How To Use Paucity In A Sentence

  • Her enthusiasm was undimmed by the paucity of choice on the high street at the time: 'My mum used to shop in menswear shops. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sadly what he calls'the paucity of evidence and excess of speculative interpretation' is unlikely to clear the air. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Syndromic paucity of interlobular bile ducts (Alagille syndrome or arteriohepatic dysplasia): review of 80 cases. Alagille Syndrome Related Reading
  • I myself am suffering from having a paucity of exciting ideas / happenings to post about.
  • This paucity of experimental data makes it difficult to identify the ecological conditions that favor the evolution of the facultative response and of the particular environmental cues that may trigger it.
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  • Our discussion has already made apparent a great paucity of large-scale bronzes compared to what survives in marble.
  • There was a near record league game crowd growing increasingly restless at their teams' paucity of decent play.
  • The last gripe is that, yet again, there appears to be a paucity of the machines available, at least in shops, with Compustore sales clerks saying they ‘can't see’ when they'll have them in.
  • There is no scheme in all these projects to solve the paucity of clean, safe drinking water.
  • With the relative paucity of decent Rankin biographies, Smith's work promises to direct more attention to Jeannette Rankin and her lifework for peace.
  • It was a far from perfect game for the fly half, but that was to be expected given his paucity of rugby. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ten minutes later I was finished, rather pleased with the walk, though note this is obviously a rarely done circuit; one can tell by the paucity of waymarks and the gates that have to be clambered over.
  • The American palm is more resistant to certain plagues and diseases of the region than the “African palm”, but it has the disadvantage that it produces very little oil (2 to 8 per cent) because of the paucity of its mesocarp. Chapter 6
  • The paucity of resources, the lack of an intellectual and artistic community in the institute made conditions intolerable.
  • I rail at the paucity of imagination and consumer advice around elderly care. Times, Sunday Times
  • None the less it is safe to say that the concoction of a similar ode by the aid of the trade-mark words invented in the British Isles would be a task of great difficulty on account of the paucity of terms sufficiently artificial to bestow the exotic remoteness which is accountable for the aroma of the American ‘ode’. Chapter 6. Tendencies in American. 3. Processes of Word-Formation
  • Some employers with unusual business models or a paucity of credit rating agency data might be disadvantaged. Times, Sunday Times
  • The paucity of humility shown by the Government in the face of such antipathy is stomach-churning.
  • Her enthusiasm was undimmed by the paucity of choice on the high street at the time: 'My mum used to shop in menswear shops. Times, Sunday Times
  • This may have arisen, not merely from their paucity, but from the unsettled signification of the term orange, as well as from improperly calling these pigments reds, yellows, &c. In these days, however, orange pigments are sufficiently numerous to merit a chapter to themselves; they indeed comprise some of the best colours on the palette. Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
  • Given the paucity of alternatives, a senior cap is not entirely fanciful. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is at present a paucity of evaluations of disease management programmes.
  • But the paucity of fresh ideas in the horror genre is now a genuine issue. Times, Sunday Times
  • The silence was not due to moral paucity, but to a surfeit of principle - one must never, under any circumstances, compromise one's political neutrality.
  • This may account in part for the paucity of crepuscular to nocturnal or cryptozoic to fossorial skink lineages in the interior.
  • The paucity of water and the consequent thefts are beginning to weaken the social fabric in the countryside.
  • There's precious little genetics in the creative impulse if the paucity of père and fils novelists is anything to go by - or maybe the fear of comparison keeps most chips off the old block blocked for good.
  • The inveterate antagonism of these black precipices to all strugglers for life is in no way more forcibly suggested than by the paucity of tufts of grass, lichens, or confervae on their outermost ledges. A Pair of Blue Eyes
  • Rocks of the suite are distinguished from unassigned leucogranite sheets of the same age by the absence or paucity of K-feldspar, and by their less silicic compositions relative to the leucogranites.
  • Another reason is non-availability or paucity of domestic help.
  • But it also gives a clue to why there is such a paucity of women at the top in car sales.
  • Given the paucity of alternatives, a senior cap is not entirely fanciful. Times, Sunday Times
  • But this is perhaps the inevitable result of a paucity of content trapped within an excess of style.
  • Our discussion has already made apparent a great paucity of large-scale bronzes compared to what survives in marble.
  • There is no paucity of scholarly studies and statistical data on China, but these do not help us.
  • There's still a paucity of fresh produce in the shops, very little more than a few tired cabbages and exhausted apples to be found.
  • The paucity of fruit was caused by the drought.
  • The paucity of resources, the lack of an intellectual and artistic community in the institute made conditions intolerable.
  • Outcome of syndromic paucity of interlobular bile ducts (Alagille syndrome) with onset of cholestasis in infancy. Alagille Syndrome Related Reading
  • Zack was throughly impressed by the waves crashing on the breakwater, but was disappointed at the paucity of good skipping stones.
  • Given the paucity of alternatives, a senior cap is not entirely fanciful. Times, Sunday Times
  • Recently the city has been widely criticised for the paucity of its 60th anniversary plans.
  • There is also a paucity of texts and supporting popular science literature available in Urdu.
  • To those outside the subculture it may appear as if there is a paucity of other alternatives.
  • Even the film's impressive finale can't hide the first hour's paucity of imagination.
  • You are left to imagine what the context might be, given a paucity of information. Times, Sunday Times
  • This finding is substantiated by the paucity of significant determinant variables in these models.
  • Schizophrenics frequently speak in a stilted, manneristic fashion, and the fluency of their speech may be intermittently disturbed, with paucity of speech, verbigeration (associations repeated in a stereotyped manner, palilalia in the aphasia literature), or perseveration (words or phrases repetitively inserted in the flow of speech). The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • I wondered what was more depressing, the paucity of his vocabulary or the absence of musical taste.
  • This contretemps may have resulted, in part, from a simple paucity of means: only $500,000 was allotted for the whole undertaking.
  • Very few directors dare to make serious films due to paucity of funds, she said.
  • However, a paucity of data exists on the long-term effects of infant soy formulas.
  • In particular, there appears to be a paucity of effective teaching on the theology of music and its significance in worship.
  • He bemoans the shortage of trained music teachers and a paucity of school music lessons.
  • Other distinctive features in comparison with other Mediterranean-climate floras include the large number of geophytes or bulblike plants (1,552 spp.), especially among the petaloid monocots, and the relative paucity of annuals (6.8 percent of the flora) and trees (2.4 percent). Lowland fynbos and renosterveld
  • Will the present paucity of lackadaisical dreamers affect our future cultural heritage?
  • Carriers vie for global telecom domination, investing in state-of-the-art networks comprised of transcontinental backbones and transoceanic cables, but bandwidth paucity persists.
  • The paucity of these qualities in the present Republic would stagger them.
  • The man has an amazing amount of energy which covers for the paucity of his material.
  • This paucity of accurate information is probably due to under-resourcing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Given the paucity of alternatives, a senior cap is not entirely fanciful. Times, Sunday Times
  • This paucity of information arises from the role that uncertainty has in quantum mechanics.
  • Even the film's impressive finale can't hide the first hour's paucity of imagination.
  • Examples of the latter could include such diverse disorders as sucrase / isomaltase deficiency, Alagille syndrome (paucity of intrahepatic bile ducts), and some forms of Hirschprung's disease.
  • Building on paucity of information in the text, at least three possibilities have been proposed. Christianity Today
  • The paucity of outcrop in the Acraman depression indicates that the bedrock beneath the depression is strongly disrupted by brecciation and jointing.
  • One reader, describing the paucity of music available, compared it to ‘an airport bookstall, only without the gum and cigarettes’.
  • Given their paucity in numbers, police entry standards have been necessarily liberal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Due to the paucity of cases reported in the literature, treatment of ethmoidal adenocarcinoma with orbital compression is best discussed by referring to other paranasal tumours that invade the orbit.
  • The lack of comprehension can be attributed in part to the paucity of electronic commerce applications that the consumer has personally experienced.
  • No marks of wing or empennage, or engine impact anywhere, not to mention a paucity of wreckage, bodies and etc. OK CLASS, LETS REVIEW!, WHERE'S THE 757!
  • In ordinary circumstances the paucity of players might have been expected.
  • The other young stars, judging by their paucity of further credits, apparently used the film as a springboard to careers in such varied fields as stenography, dental hygiene, and automotive repair.
  • There is a regrettable paucity of training in the rudiments of security protocols or practices at the library.
  • Anderson explained why there was a paucity of black chief executives: Wherever there are talented black executives in local authorities they tend to get headhunted by the civil service and industry. Campaigners question why local government bosses are almost all white
  • With a paucity of big men in the East, he could garner All-Star consideration, which would make his comeback story almost unbelievable.
  • Marvel at the skill of the players, and the paucity of spectators. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sorry for the paucity of posts over the past few days but I'm in a state of upheaval known as ‘job change’.
  • Even the film's impressive finale can't hide the first hour's paucity of imagination.
  • There is a good reason for that paucity of evidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Let me start with an apology for the paucity of blogging lately.
  • Dougherty was critically influential late in 1954, threatening to disaffiliate his union if the federal executive did not go ahead and sack the Victorian executive, despite the paucity of evidence against it.
  • Some employers with unusual business models or a paucity of credit rating agency data might be disadvantaged. Times, Sunday Times
  • I also would like to apologise for the paucity of posts over the past few days.
  • Before the internet arrived to form the perfect delivery mechanism for mystical bluster, it was left to partwork magazines to provide a fix of 'otherness', made 'real' by the paucity of information and the scrappy, fragmentary way it was presented ( Things magazine
  • Given the paucity of credit, the Government has been scratching around for new ways of galvanising bank lending. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a complicated case, marred by a disputed confession, a paucity of witnesses and the sudden, explosive nature of the incident itself.
  • There's a real paucity of suggestions for the beer-swilling boxer wearers in your life, unless those men also harbor secret fascinations with Christian Lacroix chairs and mink jackets.
  • * Indeed, the relative paucity of genetic aberrancy in this leukemia may be one reason that this tumor is so easily felled by cytotoxic chemotherapy. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • He bemoans the shortage of trained music teachers and a paucity of school music lessons.
  • The paucity of information about the actual birthplace and birthdate of her grandfather made the tracing of his origins a genealogical heartbreaker.
  • Why the paucity of information? Times, Sunday Times
  • One interesting discovery is the paucity of scholarly work on the actual history of atheism.
  • Much of this product is now powerloom woven, due to a paucity of labour.
  • However, the paucity of modern cycad trunks to cycadeoid trunks in the fossil record suggests that the modern cycad trunks did not fossilize as readily as the extinct variety.
  • The response is governed by the paucity of credible alternatives.
  • Marvel at the skill of the players, and the paucity of spectators. Times, Sunday Times
  • In contrast, the Cambrian clastic rocks are characterized by a paucity of these zircons, suggesting a significant difference between Neoproterozoic and Cambrian drainage systems.
  • Other distinctive features in comparison with other Mediterranean-climate floras include the large number of geophytes or bulblike plants (1,552 spp.), especially among the petaloid monocots, and the relative paucity of annuals (6.8 percent of the flora) and trees (2.4 percent). Lowland fynbos and renosterveld
  • Carriers vie for global telecom domination, investing in state-of-the-art networks comprised of transcontinental backbones and transoceanic cables, but bandwidth paucity persists.
  • Most people found this paucity to be a cause for pluralistic triumphalism. The Times Literary Supplement
  • A chest and abdominal film from the first day of life demonstrated the ectopia cordis and a paucity of bowel gas in the abdomen.
  • The relative paucity of material goods owned by Corpsmen is, in terms of transcultural perception, a complicating factor.
  • Its rigid architectonics of narrative underdetermine character, stabilizing it: a multiplicity of signs is reduced to a paucity of meaning; the paranoid is frozen in someone else's text.
  • The paucity of specimens has been a hindrance in determining intraspecific variability within this material.
  • Youth naturally, in their abundance of hormones coupled with a paucity of experience, have a more pliant interest in entertaining various forms of sexual expression.
  • Instead the search engines are simply reporting the paucity of information on the internet about these people.
  • Although there is a paucity of dinosaurs in medieval literature (Saint Augustine excepted), I find that my interest in paleography is another way of returning to the things I find most moving about medieval literature: the way in which words touch us (and are touched by us) over immense swathes of time. Archive 2008-09-01

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