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How To Use Patsy In A Sentence

  • The amount they have in savings: ‘All the money I saved for when I get ready to retire is up yonder now at the hospital, and the doctors,’ Patsy says.
  • She too becomes a zombie, though that's not a bad thing because along with the putrefaction comes a dramatic rise in Patsy's sex appeal.
  • His parents Paul and Patsy, twin brother Michael and fiancee Chantelle described him as "home-loving and full of fun".
  • February 12th, 2009 at 9: 54 pm dunkin kindler – because the Putins of the world didn’t already conclude George W. Bush was a patsy. Matthew Yglesias » Judd Gregg Fail
  • Martin Wolf of the Financial Times once told me that the self-interested, strategic economic behaviors of other major economic stakeholders in the international system required a "patsy" -- someone who would believe in the "just-in-time" security of give-and-take trade and give-and-take finance and jobs, even when its competitors didn't. Steve Clemons: Eva Peron Wins: The Pretension of a 'Savings Lottery'
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  • The average guy who buys a mutual fund is not an investor at all; he's a chump, a patsy, a schmuck.
  • He says it were a set-up, that Kev was played for a patsy... Kev got money... ` IN REMEMBRANCE OF ROSE
  • The latter was fiercely jealous, and if Parsons showed obvious affection toward someone, Patsy howled as though she were calling upon all her lupine ancestors to come forth and carry off the intruder.
  • Davy was a very popular man locally and he is survived by his wife Patsy and four children.
  • Why, don't you know, Patsy," replied his friend, "that it manes our party have made a clane swape of the cowld-wather men? From Wealth to Poverty
  • At 16, Anneth compulsively sneaks out at night to flirt and drink at honky-tonks, dancing to the latest songs by Elvis, Patsy Cline, and Sam Cooke.
  • I'm off to Tynemouth tonight to sit and listen to the sea and read my book, while Patsy 123 either slaves over a hot stove or, more likely, goes to the chippy.
  • The judging panel, which comprised former holders of the title Margarette Alcindor and Theresa de Roche, journalist Isaac Tschando, Anne Rose Mordi of Jewellery by Anne, Patsy White – promoter of Miss Elegance and Miss Asia World, former commere of the show Shyraine Mubiana, and representative of the public JoAnn Gosine, debated their decision long and hard, and it proved to be very popular with the public. Archive 2008-05-01
  • Patsy was celebrating last night after giving birth to twins.
  • There is a difference between being magnanimous and being a patsy.
  • Genna laughed, then admired the new carpet, telling Patsy, “This beigy color is very nice.” Voices Carry
  • They are all over the place, engaging in a whirlwind of activity, planting patsy questions - even planting the supplementaries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Patsy had to clench her jaw to suppress her anger.
  • This is a fiendishly clever plot, and he is indeed the patsy.
  • She had light brown hair tied, like Patsy's, with ribbon.
  • In sensational scenes on 'Comic Relief Does the Apprentice' to be screened tonight, Patsy Palmer is seen attacking Ultimo Lingerie boss Michele Mone, with a DD underwired, padded bodyshaper after the multi-millionaire claimed that even her range of state-of-the-art cleavage-enhancing bras could do nothing for the 'Eastenders' star's 'saggy spaniel's ears' : Spoof News : Front Page
  • A well-dressed man virtually fed the victim to the mob, then escaped, and Marquez wonders if the supposed assassin was really an innocent patsy.
  • Chapter Forty-Nine In a small apartment in a suburb of Washington called Mount Rainier, Detective Patsy Hampton lay in bed, restlessly flipping through the pages of the Post. Pop Goes The Weasel
  • You heard it folks, patsy is pro-criminality (pro-terrorism) if her side does it! Think Progress » Fox News Devastated Over Arrest Of ACORN Pimp, Says The Story Probably Needs ‘A Lot Of Context’
  • The gorgeous honky-tonk ballad would have made Patsy Cline proud, but it has never cracked the Hot 100 on Skid Row. Music where they live: Singer Mary McBride's unconventional tour
  • She outgrew her clothes so rapidly that Patsy was always having to buy new ones.
  • ‘I know what a patsy is,’ Bert says, mimicking Jonnie's earlier words.
  • We all wish Michael a long and happy retirement with his wife Patsy and all his family.
  • The deejay is the patsy because they might be like, 'Yo, I love Rhymefest or I love
  • Maybe patsy is confused and is thinking of when Bush Bin Laden let the rest of his clan out of the country after 9/11? Think Progress » Congressional GOP wants to keep Steele ‘out of sight, out of mind.’
  • You know your shtick is as stale and inept as Bush when he left office patsy! Think Progress » San Francisco Commonwealth Club postpones O’Keefe event.
  • Mapes thereby revealed herself to be a patsy, a mark, a victim of the Big Con.
  • She thereby revealed herself to be a patsy, a mark, a victim of the Big Con.
  • The brutal assault on Patsy Kehoe has left the man shaken but determined that he will not be put out of his home by thugs.
  • Without a word Mrs. Smith took the perambulator from its corner of the veranda and carefully put the sleeping Jims and Patsy into it. THE THORN BIRDS
  • Patsy got up thereafter and redressed, put on her makeup and then went downstairs and found the three-page ransom note at the bottom of the spiral stairway.
  • The more passionate scenes involve Bo and Vic, whose built-up frustrations and resentment towards each other explode in an angry fight at Patsy's bedside.
  • Patsy was pigeonholed as a Country and Western singer, but that's too simple.
  • He seems to perpetually be a patsy or bad guy in everything he plays, which I suppose he can't complain about since he's made a living at it.
  • He says he is being made a patsy by the government.
  • Well, as much as I've heard Patsy Ramsey minimize this bed-wetting and toileting issue, other witnesses have told us that it was remarkably more frequent and more of a problem than I think the family let on about.
  • Although those tours will begin Aug. 2, the official ribbon-cutting will not be until Labor Day weekend, when the Patsy Cline Fan Club has its annual get-together. Patsy Cline's House Opens to Public
  • His girl Patsy has the bottle in hand while Keyfob cops a mashy feel. Keyfob Haggis
  • Many a one had tried to pump Patsy, -- the people had an inordinate curiosity about their "betters" -- and of late tongues had been very busy with the return of Mrs. Comerford and the reconciliation with Lady O'Gara: also with Love of Brothers
  • Hello in there!" he called lustily, for he wished to warn Patsy of what was taking place, and at the same time to instruct him what to do. A Woman at Bay Or, a Fiend in Skirts
  • There had to be darker forces, some mysterious hand driving him to do this, to make him a patsy, then to silence him in public.
  • Shilling for the unregulated banking industry and foreign governments again patsy? Think Progress » Top DADT Advocate Says Abu Ghraib Abuses Happened Because Women Are Allowed In The Military
  • The Hounds of the Morrigan draws heavily on Irish mythology - not just the three-personned war goddess of the title, but Cuchulainn the Hound of Ulster, thinly disguised as a skinny Old Angler; the gods Angus Og and Bridget as the gloriously eccentric tinkers Boodie and Patsy; and the warrior queen Maeve, wandering under a black storm-cloud engendered by her own sorrow, and followed by a retinue of ducks and geese delightedly bathing themselves in her perpetual rain. Blogposts |
  • And he was now teaching young Patsy, unbeknownst to his elder brothers, the rudiments of the noble art of self-defence.
  • They didn't like to look bad, so they would be looking for someone to pin it on and if they found out he had taken the car, he would be a perfect patsy.
  • Patsy Kensit plays a clairvoyant cop who sees in her mind bits and pieces of crimes before they are committed.
  • Patsy Preece, a drama teacher at Wimbledon High School, said: "A lot of the audience were middle-aged blokes, which isn't the usual demographic for pantomimes, but the producers clearly know what they're doing. Evening Standard - Home
  • I don't know whether you are misguided, clueless, a patsy, or a fool.
  • So tell me again patsy why Bush cause the Dow to collapse from 13,000 to 8,000 before Obama took office again? Think Progress » Fox News Devastated Over Arrest Of ACORN Pimp, Says The Story Probably Needs ‘A Lot Of Context’
  • Or the hilarious Jeff Dumas as Patsy, Arthur's packmule serf who is in virtually every scene with Chamberlain. Undefined
  • A hand full of attacks by a couple of dozen radical islamists who are pissed because we bomb their countries, r@pe their women, steal their oil, overthrow their governments and otherwise declare war on them means patsy is sh! tting her pants enough to throw out the constitution despite the “real” threat from this being 1/100th of the real threat brought to you by the GOP radicals! Think Progress » Tennessee Mosque Vandalized After Local TV Station Airs Irresponsible Report On ‘Homegrown Jihad’
  • So can you believe that Ashley already has a new patsy for the school year?
  • Patsy, looking like the faithful old black mammy slave in a film except that she was white and she was only twenty-five.
  • As she did both Ellie and Patsy stuck their hands into the jar together for the delicious looking cookies.
  • He'd informed Aunt Edie that to give her a break, he and Patsy would get the tea later on.
  • Patsy's father is a typical suburbanite.
  • Sometimes, in the free moments, circling about among the tables as he tried to win the door, the pasty-faced men gripped his coat-tails and flung him back at the swinging right of the on-rushing Patsy. The Benefit of the Doubt
  • The Father Cullen Medal was presented to Patsy Toolan for recognition of long term service to the centre.
  • It might be recalled that Oswald himself used that same word -- "patsy" -- meaning a person set up to take the blame for a crime. THE DARTMOUTH JFK-PHOTO FIASCO
  • She outgrew her clothes so rapidly that Patsy was always having to buy new ones.
  • In another case, Patsy and her large family were disconnected without notice for $400 in arrears.
  • She outgrew her clothes so rapidly that Patsy was always having to buy new ones.
  • And, less relevantly, Patsy's bigmouth partner has gone too.
  • Show Europe that Ireland isn't the patsy they think we are.
  • Stair could send a smooth, flat stone skipping from one side to the other of the still bay, which Patsy declared was no sort of sport because hers, though every bit as well thrown as Stair's, invariably plumped to the bottom with a little farewell "cloop" as soon as they encountered the water. Patsy
  • This is a fiendishly clever plot, and Burkett is indeed the patsy.
  • Patsy missed the part from Global Warming predictions that include “severe winters” in localized areas. Think Progress » After warmest January in history, Vancouver airlifts in snow for Winter Olympics.
  • Mistry or Patsy Kensit, who may have dropped two dress sizes but still looked lumpen during her "chavvy" cha-cha-cha. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The average guy who buys a mutual fund is not an investor at all; he's a chump, a patsy, a schmuck.
  • Patsy was celebrating last night after giving birth to twins.
  • It was a man's voice, pitched overhigh; it came from somewhere beyond and below the inclosing curtains and cut off the last of Patsy's speech. Seven Miles to Arden
  • Victoria used every trick in the book to undermine Patsy in order to get the new job colleagues knew Patsy had earned.
  • When Patsy was here last we went to a garden centre which had some great arbours and swinging seats.
  • Patsy and the tinker marked how close things huddled to it, even creeping on to cover stones and gravel stretches; there were moss and ferns and little, clinging things, like baby's-breath and linnea. Seven Miles to Arden
  • Patsy says many illegal dumpers and those who illegally burn their refuse at night or at the weekends mistakenly think environmental enforcement inspectors only work 9 to 5 days.
  • That's why her eldest son, Patsy, was determined to find some link with his long-lost Spanish cousins.
  • Patsy was pigeonholed as a Country and Western singer, but that's too simple.
  • Patsy was celebrating last night after giving birth to twins.
  • Being a steadfast ally of the US doesn't mean being a patsy.
  • February 13th, 2010 at 12: 23 am just the bleepn facts says: patsy is a criminal, she always plagiarizes as crooks do … Think Progress » After warmest January in history, Vancouver airlifts in snow for Winter Olympics.
  • They are quite likely to see right through you and your feckless ways, like Saffy in Absolutely Fabulous withering Edina and Patsy with her magnificently polished disdain.
  • So what's happening to the music once defined by the twang and heartache of Hank Williams, Johnny Cash, and Patsy Cline?
  • He is an excellent patsy to take on the role, as he has Alzheimer's and can't be asked any embarrassing questions.
  • The anguish of Patsy's thoughts caused him suddenly to "bawl" as he would have put it himself. Love of Brothers
  • Hottle said some of Cline's original costumes, still faintly smelling of the cigarette smoke that hung in the 1950s honky-tonk air, are in climate-controlled storage for display in a museum that Celebrating Patsy Cline hopes to eventually open elsewhere in Winchester. Patsy Cline's House Opens to Public
  • In 1997, Liam and Patsy were rock royalty, crowned on the cover of Vanity Fair in a hail of Cool Britannia bluster.
  • As I'm sure you already know, we were going to use Ruiz as the patsy. THE DEVIL'S DOOR
  • Patsy and the tinker marked how close things huddled to it, even creeping on to cover stones and gravel stretches; there were moss and ferns and little, clinging things, like baby's-breath and linnea. Seven Miles to Arden
  • You were playing me for a patsy, seeing how much I would tell you. THE X FILES 3: GROUND ZERO
  • Her voice is a forceful instrument that sounds modeled on an array of songstresses from Patsy Cline to Aretha Franklin to Linda Lyndell to Kate Pierson.
  • Ivan thinks the world of him but he's a terrific fusspot, and he trots to Patsy with every complaint. They didn’t read Pitchfork or Stereogum or Gorilla vs. Bear or Hipster Runoff
  • Diane and John Connelly are seen toasting Patsy and Greg Fourticq at O'Rourke's on their return to Houston after summering in Colorado Springs, Colo.
  • It seems Patsy has forgotten to change his boots, and is still wearing his work brogues!
  • After the game Patsy Hobbert presented the James Hobbert Memorial Cup to a delighted Stacks' captain Eoin Colgan.
  • It falls somewhere between the svelteness of slices like those from the original Patsy's in Harlem on one hand and the far thicker (and far too thick in my view) of most all the other pizzerias named Ray's. Serious Eats: New York
  • A patsy was blamed for killing President Kennedy.

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