without cause." like to note my disillusionment with Paulie Walnuts.
St. Louis Game Time
Mr. Paulison, who is the acting director of FEMA, is with me.
There is a shelter the Indian government has put up but it was only a tarpaulin tent.
The Sun
Her mum, Pauline Russell, has also handcrafted a doll, which she plans to raffle at Comrade Social Club in Old Road, Clacton.
I do know the Paulist Fathers never invited me to a patrons ' dinner.
The option was of course, to down tools, rush off to the Hyper Value, buy a big piece of tarpaulin and cover the huge open space in our front wall.
Then we put some oars against the wall and stretched a paulin to protect our noble chef, who finally got the wet firewood once more ignited, and succeeded in getting the bread almost baked and the coffee nearly hot and some dried peaches almost stewed.
A Canyon Voyage The Narrative of the Second Powell Expedition down the Green-Colorado River from Wyoming, and the Explorations on Land, in the Years 1871 and 1872
In the interior , less is more - 2 bucket seats, steering wheel, gear shifter and a control unit, " Paulin continues.
The corporal turned down his page of 'Harmsworth's Magazine,' laid it on the parapet, and dived under the tarpaulin.
From Capetown to Ladysmith An Unfinished Record of the South African War
Protestant theology emphasizes Grace over Law — Jewish and Muslim theologies are all about Law; while Catholic theology certainly gives some importance to Grace (hard not to, given the Pauline epistles), its praxis is extremely legalistic (cf. Luther, M.).
The Volokh Conspiracy » Why Catholics and Jews?
Perhaps because I've been a New Yorker for so many years, I must admit that my "love" for Manhattan followed my original "love" for Sao Paulo, which impressed me a great deal during my first visit during my early adolescence … Although I was born in Rio de Janeiro (so famous for features which I either dislike or feel indifferent), I must say that I have always TRULY loved the "good old" PAULICEIA (one of my favorite terms for SAMPA) ...
A corner of the tarpaulin tore loose, and Shorty received a jet of driven snow down the back of his neck.
I was lying in a small square of shade under a tarpaulin fixed to the side of my dead car.
One of these, Pauline Whitesinger, became an enduring symbol of the resistance in 1977, when she chased off a work crew that was trying to route a barbwire partition fence through her grazing land.
At the opposite side of the room, a much worn sailor's hat, commonly called a tarpaulin, was balanced upon the point of a fishing rod, and beneath this trophy was placed a small side board, the open doors of which disclosed a number of shelves laden with gilt edged drinking vessels of white and blue china; a set of rose colored tea-cups, and several polished silver plated mugs.
The Home in the Valley
Blur-ger King by tilman paulin via the Londonist flickr pool.
Morton the good knight, "and to her mother as" the Princess Pauline, "or" one's mama, "giving to _mama_ the French pronunciation.
A Hoosier Chronicle
Tony not only won the fight but he used the purse to pay off Paulie's debt.
Pauline lives in a warehouse at the far end of a San Francisco street that dead-ends under a highway overpass.
He said the remaining topsoil had been hosed down and covered with polythene and tarpaulin.
He rode alone before two large waggons, covered over with tarpaulins stretched on tall arches, pulled by double yokes of oxen.
The rest sought shade, under tarpaulin or one of the many eucalyptus trees that framed the ground.
Times, Sunday Times
Os preços baixos de roupas em ruas de comércio paulistanas como a José Paulino ou a Oriente, que tanto atraem os consumidores do varejo e do atacado, muitas vezes são obtidos através da redução dos custos no processo de produção.
Global Voices in English » Brazil: Amnesty for illegal immigrants sparks hope and controversy
But women's and religious groups have long succeeded in blocking a shift, and the bill's sponsor, State Assemblywoman Amy Paulin, said she expects this year will be no different.
In addition to electrons, the Pauli exclusion principle applies to all sub-atomic particles with half-integral spins, known as fermions, such as neutrons and protons.
Future UK support for Katrina's victim will be led by the Ministry of Defence and The Department for International Development who will be looking at the provision of military tentage blankets, tarpaulins and camp beds.
A cultural control to use is covering a well-watered patch of grass overnight with a sheet of black plastic or a tarpaulin, so the leatherjackets rise to the surface into the moist space.
Sed quoniam firmioribus remediis nondum tempus est et eam mentium constat esse naturam, ut quotiens abiecerint ueras falsis opinionibus induantur ex quibus orta perturbationum caligo uerum illum confundit intuitum, hanc paulisper lenibus mediocribusque fomentis attenuare temptabo, ut dimotis fallacium affectionum tenebris splendorem uerae lucis possis agnoscere.
The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
Cover them with old sheets or tons of leaves or, to keep out the rain, plastic dust sheets or tarpaulin.
The Sun
The tarpaulin sheets for the roofs of the stalls went first, followed by the counter boards and finally the heavy metal frames.
The lowering clouds, the sudden downpours, the richly evocative hiss of tarpaulin across closely trimmed lawn?
Times, Sunday Times
The first Pauline 's father in particular was disgusted by his wife's display.
In his homily, he took up the words of Pope Benedict's homily at Solemn Vespers on the occasion of the conclusion of the Pauline Year highlighted on the NLM, and exhorted the new priests to be committed to the inviolability of human life from its first instant, thereby radically opposing the principle of violence also precisely in the defence of the most defenceless human creatures is part of an adult faith.
Ordinations in Toledo
The three-and-a-half-hour struggle to make the area safe ended when the fire crews managed to get tarpaulin over the roof and made the ground debris safe.
Pauline said today she feared that embarrassment and shame could be stopping Christine and Nicholas from contacting her.
Horton claims, further, that Pauline eschatology not only avoids Nietzsche's and Derrida's critiques of dualism, but also gives theology an intelligible way of talking about eschatology.
‘Today, the sports calendar is overloaded with TV sports and extreme games,’ said Paulick.
The original material used, i.e. the tarpaulin, is called tarpaulin made-ups even after undergoing the process and therefore can't be said to be a manufacturing process, the judges said, dismissing the Commissioner's appeals challenging the Cegat order.
Daily News & Analysis
ESB spokesperson Pauline Madigan said the situation could have been much worse as the winds were south-westerly instead of the usually more damaging north-westerly winds.
In the midst of all this, and just a few blocks from Paulista Avenue, is this pretty pousada, or guest house, with its rustic design.
The Guardian World News
In addressing this, many sugarcane cogeneration-related associations such as Associação Paulista de Cogeração de Energia (COGEN-SP - Paulista Association of Cogeneration) and ANEEL are working on building generation distributive center units that will collectively transmit electricity cogenerated in the mills and input it into the grid.
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The shelters are basic - little more than wooden frames covered in tarpaulins to keep out the rain.
He was fast asleep, huddled under a canvas tarpaulin.
She noticed that sophomore center Simone Egwu is stronger going to her left than to her right, and she deciphered that redshirt senior guard Paulisha Kellum is a better dribbler when she's driving toward the basket.
Virginia women's basketball team looks to move forward as 'a different kind of team'
At least Paulitz adds that Hutchison will not necessarily be a bitter-ender: ‘It's not no-repeal-ever.’
But on a sudden he found himself surrounded in his progress, like a stately merchantman in the Gut of Gibraltar (I hope the ladies will excuse the tarpaulin phrase) by three Algerine galleys.
The Bride of Lammermoor
Pauline Alainga rustled up a batch of yummy bannock in the bannock-making competition.
It's likely that the difficulty of conducting appropriate experiments had a hand in silencing Pauling's hydrate microcrystal theory.
Paulina Reyes of kate spade new york fashioned handbags from jipijapa, a fiber made of palm leaves.
Mark Tercek: Design for a Living World: Top Designers Make Sustainability Stylish
In February 1971, a fire broke out in the north-west tower near the bell chamber when a tarpaulin caught alight and another fire the following year destroyed pinnacles and woodwork in the choir stalls.
The Exequial Mass was held in the Convent Chapel on Monday 7 February, followed by burial in the Pauline enclosure at the Sewri Cemetery.
Auto Accessories, Sunshade, Sun Visor, Beach Mat, Houseware, Household, Seatbelt Shoulder Pad, Tent Tents and Tarpaulins.
All the Pauline references to charismata, Campbell insists, are to be taken only in the latter sense.
Pauline began to weep now, a dry sound like the scratching of a spent record on a phonograph.
Randall, is very anxious that the services should be what he calls instructive; that courses, for instance, of sermons should be preached on certain books of the Old Testament, on the Pauline
The Upton Letters
So while we're seeing a lot of tents and tarpaulins, we feel quite concerned about the winter, and want to ensure the longer-term shelter needs to get these good solid tents in.
Even as they spoke, the black tarpaulin swooped from sight behind a big comber.
Everyone in our family is right-handed except Pauline.
My eyes overflow, my dear Pauline; and Maitland will chide me for indulging what he calls a pernicious sensibility.
The Unexpected Legacy
She escaped with severe bruising and whiplash while her sister Pauline, 21, had fractures to an arm, a foot and a cheekbone.
ESB spokesperson Pauline Madigan said the situation could have been much worse as the winds were south-westerly instead of the usually more damaging north-westerly winds.
According to the latest CROP poll, the PQ is the most popular party in Quebec and PQ leader Pauline Marois is the most popular choice for "best premier".
PQ Back on the Map in Quebec
He took the tarpaulin from the breech and the tampion from the muzzle, cast off the lashings which secured it, and saw that the swivel moved freely in the socket and the trunnions freely in the crotch.
Mr. Midshipman Easy
Pauline asked whether she would be willing to forego her drink of water `to save a poor sinner.
Mark Pauline and Rod Brooks have advanced further than most in creating personas for machines, because the creatures are fully embodied.
After buying the matting and paper, there had been quite a fair sum left; enough to pay for two magazine subscriptions, one a review that Mr. Shaw had long wanted to take, another, one of the best of the current monthlies; and to lay in quite a store of new ribbons and pretty turnovers, and several yards of silkaline to make cushion covers for the side porch, for Pauline, taking hint from Hilary's out-door parlor at the farm, had been quick to make the most of their own deep, vine-shaded side porch at the parsonage.
The S. W. F. Club
The US military in Afghanistan loaded cargo planes with food, tarpaulins and other emergency aid to drop by parachute over areas of Pakistan, officials said.
He was bound and gagged, wrapped in smelly tarpaulin, his body too weak to put up any kind of resistance.
In 1954, Pauling's many achievements were crowned with the awarding of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
Ce ne sont que des chanteur a texte ou des vieux chanteurs (vieilles chansons plutot): Robert, Pauline croze, Alexis HK, Vincent Delerm, Cali (ca c des chanteur jeune ...
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
Tony Soprano is no Kurtz or Keyser Soze, although his capos - Silvio and Paulie Walnuts - do occasionally compare him with Napoleon.
This is so because, in the Pauline view, reality is not viewed in terms of sharply contrasting ontological or epistemological dualisms.
Players flee for cover and tarpaulin goes back out.
Mention is made of a fire both in the Ebionite Gospel and in another publication called Pauli praedicatio, the readers and users of which denied that the rite of baptism had been duly performed, unless quam mox in aquam descenderunt, statim super aquam ignis appareat.
ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
This approach falls under the umbrella of orthomolecular medicine - a term coined by one of the major scientific geniuses of the 20th century, Nobel laureate Linus Pauling.
In this article, accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) applications in searching for violation of Pauli exclusion principle and study on supernovae are discussed as examples.
Damned few folks who post in threads like this realize just how pernicious the goat-blowing culture is for progressives: and this thread (and every other one Anthony, Paulie Carbone, et al, participate in) proves it.
Matthew Yglesias » Feel the Kausmentum
Obaid Karki "hepcat" DiehartPaulite Libertarian Underdog Diogenesist Spinoziste Qutbist - Articles related to Why is the coverage of President Obama like a theater review?
They slit the tarpaulins of the rearmost trailer and offload goods.
Pauline asked whether she would be willing to forego her drink of water `to save a poor sinner.
African violets, or Saintpaulias as they are properly known, are easy plants to grow, making them extremely popular plants - you can buy them just about everywhere, from garden centres to petrol stations.
Whether the maid who was told off by the elder Milton to sit up till twelve or one o'clock in the morning for this wonderful Pauline realized that she was a kind of doorkeeper in the house of genius, and blessed accordingly, is not known, and may be doubted.
Obiter Dicta Second Series
Back in New York, Tony Sirico, he plays Paulie Walnuts, a Sopranos family capo who's in trouble with Russian Mafia.
Pauline had gone out, he didn't know where, but he wouldn't have expected her to be his batman anyway.
Shell fabric for automobile and toy: tarpaulin, loop velvet, poly spun velour, and etc.
The pale, shy light of dawn was tinting her brown-coloured tarpaulin tent.
Across the mucky yard what can only be described as a run down shed, with a tarpaulin roof and a piece of pallet for a gate, was home to four Alsatians.
Franconelli flicked his fingers at the other tarpaulin man, who took the boots and PVC from Graydon's lap.
Every one now had tasted the wassail-cup except Paulina, whose pas de fée, ou de fantaisie, nobody thought of interrupting to offer so profanatory a draught; but she was not to be overlooked, nor baulked of her mortal privileges.
In Pauline this finesse was partially concealed by a languor and indecision of manner and an occasional assumption of 'niaiserie'; or almost infantine simplicity; but this only threw people the more off their guard, and made her finesse the more sure in its operation.
Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon
Tents could be made to connect with tarpaulins and groundsheets.
Into Africa - a social history of the East African Safari
Adult castrati could sing the most florid music imaginable and continued to preserve the Pauline ban on female voices in church - at least in the pope's Sistine Chapel in Rome - until the 20th century.
Pauli Freheri Theatrum virorum Eruditione clarorum.
Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society
So, again, the Pauline Christology ends in Docetism, and his teaching that we are saved by the Spirit is a soteriology which is at once physical and magical, while the evolution of his eschatology consists in the denial of the resurrection of the body.
The Beginnings of Christianity. Vol. II.
Moments later he reappeared with a large plastic tarpaulin, a box of nails and several lengths of rough carcassing.
Oddly enough, the "thawing" of their scorched bodies beneath the tarpaulin brought a certain degree of relief.
The Wings of the Morning
Oppressed by his gloominess, Foma had come down on the deck from his cabin, and, for some time, had been standing in the shadow of some wares covered with tarpaulin, and listened to the admonitive and gentle voice of the preacher.
The Man Who Was Afraid
Joy gives him his Yukon nickname after he devises a tarpaulin sled to carry a half a ton of goods by sliding the cargo down a glacier.
“I am only a wild girl, and I am afraid of the world....”
Pauline Paul was confined to a wheelchair as calcium drained from her bones.
Certainly Pauline had never hinted at anything of the sort about her friend.
During the second week of the geomorphological survey, Etienne Paulissen and his collaborators Veronique De Laet, who grew muscles handling the Ramguts drill, and Koen Dossche, continued trying to solve the puzzle of the colluviation/alluviation history in the basin of the Aglasun Cay, to which Sagalassos belongs.
Interactive Dig Sagalassos 2003 - Geomorphological Survey Report 2
She closed her eyes for a moment as she tore the tarpaulin off the person beneath it.
Ivor and Pauline were lured back to Stroud's bungalow at Staunton, on the pretext of discussing the cash settlement.
A 60-inch-high canopy stands over a chunk of a masonry wall now lying flat on a piece of bright blue plastic tarpaulin.
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No man could be miserable with Pauline Murray, if he did his duty and tried, _tried_ with his very soul to the uttermost.
Floyd Grandon's Honor
It was Sunday afternoon, and Pauline and I were tramping along the dusty road homeward from a long walk, during which, having discussed perfectly innocuous subjects, we had agreed.
Aleta Dey
The word appears in both the active and the middle voice in Luke, the Pauline corpus, Hebrews, James and 1 Peter.
This spelling seems to be quite old, going back as far as Deecke/Pauli, Etruskische Forschungen und Studien 1881 and when I look for myself at the tiny picture of the statuette provided in Jannot's book, I must admit that I'm pretty sure that I see a iota between the upsilon and the ef too.
Archive 2008-04-01
In some parts of the city, entrepreneurs were seen cruising the streets in pickup trucks with tarpaulin sheets covering up six-packs of half-liter bottles of water, priced at 250 baht to 300 baht per pack, or nearly $10.
Bangkok Flood Adds to City's Woes
Lay down a tarpaulin, then put your sleeping mat and bedding on top of it.
Times, Sunday Times
Pauline Davis taught the young man how to dress for a formal dinner and how to observe the required etiquette.
Endless hours of coverage of a grey Wimbledon with green tarpaulin over the courts does little to promote the tournament as one of the great sporting events of the 21st century.
At the foot of the slope there are cinder block houses, but as you climb the ridge, concrete gives way to wood and tarpaulin, then cardboard and twigs.
Dacal nang pasaquit ing caya binie mu Menganib yang mate qng pangabait mu Pauli ning saquit ae mu magcanu Aniang mibait ca qng yatung misapuac Pemalut da ceca ing maputing ulas Ing keyang delanan e ditac a puyat Penesa na queca mayumu nang gatas Potang masakit ka ating panamdaman - Articles related to FiTting method to face global warming
Among the pleasant pictures of memory is that of Thomas Blake as he appeared after he had changed his civilized clothes for a Brook Farm tunic of blue plaid, a "tarpaulin" straw hat and a neat broad rolling shirt collar of large dimensions that gracefully tended towards his square shoulders.
Brook Farm
Someone should call social services down in Smyrna if Paulie has really found your address.
Matthew Yglesias » For Democrats, Even a 2010 Win Will Feel Like a Loss
Hi PaulIf you look at the script, are there any parameters to configurate? articles
He sheltered beneath the dripping tarpaulin of a news agent's for a while.
There is now a tent and a tarpaulin for very rainy days and she plans to get a stove for the tent.
Times, Sunday Times
A kitten, attracted by the odor of milk, had established itself upon the table; it allowed Pauline to bedabble it in coffee; she was playing merrily with it, taking away the cream that she had just allowed the kitten to sniff at, so as to exercise its patience, and keep up the contest.
The Magic Skin
The cause of the crash was not clear although a set of wheels came off the final carriage and investigators covered a set of points immediately behind the accident scene with blue tarpaulin, suggesting a fault on either train or track.
It is understood to have started when tarpaulin sheeting blew on to heaters drying a new resin coating on repair work.
His stunning new commentary on Galatians is already making the same impact on Pauline studies.
Some of the people a little lower on the totem pole in Tony, Paulie, Ralph, and Johnny Sack's crews are present on the job site but are only there to run shady deals and as a formality.
They've got the walls as solid as a rock and a roof on it under that tarpaulin.
But the real-life Pauline Gascoyne is a serious-minded import business management consultant.
It churned up the sea even more, and beat the yellow rain macs of the fishermen tying down tarpaulins.
But Merseyside comedienne Pauline Daniels is getting ready to be a kid again.
The lowering clouds, the sudden downpours, the richly evocative hiss of tarpaulin across closely trimmed lawn?
Times, Sunday Times
NT Director Nicholas Hytner gets an awesome ensemble performance from his troupe—the sub-plot of wannabe-actor Alan (Daniel Rigby) wanting to marry Pauline (Claire Lams), whom her gangster father (Fred Ridgeway) has promised to the murdered gangster is equally sidesplitting.
Small-Screen Stars Shine on Stage
Paulinus quelled the revolt with ruthless efficiency but his methods were frowned upon by the new procurator (finance official), Classicianus.
A blue tarpaulin covered the floor and was spattered with blood.
Times, Sunday Times
If, like me, you've been wondering why the wonderful new sculpture outside Bull's Head Car Park has been covered with a heavy green tarpaulin since its installation last year, wonder no more.
By analyzing DNA sequences contained in the plastid of the thecate amoeba Paulinella, researchers have shown that it is a recent endosymbiont whose genome features are virtually unchanged from those of its cyanobacterial progenitor.
Science Press Releases
The new religions, Islam and Christianity, are just on the top," says a classic Naipaul informant, a lawyer and former university dean in Gabon; his punchline is a perfect short Naipaulian thematic sentence: "Inside us is the forest.
Christopher Lydon: V. S. Naipaul's "Gloomy Clarity" About Africa and Himself (AUDIO)
Nam cum quidam adortus esset hominem contumeliis, qui non ad uerae uirtutis usum sed ad superbam gloriam falsum sibi philosophi nomen induerat, adiecissetque iam se sciturum, an ille philosophus esset, si quidem illatas iniurias leniter patienterque tolerasset, ille patientiam paulisper adsumpsit acceptaque contumelia uelut insultans: 'Iam tandem,' inquit, 'intellegis me esse philosophum?'
The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
She heaved at the rolled up black tarpaulin, hoping that the rope would keep her tent together as it fell into her arms.
In the case of Paulin hopefully some book learning and voice modulation lessons; and in Sanfords case a serious search for a new spiritual advisor.
Sanford rejects call for resignation
A quantity of drugs were recovered from the house and a high-value car, which was found covered by tarpaulin in the front garden, was removed to be stripped down and examined.
Their 2003 catalogue lists more than 100 streptocarpus, around 40 named saintpaulias, a host of other gesneriads, coleus (now Solenostemon) and 60 begonias grown mainly for foliage.
The "Acta Pauli" owing to this unfortunate association are suspected of heterodoxy by the more recent authors such as Philastrius (De haeres., 88) and Photius
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
Snow and rain and summer sun had bleached its wood, its runners were red streaks of rust, its rawhide lashings had been eaten off, but snugly rolled inside the tarpaulin was a sack of mail.
Laughing Bill Hyde and Other Stories
Russel brand insulted over half of america and the paulin family.
Our Friends Medusa Piss On Russell Brand’s Fish Statue
The body was covered in tarpaulin and the police had put screens up.
The Sun
Pauline started to wander from the point.
According to Pauli's hypothesis, which he put forward very hesitantly, neutrinos are elusive particles which escape with the missing energy in - decays.
Marital tension, reflecting Strauss's stormy relationship with his wife Pauline, is a subject common to several of his operas, some openly autobiographical.
The list doesn't end there, though, with pâté de campagne, Brie, oka, St-Paulin, roast pork, pâté de foie, garlic sausage, and many others also available.
He and his wife, Pauline, a neurologist, enjoyed music, literature, walking, tandem tricycling, and cats.
She did, indeed, look "doleful," as Pauline expressed it, and the beaming, lovely face of the latter rendered her wan aspect more apparent.
In Kindamba he improvised a splint from palm branches and asked a carpenter to make another, around which tarpaulin would be wrapped.
Today only a few individuals even remember that the hydrate microcrystal theory exists, much less that it was born in Pauling's lab.
The pickup box was covered with a greasy tarpaulin held down by an equally greasy yellow nylon rope.
The chanters lead to the "Sala Regia" and stop at the door of the Pauline chapel ... the subdeacon, with the Cross uncovered, between two Voters of the signature carrying lights; the Cardinal deacons, priests and bishops; the Cardinal celebrant, and the Sovereign Pontiff, followed by the officers of his court, and Generals of religious orders.
More Rare Images: Good Friday with Pius XI in the Sistine Chapel
He was wearing a ripped coat, tied up with string at the waist, and he sat with his feet tucked under his legs on an exposed crate, the tarpaulin turned back neatly around him.
The roof is sheets of tarpaulin covered with old cardboard boxes.
Times, Sunday Times
The car is not thought to have suffered serious damage and was quickly covered with a tarpaulin before being taken back to the pits.
Times, Sunday Times
Sitcom star Wendy, who died of cancer in February, became best known as battleaxe Pauline Fowler in the hit BBC1 soap. - News
Brian picked him up, unable to hold back from what he had rehearsed with almost as much feeling as clasping Pauline.
Paulina is now faced with having to marry the marquis.
Early volunteers in the field of education included Amaliya Tiktin, wife of the philologist Dr. Heimann Tiktin, and Paulina Gelber, wife of the industrialist Moritz Gelber of Jassy.
Romania, Women and Jewish Education.
He flowed down to the floor of the lifeboat and disappeared under the tarpaulin.
It's interesting to note that even apologists like Eddy and Boyd in «The Jesus Legend» admit that the language of those verses are «arguably un-Pauline» and that those verses are the only reference in the entire genuine Pauline letters «that positively requires us to accept that Paul viewed Jesus as a recent historical person» p.211.
The Death of the Mythical Messiah
St. Paulinus in one of his letters refers to the redintegration of the Cross, i.e. that it never grew smaller in size, no matter how many pieces were detached from it.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
Khan is relishing the chance to fight in Britain after his two title defences in 2010 - against Paulie Malignaggi and Marcos Maidana - were held in New York and Las Vegas.
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At last in 1963 a test-ban treaty was signed; and Pauling was awarded the Nobel peace prize for 1962, making him the only person to receive two unshared Nobel prizes.
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Pauline had worked as a presser in the Sunderland branch of the Wakefield Shirt Company for almost five years.
The vandals also tried to reach 300 seats from Manchester City's former Maine Road ground which are protected by a large and heavy tarpaulin.
The chain also appears in Macrobius's Somnium Scipionis (I.V. #571 – 74), as well as in Paul of Middleburg's Paulina, da recta Paschae celebratione (1513).
Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
Pauline's family were colliers, and her father worked part time as a singer and comedian in working men's clubs.
Pauline should know, because her mother and father once went to a wife-swapping party.